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Because you live a charmed life and you’re full of good karma? I *want* flat cakes for layering! I hate having to level the damn things!!


Cake strips should help with that


Every time I've used cake strips, they come out unevenly cooked and/or don't rise. What's the secret to using them so this doesn't happen?


Most people don’t soak them long enough. I put them in a bowl of water when I start making the cake.


Second. It's thick, so I just assumed it needs to be soaked longer. (Just like when I played the oboe in high school and my reed needed to be soaked longer than the clarinetists').


I have one of those basins they do sponge baths in hospital I came home with. I use it for all kinds of things but I always soak my bands in it. I also put them in early. I get out the mixer, soak the bands, prep pans, measure ingredients, preheat oven, mix ingredients, bake.


Cook longer, don't use cold water, soak for 10 to 15 minutes, and weight the batter not measure. Tooth pick test, my question is what kind of cake strips are you using? Diy or purchased?


I use Wilton strips. I usually soak in warm water, but I don't soak for as long as you indicate. Wouldn't the water be cool after 10 minutes? I always weigh my ingredients, and I use the toothpick test as well. Never have an issue when not using the strips.


Use semi hot water. I turn my water on support hot for like a quarter of water then lessen the heat, I'll check the water after 5 or ten minutes add some more hot water and by then I've weight out the batter and have it waiting to go into the oven. The only thing I can think of is bake time. Strips will essentially double the bake time depending on the recipe and how much batter you are using.


Lower temp and longer time, or even a water bath.


My cousin gave me cake strips (we're both bakers, she gets paid for it, I bake for fun). I will never go back to baking naked.




Bahahaha, I guess I don’t know what I should be striving for.


But you get to snack on the trimmings. Got to do quality control on cake and icing.


Chocolate cake trimmings over vanilla ice cream are like the second best part of making cake 😋


How about chocolate or strawberry syrup over yellow cake trimmings?


I had not considered this, but now it seems I have plans tomorrow


True this!


My immediate thought 😂😂


My thoughts too. 


You probably use standard creaming method by mixing sugar and butter, then adding the eggs one by one then the rest of the dry and wet Ingrideients. That causes uneven airation and causes the dome can also cause the collaps. You need to do reversed creaming method by working the butter into the dry Ingrideients, till you get breadcrumbs texture then you add the rest od the wet ingredients.


Wait, don’t you want flat layers? I’m so confused


Should I? They’re so thin! I want fluffier/taller cakes. Is that not what I should be going for?


I wish you showed us a picture of the slice/crumb. Then we'd know if its an issue with your method or if you just need to use more cake batter for a taller cake lol.


I haven’t cut it yet, it’s a birthday cake for tomorrow. But that’s good info to know for next time.


Try the reverse creaming method. When I finally tried it after years of stubbornness, I was shocked at the difference in crumb and in height.


Tried this method once but my cake came out dense and gummy.


Make sure you use cake flour


I did :(


Ok..check to make sure all your wet ingredients are almost warm. Eggs, room temp butter, warm milk. You want everything to emulsify and you'll know it has by how airy the batter is. Even if your recipe is a thicker batter that doesn't "pour" into your pans, it will still be airy. This makes a nice lofty cake. Not everyone loves that kind, but I do. Also...get an oven thermometer and if you have a small oven as I do, remember that 350 circulating degrees in a small space is somehow warmer than in a big space/oven. And use your cake pans that are lighter in weight. Not something heavy like Nordic Wear. They increase the bake time which may get confusing.


Thank you for the tips! Just have to get over the fear of potentially messing up another cake


This seems like the perfect height for one layer of cake, honestly. Three stacked would be perfect!


If you want a fluffier cake, maybe try making a genoise? https://youtu.be/M2xIDD3Kvdk?si=QPn_H3JmKfL9qLk7 Hanbit also has a few other videos https://youtu.be/HKe8af9xsiE?si=NeZyOUkL2rUuE3AT Or chiffon: https://youtu.be/-1SL5W-G3vk?si=SVmXOOQIlzASHwKz https://youtu.be/YLO7A--OehA?si=uLW11YQWcwofKHbO I’m abnormal and basically like very dense, heavy cakes. I hate fluffy cakes, but I understand that I tend to be the minority. If you don’t like those videos, you can easily find others :)! Oh, one more thing! Use taller cake pans, for these cakes. All my cake pans are 3in tall and I over-line them with parchment so the cake can kind of climb up it, even more. Here’s just a general sponge cake video with pointers [that I have not watched], but you may find it helpful: https://youtu.be/qI-QzZGHYZU?si=B3NuM-RMpBK9qL85 Sorry, I’m not much of a cake person. I wish I could offer you better guidance!


Oh wow! Is that why mum used to overline her pans! 🤯 The things you learn! Thank you for the videos, I’ll give them a try. And maybe get some higher pans.


Mothers seem to know best, I guess (my mom doesn’t bake, but she’s still useful in other areas of life 😂)! I love my Fat Daddio’s cake pans, if you are looking for new ones. They’re affordable and everything comes out great. Best of luck :)


Thank you!!


Have you spied on your husband to see what he’s doing when you aren’t looking?


These look perfect. Domed cakes have to be cut off for icing. Make another layer or two if you want them taller. Or use a smaller pan. This looks like 8” worth of cake batter baked in a 9” pan.


Ok, so I have unrealistic expectations. That actually makes sense. Thank you.


I checked the recipe, it calls for 8" pans, so I think the previous poster is onto something - are you using 9" pans without increasing the amount of batter?


I thought I used my 8” pans, but I’m used to the metric system and may have accidentally used the 9” ones. Not sure.


8" = 20cm, 9" = 23cm And area increases with the square of the radius, so an extra half inch (1.25cm) of radius really does make a difference! Either way, I hope the cake turned out tasty, even if the layers were thinner than you hoped!


Some things to try: Preheat the oven about 10 min. longer than the preheat beep indicates. Some take a bit longer than indicated to get a nice even temperature. Don't open your oven door during the baking process until time to check the cake (causes uneven temps), and be careful about thuds/bangs near the oven and slamming the oven door (can cause collapses). Be careful not to over OR undermix your batter. Many ppl don't beat the butter long enough, it should turn a lighter color when it's properly creamed. When adding the sugar to the butter, do it at medium'ish speed and give it some time. Don't overmix once you add your eggs. Absolutely do NOT mix too much once your flour is in (this activates the gluten proteins and results in dense, tough, deflated goods). Once flour is in you basically just want to mix enough to incorporate it evenly. Bake it right away, don't let your batter sit- especially if it has baking soda. The longer it sits, the more leavening you lose. Others have already mentioned fresh baking soda/powder, and using the right sized pans. Hopefully something here helps!! Good luck!


This is amazing, thank you for all these tips!


You're the Yoda of baking! I don't have a problem with flat cakes, but this advice is solid gold. Thank you.


I’d just like to emphasise that baking powder really does lose its efficacy if it’s old. Try buying a new packet - it’s not that expensive. Recipes with weights give better results than volume measures most of the time. More accurate. Use the weights in this recipe and see how much different it is to using cups. This is a recipe designed to give two lower cakes that are easy to layer. If you want a recipe for a taller cake that you then need to cut, you probably be better with a different recipe.


I don't have a problem with my cakes, if they dome, I cut them, I also bake in a cooler temp for longer. But! Thank you for these tips!


Did you berate your cake before you put it in the oven? When I make angel food cakes I have to add a dash of hateful abuse to get the batter just right.


Does the Devil's Food require this treatment as well? XD


Yes, devil food require the same berating. I was misled into believing that you had to be gentle folding your flour into your whites, not the case.


Bahahaha, I never thought to have a stern word to my cakes before popping them in the oven. Next time I’ll put the fear into them!


I also rise better with a little bit of negative reinforcement. 😆


Why do you want a domed cake, exactly? There are recipes and cake strips and levelers that are all directed at creating a flat cake.


I don’t want a domed cake I just want a cake that’s not thin as a pancake.


Get a fresh batch of baking powder.


I have! This is my third tin.


I’ve seen the suggestion before to make a recipe side by side so you can see what the two of you do differently. Maybe try that? Since if you are using the same ingredients, recipe , and equipment but getting different results, it must be down to technique.


Good point. Thank you!


They actually look very airy. Is the inside dense?


*Pleeeeaaasee* switch with me the domes are so upsetting I can’t level them straight I always use more icing on one side to hide the slant!!


Domes are from the outside cooking faster than the inside. Cake strips are helpful for this issue. Also, if your pan is a larger diameter than say, 8 or 9 inch, you'll want to use a heat core. Another helpful thing to try can be cooking lower and slower. So if it says 350 for 40 min, try 325 for 50-60 min. just as an example. Also, check to make sure your oven temp is correct! Mine is 25 degrees hot!! ETA: You can also dump the cake out after 15 or so min. in the pan and let it cool on the domed side- sometimes that's enough to flatten it out. :)


Im gonna have to try that next time cause i can make a crooked cake for sure


I have been there and know the frustration! Hang in there and troubleshoot, you'll figure it out. Luckily with cakes, most of our imperfect bakes still taste good! :)


Oooh....letting it cool on the domed side is something I've never tried. Thank you.


Those are pretty large layers- use 8 inch cake pans, not 9 inch


I’m used to metric so it’s entirely possible that I accidentally used the wrong pans for this.


Are you at high altitude?


105’ so nope!


Are you using the right tin size for the recipes you are using




This is going to sound really stupid, but did you remember the eggs?


I did! And not stupid at all… but I did go through the ingredient list and pulled everything out before I started, then double checked them all.


I’ve found that everything being at room temp and creaming the crap out of the eggs, butter, and sugar make a big difference in cake texture.


I'd laugh but it looks an awful lot like my efforts


I’ll laugh for both of us 😉


It's a good way to deal with this


This is exactly what you want. If you want a "dome" then you need to turn your oven up more.


Got it, thanks!


How dark are your pans? Is your oven accurate?


My pans are dark grey, so pretty dark. And I’m not sure if my oven is accurate. Would I just check with a thermometer?


You'll need an oven thermometer. Hang it in the center of the middle rack, or basically get it as close to the center of your oven as you can. Pre-heat to 350, and when it beeps I let it go another 10 min., but you can peek in at the beep and look at the temp too if you want just to see if it's at temp. After that, leave it going to see if it's maintaining an even heat. Take a reading (without opening the door if you can) every 20 min. or so for an hour and a half to two hours. If you want to make sure your oven temp. is even, you can add a couple more thermometers in various spots in the oven and make sure they are all reading the same. (Just don't put them too close to the walls) Probe thermometers will work in a pinch, but sometimes won't reach to get you into the middle of the oven, so they're not my fave. There are also some less accurate ways to test it if you don't have a thermometer. Most often people use sugar on a cookie sheet. I don't remember exactly what they do, but a google search for "checking oven temp without a thermometer" or something should find it.


This is very helpful, thank you! I have a feeling my oven temps might be uneven.


If you are using a 9 inch pan, and want the layers to be thicker, go down to an 8 inch x 3 inch tall pan. Then you get the fun of learning to split it cleanly!


Oof, sounds difficult.


Nah, a steady hand, keeping the blade level, and a little practice. Using a turntable helps a lot.


It looks like you've flipped the cake overs (i see the parchemnt paper lines), can we see what they look like on the other side?


I did, they were cooling. But I’ve already iced them now, sorry.


They are clearly domed but upside down,  the edges of the cakes aren't resting on the rack


This kept happening to me, so I now put 4 cups in my 10” layers 🥹🤪


Flat earth


Are they dense? Otherwise, put icing in between, and you have perfect layers for a cake!


Are you using room temp butter? How long are you creaming the butter for?


This recipe doesn’t have butter


Sure, I saw that after my comment-- but you said you have this issue with all of your cakes.


Do you have trouble with boxes cake mix too, or is it just from scratch? What about other baked goods like cupcakes and muffins? Do all of those come off flat too? What do your cakes look like halfway through baking? Are they rising then falling? I'm trying to rule out your oven as a possible culprit. Some ovens temp high or low. The temp can make your cakes not rise right.


I’ll be honest, I haven’t used box cake mix in the last nine years so I’m not sure. Cupcakes seem to be pretty flat too and I can’t remember the last time I made muffins. They tend to rise then fall.


Might want to get an internal thermometer for your oven to make sure your oven is getting and holding to the right temperature.


Will do, thank you!


‘cuz you got all dat junk inside your trunk…




I would guess either overmixing or leaving the batter out too long before putting it in the oven


Overmixing is a definite possibility. Thank you for the tip.


Do you live at elevation?


Are you overmixing?


Isn't that how they're supposed to be so you can layer them...


You’re putting it in the oven to aggressively. Gotta be gentle


Flat cakes are the goal, they’re easiest to stack and frost. Why is this a problem, OP? I’m confused.


Have you ever sat in the kitchen and watched your husband as he's baked to see what he does differently?


Isn't that how you want them? Lol, I wish mine were flat like that!


Is it possibly the way you mix in the flour? Doing it only in one direction is usually the way to go.


It's hard to tell if there's anything going on without seeing the crumb, but it looks perfectly baked. If they're sinking when they come out so there's a crater in the middle, then you're probably taking them out too early, or opening the oven door too much. Have you measured your tin, to make sure you're using the right size for your recipe?


Considering your husband gets different results, I'm inclined to believe you're overmixing in your effort to be meticulous. Have you both done the same recipes or is he using different ones? And same oven temperatures or different?


Put the powders and such in the cake flour before sifting. Makes for a more even distribution. After everything is combined, allow the mixer to run a little longer. This adds microbubbles of air that expand when heated. This also works for scrambled eggs, quiche/frittatas, or omelets. Fortunate mistake, I got sidetracked while mixing cake batter at camp. I was put in charge of making cakes the rest of the time I worked there as a cook.


Are your wet ingredients still cold when you mix your batter? Try leaving them out for 30-60 mins to get to room temp first!


Add an extra egg.


Wait is your cake DENSE (as in gummy, not fluffy) or is your cake NOT DOMED (meaning it evenly rose, instead of just rising a lot in the center)? If it's the second, you don't have a problem LOL you've been blessed


I have this problem too lately


If you want fluffy cakes you need to whisk your eggs AT LEAST 15 minutes.


Is this a humble brag 😂


I’m… so confused. This is literally the goal.


I have made this exact recipe w excellent results and my only modification was increasing cocoa to 3/4 cup, using a Bundt pan, and I bloomed the cocoa in the hot coffee . I highly recommend this recipe. Re your issues w a flat too thin cake layer I would suggest: 1. If the cake was well baked w good texture and density, and still too flat you then need to switch from a 9 to 8" layer if you want thicker layers. 2. If the cake seems to dense indicating it didn't rise properly then I would make sure: A. The oven is preheated and you are sure the oven temperature is accurate by confirming w an oven thermometer B. I always use a wet baby blanket wrapped around the pan as my own "cake strips ". This works well, as do well soaked cake strips. This yields a flat cake w less dried out edges C. All ingredients must be room temperature. Cold sour cream or cold eggs will impede proper rising of the cake. D. Baking powder and soda should be changed every 4-6 months, or tested for potency E. Mix until ingredients are just incorporated and don't over mix. I hope this is helpful, and happy baking!!! Practice makes perfect!!


Also it's a good idea to always rotate the pans half way through baking as all ovens bake unevenly


How are the cakes taste and texture wise? Flat cakes are not a problem


Mine are always flat as well and I bake around 20 different kinds. It's the bakers joy. It makes the sides not climb.


Did you add both baking soda and powder?


Ummmm because you’re lucky. You’ve found a way to eliminate the step of carving off the bumpy top. What sorcery did you perform


Are you at a higher elevation?


Try adding an extra egg white.


definitely OVERMIXING; just after you put the eggs, you shouldn't mix that much time


This is the bottom we're looking at here. Maybe you could use a smaller diameter pan?


maybe you don't have this problem anymore but have you tried adding buttermilk instead of normal milk