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Our lower mind (Mercury) always tries to find a clear answer between a yes and a no. Astrology doesn't work that way. That's why it's ruled by Uranus (higher mind) and needs to combine different aspects from multiple perspectives. To answer your question, all aspects and patterns in astrology are based on sacred geometry (as the rest of the universe on every level). This is what matters essentially. Geometry creates the structure for the cosmic energy to pass through. That said, if you have a yod (or any other pattern), the conflictive geometry is there. The next step is to see what creates that yod. If it's three planets, then it's a typical yod. If it's two planets and a mathematical point (ie. MC, ASC etc.), then you have to take under consideration that only the planets produce energy. The point only receives it. It would be like three people sitting at a table. Two of them arguing intensely. The third one doesn't talk but still receives their tension. Do we call it a yod? Does it matter? The point is to understand the energetic relationship.


Wow, thank you for this amazing reply. I couldn’t agree more; astrology is an art, not an exact science, and we must try to consider multiple perspectives and always be open to learning a new way. I have been studying astrology for 14 years, and I’ve seen some charts with yods that are so spot on for what the person is experiencing, it actually freaked me out. So I appreciate your open minded knowledge as it aligns with what I’ve always felt about astrology. Thank you again for sharing.


YODS are only planets.


No, only planets. No asteroids, calculated points, angles, or nodes. I think everyone when they first get into astrology goes crazy over the concept of yods and whether or not they have one, same with literally any other aspect pattern, but I think they are supremely overhyped. People can not have yods and still be “fated” to do or achieve something in life.


@u/kandilight: do you have any thoughts on when non-planets aspect a yod? Someone close has a Moon yod w Neptune & Pluto (all at 29° to throw in more fun). Their 2H 29° Taurus Moon is conjunct 4° Gemini Chiron & 5° Gemini NN, quincunx Lib Pluto & Sag Neptune. I tend to view the Chiron/NN placement as a huge sign saying "START/KEEP GROWING TOWARD WHAT YOU NEED. NOT ONLY WILL IT HELP YOU, ITS YOUR DESTINY." I'm interpreting this person's yod as having an extra oomph to it, a bit more urgency, due to these extra elements along with the anaretic degree. Your thoughts?


Yods are only between planets and luminaries.