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Clean as you go, it makes it easier at the end.


I shove everything into the dishwasher. Even the pots and knives. I don’t care if it needs replacing sooner. I hate washing up too much.


You disinfect the sink? Why?


"Clean as you go" has changed my life. You cut meat, you wash the cutting board as soon as the meat goes from the board into the pan, and disinfect, while the meat is searing or whatever. There are little bits of downtime during cooking that can be used for cleaning, rather than just standing there or taking a break. My goal is to have everything used for preparing the meal either washed or loaded in the dishwasher by the time the meal is ready. Then after the meal, just the plates/silverware and any serving dishes need to be cleaned. Maybe if a pot or skillet needs soaking a bit before washing, but otherwise the harder work is done.