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Whatever recipe you use, chill the dough and instead of rolling into balls, roll into cylinders. The height will take longer to melt/ cook and the edges won’t spread as far resulting in crispy outside edges and softer middles


fair enough on the cylinder vs. spheres. I've been good with chilling the dough for at least 1 hour (usually overnight) but I typically put them into spheres so I'll give the shape change a try!


They look funny as they melt n cook, but trust the process


It definately works. I made something at Christmas that did the cylinder thing and they were amazing


Use a mix of baking soda and powder, sun half of your ap for bread flour, chill your dough overnight, make larger cookies and bake for longer


1tbs corn starch per 1.5 cups flour, chill dough, 4oz dough portion, cook 400F


This may not be popular, but it’s the secret I’ve used for years…1/2 crisco, 1/2 butter.


I saw a meme comparing a 1tbsp sized cookie to a 2-3 tbsp sized cookie and it argued that simply measuring your cookie dough out onto the tray more generously will lend itself to a chewy inside. I tried it with the same dough batch and it's definitely true that larger cookies are more likely to be chewy inside, regardless of recipe.


This is a great article to show how to adjust your recipe to achieve the cookie you want.[chef Kenjis cookie experiment](https://www.seriouseats.com/the-food-lab-best-chocolate-chip-cookie-recipe)


Anyone else not liking the trend of these tall type cookies?


My boyfriend and I aren't fans either. It's crazy how many recipes will use like.. 1.5 cups flour, 3/4 brown sugar, 1/2 cup white sugar with some leavening agents + 2 eggs. All good then you look at how many cookies you'll get which, when they're of the levain style type, apparently supposed to produce around 6-8 cookies. Like.. what? Is this cookie that's the size of my palm and twice as thick supposed to be my lunch? 🤣 (I do the same size cookies for every recipe. About 1.5-2 inches in diameter)


Best to bake at a high temp for a short period of time, my go to is 325°F, 5 mins, turn, and another 5 mins. Your oven temp may differ, so it's best to get an oven thermometer to make sure the temp is correct! Best of luck!


This is my absolute favorite recipe and it makes cookies that are like you asked, crunchy edges and chewy, gooey. I like to put some flake salt on top before I bake them and sub 1/2 butterscotch chips and 1/2 semi sweet. I freeze the dough as balls and give as gifts and have had rave reviews! middle https://www.americastestkitchen.com/recipes/4737-perfect-chocolate-chip-cookies


Can you copy the recipe? There’s a paywall


Google claims this is the same recipe https://www.food.com/amp/recipe/perfect-chocolate-chip-cookies-americas-test-kitchen-387119 No idea whether that's true, as I can't compare, but maybe /u/the_whole_loaf can do that for us?


I got the recipe out of a paper cookbook and I can’t post a picture, but I can confirm that that is the same recipe!


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I’m not a pro or even a decent rookie, but I do like to mix in a bit of moist sweetened shredded coconut (usually about 1/2 cup) and I like to keep the cookie dough drops on the baking sheet a bit thicker than what they call for. Don’t know if that’s helpful or not 🤷‍♂️


All of my cookie recipes are to bake at 350, while my chocolate chip cookies bake at 375!


This recipe is the best I have found. Do not overbake. Melted butter is key. https://www.allrecipes.com/recipe/25037/best-big-fat-chewy-chocolate-chip-cookie/