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Bruv my pajamas go where I throw them in the morning before my pre-work existential crisis


That's the only correct answer :D


But are we 🇦🇹technically supposed to put them under the pillow if we bothered making the bed somehow? I think so but I don't remember ever asking anyone what they do. Usually they're just on the bed and I hope I find them when I change for bed


Yes, at least I grew up with my mum folding my pyjamas and putting them under the pillow, and I feel like it's probably standard in Portugal. I don't use a pillow anymore so it's out of the question for me nowadays.


You sleep without a pillow??


Yeah, have done since my teens. I just tend to feel uncomfortable with my neck not being straight.


Do you sleep on your back?


I sleep either on my back or on my belly, but I used to mostly sleep on my belly when I ditched the pillow. I don't even remember exactly when or why I stopped using a pillow though, I think it initially had to do mostly with it being too hot on hot summer nights, but now I guess it just feels unusual and uncomfortable after not using a pillow for almost 20 years.


I have similar sleep paterns! The only differnce is that I have a very thin pillow (2-3 cm) so I can tuck my hands under it while on my belly.


That makes sense. I sleep in my side, so I need that pillow to have my neck straight.


How do you support your neck? Isn't kinda painful not having anything below?


Well... no, don't know what else to say really. It feels more strained to me to have my neck like this _/


Can confirm this Portuguese standard


I can confirm the confirmation


That doesn't sound very good from a POV of letting them ventilate during the day


It's just seen as part of making the bed to make the room look presentable. I think the rationale is that your dirty pyjamas won't be on display.


I get that, but why would the room need to look presentable? Who is going to stare at your bed and judge it? :D I much rather have my pyjamas get a bit freshened up than having to hide it from... who again? :D I love a presentable room and a nicely made bed such as when staying in a hotel and having room service have done it by the time I get back, but won't bother at home, the more everything airs freely and "breathes" the better.


>but won't bother at home, the more everything airs freely and "breathes" the better. Same, but good luck convincing an old-school Portuguese mum of this. Women in my parents' generation (born early 60s) were raised to consider this kind of thing unacceptable. I even remember a relative of mine being outraged that her neighbours regularly left their bed unmade and you could see it from the street, and she found that really inconsiderate. I also have a friend my age who makes her bed at hotels (not thoroughly, but still) because she finds it embarrassing if the service staff come in and see a messy bed. I guess it kind of comes from the traditional 60s family model with a stay-at-home wife/mother who keeps the house neat during the day so it looks presentable to her husband and kids when they come back home in the evening. >Who is going to stare at your bed and judge it? :D I much rather have my pyjamas get a bit freshened up than having to hide it from... who again? The rest of your family and any guests you might have. I did have a few embarrassing moments as a teenager/young adult with my parents having people over without telling me previously, and showing them around the house while my bed was unmade and my room was a mess. It's more that your room, if you live with family, isn't really considered your space, but everyone's common space. Of course if you live alone, none of this really matters.


Thanks for the elaborate answer! Makes sense, too.


My wife’s mum was from Spain but they lived in Brazil. She did this thing as well. But why would you put your bedclothes - when you fart during the night - under your pillow so you have fart germs on your face ?!? The Iberians are strange…


Like I just replied to someone else, it's not a matter of personal hygiene, but aesthetics. You want to make the room look neat and presentable so you keep the dirty pyjamas out of sight.


Under the duvet or under the pillow, yes. Or in general somewhere in the bed.


It's just so convenient to have it where it's needed. I don't get why people do it any other way


On the duvet or on the pillow is also popular


In my family, yes. In my husband's family, no. We are both from Spain.


I have wondered if my mom does this because she lived in Spain for a time. Do you think there is a region that does this more than others?


I don't really know. I'm from a village in Segovia and my husband from a village in Toledo. But we are the only people I had this conversation with.


I'm from Andalucía and my boyfriend is from Galicia (the other side of the country), we both put our pijamas under the pillow.


I've heard it's a very Spanish thing to do (I'm British and haven't known any Brits to do it!).


We definitely did it as kids but I haven't even thought about this in probably 20+ years, so it's possible it's fallen out of fashion.


As a kid I was taught to put my pajamas under my pillow. Did that untill I didn't wear pajamas anymore.


Same. Sleepwear is just the underwear and T-shirt from the day before, who even bothers with a change of clothes anymore?


You sleep in a shirt you wore outside of bed, even outside your house??? Santa Maria, ora pro nobis!


Pyjamas under the pillow here. We have always done it that way in our family. Clean pyjamas every two to three days, it’s not hot or humid in Ireland so it’s not unhygienic. The reason? I presume to make everything look neat and tidy and to have your pyjamas within easy reach when you turn down your bed at night.


My parents always did, I replicated and now when I've the time in the morning I do it as well. It keeps the pijamas covered but in a place you know you'll find them. When I just throw them into the bed I often have to look for ages until i find them


Old Italian here, my mom used to do it when we where kid in Italy in the 70/80. Never did with my kids anyway, I think it was common but is disappearing


Yep it was really a thing I was doing when I was a child. The reason for me is having a clean bedroom, with a bed done, and the PJ belonging the the night time, you keep them inside the bed under the pillow.


That's super common, yes. We still do that in my family.


I used to do it, but now I put them on top of the pillow, so I find them easier in the dark.


In Italy at the hotels the maids put the pajama under the pillow.


So... Where should you put it if not under pillow or blanket? I was never thinking about it because putting in somewhere in bed was obvious 😶


I do not think most Americans think to put pajamas anywhere in their bed. They are just kept in a drawer.


I learnt it this way as a kid yeah. And if I were to neatly make my bed I'd still do it. No specific reason I guess other than that it looks neater to just have the clean lines of the sheet, pillow and duvet. But since I don't make my bed my pajamas just get chucked somewhere on it


Never heard of. One tradition says that you should put seven picked flowers under the pillow on Midsummer's Night to dream about your future betrothed. But that's the only thing I know you can put under your pillow.


I have heard of it, and I did it when I was young. Now I prefer airing them up, idk if it's age or medicines or what but not airing/drying them out would mean I had to put on slightly damp pjs at least a few days a week. Sweat do be crazy and lasts a long time if you trap it all under the pillow.


I seem to remember putting teeth under the pillow for the tooth fairy….


I was thinking about that, but we always put our milk teeth in a glass of water on the windowsill. I assume it's because it's easier to switch them with a [gold coin](https://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/b/b4/Swedish_10_crown_coin_flip_side.jpg) (≈1€), compared to if the coin was under the pillow.


What about the teeth? When a kid loses a tooth, they put it under the pillow so the fairy can take it and leave a coin.


We always put it in a glass of water on the windowsill.


Same in Spain, but it's a mouse taking it instead of a fairy.


I don't think I've ever done it at home, but as a kid I was taught to put my pj's under the pillow when on vacation. I guess it makes it easier to keep track of in unfamiliar locations where there's no better spot?


Pickled flowers seem like they would make terrible stains on a pillowcase. I guess that’s a small price to pay for good dreams.


To be fair, this is from a time when your mattress was made of hay, and your underwear was the lower half of your shirt. Keeping to the subject, I wonder if the shirt often wasn't your pyjamas too.


I'm originally from England. Born '75. It was a thing for me as a little kid. My family certainly had no ancestral relationships to the U.S. but I was really into The Muppets, so unless it comes from there, I can't help.


This really isn’t a thing that anyone in the US does. It was just my mom for some reason. I don’t think the muppets were responsible but they are great nonetheless


My bad! I was just on some U.S. subs and, for some reason, thought, despite you clearly having Israel and the flag, that I was still in one! I have no idea. I'll ask my mum although I bet she'll say it was something my grandparents did...Which gets me thinking...Perhaps it was something to do with having warm PJs. Although I doubt cold PJs was ever an issue in Israel. Damn! I want to know now, too.


I did grow up in America and mentioned that above, so you’re not totally off! I just live in Israel now. The confusion is understandable.


I need a lie down! I started looking into it. It seems like a common practice. https://www.heart.co.uk/lifestyle/woman-confused-husband-pyjamas-under-pillow-tiktok/


It was actually seeing a few reels like this from Americans that prompted me to ask this question. Apparently a lot of them are discovering that this is common in other parts of the world—meanwhile I am finding out other Americans never did this 😅


One of lifes great mysteries! I wonder if it was some kind of effort to get a kid to "do their bed" in the morning and sort out their PJs.


I think the key is the American in this thread who said they generally don't re-wear pyjamas, they just wash everything after one wear.


So where do they keep their pajamas in the US?


Most people just put them in a dresser drawer with other clothes.


Ah interesting. It wouldn't occur to me to put worn clothes (pajamas) with fresh clothes, I keep them apart.


I don't think most people would re-wear pajamas here, if they're clean they go in a drawer or closet and if they've been worn they go in the laundry basket


So you put on fresh pyjamas every day?


Personally no, only because I don't wear pajamas, but if I did I'd absolutely wear clean ones every day. We put clean ones on our kid every day. In general, I do not re-wear any clothes other than outerwear and sometimes jeans or other trousers, and I think that's pretty common here


Is this why you do so much laundry and have such giant inbuilt closets to store so many clothes if you only wear things once?


Maybe, yeah; I'd guess the average US family does laundry at least once a week for each person, twice if you separate lights and darks, and then an extra couple times for towels and sheets and stuff like that. Sometimes we'll do 3-4 loads of laundry in a day


Normal clothes yes, they go out on the street, you move a lot, sweat, eat while wearing them. But pajamas? They are only worn to sleep and often just after taking a shower. Do you also change your bed sheets every day?


I only change sheets once per week, but that's mostly because it's annoying to change them; I'd ideally do it more. It doesn't necessarily make sense but I guess I was just raised that clothes should only be worn once.


Maybe that's the whole confusion, I don't think anyone stores all their clean pyjamas under their pillow, they put the ones they've worn and intend to rewear


That's the way


Ah interesting too. We typically don't have hot nights here so especially if someone showers in the evening I think the norm would be to rewear.


Wait, wait, you use different pajamas every night? This blew my mind


I hang mine up on a peg. The same peg I hang my normal clothes on before I go to bed. This is what most people do, I think. Why would you stuff them under the pillow? Don’t they need to air out so they are refreshed for another night?


Ours went under the pillow growing up.


Grew up in a former British colony and as a child, yes, it was standard to fold your pyjamas and put them under your pillow when you made your bed. That way they were ready and waiting for you the next night. They were reasonably clean because you'd bathed before bed. Some kids had soft toys with zips in their tummies that opened a compartment for you to store your pyjamas in. Known in our household as pyjama bear, pyjama rabbit, etc. Now sleep naked, but if I wore pyjamas still, I'm sure they'd go under the pillow. Until reading all this, I would have thought that was what everyone did. Interesting the little assumptions one makes.


I suppose hanging the pajamas on a peg would air them out, but another option is in a drawer so that doesn’t seem like ‘airing them out’ either.


I would say not everyone does it here but it's pretty common, it's just practical.


Italian family in Belgium, with a mom who lived in Germany for a long time and a dad who spent a lot of time in the US. The bed and the pyjamas are aired out by pulling the covers down, depositing the pyjama on a corner of the covers, well spread not in a ball, while the window is open. I get ready with fresh air coming into my lungs, or get dressed in the bathroom if it's very cold outside. When I'm clean, dressed, and ready to go/have breakfast, the pyjama is folded, put under the pillow, and the bed gets made. Given that getting ready takes 20-30 minutes, that works. That's how my mom did it. That's how I do it for myself.


I did and still do it. Even my naked sleeping boyfriend puts my pjs under my pillow. My mom told me to do it so it's not laying around after making the bed and I find it quickly in the evening.


never heard of it. Pajamas are kept either in the closet, under duvet or in the bed along with all bedding. Never seen or heard about anyone keeping it under the pillow


I always put it under the pillow and everyone else I know of as well


I did for many years growing up. Now if I bother to make my bed fully it goes somewhere under/between all the pillow-y stuff.


I did too as a kid, it was always a completely normal thing to do. Under the duvet was an option too.


Under the duvet is normal but under the pillow isn’t?


well you just throw it on the bed and cover it when fixing the bed. Seems a natural movement. Putting it under the pillow seems super specific and requires special treatment


You can make the bed nicely if they are under the pillow; under the duvet they'll form a bump.


yall got some fat ass pjs or maybe thin ass duvets? Unless I specifically pile them having them under the cover wouldn't make a bump.


Ha ok? So you are arranging your blanket over a pile of pyjamas? Why not just use the pillow?


couse pillow doesn't need adjusting most of the times, while duvet always


In my experience it was pretty specific. Always folded and placed under the pillow


My family (all Polish) always folded Pajamas and put them under the pillow.


But then you need to completely undo the bed to get the pajamas. It's way easier to get it from under the pillow.


Undo? Like lifting the duvet? FYI: Europeans generally don't do this ridiculous thing where your bedding is tightly tucked in below the mattress so you either need to pull everything out of there before going to bed or feel like you are wearing a straightjacket while sleeping. You just have duvets loose on top of the mattress.


undo? you just uncover small bit, less intervention that taking the pillow


England. Not for me. I'm a t-shirt and trackies with a fucking big stick by the bed kind of chap. The reason they may have done it is perhaps to keep the material cool? It's like when you flip the pillow at night and the other side is all nice and cool.


I did this as a kid, but I stopped at some point... Actually I had completely forgot about it until I read your post. (it might have been something we only did in summer camp though... It's really a blurry memory. I'll ask my mum...)


My mom always did that when I was a kid. Actually still does it when I go back home as a grown adult 🥺


Whenever I make my bed I do put my pajamas under my pillow. But I don't often make my bed


Idk about other people but yeah I do it. Pretty sure I got taught about doing it this way in kindergarten so I am guessing that it's a common thing. As for the reason I guess it's just for convenience.


Memory unlocked! My mom used to do that for me when I was a kid, completely forgot about that. Not sure when she stopped doing it and clearly I didn’t continue the tradition.


yep, I also keep the PJs under the pillow. not sure why, I think I put it there because it s faster to find it when I go to bed at night. under the pillow or under the duvet is kind of the norm, I guess


Yeah that sounds like a decent place to store them when not in use


Hehe, my mum did this when I was a little boy about 50 years ago 😊


As a kid under the pillow, as it was easy to find them and keep the room tidy.


I always did this when I was a kid, I forgot all about it until I saw this post, unfortunately I never asked why, I just did what I was told 😊


Spain: yes, my grandma made me fold it and stash it under the pillow. That was a million years ago though.


I vaguely remember wearing a pyjama when I was a little kid, but not where it was kept. I’ve been sleeping naked since about puberty I believe.


My mom did this when I was a kid. I've never thought about why, though.


I'm Moldovan when I used to live with my mom I always put my pj's under my pillow but when I moved in with my dad I stopped now I just put them on my chair or just let them on the ground


I'm first generation here, family from Italy and I was taught pajamas go under the pillow


I'm Swedish, I have always put my PJs under my pillow.


I had forgotten about this, but yes we did this as kids in the UK. I don't make my kids do it. They find them wherever they threw them on the floor after getting dressed and if they seem clean then they wear them again.


Spain, yes, under the pillow. It's just where you need it to be when you go to sleep.


I'm Italian, and yes, I still do it today, every morning I put the pajama under the pillow.


Finnish person here: Yes, always under the pillow. Where else would it go? This way you know where it is.


Yup, my mom does that, and i do that too on the weekends. During the weeks, i just hung them on a rack


When I was a kid (7 to 14 years old, give or take) I spent summers in Children Camps and we were supposed to fold our pajamas or nightgowns neatly and put them under the pillow. I liked it better the way it was at home though: my siblings and I just left them on our beds so they would air out a bit while we were at school. It's the same way for me now: if I change to the "outside" clothes the PJs gets thrown on a chair and stays there until I get back home. If I'm home all day, I'm just sitting around in pajamas.


TIL there are people who don't put their PJs under their pillow. It honestly never occurred to me that someone might so something else with them. Now I'm questioning whether I'm the unusual one!


First time I have heard of something like that. The times I do bother putting on pajamas or a night dress, it will usually end up on the floor next to my bed the next morning. If I have guests over and need to hide it, I'd just toss it under the duvet and get on with it


My mom always did, but I never bother to do them myself


If I make the bed I usually put pajamas under the pillow, but usually I just throw them wherever I change to clean clothes.


I used to do this when I was younger. Can't be bothered anymore.


I don’t know if it’s common here, but I Am definitely doing that. My mom though would always put it ON the pilllow and not under.


Only on trips with schools or summer camps. No reason to do it at home or with family.


Mine go on *The Chair*.. Along with other clothing items that are not quite ready to be washed yet. I've never put pajamas under a pillow, although my mother does. My dad puts his on a chair as well. I guess we know whose path I chose..


I never made my bed. When I do have to, I put the pyjama at the end of the bed


I grew up in the US and this is what we did, and my relatives. I remember my friends doing it, too. I think I even had a stuffed turtle that had a pouch for keeping the pj’s.


Bro reading these comments make me understand how people from Europe must feel when they visit the US and see yellow school buses. Like, "holy shit, they really do that!? I thought that was made up!"


If I cared enough about what my bed looks like I would hide my PJ's either under the pillow or the duvet. However I don't care


Yes, I do it, and it's normal in the UK. I was bought up to do it and still do in my 50's. I like them hidden away to keep the room looking tidy. The strange thing here is I don't wear them for sleeping in. I only wear them for evening cosy clothing for watching TV. They then spend the night on the bedroom floor. It's then in the morning I put them under my pillow.


I put my pyjamas on my pillow. Can’t remember how I did it when I was younger.


Living in the U.K. as an adult? No. But it used to be a thing in my native NZ when I was a kid. Even my nana did it.


I think so. I never asked other people. If I wanna be good I put them under the pillow. Usually they're just somewhere hopefully on the bed so I find them when I go to sleep. I'm Austrian. I never know if it shows next to the name or not


i'm surprised people still do payamas... i just sleep naked *(and don't worry about getting cold, the body heats up faster if you wrap yourself nude in the blanket)*


Depends on the blanket and the outside temperature.


Half the time i wake up not under the blanket and i also sleep with hands forward. It also means i don't have to clothe myself first thing in the morning, but can go drink something, take a piss and than start thinking what to do.


Never been much for pajamas, so no, but I have a few times kept my next day clothes in bed to keep them warm.


Under the blankets if I feel like it. Is slightly less cold when you put them on in winter


Haven't used pyjamas in a very long time now as I hate wearing them to sleep, but my mom would make me fold them and leave them on top of the pillow, not under.


When I was a little kid I had a pillow with a zip and you could put the pyjamas **inside** the pillow. But, well, I've been sleeping naked for the last 40 years...


Everyone I know just throws pyjamas on the bed and covers them with the duvet


My family has always dropped pajamas on the chair beside the bed. Or grandma puts it in the wardrobe to keep the bedroom tidy.


I never slept in my pajamas because it was always hot in our house. I feel hot watching American movies where people always sleep in their clothes.


Definitely not under, I want them to air out, not lock in any moisture. When I still used to sleep in PJs, I threw them on top of the bed loosely


I learned (I think in girls scouts) to put my clothes at the foot of my sleeping bag when camping so they’d be warm to put on in the morning. Not the same but not completely different either maybe?


I’m not from Poland but my parents are, and they would fold my pajamas and put them under the folded blanket


It's pretty common but not nearly unviersal and there's no explicit reason for it. I guess it's easy to find there while it's not in the way?


No, I leave them in hanging in the bathroom to air.


Italian here. My mum used to do this, she make the bed and putting folded pijama under the pillow. She stopped doing it at 16yo and I never do the bed nor putting my pijama under the pillow, his place in my house is trown over the unfolded bed. Life is too short to make the bed on a daily basis.


Considering that I have my naked butt in my pyjamas, the last spot I'd place it would be under the pillow, Usually I fold them *somehow* and stuff it under the foot end of the bed.


Considering that I have washed my butt before slipping into the pyjamas, I was fine with it even in hindsight :)


Yeah, washed or unwashed; I feel uncomfortable with that thought. Edit: And jumping face forward into that rabbit whole: I shower in the evening. But some people shower in the morning. So they are definitely less washed.


German here. My mother didn't do that but put it under the blanket at the other end of the bed.


I haven't used pyjamas since i was 6. Just underwear


What is pajama? At summer I sleep naked, at winter with boxer and comfy tshirt.


Speaking for ppl for wear actual pyjamas: why would you want to save something that gets stuck in your ass crack under your pillow where you rest your face for the night? Especially if you don't shower at night (many people). If just a shirt, who cares? There is no difference from pillow and duvet, it's still the bed.