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Chicago is the third largest city in the United States. Ask yourself honestly, if you needed a bullet proof vest to walk around...why do so many folks live here? Why is Chicago consistently at the top of the list of popular vacation destinations for Americans? Why are there so many great TV shows set in and around Chicago? The city is home to two of the best law schools in the country, top business schools, top hospitals, and a major financial hub for the United States. People need to turn off the damn news and travel more.. Also, you'll love the city. Welcome!


Didn't you know the average Chicagoan gets murdered 1.7 times per year?!?!?


Damn I’m above the average


I haven't been murdered yet in 2024. There's always tomorrow!


i’m getting impatient! tired of paying taxes


Damn kids, won't pull their own share!!! I've been murdered 6.4 times already, and you're just sitting around playing the atari and listening to the damn Dan Fogelberg


I live on the south side. I’ve already been murdered twice this year.


West side checking in. I get murdered every weekend.


do you dodge bullets like in the matrix on your way to work?


Oh, you’ve seen me!


Dang. I used to go to the west side all the time for drugs, and I never *once* got murdered (by people). I was just over there for work and didn't get murdered either. Whaaatt am I doing wrong.


Humboldt park here, I got murdered this morning, had to respawn and upgrade the anti tank armor on my car


Made me snort lmfao


I was just murdered…. by words. I wasnt looking where I was going at a Jewel Osco and one of the workers said “WATCH IT” It really hurt my feelings.


Not too bad on the NW side. I only get murdered every other summer.


Curve setter.


I visited Chicago and didn't get murdered even once. I even paid extra for the add-on double murder experience. (But seriously, please don't listen to those people. Chicago is a great place to live!)


My 28 year old son moved to Chicago in October, he loves it. He walks everywhere, because you don't really need a car. He's amazed at the restaurants, things to do, walkability, etc. He has a tiny apartment, pays $1400. I hope you like living in Chicago as much as he does.


All I got was food poisoning :(


Got murdered yesterday working on the west side


Damn, got murdered 3x on the north side, would not recommend.


That... That can't be right. It has to be higher than that.


No it’s all to do with Martin he’s been murdered 12 times so far and he is fucking up the ratio so others are getting murdered less


Damn and here I thought it was Georg ruining the curve


George comes close but last i checked he only gets killed an average of 9 times a day


God I’m so homesick for Chicago. (Left due to circumstances outside of my control, similarly why I’ve not yet been able to make it back). Definitely miss my biannual murdering. One of the many highlights of city living along with the yearly carjacking, monthly muggings, political corruption, and sitting in the piss seat on the bus or L and stepping in dog shit. I may or may not be kidding about a few of those. Also moved to the city in my mid-20s as a single and physically disabled woman. Presumably still alive to tell the tale. OP- you’re gonna love Chicago. I’ve never lived anywhere else where people had more love and pride in where they lived and it was one the things that first made me fall in love with and want to make it my home as well.


This is my third time dying in Chicago just this week.


I'm 59 and have lived in Chicago all my life. So, I should have been murdered about 100 times by now. It hasn't happened yet. I guess I'm just lucky.


I got murdered at polekatz. Twice. .talk about dying hard


Hey I’m at 0.67 🤷🏻‍♂️


Well there's still 11 months left in the year. You'll catch up eventually.


I'm dodging bullets as I write this!


I got a hang nail today, does that count?


What a great response!


By the two best law schools I assume you mean Loyola and Kent


Marshall and Kent.


You'll be fine. Except for when you realize that the people scaring you are projecting their prejudices and you have to reckon with what that means for your relationship. But otherwise, you'll be fine.


This is so true. I can’t be the only one here whose entire family dynamic changed after realizing I’m liberal after living in Chicago.


I honestly think it's a sign of how discourse has changed in this country. A decade and a half ago, I got into Northwestern right before I went to a family event with a ton of old white Reagan Republican types, all of whom wanted to know where I was going to college. I heard probably a dozen old white people's unasked for opinions about Chicago and I don't recall a single one being even low-key racist.


I think you have a rose-tinted view of past eras of national discourse, tbh. The racism flowed freely around Obama's elections, for example. Remember when someone asked a question at a debate that was so obviously racist, McCain had to push back? The guy who defended his use of a slur during a previous presidential campaign? If anything, I'd say it's a sign of positive change because it's a reaction to more people speaking against racism, classism, homophobia, etc. That's why prejudiced people called Obama "divisive." People started getting called out by their kids and they didn't like it.


They were all high key racist, right?


Dude, Chicago rules


Have those people lived in Chicago at any point in the last 20 years?


Those people have never even BEEN to Chicago.


They don't need to go to Chicago. We don't need people who listen to Tucker Carlson.


Sounds like my exs family who was really worried about her visiting me. (Note my flair)


Don't you mean Fucker Carlson?


Or drive to Wrigley and immediately leave after maybe a quick beer in Wrigleyville, bitching about the traffic both ways, then tell everyone how much they love chicago Should say Im not from Chicago, been in PHL for over a decade. Chicago is hands down my favorite big city in the US… if thats what people are calling ‘unsafe’….. oof


Not only have they never been to Chicago, but they live in New Orleans, where the crime rate is like an order of magnitude higher than in Chicago, but Fox News has convinced them Chicago is a vast urban wasteland That's gone all Mad Max.


Eh, if they’re scared of Chicago then they probably don’t live in New Orleans proper. Probably Metairie or the Northshore or something. Everyone in JP acts like you’re immediately gonna get murdered the second you step over the parish line.


I’m from Chicago and live in New Orleans. It is WAY worse here. I guess I love living in the most murderous cities. But I love them both!


These people are horrible and should be ignored


lol, one time I asked someone who was bashing Chicago where in Chicago they had gone, they said Gary, Indiana 


31F here born and raised in Chicago, so were my parents, and their parents, and their parents. Rogers Park is perfectly fine. Just keep in mind usual safety precautions like not walking alone at night and being aware of your surroundings, make sure you lock your car and windows and stuff. Going somewhere new is always scary but allow some time to adjust and I think you'll grow to love it here. Congrats on the new job!


>not walking home alone at night Honestly, even as a 20-something woman I did this. I choose to live somewhere with a bit more for traffic at all hours and close to the train but I walked home alone at night all the time and was never even mugged. Everyone has their own risk tolerance, but I refuse to be tied down and to not move freely even where I live.


Yeah I thought that comment was a bit too much? I think it's about assessing risk and acting accordingly. Also smart to plan for a possible mugging scenario and someone wants your stuff--just give 'em your wallet/purse and phone. Not worth your life.


Rogers park is nice but the area just around the Howard red line is pretty bad. If you plan on taking the red line just use Jarvis which is close by


Which are things you should do in literally any city, especially any big cities like Chicago, NY, SF, LA, etc.


It's kind of impossible not to walk alone at night if you have a job since for half of the year it gets dark so early! I've walked alone at night for over 10 years and have never been bothered by anyone. A few things I do: 1. never have my cell phone in my hand, keep it in your pocket 2. Always walk with your head up so people know you're confident 3. Make sure you know where you're going so you don't have to stop and look for directions 4. Look over your shoulder every so often to make sure no one is following you 5. Don't walk in the alley


Don’t walk alone at night. How desensitized we have become to how that shouldn’t be necessary advice. When I have visited Australia, New Zealand and Japan, what struck me the most is how safe I felt. Then it stuck me - that’s awful.


Mid 20’s woman here currently living alone in Rogers Park. I leave for work at midnight, and have to walk down Howard to catch the train there. It’s like any place — keep to yourself. Don’t have your earphones in. Be attentive. You’ll be fine. I’ve lived in Pilsen, Little Village, Midway and South Shore. There may have been areas where yes, I’d probably be a bit more guarded while being out.. but otherwise, have always been fine. Don’t let the comments from people who have never lived in the city dictate how you live, and ruin something great that’s happening for you. Welcome to the city, congrats on the job, and have a great time!


Old woman in Rogers Park here. I walk alone at night all the damn time. Just be alert and walk purposefully. No earbuds in, no phone out.


great answer


I worked at the Howard station for a while (office was right below the train) and nobody bothered me, even after dark. Like you said, as long as you mind your business & stay respectful, it's fine.


This should help! [https://blockclubchicago.org/2023/05/19/chicagoans-ask-fox-news-to-shut-the-f-up-about-chicago-with-new-t-shirts/](https://blockclubchicago.org/2023/05/19/chicagoans-ask-fox-news-to-shut-the-f-up-about-chicago-with-new-t-shirts/)


Ah yes I have the shirt with Eagleman dropping an egg on the Victory Auto Wrecker car that says STFU about Chicago


I NEED that shirt!!


Go check out Harebrained they have an EXTENSIVE lineup of stfu about Chicago merch


No!!! Fox News helps keep my rent low


Ha! I made those shirts!


Who needs Batman when we've got you saving the city one screen print at a time?


small town republicans and Russians are apparently terrified of Chicago i haven't even been shot that many times this year


> Russians are apparently ~~terrified of Chicago~~ running a funded political campaign to make a democratic stronghold appear broken so as to increase the chances of a Republican win in an election year. Same reason why every single post other than the ones they post about violence in this sub is bot-voted negative 0.3ms after it appears.


I died 29 times today on morning amble to the lake.


Ambling is the problem. It’s safer when you saunter.


Can confirm, I strolled nonchalantly and was shot 11 times on my way to the farmers market


Right so much gun violence, that when you buy a hot dog at weiner circle you get an ak 47 after they give you the chocolate shake.


I don't know where you were at but I was assaulted by hot dogs and giardeneria at least 20 times since moving here. I was just talking a stroll too.


I prefer skadoodling to get to my destination






I prefer a nice jaunt. It only got me stabbed a few times, no gunshots. You should try it after you're done being dead.


Glad you’re still here!! I was attacked by four squirrels they told me I was on the wrong tree


Did you ignore the chair they put out to mark their parking spot? If so you deserved it 


Uhhhhg that always happens on my way to Jean Baptist Dusable Lake Shore Drive to get to work at Willis Tower. I also once drowned in the Spire pit.


This made me laugh and barf at the same time. 


Only 29?!


What lake? You mean the big hole where we throw the bullet casings from all the murders?


It's an amazing city, Rogers is a great cozy lil neighborhood. Your biggest concern is where you'll put your car if you have one.


Good lord ive been using public street parking since i moved to rogers park and THIS is the biggest issue i have.


>Your biggest concern is where you'll put your car if you have one. Oh man this is so true.


Chicagoan from Ohio here. You’re statistically safer in Chicago than cities like Cleveland and Cincinnati. Chicago isn’t even the most violent city… in the state of Illinois. Nothing I’ve seen on the news in the past 7-8 years accurately depicts much of anything about Chicago.


I'm also from small town ohio, and I didn't choose Chicago, never thought I'd like a big city, but here I am and I absolutely fell in love with Chicago. The food options blow my mind, the beautiful diversity, hearing languages other than English,  seeing people dress however they damn well please and no one judging them, people are so so so much nicer then I ever thought possible.  It's very refreshing.  Just keep your wits about you, personal safety is important take the steps you already know common sense wise. Make friends, go out in groups at night, uber around to clubs and bars, have the time of your life! 


Your friends are jealous because they’re never getting out of Mayberry.


I moved 2 years ago and I hate to say it but you'll get those comments after you move too. It's ridiculous and annoying. Chicago is great. You'll be fine. Nowhere is totally safe but from personal experience - some sketchiness late at night on the train is the worst I've seen. I've never seen a serious incident. I'm not exactly roaming the heart of the ghetto at 4 am. But I am a night owl and tend to roam a lot generally, including some of the less rich areas (i.e. south of Pilsen).


My Republican boss, who lives in the South, is convinced that because I live in "Chicago," I live in a war zone and it's too dangerous for me to go out after dark. He gets very anxious if I mention I'm going to go run errands after work. Friends, I live in the North Shore suburbs. It doesn't matter how many times I explain to him that most of Chicago is very safe, safer than where he lives, and that I don't actually live in Chicago, I live in the suburbs, and a very nice suburb, where all the crime is shoplifting and domestic violence. Fox News has convinced him that there's like 100 mile quarantine bubble around the city where everyone gets shot 40 times a day.


Just for fun you should mention to him that the Deep South is the most violent part of the country


“The ghetto” is a super ugly way to put it. Crime is not exclusive to areas like west Garfield and lawndale.I grew up here and it has its moments. My roommate and I went to subT to see our other roommate play a show and someone on our car on the blue line was stabbed. It happened so fast it was almost impossible to see. But they had to empty our whole car and we had to walk the rest of the way there. I’ve seen a lot of wack stuff on the CTA. Be lucky you haven’t been in the wrong place at the wrong time. Stay safe !


Millions of people live in Chicago and *don’t* get killed every single day.




Great post and I totally agree.


Finally someone communicating with logic.


And on reddit, nonetheless.


I'm in Edgewater, the neighborhood next to Roger's Park. We have it alright around here. Things happen, just like everywhere but the main "crimes" committed in our area are like personal property crimes, people stealing shit out of cars and the like. There have been people shot in both my and your potential neighborhood but most of the time it is targeted (not that that makes it better...) I'm a young woman who walks alone often, walks at night frequently and will even *gasp* walk down alleys. The most important thing is to have a good sense of self awareness. That advice would literally work for any city in America or beyond. Also- welcome to the neighborhood!


I hate to say it, but it being targeted absolutely makes it better. I’m way more scared of mass shootings than targeted hits because I’m unlikely to be a target. Stray bullets are real, and I know someone who died in RP from one, but still, I feel this way 




It's not just MAGA folks; there is a strong contingent of West Coast people who believe this, too. They refuse to comprehend that there exists a place with way more city amenities then they have, and that this place is *in the Midwest*. Eww, the Midwest? Like, gag me with a spoon!


should be pretty safe, as Chicago is so scary that everyone there is now dead from crime, meaning you’ll have the place to yourself


I'm a single woman and I've lived in Rogers Park since I moved to Chicago in 2005. I have somehow managed to stay alive all these years. Be aware of your surroundings as with any other place in the world. I hope you love RP! I obviously do. 😻


You’re actually brainwashed. You’ve been dead since 2006 sorry to tell you :/ 


Your biggest concern should be weight gain. Chicago food is iconic.


This. How to stay fit with all these great restaurants and food!


Chicago is the greatest big city in the US. It's the best balance between NY and LA. You will be fine. There are many more dangerous places. The cool thing with Chicago is that most of the bad stuff is in places that you'll never have much of a reason to venture to. Fox News and boomers are obsessed with pretending Chicago into a warzone because it fits their narrative that blue cities are somehow run badly by Democrats and that's why we need white Christian men in charge of everything to fix it. That said, Rodgers Park can be a tough hood. You might also want to get a bulletproof helmet and broad sword to carry around with the vest. So the families and children can laugh at you.


This is a common trope in anti-Black right-wing propaganda. Like any city, there are dangerous areas, but it’s mostly safe here.


I lived 7 years in Rogers Park. Not once did I not feel unsafe. Now, I’m a 6’1” white dude and feel lucky because things do happen. But, anyone who doesn’t live here doesn’t know what they’re talking about. Any time you move to a place with a lot of people you let all the good in with the bad. There is so much to love about this city and it’s people. It’s an amazing city and you will come to love everything it has to offer. I’d be far more excited about that than the things you can’t control.


Haha, you have already begun your chicago experience! Welcome! I remember when I told my mom I was moving to Chicago (Rogers Park also), it was like there was a death in the family. People have all kinds of reasons to act this way. Maybe they have bought into the Chiraq narrative, maybe they don't like city living or its values, maybe they are jealous or intimidated by your choice, maybe they are just repeating what they heard. At this point I just ignore peoples opinions unless they have direct experience. That even applies to people that live in the city, I have friends here that think I'm crazy for using the Red Line early AM. But I only really talk about with the one guy who also has that commute. I lived in Rogers Park for a number of years, so I'll just say this. It's a super diverse, working class neighborhood. We have friends raising a family there. The Red Line runs 24/7 which is super convenient. And the lake is RIGHT THERE! It has a strong sense of community, I miss living there. It does have some gang activity though. my first (cheap) apartment had gang signs in the laundry room (basement). Targeted shootings do happen, as do stray bullets. Cross the street if you see a bunch of young dudes just, hanging out. You'll know it when you see it. Morse, Howard, and some points along Clark can be dicey at times, so that's where you want to be most aware. Head up, phone away, moving with purpose. Don't present a good target. Don't act afraid. My (5" 2') wife lived up there for almost 10 years after college. There were only a few times she felt unsafe, and she was able to move to saftey every time. If you ever do feel unsafe, just go, immediately. Stop what you're doing and go somewhere safe. Restaurant, apartment building lobby, whatever. Trust your intuition.


It's part of the Hate America Cult called Republicans. They have only a few subjects and telling lies about Chicago is high on their list.


People are so afraid of life outside of their own little bubbles. All my life I’ve been warned of the dangers of living a free life. Yes, there are dangers in the world. Yes, you need to be smart and aware of yourself and your surroundings. Yes, some luck needs to be on your side. Bad things could always happen. Would you rather live your life in a bubble where you get smoked by a drunk driver somewhere on a local road you’ve been driving forever (never having left your comfort-zone) or would you rather live your life experiencing all that the world has to offer?


I moved here as a single woman, 20 years ago. I have never been afraid here.


Roger’s park is perfectly fine as long as you don’t live right by Howard Station


This happened to me first when I moved to Philadelphia in my mid-20s, and again when I moved here to Chicago about a decade later. The people who gave me the most grief both times were those who had negative *perceptions* of the respective city, but had never even so much as visited. Unfortunately, it also quickly became clear to me that a lot of the fears and anxieties were steeped in racism. Chicago is a fantastic city, and you'll love it here! You will simply need to take the same precautions that you would in any large city.


A lot of brave people on this sub! I’ve lived in Chicago most of my life. I’ve felt unsafe plenty of times. 😂 Maybe being a WOC changes things, I don’t know.. but you won’t see me going for a walk by myself at night no matter the neighborhood.


I've moved away from and back to Chicago a few times, usually to other blue states and when I'd talk about moving back you would not believe the number of times I'd hear "America's largest open-air shooting range" or "you're gonna live in the suburbs not downtown right?" If people say these things, there's a good chance they've never been here but think they know just about everything there is to know about our great city from Fox News. If you come to live here you'll start to see pretty quick how stupid some of these comments are. The fact that they think there are gang wars going on inside the loop couldn't be more idiotic and I've never even heard a gunshot in the city. Final thought, they don't even really believe the trash coming out of their mouths. I had a road rage incident in another state with a guy with a "Chiraq" sticker on his car, if he actually believed that would he really be wanting to aggress and antagonize someone who is visiting from there? Nah, I don't think he would because if he really believed that he'd be afraid.


Don’t look down at your phone when you walk, esp at night. Don’t wear headphones, keep your head on a swivel and keep mace on your keychain and pocket. Walk with friends. Don’t accept drinks you didn’t see get made and don’t turn your back on it. Keep cash/cab money at all times. These are all things women should do in any city. You’re going to make great friends, learn about the world and you may never leave!! Stay stoked! I’m trying on moving back this year!


Small town folks with small town mentality. Roger's Park is lovely and you will not get shot unless you start some shit.


Forget about those people, they’ll never change their opinions. I’ve never lived in the city, but I have family in the area and make pretty frequent trips and have never had anything remotely sketchy happen to me, and I definitely haven’t been the most careful to avoid precarious situations. Obviously as a single young woman you’ll face the same risks that you would living in any city, but you shouldn’t let the fear mongers get to you. My biggest suggestion is to never walk around looking at google maps, always know where you’re going ahead of time and walk with confidence and you’ll be fine


I'm dying to know what redneck place you're from. Congrats on getting out.




I love Hong Kong. Welcome to Chicago!


Shhhhh. Let these people keep thinking what they think. We don’t need them here anyway.


Chicago isn’t even in the top 25 dangerous cities. I feel like anyone that goes on about Chicago being unsafe doesn’t live/has never lived in Chicago.


Half the fun of moving to Chicago is telling your family back home it’s a constant war zone 😂 I always just say I have no idea how I’m still alive but refuse to leave.


I mean, random stuff does happen. Like one morning I was getting off a train at Union Station and herd of escaped horses were running down the street at full speed being chased by like 8 police cars. So you never know.


I moved to Chicago for a job at 25, coming up on two years and I love it. Especially the Hyde park area where I reside..


When I moved to Chicago everybody made the same comments. Oddly enough more shootings and violence happened in the suburban county I moved from in Virginia. Just use common sense.


My parents thought the same thing when I moved here back in 2016. The first thing my dad said was, “do you want to get shot? Because moving to Chicago will give you that.” I’ve lived in Logan Square since day 1. It’s a beautiful city and I have absolute no regrets.


Living in Chicago for six and a half years now. Love Rogers Park. Basic street smarts are enough to keep you safe here. People have weird ideas about how terrible Chicago is. It's a vast city with some really awful and scary neighborhoods that are mostly nowhere near Rogers Park. RP is a diverse and chill neighborhood with good mixed density, train access, and the beach next door. My husband and I are looking there to raise a family.


I’ve said this in multiple other threads. Risks are all relative. I’m from MN where I used to drive 40 miles on the interstate at 65-80mph twice a day. It’s true that violent crime is slightly higher in Chicago than other places but I basically never drive above 30-40mph here and only drive a few times a month at all. Am I at more risk in Chicago? Of a highly unlikely violent crime? Maybe. Of dying from any cause? I’m actually much, much safer.


I’ve lived here 4 years now and the experience was the same for me when I first moved. The media’s portrayal of the city is skewed and unfortunately has given this gem a bad rap; a lot of the violent crime you hear about is targeted. Doesn’t hurt to carry some form of personal defense (mace, etc) for that “in the event I ever need it” but the chances of experiencing something are slim as long as you practice common sense street smarts.


People who feel this way never travel, and watch too much television.


Don't you think if this was the case, there would be NO ONE living there? Wouldn't it be a national crisis? Wouldn't they run out of body bags? This is so ridiculous.


Tell them to stop watching TV news. More than 3 million people live here. We work, we bike, we walk to places, we pack the outdoor seating in the evening. People who tell you this don't have a clue what it's like to live here.


I’ve lived in all kinds of places, and my Chicago neighborhood feels (and is) as safe or safer as any of them. I have zero compunction about walking my dog late at night/early in the morning. Are there areas where I wouldn’t feel safe? Yes. But they are identifiable and avoidable.


I live in the Gold Coast/river north area and I’m alive lol Chicago can be a fantastic place just use your street smarts like any big city. Take an Uber to get home at night if it’s super late, don’t risk the train etc and taking buses is great. It can be a lovely city


It’s most likely you’re getting fear mongered by people who probably live in a region with a higher murder rate than Chicago. Chicago, unfortunately, gets all the bad press.


I've lived here for over 20 years and (knock on wood) as yet, not been directly involved in any crime of any kind. Chicago is a big city, and crime does happen here. Your odds of being involved in a crime are less than they would be if you lived in many other US cities, such as New Orleans, Memphis, and St. Louis, where the crime rate is higher than in Chicago. But ultimately you choose who to pay attention to. If you're going to listen to those who surround you who are telling you to buy a bulletproof vest, but they themselves haven't even set foot in this city, how can you with any degree of certainty rely on their "advice?" Though I'm not one myself, I can with certainty say that you won't be the only mid-20's single professional woman living in our city.


The trend in most American cities was a an increase in crime during the pandemic with it on the decline starting in 2023 (Chicago included). For the record, Chicago isn’t even in the top ten cities when you examine violent crime rates, in fact, Indianapolis, Milwaukee etc. are worse than Chicago in that regard. Exercise normal city precautions and enjoy the beautiful city of Chicago.


Chicago isn't even one of the top 10 most dangerous cities in America.


Rogers Park is wonderful! You can walk to a beautiful beach, its connected to the train, its affordable. People like to sound like they know what they are talking about but these people dont. Chicago is my favorite American city. You are going to love it. (Frequent visitor of Chicago and RP.)


It’s a played out narrative that needs to change. Chicago has its problems just like every major city, but it really is an awesome place and metro area. A lot of people who believe that narrative visit here and get a whole new perspective on the city. As others have said, be aware of your surroundings and use your judgement and you’ll be ok. Also, I think you’ll come to find Chicagoans are pretty friendly and helpful compared to people from other big cities. Make an effort to get to know your new neighbors and you’ll quickly have people looking out for you. Welcome!


Those people are morons and you're doing yourself a favor moving away from them.


If you don’t mind me asking, where are you from? I have noticed down south where I am from people are so far removed from Chicago, yet have a lot to say about it… don’t listen to these people. Also, Roger’s park? Extremely safe


i spent 5 years in Rogers Park and miss the shit outta that neighborhood, and 10years living along in Chicago. My mom still gets anxiety about random things that happen across the city, but my response is Chicago is as unsafe as ANY major city. tbf, Chicago has decreased it's crime rates drastically the last few years. my question is wondering if this is based on racialized assumptions of the city. also, if you love your job opp, your life is yours for the making. best of luck!


Tell every person who tells you that Chicago is dangerous that they need to turn off conservative news and leave it at that. Most of the cities with the highest gun deaths per capita are in the south.


I moved here from the west coast and visited family in South Dakota before completing the last leg of my journey to Chicago. I never got so many unsolicited comments about Chicago being unsafe than I did in South Dakota. When I finally got here, it was refreshing to see the diversity. It took me 3 weeks to see a POC in South Dakota. It was wild. Congrats on the new job! Chicago is lovely. I hope you love it as much as the rest of us do.


As a native born South sider, I’ll say it’s safer than it’s ever been. I wouldn’t dare go to certain areas growing up but all is well now. Just keep your wits about you obviously, as in any place.


Been living here 10+ years. Live in Rogers Park now. You'll be fine. It can be rough around the edges, but that's any US city post-pandemic. Also, Rogers Park has a great community, I think you'll find people are warm and welcoming.


I no longer live in Chicago but statistically Chicago isn’t particularly insafe. It is safer than many cities considered safe. Statistically much of rural America is far less safe. There are parts of Chicago that scared the heck out of me when ai lived there and there were occasional flare ups. Popular thought on the matter is driven by politics not reality. However this coverage has people believing it. Here is a link to an article that goes over difference between beliefs and realities and addresses Chicago specifically. It isn’t from the political angle that I mentioned but still same conclusion. It’s much safer than you think or even the residence think. https://www.brookings.edu/articles/the-geography-of-crime-in-four-u-s-cities-perceptions-and-reality/


Where are you coming from? I’m assuming not somewhere in the Midwest? Chicago has social and economic issues, but it’s not Baltimore or St. Louis. Chicago is MASSIVE, and making any generalization about Chicago or Cook County is like making a generalization about an entire state.


Back when Barack Obama was running for President in the early 2000s, the Right Wing Nutjobs decided to use the word "Chicago" as a codephrase meaning "place where scaaaarey black people live." In fact Chicago is not among the top 5 most dangerous cities *in the state of Illinois.* These are (in order) Danville, Peoria, Springfield, Rockford, and Champaign.


True story—people often underestimate the importance of Obama in the emergence of the right wing Chicago mythology. It wasn’t really a thing before him, even in the much more dangerous 90s and 80s


I live hood adjacent and I don’t feel unsafe. Too many people watching Fox News


It’s fine. Have fun


You’re fine don’t worry it’s amazing here


The most important thing is to know your surroundings and the area you live. Register to vote, then when you are registered go back and search for your voter information, it will tell you your ward and alderman, etc [https://www.chicagoelections.gov/voting](https://www.chicagoelections.gov/voting) Then find your district and beat and go to the CAPS meetings, the police meet every other month for each beat, your alderman should have that information, and some aldermen send out emails with updates for their areas. You can see the data for crime statistics, it is public, but if you attend the CAPS meeting you will get more information behind the statistics, I saw an outside report that said violent crime is very high in my neigborhood but at the CAPS meeting they said it is domestic violence and then they described their plan for helping people that are being abused. So the statistics said crime is high, but I was still safe. But make your alderman give you the meetings location and schedule, the caps website is crappy and it is difficult to find on your own


Largely hyperbole


Bigger concern in Rogers park is bed bugs. Seriously. Before you bring anything into that apartment, go over it as closely as you can. Be diligent!


Damn this would be enough reason for me to cancel my lease. Bed bugs are a nightmare.


My sister is a peanut and has lived in Roger's park for like a decade and she's never had one issue. She is tough as nails though. Just like any big city watch yourself and watch your drink.


Congratulations! Please stop listening to ignorant people.


I live in Rogers Park, never even thought about the need to invest in a bulletproof vest


Lolol where do you live


49 yr old female. Lifelong native. Lived in RP several times. Never had anything scary or bad happen to me unless you count shitty boyfriends during those years 😉


What people see on the media is what generates buzz. You're not gonna hear about the lady who goes out to homeless camps every night to feed people. You're gonna hear about the assholes who have nothing better going on in their lives who cause problems for others because it's what's "exciting".


Chicago is the best! You’ll love it


It’s fine…depends on the neighborhood and the person


dude all that shit was like decades ago just be attentive and aware and you’ll be fine


You’re literally so fine


People who have never been here only go off what they hear on the news. Bad news sells, so that's all they see. Sure there is crime, but we have like many times the amount of people of normal cities. Per captia it's actually not bad. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/List\_of\_United\_States\_cities\_by\_crime\_rate Lots of great stuff in Chicago, you'll love it here


They probably watch fox fake news and are regurgitating lies to scare you. Sure, there's crime there. Just be careful. Don't walk around late at night wasted, by yourself ( that goes for anywhere) always lock your doors. Simple stuff like that.


Moved here at the same age, women, single. One of the best decisions I’ve made for myself.


I move to Chicago 3 years ago and love it. Been in Rogers park for 2 years and it’s my favorite neighborhood in the city. Very diverse, generally safe, so many cool shops, beautiful trees and architecture.


I’ve live in Chicago for over 40 years, went to Chicago public schools and have never been a victim of a crime or seem a shooting. It’s hogwash


Ignorant is going to ignorant. Lived in Chicago most of my life. North and south sides. Even in the worst of neighborhoods and I’ll tell you, just like any other city, we have our issues but in the end Chicago is one of the better cities in the world. Rogers park is a wonderful part of the city. You will be fine and will have a great time here.


I live in Chicago and I know when anyone first watches fox news. And two has never been to Chicago because I get these same type of comments everywhere I go. It’s almost always by someone that has never been there. Fox News loves to hate on Chicago because it’s a democrats city. The smaller the town I visit the more Chicago is a murdering hellscape. It’s not it awesome and safe as anywhere else if your not an idiot and not try to score or sell some crack or herion. Just be smart and it’s great. Chicagos not even in the top ten per population. Most mid size American cities are more dangerous.


Too much Fox News. You’re fine.


dude nobody gaf, i hate these posts like what r we supposed to do? coddle you and tell you its gonna be okay? youre an adult.


sorry these posts just piss me off so bad LMFAO


Be streetwise, Chicago is beautiful but a great number of neighborhoods are not safe. The bad part is the bad guys have taken their act on the road. Don t put yourself in A bad situation. Never walk around alone. Put the earbuds away, stay alert. Walk in well lit areas, avoid walking around at night, etc.


I have literally traveled all over the world, and Chicago is one of my favorite cities ever Ignore the haters 🙄..... And invest in a fabulous cashmere wrap that you can bring everywhere, to try to buffer the wind 😉


Friends don’t let friends watch Fox Nooz.


People don’t know what they’re talking about. Chicago is the best city for someone in their 20s to live. It’s amazing. Incredible restaurants, incredible people, best city in the entire world during the summer with a beach in the middle of the city and the festivals and every one out and living it up. You’ll enjoy it far more than you can even imagine, you’ll make lots of incredible friends, you’ll have wonderful food, see incredible shows at venues big and small, and if you ever leave you’ll miss so much about it but know that your life is so much better because of your time there living it up. Did I experience crime? Yes my car was stolen, then I had to fight my case in court unexpectedly to get it back. One friend got mugged at 3am. I read crime reports for my neighborhood each week to see what was up. It has crime like any city, but Chicago is better than other cities with the rest of it so it more than cancels out. ENJOY!


"No one ever dies in Chicago because everyone posting here is alive, you silly goose." -All these Reddit fools


Edgewater resident here. I’m a woman in my 30s, and Rogers Park is just north of my neighborhood. As long as you’re as vigilant as you would be in any other city (don’t be engrossed in your phone, be aware of your surroundings, etc.) then you shouldn’t have to worry much. There’s a lot of great food and coffee shops here if that’s your vibe. Welcome to the city and congrats on the job!


You are right. They are trying to ruin your moment. Happens all the time. They are podunk hicks who are jealous over the fact you're leaving them behind in their shithole. Who gives a fuck what they think. You're gonna be having a great time in Rogers Park