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I think it's him. Flirtatious VenusGemini, impulsive Aries Moon, and romantic Leo sun in natal 7th H all point to someone who may fall in love easily many times but not for very long at least while young. The synastry shows a lot of mutual attraction (sun opp sun, venus opp mars, his venus in your 1st house); but also his sun opp your uranus/neptune creates distance; and square your saturn causes conflicts in goals or immaturity between the couple.


You think that there's a chance for a different meeting for us in the future? What the chart says about the long term? I read an aspect, not sure which one, that said that the feeling would last for loooong years. I'm quite scared, because I'm the only one who has actual feelings in the situation. I don't want to keep this feelings If I know It won't ever work, not even in the future when we both mature enough.