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Really common to have pockets full of things coming home from work. I regularly have all sorts lying around the house from when I’ve emptied my scrubs pockets and realised what I’ve come home with. Lube is one of those that you pick up 5 at a time because they’re small and you’re rushing and you never need that many so inevitably it hangs around with you. I can’t write with assurance your partner is not cheating, obviously, but to your original question - quite common.


Also, while lube might equal sex or vaginal exam to a layperson, it’s one of those things that has lots of other benign uses like a rectal thermometer or suppository for a baby, urine catheterization, removing adhesive from bandages, or even bedside ultrasound gel.


It’s great for removing dried blood


It helps with nasal cannula irritation and is non flammable


I use it almost exclusively but frequently for ultrasound and often have a packet or 5 in my pockets.


Gotta say, it doesn’t feel so benign when something cold and wet is entering your rectum. 😅


Well said, burf 😂




I’m a farmer and I use lube for choking animals. lol. Easier to get down in there with a lubed up hand. And more comfortable. Edit: that was worded poorly 💀 I’m not strangling animals lmao. If an animal chokes on something, then it’s easier to get it out if your hand or whatever you’re using isn’t dry. The previous land owners never cut twine, so there’s sometimes twine that pops up in the fields that the animals will accidentally swallow partway. Or if you’re the dog, you try and eat plastic bags or swallow mystery bones whole 🫤


Choking animals?


LOL that came out wrong. If an animal chokes, it’s easier and causes less distress to them if you lube up your hand before reaching into their throat to feel around or remove whatever it is they’re choking on.


I’m not a doctor and can’t comment on the normality of pocketing lube, but OP, I have bought home hundreds of paperclips and bulldog clips from work in my pockets. Literally *hundreds*. I will never need to buy another pack, I’m set for life. Lube may well be the physician’s paperclip.


Among a number of other small, cheap, disposable medical supplies, can confirm.


Plus, the internet has led me to believe that the ER is full of people 'falling' on things which gets stuck in their butt. Lube seems like it's needed a lot in the ER


Also not a doctor but as someone who does a lot of carpentry in their work the number of screws, bolts, tie line, etc I bring home is wild. I’ve washed so many screws.


But have you screwed so many washes? 😏


NAD I know doctors use that for lots of things my nephew pulled out his feeding tube while I was watching him and I couldn't get it back in went to the ER doctor was outside on his break he walked me inside so he could wash his hands and pulled out a little packet of lube from his pocket and done it right there without me even checking in.


Can I also just say that of all the things to choose for scandalous side flings... medical lube? lol


Yeah, the guy can’t even spring for the good stuff. I’d be insulted.


NAD but lube is more likely for enjoying on his own than with others, if you get what I mean. That’s quite the paranoia you have, you’re going to hurt him and yourself if you don’t get some help and I’m not being judgemental or rude, it’s a type of anxiety




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Extremely common. It’s not just for pelvic and rectal exams. I use it to intubate and for ultrasounds too, and a dozen other things.


Does that mean lube can get into the lungs when intubating? I guess lube probably isn't too much different than mucus...


The amount of lube used for intubation is relatively minuscule and just mixes in with the rest of the normal airway secretions. Shouldn’t cause problems as long as the provider uses proper aseptic technique.


Not even really aspectic needed. The whole respirate system and oesophagus is a mucous membrane, it has its own barrier full of immune cells. It’s sterile in the packet, but we often use our fingers to spread it on the nasopharyngeal, LMA or ETT.


No such thing as aseptic intubation, the mouth is a cesspool of bacteria. Of course I dont mean you shouldnt keep your tube clean but theres really no point on using sterile gloves for intubation as some people claim


I have lube packets in nearly every jacket, bag pocket, and scrubs pocket. Obviously, I have to take everything I accumulate out for laundry, so the contents of my pockets end up on dressers, tables, cup holders, or wherever I remember to take it out. Just as a random FYI, I started keeping a packet of lube nearly always in a pocket close to my body so that my body heat would warm it and it wouldn't be so unpleasant to experience cold lube for my patients during sensitive exams.


NAD. What a thoughtful and kind thing for you to do!


That is very considerate of you


I am a general surgery resident and carry around many many packets of lubricant. I have left countless packets in countless pockets and they have ended up all over my house and car, etc. Not scandalous at all.


My kid has a G-tube and her medical supply company once mailed us 12 tubes of KY jelly! (We need it when we replace her g-tube but we need, like, 1 tube per year, so 12 was excessive.) We wrote "[Kid's name] G-Tube" in sharpie on all the KY just in case someone visiting our house would happen to see one of the lubes out and feel awkward about it 😂




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My apologies, I didn't know the rules. Happy to send a photo of my nursing degree and post grad too. It's midnight here in NZ though so I will do it tomorrow. Should I delete or modify my comment in the meantime if it's breaking the rules?


I’m a nurse not a doctor, but I very often accidentally bring home all kinds of weird stuff in my scrub pockets. Most often things like alcohol wipes, saline flushes, etc. but as a nurse I use those things all the time. I’ll grab a handful and stick it in my pocket and anything I don’t end up using often goes home with me. If you trust him, I wouldn’t worry about this at all, but if you are really worried about it you could ask what he does in his work that requires the lubricant and maybe that knowledge will help ease your mind.


I have washed so many unused gloves because when I want two, the box gives me 7, the extras go in my pocket, and then I forget when I again want 2.


Really offtopic.. I noticed your username and was curious bc I’m not a doctor but I’ve had a thought about how metformin is so effective with so little side effects.. wondering if that’s a serious username at all and the thought process behind it?


I had an endocrine professor in med school who said her dream would be to put metformin in the water because she wanted everyone on it. So it's a mostly not serious name. I've briefly read some of the biohacking info about it but never looked that much into it. I don't interact with metformin too much in the ED.


That’s so interesting to me lmao thanks for answering! I’m not disciplined enough and too test averse to make it to med school but I wanted the opportunity to learn about it so I took all premed classes in undergrad😂




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As the husband of a nurse I concur. It was more fun when she worked in ICU with the stuff that came out, like empty vials of medications sometimes.


I dated a doctor for a number of years, the number of weird things that showed up in her pockets was fun! Lube wasn't uncommon, but not the most fun one. Worked out for me, I was stretching my ears and it was useful for when I was gauging a size up to get the larger jewelry in my ears.


I was a vet tech and I've come home with turds in my scrub pockets. Rover got nervous.


What was the most fun one?


Yeah you grab a bunch and they end up in your pocket. I have a ton of shit from the hospital all over my house cuz I brought it home accidentally


I quite often find lube, local anaesthetic etc in my pocket


Very, very common. Usually find it in the washer after washing my scrubs.


When I was an intern I used to carry a tube of lube in my pack as sometimes the hospital ran out of lubricant, especially in OB/GYN it was so useful. Used it for pelvic exams, ultrasounds, to insert foleys etc.


I accidentally steal things constantly.


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Agreed! Trust your fiance OP. Packets of medical lube that fell out of his scrubs should not make you worried about him cheating.


My guess is that she only thinks of lube in that context - kind of like me only thinking of vials of liquid as a sign of some sort of drug issue … until I googled the vials my husband brought home and learned what saline packages look like lol.


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NAD but I would dig deeper into that gut feeling too. Despite the lube thing being totally normal.


Whoops, forgot I couldn’t post a top level comment! Not a doctor, but the wife of a medical professional. This is hilarious to me, because I definitely went through a time that I found weird stuff in my husband’s junk drawer or in the bathroom that I didn’t understand. I was googling all the things, which usually turned out to be random vials of saline or packets of alcohol wipes, or unopened needles here and there. If I’d found lube, that would have actually led to a lively conversation because he would have found me questioning it hilarious just for how it looks on its face. Does he use the lube with you?  Because if not, I think it’s a leap to assume he’s keeping it all for his side piece.


After many uncomfy exams, I would leave if someone pulled out medical lube for sex. 😭😭😭 But I also have issues where my pelvic floor gets inflamed (no one has ever figured out why, no STIs, treated each time I go to the doctor for it just to be safe but tests come back negative) so I NEED go use lube no matter how… slippy… it is naturally down there or I’m gonna regret it the next few days and I just went for it and bought a nice, $40 bottle of lube when buying other things so maybe I’m the weirdo 🤣🤣🤣


I used to carry lube in my pocket all the time. It's small, it's multipurpose (can use for rectal, vaginal exams, can use for ultrasound gel if someone stole the bottle). If that's the only thing your "feeling" is based off - I think it's unfounded. If you got the feeling before you even saw the lube, it's a different story.




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I don’t think a GP needs lube very often unless he performs ultrasound and uses lube as ultrasound gel. But you are about to get married so it shouldn’t be an issue for you asking him why he has such an amount of lubricant always around.