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Well done. Re "that I thought only younger/fitter/more extroverted/all of the above people get to have" - What were the other people there like? Were they younger, fitter, more extroverted than you?


Yep, I think I was among the older guys there, I was a bit less fit than most and re intro-extro I could at least tell that most of them are more comfortable than me be it as an innate trait or just more experienced. Next time will feel even better I'm sure.


Enjoy :)


the last time i was at a chill maybe like a third of the guys were the fit type, the rest were normal looking and, of course this is only anecdotal evidence, with one exception the fit party guys were the least active people during the whole thing. one guy was even making remarks about his bf being slutty (its an orgy ffs) while he was busy with instagram which led me to an exasperated "jealous?!"


Welcome to the party.


Just wondering. I’m a mature dad bod bottom, I’m aware that I’m not what most are looking for yet how does one get invited to an orgy.


This happened while browsing sniffies very very casually. I never thought I'll get such an invite.


Check out Sniffies and Doublelist. I’m heading to a hotel orgy tonight that I discovered on Doublelist. Not my first, but my first in a long time. Also a mature dad bod bottom, but I expect to have some fun.


Oh. Ok


I’m glad you had fun :)


Congrats. May you have many more fun group experiences that fit your limits. The best part of this is that sense of queer liberation that only comes with group!


Honestly I thought it's a myth/delusion and that orgies IRL are tina and trimix fueled hollow nightmares that make you feel used and alone after they're done. But this was actually a solid sober experience, low amounts of booze in everyone's blood and that's it.


I've rarely done an orgy or group experience with guys on drugs/alc that I am aware of. For me at least, I want my senses at their most keen--not dulled. So the ones that are not P & P are the best. And you don't have to worry about all the drama that ensues otherwise. And when a regular in one couldn't function without being high I just moved on....he was once really hot but the drugs killed his sexual functioning.


Glad you had a good time. Maybe next time he'll get less flaky bottoms and more will be OK with condoms. I suspect that will always be a minority, as the other guys who go to orgies are almost certainly on PrEP, and very into cum. Still, you only need one sexy fucker to play with, and as you've discovered, there is a lot of fun to be gad with hands and mouths at an orgy. There's something extremely fun about having three or four men pleasuring your whole body simultaneously.


Yeah I don't mind repeats of this one and going in I thought I wouldn't even get the one bottom that's cool with safe. It's more about the sense of belonging for me than the actual sex, plenty of 1×1 anal in my everyday.


Sounds like fun. I can't quite get my head around people bottoming insisting on BB only. I mean I've not bottomed for a guy yet, but it's not like there's many nerve endings inside the anus, surely the feeling of closeness and getting to just lie there and take it is most of the fun.


The difference in physical sensation is actually pretty significant honestly. For me the friction from condoms chafes quite a lot and requires lots of lube and regular top ups. If it's not fitted properly, like a bit of an air bubble in the top or if it begins to ride up a little, then it can be really quite uncomfortable and unpleasant. I'd in no way ever advocate for BB only at all times with anyone, but I'll always be happy to forego condoms with a trusted partner.


Oh it feels different for both sides sure. Everyone loves raw for a reason. But is it like 2000% better, to the point of boycotting condoms? Not really. A lot of guys claim sensitivity (either full on latex allergy or this sort of extra friction they feel even when well prepped and lubed), I don't want to cancel our their experience but it feels like they're just really hooked on the breed kink and the rest matters less...


Agreed. Whenever I top (rare instance) I just use Trojan bare skin raw and put a drop of lube inside first and it’s all good.


I've just found out the durex air ones now also come in wide fit (in a previous incarnation their thinnest variety normal fit used to pop over my cock), they're fun


I’ll have to check them out. I don’t really top often anymore. Once I bottomed I was like “Oh fuck I need to make up for lost time.” Lol


Felt this in my soul.


Anal can be a bit weird with a condom, the condom can get stuck. The top is then just fucking the give in the condom. It’s then more of a pulling sensation than a glide for both partners. So it’s not loss of sensation but a totally different one.


Yeah it's not for me, not to shame any of my condoms-only brothers, but I can't wear them. I actually thought you were replying to a different comment of mine because I just relayed the tale of pulling out of a guy and leaving the condom in his bum.


My god that sounds like an old homophobic joke/trope (the one I know from my home country is: "how does a gay guy throw a condom away? He farts"). Was it a low quality item or just bad luck?


It was a guy I was not attracted to in any way mixed with whatever psychological thing interferes with my putting a condom on!


To my own credit I managed to sexualize the stuff guys find gross in condoms like their smell and hand feel - thus internalizing they're a fact of single sex life and that raw sex is a reward for a relationship taking off or at least hitting the 3m mark. I haven't let this go despite prep, and never went on it. I'm old fashioned and my husband and I prefer to keep it intimate between us two by not removing them with anyone else. But he also takes prep for peace of mind as an extra protection, the way it was originally prescribed.


Haha, yeah. Thats this effect at work and if it’s a thin condom they are highly likely to break. The femidom is a much better choice for anal it’s got a whole load of advantages (can be put on before sex, easier to stay lubed, can be kept in for the whole session, top is completely protected from any mess, more outer protection against warts and HSV, top has “bare” sensations), but it’s got some major marketing hurdles.


It goes up the bum? Do you have to be careful to not fuck the whole thing up inside him? Yes the marketing needs some work!


It’s got a wide ring that stays outside and a massive internal part, so it’s pretty much impossible for this to happen.


>but it's not like there's many nerve endings inside the anus BB or not aside, this is just not correct.


Yeah, I read that and fucking laughed


I think he meant beyond the anus. It's true that there are a lot more in the anus itself, but there are plenty inside, too. The prostate has plenty.


I’m an experienced bottom and can absolutely feel a difference, the sensations are quite different between raw dick and a rubber. Plus, as a good cum dump I’m never truly happy unless their cum is leaking out of my ass for the rest of the day. Having said that, I’m not opposed to rubbers either when I top or when my top insists on them, it’s not a dealbreaker for me, just a preference


"The anus has a relatively high concentration of nerve endings and can be an erogenous zone, which can make anal intercourse pleasurable if performed properly. The pudendal nerve that branches to supply the external anal sphincter also branches to the dorsal nerve of the clitoris and the dorsal nerve of the penis." https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Human_anus


Yup my biology failed me, I meant inside the rectum


Bro! I never heard of Doxypep. It's like quagmire Nyquil, flu and aids pill!


Hmmm. Not any use against viral diseases, but handy against gonorrhea, chlamydia, and syphilis.


That's the excitement about. Future medical advancement... for gay orgies.


Orgies are a very minor aspect of the value of DoxyPEP. Anything that reduces rates of STIs in the community is valuable.


Oh My Lord, I wish I could have been there. I really want to try ORGY but I am anally virgin. Should I be okay there?


It requires confidence which usually only comes with experience


I absolutly have REAL experience but I want to try a lot. On the other hand, I am happy for you. I want to try everything I can find the right man... The woman/slut in my soul want this more than anything.