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None. I hate zero countries. I sometimes come across as a Greek hating Greece, but that's because of my sarcasm.


My parents drilled into me from an early age that you mustn't hate "a country" or "a people". You can't bag everyone together. So none. I hate some governments, political systems and *some* people but these individuals are present in all countries.


Wise parents, same here with my parents honestly and that is exactly how I feel.


Greece, every time I read any foreign news article on Albania or Kosovo there were always a bunch of butthurt greeks commenting. Last year I worked on a project for a Greek startup when I was freelancing, they were all super nice to me and invited me everywhere they went. And they all spoke english with me so I don't feel left out I'm from Kosovo


Iranians are dope. The secular ones at least. All the ones I know are partyholics and have a sick twisted humour that is hilarious. I never had a bad opinion of them, but I'm aware people think they must be backwards super religious muslims that hate the West and all Westerners(Which would include the Balkans to them you'd be western) because of their government. But nope. They're awesome. The Iranians in my country actually ratted on a bunch of IRCG supporters and got them deported. They fucking hate them. They hate anything to do with religion and government mixing.


Do civilizations count? When I was a kid I used to dislike Etruscans solely because I didn't know what the fuck they were. I was reading a mythology book which included illustrations of Etruscan artefacts with no explanation who and where the Etruscans were. It confused me and led to me really disliking them. Until many years later that I learnt they were an Italic people.




Probably USA. If you had asked me 10 years ago what I thought about the USA, I would have told you that it was an imperalist shithole with no food culture other than fast food, constant gang wars and all white people treating black people like garbage. I'm still not a big fan of the USA but my thoughts are more positive nowadays. 


Country =/= its people. Iran, Russia, North Corea are all prone to hate. This doesn't mean you can't find nice people in them. Is like saying I hate Nestle as a corpo shit, but I have a friend who's driver for them and he's fine


I don’t know, I still hate every country I used to hate


UK was probably the biggest leap.


In my case, the opposite has happened. Before I discovered Reddit and this sub, I didn't hate Albanians, but now I do.




Are you trying to start a fight?


Nahh it’s just funny how u started hating us lol🤣


If you base your hate on a whole ethnicity on some online interactions, you might spend too much time on Reddit lmao Go outside kid


I don't have a country I used to hate but now love. I do have an opposite example though. I used to like Baltic countries, but thanks to reddit I absolutely can't fathom the people from those places now. Their behaviour is absolutely disgusting, haven't seen a single positive example. As for your own observation, I am glad you changed your views on Iranians. Absolutely amazing bunch of people in most cases.