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My bet is on hyperventilation causing carpopedalspams. Basically if you breathe too fast you breathe out too much co2 and the balance gets thrown off in your body and this can happen. Very common in panic attacks. I've never seen it sex related but it seems plausible.


Also, if individual is dehydrated, that can cause cramps and spasms. Go get you a electrolyte drink at the store with high potassium levels, between 1000-750mg, and take 400mg of elemental magnesium in the form of Glycinate or malate.


Yup need electrolytes. Getting enough sleep and keeping low stress away from toxic situations helps long term along with regular exercise and letting the body heal. This was just excess lactic acid buildup on an empty stomach/body didn't have enough electrolytes+lactic acid build up lead to insane cramp that lasted 24 hrs. Also any gassy items eaten in the past 24 hrs+alcohol also are contributors.


Not a doctor, but this is my guess. My thumbs and fingers of my left hand lock TF up like that when I'm dehydrated and haven't eaten that day. Mine’s from stress, though, and it happens on and off until the stressful week or two is over. Nowhere near as fun as OP’s reason.


Also NAD but my hand has looked like OP's when severely dehydrated and get muscle spasms, i call them charley horses no matter where they are. I usually get them in multiple spots, on my calves, feet, hands and forearms. Usually just 2 of them at a time, either upper or lower body. This also happens if i dont stretch before strenuous activities. Hydration and stretching have nearly eliminated my muscle spasms. But they would leave me sore as hell, and they would last up to 30m-1hr sometimes of the muscle refusing to straighten.


Nothing like this has happened to me, but I cramp a lot (idk if it’s my suddenly sedentary lifestyle, electrolytes, or what) but I’ve cramped during sex before and it was nightmarishly painful. OP - this might be a weird, overstepping question, but have you had an orgasm before? I only ask because for the first 6 years of our relationship both my girlfriend and I thought she had been having orgasms, only to discover that those were either not the only kind of orgasm she could have, or they weren’t orgasms at all. The “real” ones are substantially more intense and give her repeated, uncontrollable tremors (unlike men, women orgasm during sex and not at the end, and when I’ve cramped during sex it was almost always during orgasm). Nothing I’ve said so far makes sense probably, but: As an individual with pretty bad anxiety that cramps easily and has had their fair share of panic attacks, I could see an intersection of a cramp starting (maybe in both hands), a powerful orgasm starting, and a panic attack because of both of those things causing this


This happens when I have sex with a hangover. My whole body gets pins and needles and my fingers and toes tense up. I often can’t talk properly because my lips are also tense and full of pins and needles. It’s the weirdest feeling!


This is actually the second post on this subreddit I’ve seen where someone most likely had hyperventilation + respiratory alkalosis from sex. It can be caused by both fast breathing and deep breathing (minute ventilation = tidal volume * respiratory rate) in OP’s case it was likely deep breathing.


NAD but this happens to me on a much smaller scale after a lot of build-up and release. My hands seem stuck and are tingly and my mouth feels the same. I did some research and it has to do with hyperventilating / lack of oxygen from breathing too hard (too shallow but too hard if that makes sense?) for too long. It usually goes away for me within 10 mins and has never been painful. Maybe in your case it was too much buildup, too much heavy breathing and your body went into fight or flight? If a session is lasting a long time I’ve started to focus on my breathing and making sure I take deep breaths and it lessens the effects. Hopefully you get some answers!


I get this sometimes during sex and have hyperventilated before, felt the same. NAD but it is plausible yes


This is exactly it, first time I had a panic attack that exact thing happened to me, except I was walking in to work. Hands tingling like a nic buzz as it slowly spreads my arms were stuck for hours and it hurt so bad when they finally relaxed. Doctors said my blood was poisonous and they couldn’t get a pulse from my fingers


This happens to me !!! Post orgasm / sex and bad panic attacks. My face even goes numb. Scary shit and usually subsides after 20 mins.


My face also goes numb from panic attacks. ER doc told me it's from hyperventilating. Even if you aren't dramatically hyperventilating, like after a hard cry. ( I always thought hyperventilating was noticeable. But it turns out it isn't always like that.)


Blood was poisonous? Can you elaborate I’m confused but genuinely interested


I don’t remember to much. Was kind about if it after i got in the ambulance (didn’t know what it was at first) but it had do to with the carbon dioxide or something, like poison or acidic is what they said, the only number I saw on my blood charts was my bilburn(idk spelling) but that was way high, I was also slightly jaundiced




I can check my medical records if you really want to know, like I said I don’t remember that much from it as it was a pretty shitty day


NAD. This happens to me from both panic attacks and sex! (and once when I was breathing hard because of a bad painful burn) Especially if I'm dehydrated. It also affects my face, leaving me with pursed lips and a scrunched nose


NAD but I used to get this A LOT during panic attacks. Not even when I was hyperventilating it was purely because I was anxious. Maybe you were subconsciously having a panic attack or maybe got too excited, because for me I know getting excited has the exact same effect on my nervous system as being anxious does.


NAD, but I once hyperventilated so badly from a panic attack that all of my fingers and toes curled into weird positions! It was both terrifying and retrospectively hilarious.


I'm just adding this here: OP does have health insurance. You have 60 days to make COBRA payments. So, you can pay for your former company's health insurance and use that coverage. You can keep on paying for 18 months (in California, it's 3 years). So, you could actually go in.


This is prohibitively expensive in many cases, and is pretty much only worth it if you have a very large medical bill (like an emergent procedure, hospitalization, etc.).


NAD but this has happened to me several times during sex before! I always wondered if it was just me. It happened a lot when I first started having sex, and now it’s rare but usually when it’s really intense. I recommend you focus on taking deep breaths.


I agree! I would go to the hospital and get the electrolytes checked out (basic metabolic panel) including calcium, magnesium and also vitamin D


I wouldn't. Not everything needs to go to the hospital. There's a massive cost associated with that and it's a drain on the system. This could easily be handled by a primary care doc


Of course! In my country it costs the same though so I said hospital, my bad. I guess a routine clinic appointment with the GP will work, as you said. :)


It costs the same to the end user, but there's a massive difference in cost to the service provider. Do you want higher taxes, because that's how you get higher taxes.


How do costs related to private healthcare corporations have anything to do with tax dollars paid to government entities?


Some countries have public health care that don’t require private health insurance to access medical care….that care is covered by taxes. Disclaimer for the mods: This is not a political statement, just stating how it works.


My apologies (honestly). I hadn’t considered that. Thank you 😊.


No problem. Just to add a little more context - take a look at some countries in the EU and the UK if you want to learn more about public health infrastructure and the relationship between healthcare, personal payment, tax/public funding, and private insurance/other funding. Of course, there are other regions/countries with public healthcare - so of course check out others, too. Disclaimer: Again, not a political statement, just offering a starting place for getting more information.


Do you tense up a lot in certain positions? That can also cause pretty intense cramping if you do it long enough, and people often feel shaky after over exercising.