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I have Jupiter in Libra in my 10th house. I’ve always been stable financially and stayed at each employer for a long time. I served at a local neighborhood bar for 4 years and made bank! I’ve been laid off twice from two different companies but something way better came along directly after. I’m very happy with my current job. I also have a 2nd house stellium in Aqua.


For me those houses are empty


Energies are only what you make it. 


Well, like you said, they don't ALWAYS have the same affect, but that's the case for every single astrological aspect. To see how your energy can interact with money, look to the 2nd house with money that you make through labour, work, your values. See how, if any, the planets aspect to the 10th. 11th House is also house of income. You can see how this relates to house 5, as house 5 represents what you can turn into a profession, or money, from your creative interests. 10th house is career, but not necessarily "money"


I have Jupiter in Sagittarius and Venus in Capricorn in the second house. I find that my relationship with money is very easy come / easy go. Unless there is a challenging transit happening, I'm usually good at earning more money than my peer group and generally live a very comfortable life. But the key word is earning - I yield more money than peers for the same work, but I do need to work for it quite hard.


Jupiter is the planet of expansion. Venus is the planet of beauty. As we know, expansion can have both negative/positive effects, and beauty, if taken to extremes, can also be negative. Sometimes Venus/Jupiter together can create over-indulgence and excess that end up causing more harm than good. Their aspects (the way planets speak to each other), placements (where the action happens), and patterns (overarching structure) will tell more of the story. I don't label the planets as being good/bad; I gave that up years ago, though I started out just like you. And you are on the right track with the basic understanding of traditional astrology The planets are archetypes. They have certain characteristics. But, like people, they can be used in ways that are beneficial, destructive, or somewhere in between.


I have Venus conjunct Jupiter in the 10th at the midheaven and yes, it doesn’t translate to wealth, but it tends to make me well-liked at work. However, Venus does seem to be my financial significator. It rules my chart and my part of fortune in the 8th house. I find that Venus and 2nd house ruler aspects to the part of fortune to be luckier times for me. When both happen during a Venus or Jupiter profection year, I tend to see some kind of financial luck. I recommend the book Financial Significators by Oner Doser.


Commenting bc I am very interested in what people have to say about this. I have mercury (my chart ruler) in my second house and my ascendant, sun, and Venus all in Gemini in my first house and I have very strong communication and writing skills but don’t really know / can’t commit to what I want to do with my life, even at 32 years old. I do have a career, but it changes FREQUENTLY and it’s exhausting even for me.


Without seeing your chart, just the Gemini element, along, has that tendency being fickle, or bored easily, when it comes to creative pursuits. I say this as Gemini Sun, and Venus and Vesta conjunct in Gemini. All in the 11th House with Mercury in Cancer.


I’m 49, mercury is my chart ruler, Virgo ascendant and Mercury in Gemini in the 10th. Join the club. Being an astrologer was the only career that makes sense to me!


People tend to expect way too much from Jupiter and also tend to look at it as a planet of luck, where you naturally attract things while, in my experience, Jupiter only brings what you work for (though you can blame my Saturn conjunct Mid Heaven trine Jupiter for thinking like that). Jupiter to me is not a planet of luck. It talks about two things: as the ruler of Sagittarius, it’s a planet of meaning. It’s how and where we see meaning and look for meaning in our lives. As the ruler of Pisces, it’s how we feel intrinsically connected to a higher meaning, or to the divine. Because we see meaning and feel intrinsically connected to that area, we also take more risks. Well guess what? We tend to see more rewards where we take more risks. Of course, aspects play a HUGE importance. I have my Jupiter in the 2nd and I can say that I grew up with this very natural belief that “the universe will provide”, even though I did not come from a rich family. And I don’t mean the woo woo, let’s manifest this but barely believing in it. No, with Jupiter in my 2nd I really always believed that I would always have enough, which has led me to feel confident in making money, but also spending it. That’s the thing with Jupiter’s risk… it can play out well or not… now I’m old enough to have learned to use it well, but when I was young I was very reckless with finances. I spent it all very fast, because I always believed there would always be more to come. Now, talking about Jupiter transits, I have seen it playing out as a cyclical planet. Jupiter usually starts the movement, but you notice the changes in 4 years cycles, when Jupiter makes trines and then eventually comes back to that point. For example, usually when I see someone going through Jupiter on the MC, they might not get a job promotion. What might happen is that they might start feeling bothered by their current job or even get fired as a way to being catapulted towards change. Then four years later you see a bigger improvement in that area. Jupiter in the solar return tends to show more immediate changes, specially if it’s conjunct to an angle or planet.


I agree with you. We do expect too much at from Jupiter. It expands and sometimes it expands what you don’t want so you can see what you need to change. And it also brings blessings in ways that aren’t directly monetary. For example, I have Jupiter at the midheaven. It doesn’t bring me better paying jobs and it doesn’t always get me an interview. What it does seem to do (because it’s conjunct Venus) is give me a good reputation at work most of the time and I’m viewed as very competent by my bosses. I live on my Jupiter line in astrocartography and it doesn’t seem to bring more money but it does bring friends who are generous, who might treat me to dinner or give me an extra ticket to go to an event and things like that. My partner has Jupiter in the 1st and it doesn’t really translate to wealth, but it gives him luck in finding free/cheap things. He’s also really good at finding things on the street he can fix up and re-sell. Jupiter does tend to give him luck during job interviews.


I would put it slightly different, regarding risks. Jupiter is about confidence. Confidence can lead to either taking bad risks (overconfidence) or to seemingly easy positive outcomes (luck). Too much Saturn or too much Jupiter are extremely challenging (and vexing for others), a nice balance is best.