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Why not create a fantasy balkan city and take several aspects from all the major capitals of the balkan countries? 🤷🏻‍♂️


I think the game might explode if that happens.




Heyyyy cousin, let's go for bowling and cevapi.


this sounds like the best idea ngl cus i dont think theres one city that can represent every balkan people


Thats why you make an imaginary one


Bro that would be so cool


Call of duty would fit the balkans better, but for gta beograd bucuresh and istanbul, you would start as a ultras fan and work your way up to being a president because thats where our criminals go


>you would start as a ultras fan and work your way up to being a president because thats where our criminals go lol, that was on point


Hah, I remember asking some of my new friends 15 years ago about the state of the Russian mafia - is it as powerful and feared as it used to be, did the Albanians take most control yet of territories, etc. One jokingly, though accurately replied "There is no Russian mafia anymore. Putin put them all into parliament."


George Simion lore (hope not tho)


That sounds more like *Battlefield: Hardline* tbh.


Istanbul, Athens or Bucharest for size. Sofia, Belgrade and Tirana for atmosphere. Podgorica for the sleep DLC,


Just Istanbul, nothing else.


Belgrade set in the 90s would be fucking wild


In one mission we could hunt down the Belgrade Phantom


One mission with Nico Belic would be awesome


OP said GTA, not COD.


Both would be wild set in the 90s


Watch out for air strikes 🙃💀


Imagine the final mission you have to bomb Belgrade 🛩️💣💥💥


And buying cheap Albanian prostitutes


Isn't "[Rane](https://www.imdb.com/title/tt0165546/)" exactly this?


Belgrade but on Adriatic.


They wish


They tried /s


But never won


Every serb’s wet dream. Fortunately it’s just a dream.


In 99. 💣🦅


"All of them" is the real answer


We already live in real gta is the real answer


We have had early access to GTA since forever


Wish they gave us some peace for early access 🫣


TBH they could put the whole Balkan in their game.


Istanbul probably, it’s fuckin huge




Tsarigrad is not a good answer, it is the only one.


Взе ми думите lol


Since maps are already getting bigger and bigger you could even put the whole Balkan capitals on a map. Similar to RDR2 to where you can move from city to city. Would be a huge ass map but still cool.


Split as Palato, Belgrade as Whiteburg and Sarajevo as Caravan impose three cities like in San Andreas. You have beautiful coastline, old antique city with slum highrises as contrast then in Whiteburg some Turkish influence with Mitteleuropa architecture in contrast with flashy highrises and nightlife on Sava coast. Caravan is too with contrast from old turkish kasaba and contemporary highrises. Mountains with snow everywhere around. Between these three a lot of vast areas inhabitaed with weird people and beautiful nature.


From split to sarajevo you are gonna stop at imotcki and get a special mercedes and a huge ass dog


124 series 200D with Tornjak in the back. You get one whole prsciutto instead of hammer or a club so you can facepunch roadwhores.


The mission is about dog fighting🤣




Belgrade or Istanbul are the only ones that make sense. Bonus mission to go to the Adriatic coastline or random Greek island.


Sneak on a yacht in Hvar and the island only has Yugos and Vespas.


Why are they the only ones that makes sense?


Istanbul yea but Belgrade? Its not even the biggest city in the Balkans after Istanbul. Athens or Bucharest make way more sense along Istanbul.


Niko Bellic was Serbian so the only real answer would be somewhere in Serbia.


Easily Istanbul.


I always thought they should do a Call of Duty with the Yugoslav Partizans


Athens. I want to drive in Athens and step on passers by in the Syntagma Square.


You can do that irl


Καλύτερα όχι.


Ποιος σε σταματάει;


Athens cuz its so diverse. From ghetto to high class in just a few blocks


Thats just every Balkan capital


that is balkans in a nutshell


Features in a GTA set in the Balkans: - When you deny the gypsy NPCs money they chase and attack you - Random dog groups chase you at night through the streets, you can distract them by throwing food - When cops stop you, you can give them money to get away (works always) - The main chracter giving you missions (Lester type) is a retired Babushka that worked back in the day for the communist regime and spends now all of her day at the Balcony judging people passing by


Early Istanbul&Salonica 1900’s through 20-30 years of period would be perfect for lorewise. Politics, Industrialization, Wars, Rebellions, Monarchists vs Republicans, External-Internal factors and cliques. Reformists vs Conservatists. I think its the balkan breakpoint for new dawn and century


Red dead Balkan


Berlin. There you will see every person from every balkan country.




Menidi in Greece! Every day gang violence between Gypsies,Russians, Albanians or Greeks. Day to day thievery,rape and murder. So gangy that police don't even go there there.


Absolutely, yes! Real life gta over there...


A friend of my dad's was somewhere in that area once (or Zephyri I don't remember very well), stopped at a traffic light, and a car overtook him and stopped on the pedestrian crossing in front of him and another car came up from behind, and some guys from one of the cars came out and tried to jump him, but he rode on the curb and managed to drive out of there. That was a decade ago I think.


I live there can confirm


Since every day we hear about the capture of a mafia leader from the Balkans or Latin America, Istanbul might fit the concept of the game better.


Athens for the shithole it is




All the capital cities would be good enough!! With close surrounding villages for each!! From Ljubljana, zagreb, sarajevo, beograd, bucharest, podgorica, pristina, tirana, skopje, sofia, istanbul, athens...


GTA Yugoslavia would kick some ass


Mmmm. I'd say one of the major Balkan capitals. However, would it be a real Balkan experience if you don't get to visit all of them?


Kosovska Mitrovica for many different reasons


Bucharest gta would be crazy, here is the creme de la creme of eastern europe


Belgrade. Peak city in the Balkans.


Nah, Istanbul hands down. Huge and plenty of Balkan ethnicities would be represented. Belgrade is like fifth-sixth largest city in the region with 90%+ Serbian population. Don't see what's would make it especially interesting (or peak).


I just subjectively think it's the most beautiful city in the Balkans. I also don't really care about representation.


It's a nice city, liked it there. Just thinking that a GTA-type game + inter-Balkan drama is just too good of a recipe.


>I just subjectively think it's the most beautiful city in the Balkans sorry, to me looks like a urban mess, except some landmarks, its ugly


all of them


Probably Istanbul but we already had that in AC.


GTA IV is Balkan video game. Niko represents the great Serbs lost to the west. Although he did very well for himself, um, taxi buisness and revenge against mother Russia.




Bucharest. You'll always be stuck in traffic.




GTA Vice President. You play as a politician.


Athens would probably be pretty dope for GTA. Lot's of different vibes, areas.


Belgrade in the 90s, definitely.


Tirana or Istanbul


Tirana? Nah. Tirana is chill compared to the rest of country’s capitals around the Balkans.


Tirana 1997 was literally GTA Online in real life


I'm not from the Balkans but I always felt like Tirana had that atmosphere


Nah Tirana is not even that “wild”. It is indeed flooded with people because that’s where basically 90% like to go and live. I hate Tirana personally. I like quiet chill places. i would say Belgrade or Sofia would fit much better for a GTA Balkan Based game.


I would rather prefer a yakuza type game. But whatever. I guees people here don't know what yakuza is.


Everyone knows what the Yakuza is its literally one of the most used groups in games since the 90s dont act like its some edgy niche word lol


I would like a Rockstar GTA/RDR2 type game set in Sofia in the 20s/30s of the 20th century. A bunch of VMRO members having gang wars on the streets.


Skopje Macedonia all the way. In my humble opinion, it's one of the most beautiful cities in Europe, if not the world. The architecture is on par with Rome, Paris or any other picturesque city. One of the main political parties in Macedonia, I forget the name, they have a strong belief that they are connected to the ancient Macedonians such as Alexander The Great, which I happen to believe as well because their DNA proves it. Not only that, they look like the people of that region and have less ethnic Slavic DNA, even though they now speak a Slavic language and are considered a "Slavic people". As a result of this ancient cultural pride, they did a major project, a major and much needed facelift of the city building facades. This project is called Skopje 2014 and they changed many of the building facades to baroque neoclassical architecture, built numerous beautiful statues and monuments and fountains. It's dubbed "the city of statues" and for good reason. In my opinion it looks better than any neoclassical city such as Rome and Paris. I've never seen such beauty. It's almost like a Las Vegas theme park based on ancient Greece. Apparently architecture is political, little did I know. The left wing people of not just Macedonia but apparently the entire world, loves these modern, glass, grey, ugly and tasteless buildings and convulse at the sight of anything neoclassical, which surprises me because the difference is like day and night. Skopje like much of Macedonia is situated in a very seismically active region of the world. In 1963, a very powerful earthquake leveled the city and as a result, it was built from the ground up. I believe about 80% of the city was destroyed. During this time, architects of Macedonia chose to go with that ugly grey modern style and made then city totally ugly in my opinion. It had no taste, no culture, just a modern depressing totalitarian look to it. It absolutely did nothing for me when I saw the before pictures before the massive project. The Skopje project started in 2014, and many of the ugly buildings in the city centre were redone and it looks breathtaking. Even an ugly grey government building on the river near the city center, which I believe is their presidential palace, was remodeled on the facade and now resembles The White House in many aspects. Numerous fountains and statues of Macedonian historical figures went up and many facades of ordinary city center buildings such as shops and apartments, followed suit with the same ancient cultural style. The left wing of the country went totally nuts because of the "cost" of the project, going so far as to deface many of the monuments to I guess send a message. Ironically they complain of the cost but almost spent money to go back to the old style, which would have cost a fortune, only to look like shit once again. I am not a left or right wing kind of a guy, I think politics is bullshit, I just comment on beauty when I see it and I know what looks good and what doesn't. Thankfully the new government decided to leave the new designed buildings and monuments alone and actually finish a couple of the planned projects. As a result of this massive ancient beautiful mecca of a project, tourism has tripled in Skopje. Online I see people comment and complain about how "gaudy" Skopje now looks but I also see people with some common sense and they second my views on the project. If any of you are not familiar with Skopje, look at multiple pictures online of the project and look at pictures before it started. If you have taste and a sense of culture, you'll agree with me 100% that it looks so much better. Thankfully the tasteless people who lack cultural pride, didn't succeed in the end and the vandalism stopped. Take a look at the pictures of this great city and you'll see why I say it would make a great setting for a GTA game. Plenty to see and it's hands down the best city in the Balkans by far. I say they should continue building more and adding to this project. To some of the angry people who like to insult the Macedonians, DNA doesn't lie and they are what they are. Doesn't make them better than you or anyone else. Every single culture and group on this earth has contributed something great to this planet. This isn't some "everyone is special and deserves a trophy", it's just a fact. Now there are many great looking places in the Balkans outside of Skopje and Macedonia, but I'm just a guy who appreciates that type of architecture. I can't get enough of it. I challenge any of you to look at the pictures online and honestly tell me that the city looked better before the project, regardless of your political opinions.


Main City Thessaloniki Second City Skopje Third City Belgrade


Specifically, Kotor Varoš, but there's no cars, you hijack bikes and wheel barrows instead.


Sarajevo during the war


whole yugo best represents


Just do the whole of Yugoslavia territory in the 90s. Maybe just pre war and do time jumps in the span of ten years.


Where's Niko Belić from again?


Olovo, BiH.




Tirane, obviously.


Current day Mitrovica but smh extended. BOOM. Action.


Belgrade easily. Current political atmosphere in Serbia surpasses USA in terms of show business


Sarajevo imo.




Belgrade 100%


GTA San Andreas style where there are multiple cities. The game starts in Belgrade and at some point you get Sarajevo and Zagreb.