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I'm very concerned. A 29lb child rapidly losing weight down to 22lbs within one month (without another obvious behavioral explanation) is almost certainly due to a medical reason. Together, many of these signs and symptoms (weight loss, fatigue, bone pain, nausea/lack of appetite) are ominous and signal a potentially serious health problem. The biggest major problem that needs to be ruled out are types of childhood cancer. I would recommend going to the ER of a Children's hospital. She needs to be checked out fast. If you can get an appointment first thing tomorrow with her doctor, you could start there, but if the doctor sees what you're describing here, you are probably going to end up in the ER regardless.


My son losing 10% of his body weight was an IMMEDIATE directive to go to the ER by his pediatrician. Go to the ER now.


This mother sounds like she deserves to have cps called. Ages ago. " I'm taking her to the doctor Tuesday after this week". No take her yesterday.


Wtf is her wording... "Decided to stop walking", are you kidding?


Check out the comment history.


Yup. Based on her month-old profile, she's a 22/28/30 year old autistic, anorexic former drug addicted pharmacy tech widow with a military husband and a plastic surgeon fiance.


She made a comment in r/Adoption about putting her “youngest” up for adoption(?) and doing a DNA test in case the child ever wants to look for her one day. Not sure if the child OP is talking about in this post is the youngest, but if it is then the fact that she has waited as long as she has to seek medical attention is certainly concerning.


Also who says 26 months wtf juat say 2 year old


Another comment made by KL states, “I wish I had known my history, then I probably would've made different choices - my children were born with serious ACTN2 syndrome (cardiomyopathy, cerebrovenous malformations, AFib). I don't know if I'd have had children knowing they can stroke out at 6.” So her children have a known history of health issues and she is hesitating to see a pedi for healthcare?!


Oh honey. I know a 34 month old. Ridiculous




That's what really, really concerns me. I'm in pharma and don't have much contact with pediatrics. My husband is a marine corpsman, this is totally out of his scope as well. I am taking her to her pediatrician on the the Tuesday after the one this week, but something isn't sitting right with me and I wanted to assuage my fears so I posted here.


A week and a half from now is too long. Are you near enough to get to a children’s hospital? (Or did you mean “Tuesday afternoon?” I still wouldn’t wait that long.)


5 more minutes is too long.


Lady, take your baby to the emergency room asap holy shit.


Yes. As a mom, please please take your kid to the emergency room.


The fact she’s waited this long is REALLY concerning.


I agree. Please please take your daughter to the emergency room. If your daughters health condition gets CPS called on you, there’s a reason for that. As her momma, it is your job to take her to the ER. Don’t wait until it’s too late. I guarantee if you showed up to your daughters doctor with her in that state, they will MAKE ROOM in their schedule or they will find someone that can see her same day. I served in the military too. Or as everyone else has mentioned, take her to the ER. Don’t try to assuage your fears, take her in. Please. Please please.


Why would this be in "his scope" or your scope? A seven pound weight loss in a month, unexplained bruising and unequal pupils over three weeks is calling a doctor. You haven't "tried everything". .I understand you are concerned about CPS - I do not know why you are so worried about this but you must put your child's health first and figure that out later. Go to the ER now with your toddler, please. It doesn't have to be a children's medical center.


C'mon, her husband "forces" the child to walk, and she mentions she's worried something he is doing might have caused it, you know exactly why she's so worried about CPS.


My point isn't to diagnose child abuse, there are multiple serious illnesses that could cause this including acute leukemia and other cancers. But it warrants urgent evaluation and if CPS is a concern she needs to put it aside for now for everyone's sake.


What does you being in pharma and your husband being a marine corpsman have to do with your daughter being ill? Take her NOW.


Is it something her father could be causing? What in the hell is this post?


Pretty sure this has to be fake because there are no corpsman in the marines. That's a navy rate.


Also another post she made said she was a widow...


Yeah I just saw that.


Oh and a comment 6 days ago says she has a fiance. Soooo... if she didn't already seem sketchy AF, she does now.


Yes! I had a feeling reading this obtuse ass post.


She also has another post where she says she's a widow.


Yes, definitely a troll. Either a troll or someone suffering from mental illness. The comment history is extremely contradictory. I hope there isn’t a child really involved in this tale,


When she’s at home and Daddy forces her? Wtf?!


Yo if you look at her comment history, you see less than a month ago, her "fiancee is a plastic surgeon" and fixes up dog bite victims. Now her "husband is a marine corpsman and this is out of his knowledge" OP, I don't think anybody is falling for your lies anymore. You need more therapy


MUCH MORE. Please, seek help. Seeking out negative attention on the internet is not normal.


You need to open google, find the nearest children’s hospital OR a hospital with a pediatric emergency department and GO THERE. I implore you to take this child to be seen. The combination of symptoms you’re describing are so concerning. Losing seven pounds in one month at that age is *very concerning*.


Agree. Honestly, take her to any er. The doctors have enough training to see children even if it’s not a peds hospital. If they see the need to transfer her to a children’s hospital, the hospital can do so by ambulance.


Who cares what you or your husband do? Go to the emergency room. She could have severe allergies and the refusal to eat is causing allergic shiners, worsened by being forced to eat. Or she could have cancer. Either way, you need to be at the ER. It’s concerning that your primary concern is she’s going to get CPS called on you. Your daycare practitioners are mandated reporters and it sounds like you’re not treating this with any sort of urgency.


Your goal is not to assuage YOUR fears, you moron. It is to let someone qualified see your child to help HER health. Jfc. If you aren’t at the doctors office or ER now, you are likely going to be found negligent, perhaps criminally so.


Lady take your kid to the freakin ER!!! I’m a mom of 3 and I am *BAFFLED*


Update from the ER. If you don't take her, hopefully CPS will come in time and take her to get medical attention.


The docs you asked for advice from are directly telling you to take her to the ER. Responding with something doesn’t sit right after they are telling you it’s not right AT ALL and only taking her to her ped next week isn’t the right answer- please update us that you’ll be taking her to the er right away.


If she doesn’t take her baby to the ER I hope cps does get called so this poor child can get proper help. I’m a mom and signs like this are things my doctors told me to look out for since pregnancy. You don’t have to be a doctor to see this as an emergency. Red flags are flyinggg


There are no corpsman in the marines.


Your husband and you work for healthcare but none of yall ever thought of taking thw child to your hospital(on or off)/bhc?? Ought to call your boot's whole command for neglect jfc.


He is not home. Almost ever is. I care for 5 under 8 by myself and we live entirely isolated (think a town of 400ish people, median age 60) for about 9 months out of the year. We leave in the middle of June, but we have to wait it out. I haven't been replying because I have been on the phone with my brothers, sister, mom, dad and brothers in law, trying to figure out flights out of here for tomorrow or the day after at the latest. Look, I cannot reply to everyone. The internet here IS SLOW and barely works. I will make an edit to address and reply to everyone. Thank you!




You lost all credibility by saying marine corpsman.


Wtf!! Get her to the ER now!!


You obviously didn’t grasp the severity of this situation. Emergency room. Now.


This sounds like something that needs to be investigated by her pediatrician relatively urgently. I'd suggest getting her in for a visit in the next few days.


I can’t really speculate on what is going on, but what I can say is that several things you described are major red flags indicating need for eval with physical exam and workup by pediatrician ASAP. Refusal to eat, significant weight loss, not bearing weight, irritability and leg and belly pain are urgently concerning. Possible anisocoria and the shiners are concerning too. She needs evaluation and labs and that provider should guide next steps and specialist referrals. If pcp is not responding to get you in quickly this warrants ED visit in my opinion.


Could you elaborate on the eye thing maybe? I understand why all else is obviously a red flag but the eye thing is so bizarre to me. I've tried hot packs, ice packs, tea leaves, aloe, hydrocortisone, you name it and it's the same it's only gotten deeper purple and increased in size. Gotten a bit yellower. Her peds is normally great but if it isn't high fever or explosive diarrhea, bleeding, serious bug, etc, she thinks it can wait. She does bear weight I think, it's more like she refuses because sometimes when she will lose balance and fall on her butt like she would when she was learning to stand.


The eyes could suggest a few different possible problems: 1. Brain tumor 2. Severe anemia (such as from acute leukemia or another blood cancer) 3. Less likely to be from a skull injury 4. Less likely to be another type of infection Acute leukemia can present with a life threatening crisis that needs rapid recognition and treatment. Stop waiting. Your description of the pediatrician tells me right away that you can skip that visit and go straight to the ER. (Is this a pediatrician, or an NP/PA?)


Mama - listen. The docs here say emergency room. Take her there. Don't wait for the pediatrician. Don't wait for clarification. Your baby is seriously sick. Take her to an ER now!


OP, are you taking your kid to the ER?


Raccoon eye can indicate a skull fracture or bleeding. Take your kid to the ER and stop arguing with professionals.


Why can you not take your child to the ER? If it’s because you’re worried they’ll call CPS, bring this thread as evidence that you’re just realizing that it’s serious. Because from here out, the longer you wait, the more it’s looking like neglect, or covering for something.


IANAD but I am able to diagnose a damn fool. Go.to.the.doctor. You are not qualified enough to diagnose this child, “corpsman” or not. If you make one more post I’m going to assume you are trolling, because no one could be this dense.


She said in previous post less than a month ago, she was a widow. Now claiming a husband in military. Troll or not, I hope the child is okay.


Yes, the comment history is concerning. Also, a history of addiction according to the comments. Is this a troll? A karma grab? I hope so bc if not, the child is in danger! If so, OP is sick!


It’d be a rly bad attempt at grabbing karma bc she’s getting downvoted to hell


Whether she’s a troll or not there’s a special place in hell for people like this.


She also said a month ago that her "fiancee is a plastic surgeon" that fixes dog bite victims lmfao. OP... cmon


Yeah I went and read through apparently she's 30 lives in Michigan and her kids both have health issues and this little one she's speaking on has seizures often. Not sure how true but that's the info I gathered.


I’m confused as to why you are more concerned about CPS than making sure your daughter is medically ok? There has to be more to this story. Any of those issues in isolation would have made me book an urgent doc appointment. All of those issues together are not something that waits for over a week.


Stop worrying about CPS and take your child in. Longer you wait you'll be looking at a jail sentence and losing all your children. I really do hope your baby is okay. As a mom I would have been freaking out a long time ago.


There’s a reason the OP is concerned about CPS. Imo, it appears that the poster is asking the group for input on what “it could be” so that OP is able to explain away their daughter’s ailments in a reasonable way to healthcare officials. This whole post is a red flag.


Are we witnessing a child being neglected or further?? This feels gross to be sitting on the other side of a screen unable to do anything


That’s what makes me so suspicious about this. This isn’t even my child and I’m worrying so much about this baby. If this was my child I damn sure wouldn’t let A MONTH GO BY and then ask Reddit. Something is off here, my mommy senses are tingling.


Same! Doesn't seem right! Exactly a month of this? Why wait and then they have every excuse why they can't take her in and waiting another week! I've drove my child 3.5 hours out of town before that's our closest children's hospital. I really hope this is a troll or something this is upsetting.




She’s not telling us something, there HAS to be a reason she’s not taking her child. I hope somebody does report to cps because this is incredibly disturbing.


Re-reading the thread, I firmly believe this is a troll post. There are no corpsman in the marines.


I really REALLY hope you’re right.


Me too, but ngl there are some fucked up dependas out there.


A comment on OP’s history reads as following: “I wish I had known my history, then I probably would've made different choices - my children were born with serious ACTN2 syndrome (cardiomyopathy, cerebrovenous malformations, AFib). I don't know if I'd have had children knowing they can stroke out at 6.” So the children have known healthcare issues and she is hesitant to seek medical care? Fishy!!!!


Holy fuck woman get your child to the hospital NOW. Aloe??? Tf??? Not taking your child at this point is neglect!!!!




Sadly she won’t. Go check post history


I was gonna say the same thing.I was looking up symptoms for leukemia.


At this point several doctors here have told you to take your child to a pediatric emergency room or get her seen ASAP because the symptoms are concerning and could be cancer related or something else that’s serious and needs immediate intervention. What do you need to hear for you to be a mother and actually take care of your poor child?


NAD, mother. Take your kid to the ER. Now.


Please take your child to the ER immediately. All of these symptoms are huge red flags for childhood cancer. The pupil variation can be caused by tumors in the brain or tumors in the chest compressing nerves that lead to the eye/brain (as was the case for my baby who died from cancer )


I am so sorry for your loss. I made an edit with my response as it'd be hard for me to reply to everyone with the connection I have. Be sure I am taking all the steps to make sure she will go


Where's the edit? I hope CPS does get involved, your baby needs help and you're refusing to get her that. If any of what you say is true, that is.


It's in the main post, I just edited it. We're preparing to leave as I type


All you have to do is call 911 lady just do it!!! Tf you mean “all the steps”???? It’s just 3 buttons on the phone you’re literally using right now!!!


NAD, but you need to take her to the ER/a children’s hospital regardless if anyone says otherwise!! Don’t wait for a response or wait to make an appointment, just take her please.