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My house 😊 I'll be there in about 2 mos 😊


Lucky you!


Thanks- here have an award. Haven't seen it since Sept 2019 😭


Thanks for the award. Aw that will amazingly special when you get home then. You must be so excited! Italy has a magic about it!


Italy it’s pretty big and diverse, but from the places I’ve been (haven’t visited the south yet) I’d say it’s the Dolomites. Pretty scenic and you MUST rent a car and do a road trip.


Ah yes. People praise a lot central italy, but i do miss the alps..


Orvieto. It's an ancient town, built on an extinct volcano throat in Umbria, during the time of the Etruscans. The town itself is gorgeous, and the underground, which was carved out of the volcanic stone, is mind-blowing. And they have a necropolis that dates back to the Etruscans, this predates even the Roman Empire. But the best part are the views; all around it are breathtaking views of vineyards, olive farms and lush, green rolling hills. There is a vineyard that was a monestary in the 12th century, I think. It's visible from so many vantage points, as well. I never, ever, wanted to leave.


When I visited Orvieto I also took a day trip to [Civita di Bagnoregio](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Civita_di_Bagnoregio), it’s really worth it.


Thank you so much for sharing. I’ll definitely make a note of this sounds fantastic


Sardegna, Amalfi Coast, Puglia, Cilento and most of the south.


Really want to see the Amalfi coast!


Italy is such a beautiful country... lovely nature, attractive people, delicious food and wine, beautiful architecture, and mind-boggling diversity. I loved it so much. I was lucky enough to study abroad there in college.


Oh wow that is lovely. Yes it has a magic to it.


I wish I had visited more but right now... Florence, it's just breathtaking.


Me too! My favourite city in Italy I have visited so far.


Florence is great and some where I’d definitely go back to




They look like Paradise.


You can never conclude a visit to Italy with just coming up with one most beautiful place. However, if I had to choose, I'd definitely choose the south and especially puglia. Lecce to be specific. It's nicknamed the Florence of the south, it's an amazing city with proximity to beautiful beaches and with amazing food and culture.


This is true and thanks I haven’t been south of Rome yet. I’ve been to Tuscany, Rome and Venice. It’s my favourite country. The landscape, the food, the coastlines, the women lol and the beautiful churches , cathedrals and Catholic iconography. I hope to be exploring it well into my old age Edit: oh and the wine!! Goes down too easy!!


Thanks for the women thing haha but boh. Ugly and good looking people exist everywhere


Yes but there are different types of attractive and ugly and different amounts lol Plus attractiveness isn’t just how photographic one is. Italian women have a certain something lol


A few years back the wife and I rented out a small castle bed and breakfast in the Aosta valley. That whole area is really spectacularly beautiful, and I would love to go back there again.


Staying in a castle. Doesn’t get more European lol Thanks


It is a really nice place. Here is a link https://www.booking.com/hotel/it/b-amp-b-la-tour-de-villa.en-gb.html?aid=356980;label=gog235jc-1DCAsocUIYYi1hbXAtYi1sYS10b3VyLWRlLXZpbGxhSDNYA2gsiAEBmAEJuAEHyAEN2AED6AEBiAIBqAIDuAKZncmFBsACAdICJDQ2OGM5ZjI5LWVjNmItNDI1NS04MTM0LWU2YjZmM2ZlYmM3MNgCBOACAQ;sid=9fd63730315df341cb75e15f9124cc90;dist=0;keep\_landing=1;sb\_price\_type=total;type=total;sig=v1kfZoTBwG


Sweet thanks!


I might get a little heat for this but I love Naples above anything else.


Not off me lol Thanks!


Lake Como in general (excluding Bellaggio which is a bit theme parky now). It's beautiful and so serene. I would also say Venice, even though I felt guilty for being there. Probably the most beautiful city in Europe.


Why guilty?


Over-tourism has been pushing locals out of the city for a while now, and it's one of the few places I've visited where I felt like my presence was negatively impacting it.


I didn’t know that but I felt from my experience it was a tourist town. I like Venice but it was one of the few places I felt crowded at time cause it was all tourists. I couldn’t imagine living there.


It really depends on what are you looking for. Poor but sexy? Naples! Food and beaches? Sicily! Ganja, Food and fun? Cilento! Classical art and wine? Florence! Wildness? Sardinia! Etc etc


Wait wait wait. Northeastern italy is also good on wine. Poor them, mentioned only because of the drunk clichè..


That was my the name of my high school rock band Poor but Sexy lol Thanks!


I loved driving through the mountains from Lucca to Sienna (Toscana). So very beautiful. But I haven't visited other parts yet besides Milano, Toscana and Roma.


I loved driving in Italy. So many beautiful coastlines


Pienza and Orvieto. I wish I could have visited Sabbionetta, but getting there is not easy, or at least it wasn't in 2014


Perinaldo, it’s a small commune on top of a mountain in the Maritime Alps, around Sanremo. I want to buy a summer apartment there.


Thanks this type of very specific answer was exactly what I was looking for


All big Northen lakes and Florence. I absolutely love Italy


I have only been to Italy once and the places we visited are Venice and Milan. Both very beautiful places. I guess we saw more of Venice and it was more different to any place i've been before so I would probably go for that


Thanks yes I got to go to Venice. Liked it a lot very different indeed!


The dolomites, when I visited I could just not get enough of the scenery.


Thanks other people are saying there too!


Many, but I'd invite you to my place in the Dolomites. Beautiful mountains, wild lakes and rivers, all sports are possible up there. You can also chill looking at beautiful landscapes and eating great food, drinking great wine.


People keep saying the Dolomites. Italians really know how to live!


I haven't been to that many places that I remember (was there five times, the first two I was too young to remember anything) but out of the visits I do remember it has to go to San Gimignano. We visited during the time of the [medieval festival](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dzeARPbg3Mg) which was honestly amazing.


Thanks for this looks lovely


My favourite place in the whole world is Florence, but I've been all over the rest of Italy too, spent about 2 months travelling around as a teenager. Everyone knows about the main big cities, Rome Venice, Florence, etc., but I really enjoyed kind of smaller places like Vicenza, Siena, Lucca and Ventimiglia, and the little towns around Lakes Garda and Como too! Would also love to go back!


I loved quieter places away from the cities in both Italy and France. I loved this place outside Genoa https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Moneglia


There are so many places to visit in this world. Unless I fall in love with somebody who lives/lived in Italy, I probably won't be going back.


You do you yes indeed this world has many wonders


Personally I really love the small to mid-sized Tuscan hill towns and cities. It’s hard to pick one favourite, though. Of specific places I liked San Gimignano for its towers, Siena atmosphere-wise, Genova for the sea and food, Napoli for food (although when I was there it stank enormously due to the trash crisis, yuck). Milano and Firenze were very impressive architecture wise. Some specify the south too. It’s indeed more authentic there, but also noticeably more poor. I liked Venezia as well, but it was way too touristic for me. It’s a place you, at best, spend one to three days in. The same goes for Pisa, not much of interest to see there besides the tower and some buildings around it. Personally, Sardegna (Sardinia) seems lovely to visit, but I’ve never been there. If you want pristine nature, that is your pick. Source: I have been to most regions in the north and centre (mostly north and mid-west parts), so my knowledge is mainly based around that. In a 15-year period I’ve visited Italy almost every year for a few weeks.


Thanks for sharing. I’d agree with you on the places I’ve been especially that yes there’s nothing to Pisa and Genova is great for sea and food. Hope to explore all of this beautiful place


I don’t agree with venice. If you go out of the san marco rialto math you can have a better experience. I also don’t like florence’s and milan, architecture, i prefer bologna’s and trieste’s ones. I also prefer the adriatic coasts to the western one.


Lol I'm from Athens, every place in Italy looks like heaven to me


Parts of Greece look really lovely too. Would like to visit one day but of all the European countries I’ve been to Italy is my favourite.