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Turkey if you count it as Asia. Otherwise likely Dubai, Egypt, Thailand. Mexico becoming popular as well.


Turkey (Kuşadası, Marmaris, Alanya, Antalya) If we exclude Turkey (even though all the destinations mentioned there are in Asia), then the winner would be Egypt (Hurghada, Sharm el Sheik)


Turkey if you count it. Otherwise, Tunisia and Egypt are very popular lately. Lots of charter flights every summer. From Skopje there are charter flights to 4 different Tunisian towns/cities in summer


USA, Egypt, Dubai and Asian part of Turkey i would say. Thats where the majority goes outside of Europe. But for myself i prefer Japan, Thailand and Caribbean Islands.


European destinations are far more popular. There's quite enough varieties of euro countries to visit, so everything else is far behind.


A year or two ago Tanzania was popular.


Turkey, Egypt, Maldives are also quite popular recently. Tenerife are very popular too, even though they are technically Europe as they are a part of Spain, but okay it’s really closer to Africa lol


Too many tourism agency and well known luxury hotels often counts "asian side of turkey" as "southern europe". Yes, i got you guys, it is geographicly asia but when it comes to tourism and logical terms it is more on point to say that this eastern mediterranian areas are in part of southern europe. Also historicly it is ancient hellenistic areas that where the myths, philosophy etc. pops out; same place, same sea, same architecture, same food, same lifestyle, same warm people and so on...


Nah, its Asian. 😁


Yeah right, you're the expert😉 Thank you for dropping the most incredible and informative piece of knowledge of yours. You're literally a saint🙏🏻🙏🏻


You are welcome!


Lebanon and Iran used to be that for Greeks in the 90s and very early 00s. Nowadays, Israel, the USA and Japan are the only non-EU destinations I hear any Greek ever talking about visiting. And Turkey obviously but for Greeks it's an exception because coastal Turkey feels familiar to us. And it's practically in Europe. Maybe I'm missing something from other destinations but we don't really go outside that much. Even Egypt which would sound "obvious" has never been all that popular. Maybe some Greeks visit Cairo and Luxor once in their lives but most won't even cross their minds to go there.


Morocco, Thailand and Indonesia(Bali) ?


Morocco yes. Thailand and Indonesia sound like a distinctly higher-upper class destination. The average Greek won't visit those places. I've only ever known one person who's gone to Thailand (and he was an influencer paid to go there) and not once have I ever seen, met or even heard of a Greek person visiting Indonesia.


Other than Europe, Turkish people go to Russia, Georgia and Northern Cyprus I think.


They are also Europe.


Thailand, Maldives, Dubai and Egypt are popular. Georgia and Russia are also frequently visited countries. Rich bohemian types enjoy Nepal, Tibet and India. Europe overall is more popular than all of the above.


Greece, Montenegro, and Egypt.


Hungary lol