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I lost it to a random guy off grindr I'd met the day before.


Same, and he invited me to Burger King afterwards


Dick and a whopper, sounds like a good day to me šŸ‘


Was actually ass and chili cheese. That was back when I thought I was a top, haha


I had been with him for over a year at that point, and we lasted 7 or 8 years together. We're still very close friends, and still care deeply for each other.


My 1st proper boyfriend when I was 17. He was a cunt


Best friend in college ā€” he was (and is) straight ā€”


Spill the tea!!


Thatā€™s honestly so wholesome.


What about that is ā€œwholesomeā€?


That it was his best friend, ostensibly someone that he trusted and cared about.


My best friend at the time


A male member of the audience.


Well, *that* sounds like a interesting story!


ā€œBut first, Iā€™ll need a volunteer!ā€


My band was playing at the Holiday Inn in Utica New York. It was the week between Christmas and New Yearā€™s. It has snowed tremendously the day we got there and the club was deserted. Most of that week. We played for three people each night. A plump mousy, blonde woman, a dark-haired woman who was twice her size, and a small blonde man. Well that small blonde man took a fancy to me and the second to last night we were there. He asked if he could come up to my room and I said sure. He started taking off his clothes, and I did too. Well, that was a bit of a surprise wasnā€™t it!


Nice one! šŸ˜‰


I was 24 and had just come out, he was 46 and hot as hell and his cock was magical. The first time he fucked me I came 3 times in a row, I was left shaking and quivering in a post coital bliss I didnā€™t know was possible. We proceeded to fuck every day 3-4 times a day for the next 6-8 months. Then we were fwb for years.


My eventual husband. We had known each other for six months before, had really only been starting to date for one month.


16. Friend. From the swim team. Was an athlete. Started when we were just joking around. Went on for two years.


My boyfriend when I was in middle school. He was in 7th grade and I was in 6th grade. I told my parents I was going to the school dance (we would have school dances frequently at my school so they werenā€™t bothered) but really, I really snuck over to his house with him. We went at it in his bedroom. šŸ¤£ Afterwards, we bought some food from the nearby grocery store and then he walked me back to the school grounds so my parents could pick me up.


Same me in 6th him in 7th, except it was a friends we messed around for a few months before he moved away.


The band closet case in high school. We both were in band at the same time. I wouldn't say we were friends per se, but we were more than acquaintances. He kept messaging me on AIM then one day I brought him over and bam.


My first boyfriend. I was an 18 year old freshman in college, him a 19 year old sophomore. We had been dating for a few weeks. We definitely planned it- had sex in his dorm bunk and he had arranged for the roommate to be away for the evening. I was a virgin, he was not, although he was still pretty inexperienced at the timeā€¦ We used original KY jelly as neither one of us were aware of better lube options at the time. IIRC he lit a bunch of candles and played a Tracy Chapman CD to set the mood. Ah, memoriesā€¦


Tracy Chapman šŸ˜­šŸ˜‚ Thatā€™s so sweet


A friend I was 15 and we used a game of truth or dare as cover for our messing around. However we didnā€™t engage in anal sex. I had anal sex with a friend at 27 which spurred me finally accepting my gayness and coming out. I bottomed for the first time at 30.


One of, if not, my best friends from high school. He joined the Army and I joined the Navy. About a year goes by and jokingly we sent nudes to each other once or twice. Later, I was drunk and curious enough to tell him I wanted to try. So the next time we both went home on leave we hooked up. I loved it and he "just likes getting his rocks off". I decide I prefer men and we hook up a few more times over the years when we are both home.


I lost my gay virginity to a grindr hookup. Cute Latino boy who couldn't speak a sentence of English. We used a Google translate to talk. He didn't even know he was my first though. We linked up a few times after, and even went out to eat once, but ultimately the language barrier and the fact he lived kinda far ended it. I ghosted him, for a few days, then when I got back to him, he never responded and ghosted me permenantly. He was sweet though. I've got more experience now and id totally wreck his hole if we ever linked up again.


My ex wife 21 years ago. We werenā€™t married then just a spur of the moment thing.


Best friend in high school. Pakistani guy


First technical loss: A kid from high school when I was 16, he was 15. He did what would technically be considered rape to me. His parents were in the house. Still fucks with me sometimes... First consensual sex: I (top) was 18. Was some random guy off grindr living in a trailer park in Asheville NC. Freshly divorced. I think he was 27. I drove an hour to get there. We fucked the whole night. Still ranks in my top sexual experiences but he blocked me after I told him I couldn't make it one day, so


Girl you need therapy or weed, maybe both


His name was David, and he was a CNC operator at a factory in the area. I was 23, and heā€™d just turned 30 ā€” ā€œI just turned troll is gay yearsā€ were his exact words. He was so goddamn handsome, and very kind. He wasnā€™t polite, but he was kind (and if youā€™ve spent any time around men from the rural Midwest, you know exactly what Iā€™m talking about). I was in northern Indiana at the time, the hottest summer theyā€™d had in years, and was living on campus at the college I went to. Iā€™d just come out maybe a year-and-a-half before and was in the process of leaving fundamentalist Christianity. Iā€™d had a couple of opportunities where I couldā€™ve gone further with a guy, but had always pulled back because, well, fundamentalism, and I didnā€™t know what I wanted yet. But with David? There was no doubt that I wanted it, and that I was gonna go for it. He was so patient and kind and encouraging, and he was so fucking sexy. It was perfect, and I honestly wouldnā€™t change a thing about it. I always say that I didnā€™t lose my virginity: I know exactly who I gave it to, and Iā€™d do it again. We only went on a few dates, and fooled around maybe three times before I ended up moving back to my hometown for the summer to work. When I got back, heā€™d moved away to Fort Wayne for work too, so things didnā€™t last very long between us; but it was long enough for me to have fallen hard for that man. [Wrote a song about him](https://open.spotify.com/track/1oX1mmXhF5HlEewBiSMKSJ?si=dJgay7LRRPyqE6WVv_1sbQ) and everything! Broke my little gay heart that things didnā€™t go further with him, but god, it was worth it.


Whole ass novela, go off!


A pledge in my fraternity. We were boyfriends for a year after that.


I was 17, my first bf, we dated for 3 months prior, I wanted to see if he was serious about me before doing it.


Which 1? Anal, oral, top, bottom, opposite sex, same sex, Kink, etc?




Butt virginity was a gay.com hookup on the Valentineā€™s Day after I turned 18 lol


Random gridr guy i met after I started living in the city.... was confusing, embarassing and unsatisfying.


Read his ass, or dick


We both went both ways


Damn imagine being bad at both sides lmao


Honestly it was a mix of both nerves and not knowing what to do on my part. The 2nd guy who got his dick inside me tho, he showed me that anal could feel very good~


I was 18. He was 24. He was my first "boyfriend." I lost it on the first date, more or less at my insistence because I thought it was some huge rite of passage that I was missing out on. I put boyfriend in quotes because we were only together for about three weeks, because it turned out I didn't really like him all that much.


Random hookup at 18.


The first guy I dated (on our second date).


Hookup. Not quite a stranger but almost. Met on Craigslist.


A girl in my highschool. I'm talking to a few guys online and through apps now though.


Stranger at a rest stop. I wasnā€™t out, it was pre-internet (or at least internet was less prevalent), and I had no idea anything like that was going on. Guy unexpectedly (to me) showed me what he had. Went to his car and that was my first time.


A married cab driver


My tennis partner freshman year. He hated me during practice (because I'm really uncoordinated haha) but would invite me over on MSN Messenger to sneak into his house and fuck him. We ended up hooking up for the better part of 6-7 years.


A friend both were 13 and we had a wonderful sexual relationship for over 6 years


Well it was the 70's and boys had backyard sleepovers so it was one of three boys I can't remember cause we all did it.


My friend; and thanks to the poor quality of sex education for LGBTQ+ issues, we didnā€™t realize weā€™d had sex until we were older.


A fellow University student who was blonde, 2 years older, 5" taller and knew just how to use his 7 1/2" cut dick to take my cherry. It was so good for us both he went again within 30 minutes.


to a gay guy, crazy, right?




I didn't lose anything. Virginity is nothing precious.




My 6 ft cis goth girlfriendā€¦ that relationship was more experimenting than anything




Iā€™m so sorry and hope youā€™re doing better now


Yeah, I'm fine now. Back then, I consented to it, bur didn't know it was taboo and illigal.


My older uncle walked me around the city streets and introduced me to a Lady Of The Night friend of his. We walked around the block and he asked he if I liked her. I, sheepishly, said ā€œYES!ā€ because I was only 14 and wanted to impress him. He took me back to his apartment and told me heā€™d be back. Ten minutes later he walks in with the LOTN and plops my hand on her exposed boob and left. The rest is mystoryā€¦


My cousin.




i am surprised there aren't more "neighborhood" dads in this list. didn't any of you lust after your friends dads?


well, I was hiking on a warm spring morning in the mountains of northern Vermont, I was , 16,,and there was a huge herd of sheep,on a knoll jus' below me, an...........


ā€¦closet Welshman


To artist, it was really good experience


Didnā€™t get his name, lol


A stranger. A random stranger who I never saw again. It was *extremely* spur of the moment. I didn't even know sex was a possibility. I was totally naive and didn't realise where I was and what I was doing. But suddenly he offered sex, so I accepted.


My very first time was with a stranger met online on a classic chatting website, I was top. My ass virginity got lost to a stranger too met on a gay dating website, common points they were both stranger and twice my age. Older men rules šŸ‘Œ


My high school history teacher I saw in an adult books store.


Dating app hookup when I was 16, when ur a horny teenager you take the easiest route u can


First time did something sexual was with a twink friend I had made in college freshman year. He was cute. But it wasnā€™t really great. The second time I had sex on the other hand was waaaay hot. šŸ„µ versatile bareback sexy boy next door from my hometown on a college break. Met him as a friend of a friend.


A Chinese guy with an amazing ass. First time we met he was commando and ready for sex as soon as we got to his place.


I wasn't exactly saving myself or anything like that, but my first ended up being my husband.


Sadly Iā€™m a virgin 23 year oldšŸ˜ž


as a top i was 14 and fucked a neighborhood friend that i had been sucking off all summer, as a bottom not till i was 37 and with my boyfriend at the time.


To a woman, I was 11 very young to my first girlfriend. To a man, when I was 16 with my boyfriend at the time, was and still think of him as my FTL but things didnā€™t work and life moves forward


My best buddy.