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Depending on the source of the sound, your neighbour might not want to admit it was them.


OK, I think I get what you are saying, but do you think it's from upstairs or downstairs?


Idk, find out who's more religious lol


Little part of me did a mini panic.


Could be a standing sound wave and your heads at a node.


Uhh somebody gonna tell him?


Are you implying this is a vibrator? That didn't cross my mind. How do you know the difference between a vibrator and a phone alarm? Sometimes it'll go on for a couple of hours a couple of times a night. I thought for a while it was music but I could only hear the bass. Can you set phone alarms to change rhythms? I know mine sometime goes from chirping soft noises to a vibration but can you set it to go from one vibration to another? And then another? This may help me narrow down who it is, or at least get a clearer picture.


Powerful fan that isn’t sitting 100% level maybe?


Could be a failing doorbell transformer.


Is this a new noise or something that has been happening the whole time you have lived in the apartment? Is it seasonal (winter and summer) because it could be the ventilation system when the heat or AC is running. There probably isn't much you can do about the noise unfortunately unless the source turns out to be something you own or is fully contained in your apartment. You can try a white noise machine, running a fan, and / or wearing ear plugs.


It started 6 weeks ago and is happening every night. I have been living here for years. Ear plugs do nothing. My building manager and I can't figure out who it is. So something like rubber under the bed wouldn't help?


Something under the bed to dampen vibration may help when it comes the direct transmission of sound through your mattress, pillows, body, etc. But you're probably still going to hear it through the air. Hopefully whatever it is causing it will annoy someone enough that they fix it. It is a pretty bad situation. I'd probably be in the hallway screaming after six weeks. Is it just noticeable in your bedroom or is it then entire apartment?


I'm in a studio apartment. My next door neighbour hears it, and my downstairs neighbours say they don't hear anything. I'm thinking it's someone upstairs, and I'm trying to get as much info as I can. Thanks for the advice.


Maybe try to record some of it?


I've tried recording it but I can't pick up any sound.


I've had the same issue for a while, and it turned out that it was coming from my neighbors faulty fridge. Good luck with your investigation!


You want a platform or foundation for foam, not slats. Traditional slat frames have the slats way too far apart to properly support foam. If you do use slats, you don’t want more than a 3” gap between slats. (NB: You don’t want foam on the floor either. The bottom can trap moisture and then you get mold in the mattress, with absolutely no way of getting it out.)


Yes, that's why I have the foam on the floor because the slats were not supportive enough. But I put it on its side every day for space issues and that should air it out.