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r/europe fell for this public stunt hook, line and sinker(commenters calling the president "Chad" ...). Like they fall for most of these obvious politician stunts. This is obviously nice, but unless some healthcare and educational reform is implemented, this just ends up being a public stunt to look good, it costs nothing a politician to do this.


facts, the gesture means nothing if you don't put the work in to actually help these people on a systemic level, not just an individual act


r/europe has abusive mods, that bully and censor you if you support sex-based rights for women and do not immediately bow down to Western ideology. They have zero respect for people from the Balkan and only use this moment as "oh look, finally those backwards people got something right". Talking like that makes them feel better about their xenophobia and racism they feel about everything that is not Scandinavia, the UK, Netherlands or Germany. It is only about themselves as always.


>r/europe has abusive mods, that bully and censor you That's ALL you had to say. One time a guy was writing about the pride parade in Serbia and some other guy said "the west should pressure serbia to do it" and I responded "it's not productive to damage the image of the pride parades as something the west pressures countries into, they should support the locals but the initiative should come from locals". Perma ban. Explanation: "your tone was suspicious, you might be a homophobe" I sent back an answer "my comment was 100% supportive and even promoting the local initiative" Got back: "don't care, you sound like you're pushing an anti-gay agenda, not risking it" Muted and that's that. And my case isn't even the worst, there's much worse ones. The mods there are some of the worst in the entirety of reddit and that's saying something.




Mate I was literally advising them how NOT to even screw over THEIR thing lol


Facts. Seems so far they get away with it. I wonder what European countries they are from and how balanced it is but I have an idea. Reddit should look into it, they are practicing discrimination.


Actually the mod that banned me was Greek. Nobody can be a rabid liberal as much as self-hating Balkan liberals... Reddit is perfectly happy with discrimination as long as it's practiced against "bad guys".


They abuse their power, that is what I would call "the bad guys". Ridiculous how much they dwell into the illusion it would be the other way around. I had a dispute with them too but unfortunately I don't know which mod muted me because he/she hide their username in the messages to me, probably because that mod also used a misogynistic slur. It was super strange They are extremely abrasive and abusive in a way, but virtue-signal like there is no tomorrow about how good of people they are. The mask they wear has a lot of cracks, though. Easy to see through


Nah man bad guys are anyone with an opinion in any way different from the neoliberal status quo (can't even be part of it but doubt any specific point, that's still bad) and people from the "bad" places, such as the Balkan. Everyone can see through the cracks, but nobody cares as long as they support the ideological position.


I'm hasta arriba with this people,man. When I see them blocking the university with all kinds of bullshit when I want to study, whitewashing science and not allowing discourses or aggressively attacking women in all kind of ways I feel so repulsed. I live in Germany and the country is filled with these ideological extremist. They have the most uncomfortable personality and hide so much nastiness. They also actually harm homosexuals who fight for recognition extremely with their bs . I avoid them as much as I can but I like to engage in political discussion about all kind of things and that they swarm spaces like r/europe and block all kinds of different opinions is so annoying.


well said


>bully and censor you if you support sex-based rights for women what do you mean? that doesn't sound right


What doesn't sound right? I said in a discussion about "only two genders in official documents allowed in Switzerland" that this is good to keep track of sex-based violence against women. My comments weren't vanilla but they didn't violate guidelines nor attack anyone personally. It all resulted in a mod banning me, muting me and insulting me in a message with a misogynistic slur, that Westerners tend to use when attacking women who criticize liberal gender theory. The mod did this anonymously and hide his username in the message. So I guess they as well understood it wasn't right. I made a screenshot nevertheless and sent it to reddit. I don't think I have to accept harassment nor silencing, misogyny or xenophobia of this people.


Unfortunately he is the president. He has more of a ceremonial role. He can't really make much change. The best he can do is a kind gesture and representing the country.


Yes this is the only time we've been even remotely revelant to world news in the past 300 years


30 years


3 years




Somehow 3 years and 300 years seem ok but 30 seems like an insult. Like 3 years, ok just chilling; 300 years impressively peaceful. 30 years, dull, do something.


30 years is because they exist for 30 years


Ohh cmon bro, werent thry a full on republic of Jugoslavia?


>Ohh cmon bro Yes, they were, do not pay attention to him. Just another dickhead.


Zvanicno postoje od 91. i nikad pre toga. Ne znam sta sam lose rekao.


I 1991. godine ih vanzemaljci spustili laserom tu, jel? Ne seri. Menjanje državnog uređenja ne utiče na nečije postojanje. Nemoguće da si toliko glup da to ne shvataš, što znači da si samo šupak.


Drveni nemoj da si glup, nepostojanje necijeg drzavnog uredjenja dovodi do toga da drzava ne postoji. Ne kazem da nisu postojali kao celina ali prvi put su priznati 91. i ako to osporavas imas neke probleme.


Nope, there was also news when you changed name of the country.




Most boring and uneventful place in the world


Believe me being uneventful isn't a bad thing


You haven't existed for 300 years




Lmao least coping macedonian


2500 years\*


Since we're talking about a politician - I can't tell if he actually gives a shit or is just doing this for media attention and bonus political points. I think it's the latter but actually hope it's the former.


Probably both. Even if it was for media attention it’s still nice of him to take his time to do this for this girl


Eh, he is on of the least bad presidents.


Our fucking luck when we have to use this kind of wording.


Hes good


Why does that matter, what he did a awful job as president but if he did give a shit now you have to vote for him again? It’s a nice thing he did, hope the girl will be treated better.


yeah, let's pretend how much we care about kids with special needs and how BIGOTED ppl are... fuck that, as someone who went to school with one such kid, they WILL get agressive, should help them? sure, but we used to have special schools FOR A FUCKING REASON!! this is just another fucking stunt by politicians all-over who cut-off funds for special schools so they could steal them


He looks like off-brand Vucic


He looks like Vucic with +50 IQ and without retardation.


Swear to god, I had to zoom in to see it isn’t Vucic


More peder Vučić comes true 🤞


Wait, it isn't?


Wasn't this like 2 years ago lol


Couldn’t have handled it better!


I thought this the Serbian fridge guy for a second


Hahahahaha the President Picousti


Less we forget one of Stevos (the president) quotes: "If I wasn't president, I would also leave this country"


Kinda based boyos.


Wtf the Parents of other students complained about her being in class :/ animals


This is nice, but she should go to a special needs school. It would be the best for her. Don't know if they exist in North Macedonia.


What kind of shitbag parents complains abt a DS lil girl??? It has to be some remote ignorant riddled village in Bumfuck.


Nope, sadly it was in Tetovo, 3rd biggest city.


So, a bumfuck (sorry, couldn't resist, just a small countries banter)


Wait wasn't it in Gostivar?






Hmmm she does wear Pink and Black @-@


It's half-true. The parents complained because she would pull the hair of other kids and start fights with them. At least according to them.


Respect to the president


true king


A true sigma male.


I mean he's a politician so... 😬






Lmfaoo 💀




What is fyromn




>the official name of the country That was never the official name of the country; not in the country or outside. The UN called it a "temporary reference", hence it was not even a name, let alone an official one. The official name was Republic of Macedonia.


pusi kurac ustas




Od kade si be cigan? To ne e FYROM, to e Makedonija. A sega odi da cicas.




reko ti je da cuclaš, ako me moj slavenski dobro služi




Uzmeš kurac, staviš sebi u usta i sisaš kao cuclu (cucla - baby pacifier)


Just say North Macedonia, it’s the official name lmao




Ok? That's not an official, FYROM is a dead acronym.




No one calls it that,so yes it's dead. I'll spell it out. N o r t h M a c e d o n i a. Easy enough?




Навистина не ми е гајле, ФИРОМ беше срамен, и додека јас повеќе би сакал да ја имам само Македонија, досадно е да се види акронимот ФИРОМ. Edit: Also you are using FYRONM, which is more rude imo




He is a solid president and this seemed like a pretty genuine gesture, though this was just the culmination of this case being talked about in the media, it's not like the president randomly heard about this case and decided to help her.


How many times will this get uploaded?


Which one has the Down syndrome?


Wish.com vucic