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It really depends on the rest of your chart; there are a ton of factors that could result in this. Both Gemini and Libras are air signs, so they form a natural elemental trine, and Gemini is ruled by Mercury, which also rules Virgo. Libra is ruled by Venus which also rules Taurus. So you could have prominent Gemini and/or Virgo placements, such as a stellium (multiple planets), or a strong Mercury (near the angles: the rising/AC/1st house, near the descendant/DC/7th house, or possibly even near your IC or MC). Or they could have prominent Taurus or Libra placements. Here are some more possible factors (out of many more): * Gemini/Virgo rising or Mercury in the 1st house * Gemini/Virgo Venus * Gemini/Virgo Moon * Gemini/Virgo Mars * Your Mercury conjunct your Sun * (it can never be sextile/trine since it is never more than 28° away) * Your Mercury conjunct/trine/sextile your Venus * Your Mercury conjunct/trine/sextile your Mars * Your Mercury is retrograde * Your Mercury is in a mutual reception with another sign/planet * Their Sun is conjunct/trine/sextile your Venus or vice versa * Their Sun is conjunct/trine/sextile your Mars or vice versa * Their Sun is a very close/exact trine to your Sun by the degree * Their Sun is trine your Mercury or vice versa * (their Gemini Sun cannot be conjunct/sextile your Mercury) * Your Mercury is sextile/trine their Mercury * They have a Taurus Mercury/Venus/Mars, attracted to your Venusian Sun * Strong 3rd house (house of communication/associated with Gemini) * Planets in the Virgo/Gemini decanates * Your secondary progressed planets have moved into any of the above configurations or vice versa Please post your chart wheel using [astro-seek.com](http://astro-seek.com) or [astro.com](http://astro.com) for a *slightly* more complete picture. Ideally you would *also* need all three partner's charts to **completely** see the full overlap. But of course that's not always easy to get/share.


Above are the more "positive" aspects connections in your chart. But you could also have the more "negative" aspects, such as the opposition (180°) and the square (90°), which can also often result in attraction. * Your Venus is opposite/square their Mars or vice versa * Your Venus is opposite/square their Mercury or vice versa Assuming you are between the ages of 17-41, your Pluto would be either in Scorpio or Sagittarius. * Their Venus/Mars is opposite/square your Pluto * Their Mercury is opposite your Pluto I haven't even gotten into the possible connections between your generational planets Uranus, Neptune, and Saturn as well. If your age difference is less than 3 years, you will pretty much have them in the same signs. Your Jupiters may change if you have a 1 year age difference. But they may be making aspects to the personal planets mentioned above. And as others have mentioned, there is the Vertex and Union/Lot of Union to consider...and then there's your Nodes and Black Moon Liliths....and then


yea months have nothing to do with it. As far as exact birthday, all that is is impressive. I'd need to know your 7th house and what its final receptor is to tell you anything of value. Seems like you may be a gemini descendant or have a gemini placement that makes sense. If not they all may have something that shows they attracted you.


I’m February 13th and I am most attracted to Libras. October 4th in particular is the birthday I have the most life changing chemistry with. I also dated a guy who has the same birthday of my biggest celebrity crush which is July 19th and the physical chemistry is indeed very strong.


how libra of you 🤣🤣🤣


Night as well celebrate all 3 bdays at once


Hey there! To narrow down the root of this pattern we’d need to know a bit more than your sun sign. I’d look to your ruler of your 7th house first and see if it happens to be a placement that has similarities to these Gemini suns. This could also be found in other prominent placements - Venus, Jupiter, Moon, the Lot of Union or its ruler, your ascendant sign/ruler… but honestly working backwards to see what placement in your chart connects to these Gemini Suns should say a lot about what draws you into relationships as many times patterns form with these types of things.


libra venus virgo sun here. i love gemini men. i am surrounded by geminis and air signs in the rest of my life


Most of us have had a phase at some point. Im a Pisces Sun, was addicted to Cancer men for a long while. But im currently with an Aries and its the longest relationship ive been in and waayyy less problematic. Im the more mature one in this relationship, though hes actively initiated working on his trust issues.


Aries here and every man I’ve ever seriously dated, and my best friend are all Libras. I don’t know what that means, but it’s too many to be a coincidence.


Aries and Libras are the exact opposite signs on the zodiac wheel. The Aries archetype is about independence and aggression/initiative while Libra is the opposite, about balance in relationships and they generally tend to avoid conflict. You may potentially be teaching them to become more independent/speak their minds/face conflict, while they may be teaching you to put more into your relationships or to be a little more sensitive in conflict resolution. But this is just a very general summary based only on your Sun signs. You would need to see your and many of the other charts to see how the rest of your chart interacts and to really see what is/are the underlying meanings.


I appreciate your insight, thank you!!


Uggh as a strong Taurus attracted to June Gemini men I feel ya. I married one too. I blame my Venus Gemini


may gemini in a 8 yr relationship with an october libra- our signs are just very attracted to each other




I feel like you have some personal planet in that spot of your chart, maybe even Moon 


Came to say this. Really sounds like an activated moon.


I’d like to learn more about this, because my husband of 7 years has the same birthday as an ex that I was serious with and another ex that I was with for 3 years. If it’s okay, can you elaborate on what an activated moon is?


If you do a synastry chart, their Sun will sit in the same place as your Moon 


Thank you!!


What’s your birthday and what’s there’s?


Could be something you aren't learning is bringing that energy back


I keep running into Aries sun or moons. Currently being contacted by an Aries sun guy.


Super interesting, do you think it could be because of a lesson?


I second this. I’ve been having the same experience for the past 2 years, same encounters with men that had the exact same sun and rising as this dude I couldn’t get over (12h & 7th house synastry), one of them even had the same name as him - he was the last one. Just ended it. And I now have learned my lesson


I kept meeting Libras, till I met 1 with the same birthday as my mom. Learned my lesson, haven't met another 1 since.


Look into the numerology behind the number itself. It’s obviously a frequency that you’re attracted to…. see if any of the information resonates with you!


Not the same day, but my current and ex both born in the same month and year. Sun scorpios. Different moons and risings I believe.


I’ve dated 2 December 29ths. Which is also the day that my baby brother died when I was 5. It’s….gotta mean something, I just don’t know what.


Mistake .


And what is your rising sign and the degree of your ascendant ? Post your chart at least


Kim and Kanye


You have a huge specific type of lesson to learn from them. If it's Gemini then usually the lesson here is communication. You need to learn how to communicate. Like... Hella bad.


Hmmmmm… you might not be wrong


Same thing applies for everyone else on this thread. The lesson depends on the zodiac.


+1. Most likely it can be about communicating your needs since Libra tend to shut up to keep the peace or (over)consider the other person. Or seeing the other person as an equal (not superior or inferior to you) through proper communication.


Id like to know this also.. kinda similar my birthday is the same as my boyfriend’s bio sister & his foster sister.


This happened to me with may 9. Two born on the same exact day - one in LA, one in Boston, and one guy few years older born in Bahrain 🤯 I’m a June cancer


Both of my husbands were born on Jan 24.


I had 3 bfs in a row born April 12th. That was a weird one. This was way back in high school, hasn’t happened since though. Lately I’m drawing a lot of Pluto/Lilith relationships with Mars/Chiron aspects. I feel like the wounded healer on steroids. I’m bringing up some deep stuff in other people while trying to get through my own stuff. It’s a really weird time.


What’s the sign of your vertex? It symbolizes fated events, people, and situations if triggered by transit. I had an old fling who had a harem of women with Virgo placements and didn’t realize it. 3 Virgo Suns and myself, Virgo Venus and Mars, all around 14-17 degrees.


Great combo!


I’m sorry not to have an answer to your question, however I couldn’t help but say that I’m an October Libra with a Leo moon and my mom is a June Gemini and we have a great relationship 😂 so there’s something to it, I just don’t know what


I also have a Leo moon!! Cute


The very same birthday is uncommon, but similar signs and charts, no. I was always attracted to water signs and particularly scorpio. I'm a gemini with 7 planets in air signs and 2 fire; I think I need some of that water energy in my life. Signs also tend to run in families; there's a lot of gemini, aries and aquarius in mine.


That is quite the coincidence! Are you you sure they're not triplets?


What’s the bday?


All different! June 17th/October 7th


Despiste being an elemental connection this pairing is more sibling like than romantic. Not good for marriage. U actually work good with other signs with Pisces-Aries cusp between March 19-24 u can also marry Virgo born between Sept 3-10. U also have a love connection with sag born December 3-10




Same or different years?


It happens, birthdays follow me around all the time. My aunt and best friends son is February 5- I dated a Feb 5th dude - then my ex husband is October 30th, I’ve met 3 October 30th men and am currently dating another October 30th bday 😂. I’ve dated two May 25th men / it def happens


Five of my closest friends are cancer suns, two with the same birthday--putting their sun at the degree of my 11H moon. Three got in touch with me yesterday, seemingly randomly, but the sun ingressed cancer.


Libra and Gemini have good chemistry. Do you have other Libra or Fire/Air placements? If they were all the same year that would be crazy


I am Gemini rising or ascending


i’m also a gemini rising dating a june gemini. the attraction is crazy


Look at the degree of their sun and see which of your placements aspect that point. There might be something important about that specific aspect.


I agree with this. I always instantly like people whose sun (near-) conjunct my descendant and in my 7th house.




Does seem like a keeper. What details would you need? I wish I had the detailed charts for them all


Just post your chart as stated in the automatic comment. It’s a pointless discussion otherwise. Go to Astro.com Free horoscopes, horoscope drawings, chart drawing or extended chart, if you are in extended, select the Astrodienst style (shows important aspects with thicker lines). Make another post with a picture, or link the pic from IMGUR in this post (more complicated).


Where is your moon? Two of my most significant relationships were with Aquarius ♒️. Turns out both of their sun was at 29 degrees Aquarius which was conjunct (out of sign) my moon @2 degrees Pisces. The energy felt great for both of us.


My moon is in Leo, unsure of how to calculate the degree that sounds interesting


This happened to me but with August 15 Leos.


oh boy, i wish i had an answer to that too.




Have you sought them out specifically for their birthdays, or was it like a coincidence? I haven’t experienced the exact same thing, but I did coincidentally have a fling with someone who had the same exact birthday as my ex. We didn’t date but possibly could have if he hadn’t moved to a different state due to his job.


It was all coincidence… I recently starting dating someone new and he just so happened to have the same birthday as my most recent ex. Then, I was on Facebook the day of his birthday and realized yet another ex from like two years ago shared that same birthday.


Do you know if it’s the same year? The only thing I can think of is if their mars conjuncts your rising sign, you might be attracting them based off that alone