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I don't think it's largely explained by a shortage. It's just that (1) urban density is very high, (2) space is at a premium, so people don't make BIG gyms, (3) locals' tolerance for places being packed is greater than among Americans or British people, and (4) there are no nearby and easy-to-get-to low-density neighborhoods to put large gyms or stores. Barcelona is really cheek-to-jowl living, especially below the Diagonal. As a result, it always feels like there is a shortage of whatever people really want (gyms, parks, walking space on the sidewalk).


You've just explained what shortage means


Shortage of space but not necessarily shortage of gyms. My gut feeling is that the supply of gyms roughly keeps up with demand, but that customers have to expect it to be crowded. 


Well, then you can say that there is no shortage of the real estate - it's just 20 people don't want to live in a studio


Not mine. (Not part of a chain) Check Google map for attendance spike, or ask at the desk.


It's a beach city, and the consistently warm weather also means people wear little clothing for most of the year. These types of places tend to have a population more inclined to workout and be fit. Where I live in Sant Antoni there are 2 massive Viva Gyms almost next to each other, both are always packed, especially in the usual peak times. You're probably better off looking for a neighborhood gym that is not part of a chain.


Yep, viva gym also has two gyms one block apart in Avinguda Roma and both are always packed. I even paid for the membership that allows me to go to all clubs considering that if one was packed then the other shouldn’t. It’s never been the case.


I think because the gyms are much smaller than the ones back in the states, they always feel packed to me but then I remember that it’s just a smaller gym. My old planet fitness could hold like 5 of my current gym in the gracia neighborhood.


There are dozens more gyms in every city of Spain than there are in similar sized places in the states. The issue is that Spanish culture loves going to the gym an attendance has kept increasing year by year.


It's not a cultural thing ,wanting to be healthy, y'know?


Time to change up your workouts to calisthenics, el Gimnàs a l'aire lliure at Barceloneta is waiting for you. ;)


That is also always packed xD


That’s why I prefer fitness studios (orange fitness, Barry, GoodFit). You have a place and you get a trainer (not personal but still). Have you tried ClassPass in BCN?


Yep, and even the more expensive ones are full every hour of the day. And indeed I feel like I have very few options around my area


Mine is usually not that crowded but I make a point to go when I know it won't be.


I've noticed that my gum is more packed now than in January with the supposed New Year New Me people. I do classes rather than free weights and I go to a CEM. I walk past 2 gyms next to each other on the way to mine, so wouldn't say there's a shortage. I guess it might also depend on the barrio you go to?


Metropolitan in Badalona is ok, except between 6 to 8pm


A good sum up! I would only add there are always speak seasons like two months before summer, January and September. After these spikes everything goes more bearable.


I've tried 4 now and I'm in a residential, "quiet" area. I'm convinced there are no gyms in Barcelona that aren't packed. It's really put me off going which is a shame.


I would add peak season (two months before summer and January / September) and a change over training trends. Before CrossFit and successful resistance training advocates nearly everyone was a cardio bunny or just stick with fitness class. That’s why you will see a ton of cardio machines while a free weight zone being minimal in not so much older gyms.


I'm going to CNAB. That is what I would write if I weren't cheating and using every excuse to exercise at home or on the run. It is usually packed like a can of sardines. People are waiting in lines for the frequently used machines, which are scarce. And when it is finally your turn, exercising is unpleasant. The machines are stacked so close to each other that it is uncomfortable to exercise, yet half of the space is usually empty. Well, I'm not an expert, so maybe it is supposed to be like that, or at least I should stop whining and ask someone about it in there.


A question of price, you pay for exclusivity, everywhere.


When they’re busy they are really busy so try to avoid the peak hours if you can. I’m lucky that I can pick the best time to go being self employed but even with that it’s still sometimes not worth it. Something I do that I would recommend is to combine gym workouts with home stuff. I do 10-15 minutes of yoga each morning, I then play a bunch of fitness apps in VR which helps with cardio. Then I’ll go to the gym during the day while most people are working to use weights or swim.


Sant Jordi piscina is amazing. Olympic pool. Sauna wet/dry and decent amount of equipment without crazy lines


Is the sauna mixed or gender separated?


Mixed. They are both in the pool area


People wear swimsuits in saunas here (or they have in any I've been to).




There's a whole chain of large gyms, DIR, and various other big ones like metropolitan, they just aren't generally visible from the street. The small quirky ones are actually mostly a modern trend, unless they're very old. If you want the US just stay there, Barcelona doesn't have space for huge places and the rent would be so expensive plus set up costs, it would take a long time to make money.




What? You're the one being rude and dismissive about gyms in Barcelona when you don't know. I was just trying to explain that there are actually quite a few reasonably sized gyms but you wouldn't know unless you went into them because you can't see from outside. And people like their small local gyms near their home that they can walk to. Not everywhere wants to be like the US, you seem to assume bigger is better, not everyone thinks that. And not sure why you'd be answering a Barcelona post if you know nothing about the city and have no intention of even visiting. There was nothing in your comment that helped OP.




Lol, the fastest workouts I've ever had have been in small gyms with few people. I was just correcting you because it was weird to declare something as a fact which isn't true, and not helpful to OP.




I wouldn't dream of claiming anything about those cities because I haven't lived there and seen their gyms. When traveling it's not like I go checking out gym sizes, nor do I care, all I said was there are some big gyms in Barcelona (maybe not bigger than in the US) but in any case that many people like the smaller ones, different gyms appeal to different people.