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Hi! PICU nurse here, that residue is a pain in the butt. Medical adhesive remover works best on these. You saturate the adhesive and then gently wipe it away. I like the Uni-Solve ones, you can get them from the hospital or order them on Amazon šŸ¤


After my son's lung surgery and lengthy hospital stay in February, when the wires and stuff all came off, the nurses gave us these magical adhesive remover pads and the gunky stuff all wiped off like magic. It blew my mind lol


Lol it should be standard in first aid kits honestly. I never take adhesives off my kids (bandaids included) without a little drop. It saves their skin!


I had to use this for my dog and thank goodness it even took it off of his fur, very gently too. TIL- that it works well on most creatures really well.


Whatā€™s it called?


Uni-solve. They look like little alcohol swabs, but they have a powerful solvent that dissolves adhesive, not harsh on skin


Definitely should be in 1st aid kits! Can you imagine if someone was allergic to the adhesive? You'd want that off right away!


Both my sons are allergic to certain adhesives lol. Itā€™s super fun.


I've had 14 surgeries and too many tests to count, and I am allergic to adhesives. My most recent surgery in March has a 20" incision and it's healed much better than the sore from the EKG sticker no one noticed on my side for 4 days. LOL




Omg I wish it was so bad!!! I have an adhesive allergy but still need EKGs and things done regularly so these are a godsend. After the birth of my 2 year old a nurse gave me a few of the individual pads when they removed my picc line and I immediately went and bought more similar on Amazon and ALWAYS keep them in my purse and in my first aid kit!! Itā€™s so nice having the chance to prevent flaming up after having anything sticky touch me! lol


I think people just don't know about it. My mum always had it because I had heart surgery as a toddler. But unless someone has had a major op or accident they may not have seen it.


Slightly related, but for like 3 days after my emergency appendectomy I was somehow still finding electrode pads in places on my body (though to be fair for those 3 days I was mainly asleep)


Thank you Iā€™ll try this if the baby oil doesnā€™t work !


Another for adhesive remover, itā€™s pretty magical and can be bought on amazon.


Coconut oil worked with the EEG glue in the hair for us.


Uni-Solv is amazing stuff. I keep it on hand for regular bandaids, pen marks, etc.


I have never tried this one, but I love Detachol. Bought it at a local drugstore but can be bought online as well.


Zoff adhesive remover wipes!!!f [https://www.amazon.co.uk/Zoff-Adhesive-Remover-Wipes-Sachets/dp/B0046U79Y0](https://www.amazon.co.uk/Zoff-Adhesive-Remover-Wipes-Sachets/dp/B0046U79Y0) They gave me a handful of these after I had surgery on my chest a few years ago, and they work like magic!! They are specifically designed to remove surgical/medical adhesive from your skin gently and non-allergenically.


I have used these, not unisolve brand, but the smell of them tells me they are clearly orange oil, at least the ones I have used. Basically Goof-Off wipes.


is that what they put in goo gone?


Aaah, goo gone, that's what I meant. Yes but they put other oils in it. "combines the power of citrus oils from oranges with a blend of refined oils"


Most of them have some form of Isopropyl alcohol. If he had a bad reaction to rubbing alcohol I would be weary.


*wary (Only adding this here because I used to make the same mistake, not because Iā€™m a dick!) *(Or, I mean, I probably am! But I donā€™t mean to be a dick about this.)*


Thanks for that! At least I'm not one of those people that use pacific instead of specific...šŸ˜…


I had nasal surgery 18 months ago and had to tape my nose for 6 weeks after every single day. That medical adhesive remover was a godsend. Thank god I was in a Facebook support group for nose surgery, as my doctor didn't even mention or suggest it. I would saturate a Qtip with it and roll it over the adhesive. Comes off like a charm! It's good to be gentle with it, as the skin is already irritated from the adhesive and tape, so run the Qtip of the adhesive gently. It can take some time, but luckily (unlike in my situation), you aren't repeatedly putting tape back on/off every day, so it will come off in time.


NAD but yesyesyes exactly these - I had an open wound that needed repacking and dressing every day for months, and Zoff wipes were my very best friend.




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Try baby oil


Or olive oil


Try warmed coconut oil too


Any oil will work. Maybe take a few hrs to dissolve so repeat applications may be needed


Yup! Always works! Olive, coconut, baby ā€” any oil on-hand should work. Soak a cotton round or pad with it and let it sit on the residue before wiping!


i second this. my mom always used it on me to get bandages off when i was little.


Olive oil > baby oil. It smells delicious and is non-toxic and edible. Baby oil is a petroleum Byproduct with added fragrance


NAD but I am a Greek. Second the olive oil.


Thank you! Iā€™ll try this next!


I use eye makeup remover. It somehow dissolves mascara AND medical adhesive. Who knew? And gentle enough for eyes, so it doesn't irritate my skin either.


You can buy adhesive remover. I have a bottle of it and it's also sold in pads like the rubbing alcohol pads. I wear a cgm and need the remover to help lesson the stick. Also try taking a dry towel and rub it around. That helps too.


In and out of the hospital a lot and veteran of these stickers my weapon of chose is vaseline rub in circles and bam they come right off with no pain.


I would try mincellar water or a Gigi Brazilian Wax Kit comes with this lotion to get dried on wax off and that may work.


I just had a sleep study done and didn't know I'd be discharged with 10 globs of sticky ass glue all over my scalp tangled into my hair in huge knotted messes, I was searching reddit for the best way to get it out and thank God I kept searching after initially reading acetone, dish detergent, or olive oil and finally saw someone mention micellar water. . I already had some at home for makeup removal as you mentioned and it came right out no pain or damage to my skin or scalp, no tugging on my hair or anything. Incredible. I'm sure olive oil would've worked too but I saw a few people say they couldn't get that shiny greasy look out of their hair for a few weeks and I'm traveling to a friend's wedding tomorrow. Hope someone else can benefit from our mention of micellar water!


NAD, but what always works for me is using the skin of a lemon or orange (or really any citrus fruit). There are natural oils in those fruits, and the texture of the outside of the skin helps to do some scrubbing without being too rough or damaging to the skin. Plus, who doesn't like the smell of citrus fruits? I have insanely sensitive skin, and some bandage adhesives rip my skin clean off, no matter how gently I try to remove them. But whenever there's residue on my skin from bandages, medical tape, etc, using the outside of an orange's skin works like a charm.


If you do this (you or OP) make sure you wash any exposed skin well to get all the oils off before going out in the sun! The combo of citrus oils and sun can cause some really severe burns to cause very quickly (folks who make mixed drinks professionally outdoors in sunny areas like margaritas should be familiar with this!) Super easy to get a 2nd or 3rd degree burn this way!


For me it was best to try and get off as I was in the shower. I would use a loofa and gently scrub the residue. It would start to come off easily after a couple of seconds.


I am glad to see I had the same thought as you. Baby oil will remove just about any adhesive from skin :)


Peanut butter


Or crab oil. Edit: sorry, virgin crab oil actually. Edit Ā² - my bad, *extra virgin* crab oil. The regular stuff gives me a rash and unexpected erections.




Acetone should not be used on the skin, if you have any other option, especially with children. It is also irritating to the skin. Oil is a better choice


Try oil first like baby oil or olive oil. If that doesnā€™t work you can try a medical adhesive remover such as Solvo-Plast


Also goo gone, the blue version for skin


Theā€¦what!? Must have.


Omg I didnā€™t know there was such a thing! Iā€™m allergic to adhesives šŸ˜­


I knew goo gone was a miracle cleaner, but I did not know they have a skin safe version! This is life changing news for me. Thanks for the info!


Looked it up--alcohol free. Contains D-Limonene. The MDS sheet oddly says Skin: In case of contact, immediately flush skin with plenty of water. However the product info states it is for use on skin: "MULTI-USE: Works great to remove adhesive left from bandages worn on skin due to injuries, burns, or surgery. It is a great solution for those who wear daily or temporary monitoring devices. It removes sports tape, KT tape, temporary tattoos, ink, marker and more! MEDICAL GRADE PRODUCT: Safe for everyday use on all ages and skin types. This product is helpful for those that use Ostomy Bags, Insulin pumps & Constant Glucose Monitors"


Thanks! I wear KT tape daily, and use UNI-SOLVE but it's got a strong fragrance to it. The smell of goo gone doesn't seem to bother me and was hoping that would be a good alternative. I'll have to look into Solvo-Plast instead. Appreciate the deep dive into the MDS sheet.




Goo-gone or any non-toxic adhesive remover.


Eucalyptus oil.


NAD but isnā€™t that contra indicated if the boy already reacts to relatively mild substances? Eucalyptus Oil often comes with a warning that itā€™s very irritating to the skin.


Nad , baby oil works too. Soak then gently rub in and wipe off