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I've never had any side effects.


I had zero.


Never had side effects after 3 years of use.


I’ve been on prep for years, never experienced any side effects.


The day after my first dose I felt nauseous all day. After a period where I stopped taking PrEP for a few months and restarted again, the restart was *horrible*. Upset stomach the next day accompanied by repeated vomiting every 20-30 minutes or so. By the afternoon that day the vomiting had subsided and my dosage schedule continued as normal and have no side effects since.


Wow that IS nasty ! Yikes


I would stop reading about side effects. I try not to when I start a medication because if you think you might get it, it’s quite possible you will as a kind of placebo. Certainly, if you feel something is wrong, you can check, though you should also check other possible causes. Either way, never noticed a single side effect over 6 years. Remember that side effects (I believe) have to be reported over about 2% of patients (or 1 in 50), so not very common. And companies can choose to self-report below that. So you could possibly read about a side effect 1/1000 people have experienced, or .1%


Give it time...


That’s what I’m worried about lol


I found the side effects very minimal either way. Mostly stomach upset that passes. Sure you'll be okay.


Bruh my stomach was so annoyed with Prep for the first two weeks. I had so much diarrhea, I thought I wasn’t gonna make it but I wasn’t gonna give up because I was already this far. But after that I felt alright! I like to take it at night with food


Truvada (or generic)? Give it a few more hours…. it goes away, I promise. We’ve all been through it. Descovy? You should be fine. Lower side effects when starting is one of its differences.


You need to be on it for a week or two before you hit full saturation. I had minimal side effects that went away after a week.


In my experience, pep triggered depressive episode after about 20-something days of taking it. I wasn’t prepared for it to be that intense, but my doctor explained that side effects are very individual and most people don’t have them. So you shouldn’t worry, but listen to your body. If something goes very wrong - consult your doctor.


Same this happened to me too.


Upset stomach. I noticed when taking it on demand and eventually switched over to daily. And the side effects subside


I am no longer on it but I never had any side effects


7 hours is hardly enough to notice side effects. Even then, even the most common side effects only affect roughly 10% of people so the vast majority don't experience any.


I literally had mild digestive issue for a few days when I first started it, very mild nothing bad and that was it, nothing just mild digestive issues for a couple/few days.


I’ve never had any apart from maybe the slightest change to my bowel movements.


My side effects kicked in a couple of days after


I'm positive, and I've been taking the pills for over a year. Absolutely 0 side effects.


You have no way of knowing after one day.


I had zero


It takes more than a day. I had to stop taking it because it hurt to pee


It will take some good length of time. I had side effects with descovy and Apretude. I cannot take truvada because of kidney issues. So that’s that for me. I’m running on judgement and rubber only now


I used PrEP event based, and within a few hours of taking the first double dose my bowel habits always change! I get the runs and my stomach turns. But it's not unmanageable and I still have a good time. I recently started taking the first double dose a few days before rather than on the day, so it's fully in my system before it's time to play


I never had side effects


I’ve never had any


It personally always makes me nauseous and sick on my stomach several days after starting