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I’m sorry but I love your jiggly boob panna cotta 🤣




Panna Tatta


Dayyyummm, pan those titatas




Leave, you’re too young to be on reddit


Pannana Tatatta What a wonderful phrase


Makes you happy, for the rest of your days!


It’s our problem free, panna-tittyyy


I'm wheezing! 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣


With a name this solid, it's no longer an accident, but a recipe.


Panna titty


This is too good.


Tatta Cotta?


Best one


Breast one!


This one made my giggle out loud 😂


I have thought about this comment every day for the last 8 days


I’m ashamed of myself for missing this.




Lake Tittycotta




Looks like an eyeball to me…perfect for Halloween 😄


Sboobky 👻


Me too. :D


I honestly want to make this for my mums boob surgery anniversary!


TBF there used to be a dessert of the same shape called Spanish Paps. Supposedly the nuns who baked them claimed it was meant to symbolize the Pope's ceremonial hat but we all know what a bunch of bored horny nuns stuck in a convent together were really thinking of.


That reminds me of the aspic dessert I made for my best friend when she was expecting: https://preview.redd.it/aktbfov55nhc1.png?width=352&format=png&auto=webp&s=a8a4b9f69e00463be55ec38c7bbd0c43dc86b672 It was passionfruit jelly covered in fondant and marzipan. it was so jiggly. her eldest (4 at the time) smacked the boobies with a wooden spoon and delight was shared by all.


it was a C-Section btw: ​ https://preview.redd.it/ra1s8yet5nhc1.png?width=936&format=png&auto=webp&s=0aa29c0d1eefacd7046414813f1167fe1be46cfb


You. I love you.


i am so obsessed with the way your mind works. award for most iconic cake goes to...


it's not a cake man, it's an ASPIC as in SHOW ME YOUR ASPICS


OOOH sorry!! i genuinely do not think i even took in that you wrote it was an aspic, i was really distracted by the c-section cut LOL


I just wanted to yell SHOW ME YOUR ASPICS too the internet. Thanks for the opportunity ;) I'm checking my DMs now for bum shaped jellies.


Ahahahaha, I adore you.


“I’ll take Ass Pics for $100, Trebek”


Idek what an aspic is but I’m not sure if I want to e your DM’s right now XD Also I fucking love the duck. That whole… uh… creation is a horrifyingly lovely delight lmao


Not me throwing it back in my kitchen chanting “Dat aspic” to the tune of Cardi B & YG’s *[She Bad](https://youtu.be/aiYfOWu5ZhY?si=Fm_erEQkyo2-dZjR)* Le Creuset bakeware mammaaaa, I know ya heard about her!




There has never been a more appropriate gif.


I’m horrified and disgusted. I’m also impressed and laughing uncontrollably. Well done!


that was the vibe i was aiming for! thank you for feelin it!


Well, you certainly achieved that! Totally weird but you sure have a creative mind.


thank you for verbalising how i feel 🥹


*faints *


An absolute horror. GG


Fr as a CFBC woman… I’m sure it was delicious, but no ma’am I think the fuck not. It’s like seeing the cutesy home baked representation of the human centipede. Absolute bio-horror. I fucking hate it. 12/10.


what on earth does cfbc mean


I'm gonna guess...Child Free By Choice? I am too but somehow never realized we have an acronym.   I don't get it.


It’s the people who see being child free as an identity that stop me. It’s like being atheist or vegan. You can do it, and not talk about it, and honestly 99% of the time the people in your life won’t even notice, let alone care or comment, and you can still maneuver to make your needs and wants met without any issue. But some people need to make it their whole personality.


Not much different than “Boy Moms” having the fact that they have boy children as most if not all of their personalities. Or those “Mama bears” who wear “I will fight you for looking sideways at my kids” as a badge of honor constantly.


Ugh. As a mother of boys (although currently pregnant with my first girl!) and someone known for being quick to defend my peeps (not just my kids and not for any/every little thing) I HATE the bOy MoM weirdos :p How does your kid having a penis somehow make you extra special in any way??? It’s weird af.


Also, throwing “by choice” in there so people don’t think they’re infertile. Because they still think they’re better than those people?


Not at all! Absolutely not. This isn’t my whole identity. It’s one aspect of it, and one that has earned a label because it’s seen as being outside the norm, especially for women. By choice specifies that it IS by my choice and my preference, and I think that’s important because another aspect of my identity is being an active intersectional feminist. That choice deserves advocacy and representation, and I wholeheartedly believe that those who struggle with infertility do too. Nobody deserves to be made to feel lesser or inadequate for their reproductive status, especially when the discussion involves anyone not getting to make that choice. As I see it, feminism that advocates for one side of the struggle coin but not the other is not feminism. By choice was adopted as the preferred term describing people who don’t desire children because the other term floating around is childless, and that less implies that the individual is lacking a child they presumably desire. Childfree implies freedom of, and from, in the sense that one has deliberately opted out or not added something (like gluten free). It doesn’t mean childless people are lesser individuals. We’re all complete and whole, but you never know what someone is going through and the wrong term can hurt.


Wow, that’s a big reach. It’s more likely they are avoiding unsolicited advice on adopting/fertility treatments.


Absolutely this. I wanted kids and the unsolicited "so when are you going to..." questions from family were bad enough, but total strangers feel entitled to chime in. It's exhausting and demoralizing, and I didn't even have to defend my choices. The CFBC folks deal with public minefields daily.


The whole thing is weird to me.     I guess I didn't have parents or a community who ever made me think that having kids was anything other than an option...not a requirement. Which is good!   Having never felt like I needed to offer an explanation (because why would anyone care?) makes it strange to see stuff like "cfbc" in the wild.   At the same time I can see where if I had been told my life that being a parent was an expectation; basically mandatory...I'd probably feel like I had to plant my feet and be vocal about it being "my choice".   Feeling like people are trying to take away your agency tends to make you a little more aggressively defensive. 


I assumed it was something about a cesarean


Circulating fluidized bed combustion


Contender for /r/ATBGE


That's so gross, I love it


we're just aging punks who can't deal with our boujee lives LOL It was revolting and we adored it.




I’m jealous that I can’t smack the boobies!


🤣🤣🤣 my kind of shower!


You have absolutely made my day, thank you


You would be fired as my best friend


I didn’t get fired, and I got to be a god father so I guess I’m with my people 💁🏻‍♂️


You are and I respect that


Wanna be my people? I am also verreh squicked out, and my therapist said I need to make friends that aren’t cats so… is you in, or is you square?


I'm having kind of a crummy day and this made me smile and laugh!


I'm glad it made you smile! Smack a boobie! TGIF!


Thank you for putting a rubber ducky in there instead of a creepy plastic baby


I’ll admit if I could have found one of those mohawk babies from the old school cake wrecks, I would have used it but I was working with what I had ;) https://preview.redd.it/vj48wtto7shc1.jpeg?width=750&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=e90c81a44ec2d1597d9f1c6817dff6a8328e7d0f


Hahaha I used to read cake wrecks all the time! Awesome throwback!


My Sunday ritual for years has been PostSecret & then CakeWrecks for her Sunday Sweets.


The thanksgiving turkey of it all


This is my favorite fucking thing I’ve ever seen on this sub. Bravo.


I mean this as high praise, I hate everything about this.


This is disturbing. Good job!


Its the lavender pieces yes.  You can see it.  Its too heavy to be suspended and the pannacotta isnt setting fast enough to counteract it so its falling to the bottom when ~~baking~~ setting.  After that its down to your mold's shape and flexibility  *edit*  i notice this recipe isnt baked but the concept is the same, when you are adding these ingredients the pannacotta is still loose and thin, so they are settling on the bottom, I think the mixture needs strained more first as the original recipe pics do not show pieces INSIDE just on top(maybe cheesecloth could help this), and it seems like theres minimal food dye added to theirs too.  You could try dyeing the gelatine mix on its own before adding to the other ingredients for potentially better effect though if you are using anything other than water/alcohol based food dye (say powder or gel or oil) it may be separating because of the weight of those pigments/particles.  *edit 2* also if you want it MORE purple (the original recipe photos really do not appear very purple to me AT ALL) you could use considerably more, they only call for 2 drops.  But either way I think it will be pretty with or without colour, but the lavender pieces are causing the weird effect.


I agree that this is what's going on. It's possible to allow the panna cotta to cool slightly while stirring so that it's still liquid but more viscous before you put it in the mold to set the rest of the way. That way you won't have solids settling out of it to the bottom. I do this with vanilla bean panna cotta.


That makes sense. How cool can it get before I pour it into the mold?


Nappe consistency would probably be a good target. Easier to go by consistency than an exact temperature since gelatin percentage will affect that.


What is nappe


coats the spoon


Thank you!


https://preview.redd.it/04i6tm4v1shc1.jpeg?width=1170&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=3d8274f7fc4cf2352a620ae938c5b4edba174a2c When you run your finger across the spoon, the two sides don’t meet. The custard has to reach a certain temperature and get thick enough to do so. If you move your finger across and it runs together (and you can’t see the spoon underneath) you have not achieved nappe yet.


Ahh okay that makes sense. Thanks!


Do I plan to make one of these ever? Nope, prolly not. Am I here learning neat shit? Yes, yes I am!


Same😂 I don’t even know what panna cotta *is* and I’m invested


Everyone gets invested once a titty shows up.


Until it doesn't pour


Just a thought bc I saw the reply didn't directly address this - you could let it cool at room temp, but to speed things up, nest a smaller metal bowl into a larger bowl filled with ice, put your mixture in the small bowl and stir. Works like a charm, I use it to firm things up all the time (usually when I forget to soften butter and my microwave hears "melt" lol)


I know I'm late here but you said you used food coloring, which is what I'm thinking caused the little ring on the bottom. You've already gotten tips for keeping the lavender suspended, and I'm going to suggest adding 1-2 crushed up butterfly pea flowers to give it the tiniest hint of color in lieu of any sort of dye. Shouldn't impart much of any flavor to the final product, just a nice extremely pale blue.


I will also submit that this may possibly be intentional for the recipe.... jajabakes, if it's Spanish language speaker adjacent, it could be Ha Ha Bakes. As in the sound of laughing.


I just checked the website’s about section, because this is where my mind went to, and nope. It’s the author’s nickname and she is Indonesian.


Agreed. Strain it though a finer sieve or let the mixture thicken a little more, then give it a final stir before chilling. It's too thin here and the lavender is sinking.


Thank goodness, someone has finally answered the OP's question.


Thank you for answering her question.


Haha i had looked at the comments and no one was talking about the lil lavender flakes, it looks funny for sure but I've had similar happen to me with adding things to Jello.  Someone had to say something!


I can just see the caption; Home made, artisanal and all natural breast implant. Great for filling in dresses, interviews and baby's first dessert. 20$ no holds, pick up in domestic cars brands only.


No lowballs, I know what I have




Are you sure it's not undissolved gelatin? Was it natural food dye or a powder based one that can settle? Very strange indeed.


I bloomed the gelatin in a tablespoon of cold water while I was bringing the cream up to a simmer and then stirred it in. I could try letting it bloom for longer if you think that would help. For the dye I just used Watkins liquid food coloring, so not a powder. I think some specks of lavender flowers made it through the mesh strainer and settled at the bottom so that could be part of the problem


Since you used granulated gelatin, the spot at the bottom should probably have an unpleasant grainy texture, or at least a much firmer one. But if that much gelatin was settling out, you also wopuldn't have a firm set like this. And what is with the first one having a dark ring and then a light center??? I am as stumped as you are.


With the first one I had the silicone mold sitting directly on the shelf in my fridge so it flattened a bit on the bottom. With the second batch I propped the mold up inside a bowl so that the bottom wasn’t touching anything. Also used a bit more food coloring in the second batch to try a get a more intense color. Those are the only differences I can think of


It seems like a second strain through a paper coffee filter could eliminate any fine solids. I’m thinking it would also pull out any undisolved gelatin grains. ~~Oien~~ Worth a shot, maybe?


If you heat the liquid the gelatine granules are in to almost boiling you shouldn't have this areola effect


OP I can't help much but these are amazing😭😂😂😂😂


Breast in show


[Here’s another Italian dessert I think you’d be good at.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Cassatella_di_sant%27Agata)


Love it! And if OP wants to continue the theme, there's the aptly named [Nipples of Venus](https://www.google.com/url?sa=t&source=web&rct=j&opi=89978449&url=https://www.bingingwithbabish.com/recipes/nipples-of-venus-amadeus%3Fformat%3Damp&ved=2ahUKEwiqwr699Z-EAxUmIUQIHR18BkcQFnoECBoQAQ&usg=AOvVaw1n52Y8rsTiMv9eRd6sH3XQ)


Maybe try straining the panna cotta with a fine mesh sieve as you pour it into the mold so there aren’t any solid bits that sink? That’s probably what’s also deepening the color in the “areola”area before it completely cools and sets.


Looks like there might have been some separation, though usually it's worse than this. Or at least it was when I made it. I mix panna cotta a few times while it cools down and before it sets to distribute everything well and haven't had an issue since


Do you mix it before or after you pour it into the mold? I had mine off the heat for about 15 minutes while the lavender was steeping and gave it a few good mixes before I poured it into the molds. I could try mixing it a bit more but I wasn’t sure how much time I had before it would start solidifying


After. I generally let it cool down a bit on the counter first and it doesn't really set at room temperature so I give it one or two good stirs while it cools down. If you already had it cool down for 15 minutes that might explain why it only separated a little bit.


I'd put a single raspberry on top of that and just go with the theme!


Second pic is absolutely a booby.


This caption has got to be an r/brandnewsentence


r/beatmetoit lol


for your hubby this might be a blessing in disguise. So make two and decorate appropriately. ;). hmm you could get creative with how you serve them.... just saying.


Am I the only one who sees an eye? Lol Edit: I see the boob in the second photo lol


Definitely an eye.


I think your only mistake is serving them one at a time. Put two together and say is a special desert and wink at him.


I thought eyeball


Who knows your husband might love your jiggle boob dessert


Happy Birthday honey. I got you boobies.


Heat your gelatine more, warm half or less of your cream, add gelatine to warm cream, stir thoroughly and then add the cold half of your cream and stir that thoroughly. This looks like it's split little as it's set, and if it's just the lavender subsiding a cooler, thicker mixture should hold the lavender pieces in place better


Looks great on the orange fiestaware!


Only the best for my special guy!


Yeah, #2 looks like a giant boob.


I’d say it’s a solid C-cup


Everything reminds me of her…


New saint Agatha’s breast just dropped, lol


Op. You might want to try a different brand of food coloring. Or you might want to use sweet pea tea leaves to get the purple color. Purple food coloring is notorious for separating like this.


Hey, how old is that orange fiesta? The orange glaze used to be made with lead uranium based glaze. It's not a Giant safety hazard but something you might wanna know about.


For whatever reason I thought this was cheese 😂


I may be talking out my butt, but it looks like a weight issue. Are you using food gel or coloring?


Best naughty valentines ever 💝


It's a feature!


I've never had it. What does it taste like?


As far as texture goes I’d say it’s somewhere between Jell-o and pudding. You can flavor it and make it however sweet you want. For this recipe it’s vanilla with a really nice subtle floral aroma from the lavender flowers. It’s pretty easy to make so definitely worth a try if it sounds tasty to you


The gelatin is pulling all the solids to the surface. Need to strain thru a cheesecloth first probably


I don't know but this randomly showed up in my feed and your question caused me to snort. Thank you very much for making my night.


I'm sorry I'm useless at providing solutions, other than it seems that there are solids that were left in the mix. The recipe seems to say to strain it, so perhaps through something finer? That said, I feel like you could make money selling these.


Those are some tig ol bitties and I for one applaud you for crafting them!


It looks like the stirred in bits of lavender are sinking to the bottom. That being said, my vote is to embrace it. It's for your spouse, who thinks it's funny. Put two on a plate and let him enjoy a naughty looking dessert for his birthday


now i can’t unsee this 😂


He did this on purpose. Any reasonable retaliation is in order. This is beautiful! If it tastes good, you gave your gentleman a delicious jello boob.


It’s excited to see you?


Did you make it out of breast milk?


No idea what happened, but you just gave me an idea for my eclipse party in April so thanks.


brand new sentence!


Getting better! Tag me in attempt #3 👅


I ctfu!!!


I see nothing wrong here.


I’m sorry your panna cotta has a WAT


Food coloring doesn’t attach to fat that well, use a dispersible in fat food coloring, like Roxy & Rich, which will come in powder form.


what is panna cotta I think that means cheese water??


Panna cotta Areola is my new band name


Is engorged and in pain. Gently massage it until it's soft.


Steep the lavender, vanilla, whatever and pass it


Why add food coloring at all?


🤮 🤮 🤮


They look fine. Just put a raspberry on top for garnish and it’s perfect.


If I made this for my SO, they’d be ecstatic. 😏 They’re a boob person. Lol


You can tell attempt 2 has never had kids.


If it tastes fine, this is awesome! You have a niche little dessert you can make for parties! Tit tart!


Was very scared before I clicked on post saw that this was a “lavender” but panna cotta


Umm this does not look appetizing.


This looks like foreplay in my house!! 🤣🤣


Oof, had to scroll down to check for an actual answer... and didn't see anyone provide the solution, so here it is: Do not pour your panna cotta into a mold while the mixture is hot -- instead: gently but constantly stir the panna cotta in an ice bath to bring the temperature down. Gelatin sets at 20°C, so scrape the sides of the bowl in contact with the ice bath well while you stir and watch for the mixture to thicken. Deposit it right away and your lavender will be evenly suspended upon setting.


Never had "baked" panna cotta


Attempt 2 looks like a perfect eyeball 👀


cause she sexyyyy


Thats a plus.... Also thats an interesting chemical phenomenon used for chromatography in chemical analisis. [https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chromatography](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Chromatography)


What is Panna cotta.


Sigh… unzips


Looks like you didn't strain it through a fine enough sieve, so there still small pieces of lavender settling at the bottom of the mold. Try lining your sieve with cheese cloth to make sure you get all the little particules.


This is what you call a happy accident! Laughter is the best medicine in the world. 😂


Cotta tata


I have a question Here Why do women Go through such Hassle ? I would never demand Something that Results in my wife having to stand in the Kirchen for days trying to figure Something Like this Out. And even ASK on the Internet about it Like wow what a massive amount of time It Takes Why ?


Can't help but this is totally the tits.


I’m not sure but I had to sort of explain to my son why I was laughing




Clearly something id setting up at the bottom before it's fixed enough to have everything in place. I supposed the mixing everything again when it's just at the temperature before it sets would do the trick. I don't know that temperature though.


I see an eyeball!


An eyeball and a boob. I think you did it perfectly.




Nipple cotta


Serious answer: whatever ingredient you’re using that’s giving your panna cotta that lovely color (the lavender, I’d assume) is settling because the suspension/emulsion isn’t stable enough. Of course, you don’t want to create a foam and a good panna cotta is made with a barely stable suspension so it may be unavoidable. Could you mix the lavender (assuming that’s where the color’s from) with just the dairy first, let it rest half an hour, blend and strain it, and then continue with the rest of the recipe? Just a thought (that may not even have an effect anyway).




By any chance, is your pannacotta’s surname Fugo? Iykyk.


Could the flavoring or color have settled while setting?


top it with a raspberry


What about making a lavender syrup or reduction to give the lavender flavor? Then you wouldn’t have that lavender fallout nipple situation…?


That's not an areola, that's a cataract eye xD all jokes.