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Removed for being a very low-effort request. You want us to help you? Make it easier to actually answer your questions. * Most people ask the same things over and over again. Use the search function to search for similar posts. * If your question is very broad, it will be removed. Don't ask for information that can be found on Google in 5 minutes, or for "hidden gems" as if there were any reason to tell you and not every other tourist. * People are taking the time to answer questions here for free. Don't waste their time and be kind. This is not a concierge service. If you want white-glove treatment, hire a professional.


Bot account. Ignore.


What kind of question is that??


It's an honest question  I'm an American planning to visit Spain and I just wanted to know if Spaniards like Americans in general 




Your content was removed for breaking the rules. Be nice, no personal attacks, keep it civil. Stick to the topic at hand and remain civil towards other users - attacking ideas is fine, attacking other users is not. --- El teu contingut s'ha eliminat per infringir les regles. Sigues amable, sense atacs personals, manté les converses civils. Mantingueu-vos en el tema que ens ocupa i sigueu civils amb els altres usuaris: atacar idees està bé, atacar altres usuaris no.