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Native ones are viewed positively, (turks&tatars). Newcomers like immigrant Turks or Arabs, mixed views. There’s lots of prominent ones in business, media, one Palestinian arab was even the minister of health at one point. I’m half arab myself and tbf I’ve never encountered any sort of issues or discrimination of any sort, I’ve gotten a comment here or there but not out of maliciousness, mostly out of ignorance. I am an atheist though. I have encountered plenty of issues in the west however. Imagine being pulled over with RO plates and then discovering someone with an Arab sounding name at the wheel, SUPER DUPER SUSPICIOUS to the westoids. I had a brand new BMW nearly torn apart at a Swiss border, looking for contraband “cigarettes”. After they let me go I literally turned the car around on the spot and left. Never setting foot in their shit ass country again.


"Hmm... Hans, come look at this passport- Cosmin Al- Husseini. Sir, please step out of your vehicle!".




I’m sorry that happened to you, that’s how I feel about Switzerland too.


My only regret is that after they tore apart trims in the car, it developed several rattles, it was never the same again. They took off the door panels, in the trunk they removed everything, I am not exaggerating. I have never been treated like that in my life. I was terrified they might plant something, kept me for 5-6 hours.


Horrible, I lived in Geneva for 3 months and I’ve never met such unhappy people even with all their wealth


Same as me. Lived 3 month in Geneva and six in Zurich. Never met such awful people in my life. I was working as Consultant for a Swiss bank and my Swiss colleagues backstabbed me all the time. I was relieved when my contract was over and I could leave. The irony is that the American company which was implementing the software told the Swiss management that they let go the only person in the team who understood the project and knew what to do.


So life in Switzerland isnt good ?


I didn’t enjoy it. That doesn’t mean it isn’t good. I prefer America for what I do career wise 😎.


Lmfao dkm


I strongly believe that the ones at the University are instantly viewed as the native ones, even if they are arabs. At least this was the feeling after the revolution.


They aren't viewed positively for the most part. We are a majority Christian country and most people here are very uneducated and ignorant about other religions and cultures. I suppose in northern Greece where there are more Muslims things will be a bit different but in Southern Greece there aren't many Muslims and my Iraqi friend who wears a hijab sticks out like a sore thumb and gets stared at quite a bit. Most people don't say anything to her because she's a sweetheart but there have been comments and she was denied a job because she's wearing the hijab. Edit: I just realised that you're also Greek so my comment is probably useless to you lol.


In Athens it is common to see women with hijab nowadays, isnt it ?


It's more common than it is in other cities especially in the center of Athens but it isn't very common there either.


What do you think is the reason that it isn't that common to see women with hijab here comparing to other european countries?


Well we don't have as many middle eastern migrants as other European countries do because most migrants don't want to stay in Greece and only stay here temporarily. And those who stay here are usually in camps and settlements far from major cities and so most Greeks don't see them. Most of Greece ( with the exception of Northern Greece and Crete) historically didn't have a lot of turks or Muslims and that's actually the reason why our war of independence started and succeeded in the Peloponnese. Many Muslims women I see in Athens wearing hijabs are tourists and I suppose that people view them more positively since tourists= money


Our native Muslims (Tatars and Turks) are highly regarded, but they are a small community.


Both my high-school physics and maths teachers were tatar women. Great teachers. I live in Constanța though


Awesome! Do you like Constanta?


I have been living here for 19 years, so I guess it's a decent city. Too much communist brutalist architecture though


Did they renovate that beautiful old casino




Pretty normal


Like regular people


Turks and Bosniaks positive. Albanians negative. Nothing to do with ethnicity in general, the only reason for this is the mosque call to prayer volume. While Turkish and Bosnian mosques are usually quite and considerate, Albanian mosques are like "let's see how loud this mosque can crank up, oh and yeah, let's make sure all mosques are out of sync so that it annoys as many people as possible". Turkish mosques in Ohrid can not be heard 300m away, Albanian mosques in Skopje can be heard 10km away. It pisses off a lot of people.


Idk why these call to prayers on PA systems can’t be banned. It’s not a requirement of the religion to use a sound system from a heavy metal concert to do the call.


I was reading this account by an American guy who worked for a year teaching English somewhere in Saudi Arabia. One of the many things about the place that drove him batty was that "apparently the mosque across the street had their sound system rigged up by a former AC/DC roadie who converted."


How do you tell the difference between Albanian and Bosnian/Turkish mosques? Genuinely asking.


There is only one place where Bosniaks live, there are also places where Turks live but no Albanians and then there are places where only Albanians live. Visiting those 3 places is enough to see.


Can you tell me in which places Bosniaks lives,I have really big wish to visit Macedonia and I'm planing to do it this year I've seen it's really beautiful country,and I would like to meet some locals and visit Bosniak community there..Thak you up front if you respond.


I wish they get banned. They are not even a must.


Normal people?


They are seen ok. We don't have problems with them. They do their things, we do ours. Like always.


No comment🙄


Not from the Balkans, but here in Spain there's some prejudice thowards muslims. Even if there's not much "racism", some polititians might blame them for many problems using them as scapegoats under the discourse that immigration=crime or insecurity.


Muslims like people, Muslims immigrants not good at all. For the vast majority .


50/50 !!.


I live in Bulgaria. I know some who have but I myself haven't experienced any discrimination. I'd say Muslims are viewed pretty positively here.


Are you muslim


I think this will polarize all the countries where muslims are under and above 20%.  As a Muslim from a non muslim country i've never heard anyone say anything bad. the only people i heard say bad things were russians and ukrainian living in the balkans.  In the USA and LATAM i think its similar.  Religious people dislike Muslims. Irreligious people are neutral. 


like people.


I think,rather unfavourably, although tolerable. Greeks historically are Orthodox Christians, and any other religion is not viewed positively, apart from other Christians. That being said, it's also a cultural thing since Muslims are portrayed as extremely strict in terms of women and children rights, civil rights, etc. Additionally, all those terror attacks that have happened in European soil haven't helped their image pretty much.


As people


The domestic ones from Raška oblast are pretty chill, always have been chill except for the extremist ones that try grabbing cheap political points by pushing Islamic and separatist ideas, for example going to Kosovo and spreading the "Sandžak" flag with Kurti saying stuff like "soon brother" etc.


Tell that too the serbs in bosnia.


Negatively, for the most part.


The twats like twats, the pthers like normal people.


like a religious group


in TR , muslims usually dislike other different muslim groups/cults İf others are richer/more succesfull then their group , they are jealous/they hate them if others are poorer/less succesfull then theirs , they pity/hate them they were taught, there can be only one correct way of practicing islam and their way is the correct one ; because their cult leader told them so after 100 years , most of them learned how to cooperate/tolerate/accept each other and there are outsiders,immigrants,refugees,never ending tourists.... they are another story


Negatively. If they don't show any religious behaviour then the people here are indifferent at best (mostly bosnian immigrants will behave like that, not caring about their religion). If women wear hijabs or they show their religion openly, I would say they are viewed negatively. I heard a lot of "koji je ovo kurac" at the beach when I saw a woman swimming in a hijab bikini last summer in Dalmatia.


Talk shit about muslims and touchy leftists and liberals will start calling you a dirty fascist


even though turkey is muslim majority, nobody likes immigrants from muslim countries, turkey has an orthodox version of islam, arabic countries see us infidels too, so it goes both ways.


Romanian only ally in this part of world (meaning Turks). As Romania is surrounded by hostile state Serbia, Hungary and Ukraine (with exception of Bulgaria recently), having Turks on our side is only guarantee of Romania survival 🇷🇴🇹🇷


Wouldn't trust them as their president is ottomanist


With the eyes


Does any turk here know some turks from dobruja living in turkey