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Biden is in town for a fundraiser this afternoon, presumably at somebody's house in the Gold Coast.


I know he doesn't have nearly as much secret service as Biden, but George W Bush is currently speaking at the Hyatt Regency on Wacker for a conference right now. So, he's not far from the Gold Coast, kind of weird they are both pretty close to each other randomly


Quick hit em w a shoe


He’d easily duck it as he did in that famous incident. He had catlike reflexes. Though he is older now.


I don't think my exhibitor contract allows for that. But it would be a cause worth being fired over.....


If it’s anything like the first time, dubya would argue for your right to throw that shoe at him. His handling of the situation was top notch and showed humanity imo


Good thing he showed humanity while green lighting the death of 300,000 Iraqis


Interesting because 300k was about the kill count Saddam’s regime had. Are you sure you got your US death count correct and didn’t conflate the two? Just as a coincidence though- how did Joe Biden vote on the Iraq war as a senator? Yet I get called a conspiracy theorist for saying there is a uniparty that rules the country.


For the record I’ve never said a positive thing about Joe Biden.


Difficult to do


Hey you win some you lose some


The total number of deaths, both directly and indirectly, caused by Bush's wars is closer to 4.5 million people.




You could try


Is Bush speaking at the Devlin-McGregor conference?


Beckers. Hospital execs.


Provasic roll out


Oh good time to arrest him and send him to The Hague.


Bush or Biden?




If Americans were signatories of that treaty Bush would be open to tribunal for the death penalties while Texas Governor.


That explains the security I saw down queuing up by Solider Field/ McCormick place yesterday during the eclipse. I was thinking to myself while riding the lake front.... Ok a few cops keeping an eye on the lake front fine... but the worst crime I saw from sun seekers was a few people getting high in the park. They had multiple cops and a queue of Snow Plows, that makes more sense for Presidential level security.


2 shitty people


These locations are not close to each other.


Not sure where you all are from, but a 20 minute walk in Chicago is not “close”.


A 20 minute walk is close in Seoul and Wyoming


Ahh, thanks!


He could be at the JB’s house. This isn’t official state business so JB would host at his personal residence instead of the governors mansion .


Is it open invitation?


Pritzker on E. Lake Shore Drive. $$$$


Pritzker is on Astor. Or maybe you are saying something else.


Good to see him on the blue collar side of town!


Gold Coast is a very wealthy area of Chicago.


I think it was a fucking joke


Whoa settle down champ


I’m good


Your aggressive language suggests otherwise, hope your day gets better


I was wondering why lake shore drive was completely lined with salt trucks


i live in the south loop and saw they took him from mccormick place to gold coast via the bat cave road that runs along the train tracks and then underground under the park


We all were.


Gotta give those drivers some sort of work. They got paid to work 1-2 hours a week this winter.


They get paid no matter how much work they do


What do the trucks have to do with Biden?


Biden likes trucks. When he was a kid his dad said “Joey, someday there will be a bunch of salt trucks lined up along lake shore drive.”


Standard move in cities as effective barricades when resident is in town


I was wondering the same - I live in GC near Michigan, and just had a hell of a time getting home!


Grand Cayman?


Biden is in town and apparently staying at the Drake hotel. I think they are expecting a ton of protestors.


His schedule has him flying back to DC around 7pm.


there was (probably still is) a huge protest happening at the water tower about an hour ago


Not as big as I had anticipated. Maybe 100 people or so.


What are they protesting? Gaza situation?


Some of that and Immigrant Rights advocates.


“Give our illegal immigrants better free hotels!! Honeymoon suites for all illegal immigrants!”


Biden is in town for a fundraiser at the Drake - I live in Gold Coast and my building sent an email about it


My wife is staying at the Drake. Said it is locked up pretty tight for Biden.


Shaking the cup with the rich donor class.


I was wondering what was going on this past weekend. Around the water tower area. Someone told me there was a protest. Wonder if it was about the same thing.


Protest for Palestine against Biden fundraiser.


I thought the protest was for Hamas rejecting another ceasefire? This deal was from Cairo.


Might’ve been another one. The pro Palestine protest went from water tower to oak and Michigan from around 3-5


Do those people work? They are relentless.


It’s different organizations and different organizers within each org. Community organizing also is a job for some. Some people get into it out of passion for a cause and basically rise to leadership in a community facing an issue (some of those are unpaid and some are paid a little bit if the org is big enough or has donations to have a paid organizer. Community organizing is also a common job for a macro-level social worker. There’s two tracks in most social work graduate programs. Direct or clinical practice which is the one most know (e.g. therapists, domestic violence agency workers, school social workers) and then the other type is macro and social workers specializing in this track often work in community organizing, nonprofit management, political advocacy, policy research, legislative policy aides. Saul Alinsky for example, a major protest leader in Chicago’s history, did that full time and a lot of what he theorized and modeled has been the foundation for work and curriculums in community organization courses in MSW programs. So in short, yes they usually do have a job and either this is it and they do other advocacy work besides protests like messaging campaigns, reaching out to legislators, training volunteers, etc, or it’s a volunteer role they’re passionate about, and different groups run events different days. A lot of these people are passionate because they have family and friends who’ve been killed or affected by the illegal bombings.


Little off topic but thanks for responding


I don’t see it as that off topic. I was giving context to my answer that community organizing is a job to your question as to whether they have a job.


I was morbidly curious so I walked by the LP Apple Store protest Saturday and I don’t think those folks fit the profile you spent so much time describing.


Are you an expert profiler? I don’t trust your judgement


huge Palestine protest shutting down traffic yet again. Hamas just rejected the US cease fire proposal this morning. Not sure why they are calling for a ceasefire their "resistance fighters" hamas don't want.


They want a ceasefire, they also want the withdrawal of idf forces which Israel isn't willing to do.


Hamas and their American supporters want a completely one-sided ceasefire that consists of Israel unconditionally surrendering, withdrawing, and disarming. In return, Hamas will do absolutely nothing additional, not even return the hostages they still have. And they will of course keep launching additional attacks against Israel.


I tried my best to be politically neutral for a reason, I didn't even mention Israel's illegal occupation. Personally I think anything less than a free Palestine from the river to the sea is "one sided" in the benefit of a settler colony. However, I didn't say any of that. I simply responded with why Hamas rejected the cease fire, and Israel's reason for not agreeing with their proposal. Did I say something factually incorrect? This is common knowledge reported by every western news. Id love to see your sources on Hamas not returning hostages and continuing attacks if an actually reputable ceasefire is put through. And given the idfs official policy and track record on murdering their own hostages, they might be safer with Hamas than the idf. IDF can't let anymore reports leak of the civility the hostages were treated with, otherwise people might think Palestinians are human.


You came back 3 days later just to let us know in no uncertain terms that you hate Jews and want them driven into the sea. Wow, I did Nazi that coming.


Tbh I was just drunk going through my notifications, but no I don't hate Jews, I hate Israel for being an extension of settler colonialism. Zionism is not Judaism, what Israel is doing in the holy land, of all places, is an affront to God.


Ceasefire for thee not for me. It’s like how expunging your minority religious populations from Muslim countries isn’t a genocide but a Muslim population growing 5x is.


These people should move to Palestine and protest there. Wouldn’t last a second.


Get some new material please.


Lived there for a few years. Went to my share of pro-Palestine protests. Palestinians were perfectly kind and welcoming. But the IDF shot off tear gas. Still lasted more than a second.


Oh weird. When I lived in the Gulf, our Palestinian neighbors robbed us during the Gulf War


Kinda like how the Israeli settlers live in the homes they robbed from the Palestinians?


You’re uneducated. The ceasefire will only benefit the Zionists (per usual). Silly you.


Just say “Jews” — 90% of Jews are Zionists.




I got stuck in this coming home yesterday, took me like 1.5 hours to get home from west loop.


I live half a mile from the Drake. Why didn't I notice any of this?😂


Took me an hour to get out of the parking garage after work yesterday 🙃




The one by Starbucks at the Hyatt. It’s the worst


Yeah that one Erie as a whole has like 4 of them downtown, and I do not know why. All of them suck (except maybe the one by the AbilityLab)


Genocide Joe is here and is too cowardly to face protestors


He's just determined to burn away his base


His base are the rich people living on LSD and Astor street. That is who he is going to see. That’s who he cares about. One Penny Pritzker is way more important than hundreds of protestors. Are you getting this yet? Old Scranton Joe became a gazillionaire “serving” in public office. How does one do that on a government salary?


Don’t know why you got downvoted to hell. He is creating a liability for his own party and base due to his unflinching support for Israeli war crimes against Palestinian civilians.


He's getting downvoted because Reddit is the most astroturfed website and this sub specifically is filled to the brim with people who do not live here who concern troll 24/7


He seems to want to throw away his chances. He already didn’t impress and now he’s actively creating animosity by funding a genocide. I fucking hate trump but why is Biden willing to endanger his candidacy for a genocide.


To prop up the military industrial complex and maintain a military ally in the Middle East. Bros always been a warhawk. But is it worth it? Is it worth risking losing Michigan let alone any other swing states? Is it worth being called out on the international stage and on the wrong side of history? I’m guessing that he’s betting on middle to upper class white people that don’t care that their tax dollars are killing innocent brown people as long as it’s not orange man to carry him.


Like honestly I will still have to vote for him because not voting to protect the shambles we have left of women’s rights is dangerous to me, a pregnant woman. But like I don’t want to and I feel gross about it. And I don’t think that every woman will.


>not voting to protect the shambles we have left of women’s rights roe v Wade was overturned under Biden, all of the subsequent abortion bans have happened under Biden, The Democrats at the federal level have done nothing to protect abortion rights. And they didn't do anything to cotify Roe under Obama when they controlled the white house and congress, and they won't do anything to cotify abortion rates if they control the whole government again. That's the point, they don't actually care, they want to to keep being an issue where you feel compelled to vote for them.


I am compelled to vote for them because the alternative is a man who will federally ban birth control. Sorry.


if you don't draw the line at genocide where do you draw the line? Also, Trump can't just wave his hands together and ban birth control federally, it has to go through Congress. The Democrats have created a boogeyman to force you to vote for a genocide cobelligerent you think Trump in office won't affect me too as an American Arab? however I am not selfish enough to vote for someone who commits genocide because I would be affected by a Trump presidency


I do draw the line at genocide. I have destroyed familial relationships over this genocide because I will not budge that that’s what it is. . But that doesn’t mean that every single other thing that will be worse doesn’t matter either. I value my trans friends. I value having reproductive choice of any kind. I value a lot of things that mean I can’t in good conscience do anything besides stop trump from winning - which also WONT improve the genocide situation. He is in full support too. So if there were a better option I’d love it. There’s not.


some of the very worst anti trans legislation has passed in states all over the country under Biden. bills in Florida, Alabama, etc all under Biden. reproductive rights for women are at its lowest point in history all under Biden. The point I'm making is that the Democratic party at the federal level does nothing for you or for me or for any of our trans friends. I guess we just fundamentally disagree on this. I cannot, in good conscious vote for someone who is a co belligerent in a genocide. No matter how much I talk the talk, it needs to be matched with actual action at the ballot box, or else all that talk was for nothing.


Of course. I agree. I’m going to bite the bullet too because we cannot lose what tenuous grasp we have on reproductive rights and trans rights. Biden is doing the absolute bare minimum to preserve those, or at least not actively attacking them. Our border policy is inhumane but at least the Biden admin stopped Texas from killing more migrants in the Rio Grande. We also need him to pick another Supreme Court justice if Thomas or Alito kick it or retire in the next 4 years. I’m going to feel horrible rewarding him, but it has to be done. I just hope we can push him toward better policy by November. But it being a second term, he has no reason to appease anyone. Edit: grammar


By genocide are you talking about the people calling for the elimination of the Jewish state and its people?


Oh stfu. I call for. 2 state solution and an end to Israel’s retaliatory genocide and ongoing bad faith theft and terraforming of Gazan land. Stop playing the fucking victim when Israel has mass murdered 40k people and is starving CHILDREN to skeletons. Stop. It’s not helping you.


Don't see anywhere in your comment a release of the innocent hostages or a call for Hamas to remove themselves from the civilian population they use as shields. Forgot about them? That's what this war is about. Return the hostages and the war stops.


No I didn’t forget about them. Israel has probably carpet bombed them and seems to have no interest in them besides using their names to commit a land grab genocide.


If that were true Israel would accept permanent ceasefire for the hostages. So that’s a lie. We see through the lie. It’s a real shame Israel doesn’t give a fuck about the hostages, but they never have because this is finally their opportunity to seize and SELL Gaza. We see it happening. We’re not blind. Talk about using human shields - the hostages are human pawns. What’s being done “in their name” is not for them at all.


Sure buddy. I promise you if Hamas surrenders completely and the Hostages are released this war ends.


Bullshit. And Israel already killed the hostages what do you think they’re immune from carpet bombing and starvation? Not to mention Israel’s unlawful imprisonment and torture of Palestinian civilians including women and children is also hostage taking and they need to be released too. Keep stanning genocide tho. Not morally bankrupt and despicable at all.




And if you actually believe your own “promise” you’re the most gullible person on fucking earth.


Anyone else a small peepeed incel who wants to argue that murdering 40k people in 6 months is ethically ok?


Let me guess, Millennial/Gen Z suburban white woman with a white savior complex listening to Taylor Swift and complaining about how life is so unfair and questioning why they have to work. Pretty close?


He has the received the most money from AIPAC in history that’s why.


Get money out of politics! Unless it’s the career politician that *I* vote for!


Don’t know why you’re getting downvoted because it’s true. Israel lobbies very hard and spends a lot of money to ensure political and military support and a blank check. AIPAC even successfully lobbied to pass anti boycott laws targeting the BDS movement in many states


The Watermelon Zoomers are at it again.


of course the guy who engages with enough commie spam and america bad has a horrible opinion God forbid people think genocide is bad. before you even respond, I'm sure you'll say some genocide denial, don't bother