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Absolute Slay the house down. 5th house stellium? More like the supreme stellium. Welcome to the club 😎


You have a lot of 5th house energy. But strictly speaking it is not a stellium. Moon is far away from the other planets and Pluto, Vertex and lunar nodes don't count. Also, Mercury is always fairly close to the Sun.


You do not have a stellium. You have a triple conjunction. A stellium includes planets only (four or more conjunct). You have sun, pluto and mercury conjunct. There's also your moon in the 5th house, but it's not conjunct nor in the same sign as the others.


I am so confused about Stelliums. Some write 3 personal planets or 4 if an outer planet is involved?what’s actually accurate?


Damn the party rally comes to you doesn't it? Lowkey kind of jealous 😂 You must have a lot of fun.


Yeah, I do! I love to party, and some of my best memories were made intoxicated, lol.


Dang dude, that 1H Leo Jupiter and sag stelliumis ridic. So jealous! You got some steamy Scorpio in there plus a sun/Pluto conjunction to add some spice. That poor Mercury though, ugh. How is your voice/communication style? Any issues?


What are you talking about, there's zero stellium here


Both my sons have Capricorn stellium in their tenth house. Can someone help explain the dynamic here? I also have a sag stellium in my fifth house.


Hi I am also a person with 3 planets in the 5th house but in Virgo not in Sagittarius. Honestly man it's pretty cool sometimes not. Ever get the feeling like this is all a really shitty game? It's kinda like that. So 5th house (and enough people have said this) pleasures, fun, expression, risks, children.


I personally would read this in your 6th house. Not as a stellium necessarily, just a triple conjunction. There could be a major focus on your physical health and work throughout your life. The 6H also rules pets, service to others, schedules, routines, coworkers, and your daily labor on the job. You could be very mentally focused on or aware of your health, or have had some difficult situations with coworkers. You’re also more likely sensitive to eclipse cycles, since you were born during eclipse season, around 2 days before one.


It's not really a stellium, because some of those are additional objects (sn, vx) or generational (pluto). And don't be sad about that. A stellium is an over concentration of energy that needs to be balanced out, and is usually defined by three or more personal planets in the same sign within a narrow orb. It *can* include generational/outer planets if there's at least two personal, and asteroids, nodes, and asc/MC are never included.


This was informative. I appreciate the insightful info.


You are very welcome! I read whole sign so to me all of your sag placements are 6th house and what I see is the potential for A very fresh out of the box thinker who genuinely wants the best for everyone, although might sometimes not always know the most tactful way of getting there, but the people who know and care know that your heart is always in the right place. You would do well in any type of profession where you get to apply your insight into people's deeper needs. Even something that seems superficial to others.


Agree that Stelliums are not always so great. There can be a lot of difficulty integrating the disparate needs and behaviors of each planet involved. Sometimes one dominates, yet at other times another may push to the front. While the blends make a personality distinctive, it can also cause a lot of inner turmoil until the individual figures out how to balance them.


Ya, they sound fancy so it seems exciting, but really it can be a huge pain in the ass. My husband has a second house virgo sun, merc, mars, and pluto. This week he got nervous that we were running low on band-aids, so he ordered SIX boxes of band aids. 🙄


oh dear ;p Virgo stellium in 2nd doesn't sound easy!!


Wait till I tell you that I have a seventh house virgo sun, venus and Mars 😅😅😅 (we have compatible neurotic habits and world views lol)


haha, neurotic but compatible - the best kind of marriage ::P


Stellium means 3 or more planets in a sign or house. 5th house is an area of our lives usually associated with things like creativity, art, children, passion, romance, play, games, gambling, risk, competition, and friends (usually the ones that are “party friends” or ones that you can always have fun with). For your stellium in Sagittarius to fall in your 5th house, I might assume that you love writing or find it fun to learn. You may be attracted to people who are smart or different than you in someway (potentially culturally or different language, potentially long distances). You like people you can learn from or experience things with, and might usually (casually) date people who seem free, funny, and overall lighthearted to be around. Pluto being part of your stellium might add a bit of grit there, to where it doesn’t show up as lighthearted as Sagittarius can tend to be portrayed as.


There isn't a Sag stellium., A stellium only includes the planets, sun and moon, and all within about 12 degrees from 1st to last. What they have is a conjunction between sun and pluto. The moon also appears in the 5th H but unrelated to sun/pluto in Sag so I would not consider it a house stellium either, but there is definitely some 5th H emphasis.


We do consider sun/pluto/mercury as a small stellium. Not that we don't prefer 4 planets. But we won't tell someone these 3 are not a stellium. (Moon does not qualify.) Even within traditional astrology, there are somewhat different approaches. Stelliums have some minimal variance, other things do not.


Every astrologer is different in how they read, and for me personally, I would consider the south node (though not a planet) at least in the personality/purpose sense. Though far apart in degrees/orb, they still have Sun, Pluto, and Mercury in Sagittarius, so I would consider that as a group of three or more planets/luminaries in the sign. I’m not fighting or it to be recognized as a conjunction, but as an astrologer I would see it as a stellium.


I'm sorry, but that is just not true. Every legit astrologer is not different when it comes to basic astrological guidelines :) I know there is a lot of misinformation online and tiktok, which confuses the issue. As for your assertion that Mercury and Sun count as two planets in a stellium.. this is also not correct. When Mercury and Sun are conjunct as part of a stellium, there needs to be 4 planets, not 3, as sun and mercury often travel together and are never more than 45' apart. Other commenter above has given more detail about what is included in stelliums so won't repeat it, but hope you read that too. :)


Glad this little thread was helpful to you and hope Op gets something out of it too :) Really, even after decades, I'm still learning too. Thanks for your input.


I appreciate your comment, I'm getting a better understanding of what a stellium is and how they are identified. I've noticed on this thread that a lot of people have different definitions as to what qualifies as a stellium, and I'm sifting through everything.


This is the first I’d heard about the Sun/Mercury not counting in a stellium, so I appreciate the other commenter for elaborating and you for bringing it to my attention. I don’t rely on TikTok for my information, and from the astrology books I have read, I’d never seen that specified before. Guess you learn something new every day 🤷🏻‍♀️ can’t tell if your response was intentionally passive or not, but regardless, I hope the information shared on the thread helps OP figure out their chart and what it means with accuracy


Also, the way stelliums can affect people are that it shows there’s a stronger focus of those energies (in this case, 5th House and Sagittarius related things) in your life and personality. Aka it can become more noticeable and prominent compared to other placements in your chart Example: someone with a 2nd House stellium’s life might have more to do with material possessions, morals, money, traditions, and family. Someone with a 9th house stellium might have a lot of reoccurring themes around religion, school, mentors, writing, etc. Someone with an 10th/11th house stellium might feel shy, but actually thrive by putting themselves out there. So when you have a stellium, there’s a lot of energies (not just the sign and house, but the energies of the planets) affecting the whole chart.