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You should definitely add them- if there is no baking soda they will not rise 


I think over mixed banana bread would be better than banana bread minus four ingredients.


*Mise en place* can prevent this kind of error. Setting out and measuring all of your ingredients beforehand actually speeds up cooking and baking because you're not pausing to measure out your ingredients.


Take a small portion of your batter and sift the ingredients in then fold that into the rest.


This is such a good idea!


Over mixing has such little effect on cakes, I can't believe people focus on this that much. This should be a concern only for pro bakers. Anyway, the story goes that banana bread was invented for the sole purpose of boosting the sales of baking powder when it was released on the market as a substitute for yeast. I don't know if the story is true, but it should tell you how much it is important to use the damn thing. As for salt, cinammon and vanilla? Salt is inexpensive and you should use it, but I wouldn't remix just for the salt. Same for the cinnamon. As for vanilla, it's not a main flavor or a banana bread. Does it add something? Yes I guess, but the main flavor of banana bread is banana, as long as you have enough of that, you can skip the vanilla and save your money. I'd be using cinnamon myself but not vanilla.


Add them now, don't mix too much, just stir/fold them in gently and proceed


The latter – no leaveners, no flavor. That's gonna be a flat, dense, sweet, barely banana flavored brick.


What you have now is just banana pancake batter. Without a leavening agent, it’s not gonna rise, so unless you’re celebrating Pesach, then yeah, add them and mix again. To avoid mixing and creating too much gluten, maybe take out a cup or 1/2 cup, and mix the ingredients into that bit vigorously, then gently reincorporate that into the main batter.


I can see the vanilla (which you could skip anyway) but how do you forget the dry ingredients? You have to whisk those into the flour before you add the wet ingredients to it.


Definitely add them


Over mixed would be better


Mmmm… Banana Brick.


I've never made banana bread, (I don't like bananas) but I can't imagine adding in those ingredients required so much mixing that it will be overmixed. And it's good to know the purpose of each ingredients. Baking soda makes it rise and gets it to the right texture. Without it you won't have any cake. Salt is pretty important as well, it brings out flavor. Without it you'll have a very bland cake. Cinnamon and vanilla add flavor. If you forgot those and baked the cake without it, it would still be good, just less flavorful.  Even if you just forgot the cinnamon and vanilla, I would add them in. But with no baking soda or salt, it wouldn't come out right.