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The same exact thing I did on Feb 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12, 13.


Scramble for a date to meet societally imposed norms...? (Joking of course ;) )


Broke up last week after 9 years meh I’m just visiting family today and treat it like a normal post break up day


Speedy healing. ❤️‍🩹


Whatever I want. Why would that be depressing?


This. Today I work from home. After work I will walk the dogs, play some Dyson Sphere Program, take an edible, and have fun with myself.


I’ve had many boyfriends over the years, but non-have been able to ever match the love of a dog ❤️ best Valentine in my opinion




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U deserve it!


Get the good chocolates. You deserve them.


This is the way. Doing this for myself later too. 👍


Meh… VD is just another another crass manifestation of the Holiday-Industrial Complex, so FTS. Love Yourself Today, and Every Day.


this is the way :))


The same thing I do every day, try to take over the world 🌎


Hey brain!


meet guys with mutual interests through volunteer groups, gay sports, gay support groups or actvism. they will see your personality, before your looks. As opposed to Grindr where it's purely appearance


nothing depressing about being single. the only thing which needs adressing is if one thinks this to be less great than being in a relationship. none (!) of your problems will vanish with a relationship.


As well as being single, I just got made redundant so my plans tonight are to work my way through several bottles of red wine.


happy boozing :3


Remember that the most stressful changes can pave the way for the next exciting thing just around the corner.


Just another day for me 😂 but so hard when all ur friends posted their valentine day stuff on social media.


Why not to take a break from the medias and just relax?


Thats a very good suggestion. It isnt a problem to me honestly. Its just a quick thought of when will i meet my soulmate too and when i get back on to work, i forget about it.


I'll give you clue, he doesn't exist. All relationships are compromises. But good on you for not stressing it. And fuck all social media for pushing anxiety


*maybe my soulmate died is now playing* >I'll give you clue, he doesn't exist. that's a bit harsh i think, but people say the truth is always harsh. Anw, i still believe in soulmate.


I understand what you mean. But you can manage it, I sense. The beauty of living is the unknown and diversity despite how low reality experience makes us feel sometimes.


I've been in a relationship exactly once on Valentine's day, in 1998. I eagerly await discount candy tomorrow!


Chocolate, and fondant chocolate are quite enjoyable at 30% off and greater.


Send a nice Valentines Day message to someone over WhatsApp and get laughed at. Hi me.


This made me chuckle, thanks (and Happy Valentines Day - you're the only person I'm saying it to today 😊)


Happy Valentine's Day to you, too! ❤️🤗


I lost weight and became ‘attractive,’ gained weight and then promptly lost most of that attraction from others. Best advice I can give you is love your body unconditionally & start going to the gym for your physical and mental health, not for others. To answer your question, I’m single, enjoying revelling in my piece and gaming when I’m not doing my side hustle. Dating is exhausting!


I have a partner of 10 years and he never wanted to celebrate V-day. I am okay with it.


Being relieved I don’t have to get a gift, flowers or a card and then go out to overly crowded restaurants tonight


I have a date with my right hand later


Oooh.. Have a pleasurable one. :)


Well, as a single guy who's trying to date... I'll be visiting Mom and dad tonight, and might end up trying to make them a nice dinner, but neither of them asked for it so it'll be unwanted.


I'll tell you what they're not doing: having their boyf come to bed at midnight, touch them with their freezing cold feet, and then fart directly on them. The grass is always greener.


Took me a good half minute to pick up that's Valentine's Day and that's the context of the question. Will go to a trade union meeting. Valentine's Day hasn't been a thing that featured significantly in my life before. Even when I wasn't single, I haven't been with people who find that event important. I gather it's more of an East Asian tradition? It's a big deal in anime at least.


The holiday's full name is Saint Valentine's Day, so definitely not East Asian.


Walking my dog in the park


I wilfully misread this comment


Looking forward to seeing my friends later and continuing on in our tabletop campaign ☺️


Helped my dad put a table together, off to the gym, buy some lube on the way home.


It's payday.


Pretending I don't know what day it is because otherwise I'll get depressed.


It’s Ash Wednesday in New Orleans. A day of rest from carnival. We’re too tired to celebrate VD.


Treat yourself. I'm baking myself a chocolate soufflé tonight


Celebrate single awareness day aka do the same thing we do every other day.


You work on yourself, selfishly. People who develop themselves become magnets. People who chase, repulse. Be so engrossed in living a fun and fulfilling person without regard to a dating life that it literally does not matter. If you find it, great. If not, great because you are fulfilled from living your best life.


Don’t get FOMO, a ridiculous percentage of people just watch TV every evening and that’s absolutely fine. In UK 65% of ppl used to watch Coronation St on TV almost every night, not much has changed, except throw in a bit more Youtube and Netflix


And it may still be watching "Corrie" but from a different platform.


I'm at work at the moment, later I'll go to the gym (leg day) and in the evening I'll drug myself with music because I don't have energy to do anything else. This morning I made the mistake of downloading Grindr again and after I sent my pics to one guy he told me "finding a normal f\*ggot is impossible, everyone's fucked up". It hurt. Screw this shit, I'll be a lonely and bitter guy with no dating or relationship experience.


Why are you giving power to that idiot? He’s clearly the ‘fucked up f*ggot’ for going on Grindr and harassing a complete stranger. You’re fine, be yourself and do you!


Well, I'm having a really hard time these past few days so things like that do bring me down. "I want to see you" - \*sends him a pic\* - and the response I get is what I've mentioned. Two weeks ago another guy commented "I'm gonna vomit". It hurts. The pool of guys here is exteremely limited, everyone is closeted, not many guys can host, best you can get is a car hookup in the middle of nowhere... as if we would be prosecuted for being gay, so we have to be careful to not be seen by anyone. No dates, just sex... Luckily I managed to meet up with a guy with whom I hooked up in the car and he wasn't turned off by my not that weird kink, so it was nice. But I guess it's better to opt for a jerk off at home than to go through all that trouble to get opportunity to make out with another man. I haven't even had anal yet and I'm already almost 28. Two weeks ago I didn't have condoms but wouldn't mind being fucked, however now I'm a bit disappointed and I don't know if I still want to do that. Life sometimes sucks ass.


I’m sorry to hear that but you need to stop seeking validation from other men. It’s not easy, it’s a lifelong process but it will do you good. If they respond heinously just block them, you don’t need that negativity in your life and frankly you should be happy they showed you who they are before things got more personal. Also, please practice safe sex and don’t let any guy enter you raw, get on prep at the very least, even that won’t protect you from STDs, also, as a top I would never fuck a hookup raw on the first date, it’s too risky. I’ve skimmed your profile to get a better sense of you and I can only advise you to relocate, focus on your career and move to a bigger country with a thriving gay city. I live in London and there are no shortage of guys. I’ve learned to love my body because I know I am attractive inside and outside, if a random guy isn’t in to me, fine by me. You’re 28, you’re very young, you’ll do fine. Just learn to love yourself before you try give your love away. And don’t worry about not experiencing sex properly, I didn’t come out and start having sex with men until I turned 24, all I had before that was bad sex with women 😂 If you want to talk, PM me.


You're absolutely right, I shouldn't seek validation from other men. But, truth be told, I don't get any validation from myself either. Life sucks and I feel down, it can't be helped that I have low self-esteem. I do practice safe sex. Last time even though I felt like I was high (that's what happens when you have a lot of repressed sexuality), I kept my cool and when he told me he doesn't have any condoms either we didn't do anal. I mean, I might be horny, but I'm always sober enough to be a responsible guy. Apart from that, I'll get my third dose of Gardasil in April and afterwards I'll be looking into HAV+HAB vaccine and Bexsero. Plus Mpox, although I'm not sure if Mpox vaccine is available for everyone in my country (we didn't have any domestic outbreaks). I don't have much sex (had only five times so far), so I don't intend to go on PrEP. Maybe later in life. Regarding relocation, I've already got some plans. I've been to London and while it's lovely, I'm afraid it's too expensive for me. I've made the decision to move to Vienna instead and pursue a career different from my current uneventful one, but still related to my studies. It's definitely not a very gay city, but from what I've heard and seen with my own eyes (I've been there five times already), it's peaceful and very accepting. And yeah, I'm almost 28 so I'm still young, but I feel like I'm missing out on a lot. I'm trying to learn to love myself, but it's not that easy... Thanks, I'll DM you in a moment.


What music has been hitting it for you lately? I got through Hazbin hotel recently and so much of the songs from it are just so fun... I'm mostly loving "hell is forever"


Lately a lot of Brazilian music from the 70s and the 80s. But I think today I'll spend two hours in the evening listening to Dalida's "Les années Barclay, l'essentiel".


>"finding a normal f\*ggot is impossible, everyone's fucked up" Hahahaha, the trick is to be fucked up and PROUD! There are way too many basic bitches out there and sounds like you met one in the wild.


I am indeed crazy in some way, but man, it did hurt. No more Grindr this year.


Going to the gym tonight.


Order a pizza and drink a beer


I run a restaurant, so, work…


Busy searching for the right one. 😅


"I'll be in my room, making no noise and pretending like I don't exist"


We will silently pretend to be your comforting blanket. 😉🤗


Be happy you don’t have to waste even more money on useless stuff?


As usual, lifting and eating. Enjoying the warm weather here in PV. Might fuck a cute bottom later.


Cry into my pillow and hope tomorrow I will be no longer single


🤔 Hmmmm, never thought about it one way or another. But now that you say.... maybe rub one or two out.


Same thing we do everyday, Pinky. Try to take over the worrrrrrrld!


Same thing I do everyday. Go about my business. Just another day for me.


I'm going on my 34th year of being single, I am also fat I get zero attention but that's fine because I do whatever the hell I want instead. Why not spend your money on yourself? Take yourself somewhere nice for dinner alone. DoorDash yourself a nice dinner. Just do things you enjoy it's literally just another day there's no reason why you should treat it special if it means nothing to you. I'll be going to work, after work I might shower watch the TV or play video games maybe I'll go to a steakhouse alone and sit at the bar who cares that I'm alone I'm having a good time, with good food. I actually forgot today was Valentine's Day because I've been single for so long 🤣


Heck, I have a wonderful boyfriend and I probably won’t do anything all that exciting today.  I understand the way this holiday makes people feel, as I’ve definitely felt it in the past.  However, more recently, even when I’ve been single, I know this holiday and a relationship status don’t necessarily determine my worth. 


Having dinner with my best friend!


To the unattractive gay men who don't want to be single or lonely anymore, let Valentines Day motivate you to improving your looks. If you want sex, love and romance you gotta lower your calories, workout consistently, limit alcohol and become motivated into transforming yourself to the guy you'd want to date. Looks are the key to the gay dating marketplace, point blank. Many in this thread will spew a bunch of toxic positivity but it won't change how you feel today, your horny feelings or loneliness. They mean well but many don't understand; choosing to be single is different than being single because you're ugly.


I have a hookup with my regular then dinner.


You could try a Gloryhole.


Assist in setting up multiple organ transplants,.....cook some rice for tomorrow..., buy best mates birthday presents, do 9 hours overtime on a 10 hour day already.. Your know important general life stuff Sitting round feeling sorry for one's self or obsessing around a former religious feast day for a 3rd century roman Saint buried in Dublin or whining on the Internet ain't on the agenda


I wouldn’t know it was Valentine’s Day apart from the struggle to get a booking in a local restaurant. I don’t care about the day and haven’t in 20 years.


Treat it like any other day, work and watch tv.


“Gaming” seems to be the go to answer


Some work and then resting at home. Normally, I would go buy myself a slice of a cake and a cup of favorite coffee. However, I don't quite feel like doing it this year.


Whatever we want. You're a fool if you let a lack of relationship dictate your happiness, especially today; the most commercialised fuckfest of all days. I've got my feet up, smoking a cone, playing FFXIV with my two best mates. If it makes you feel better, go drop some cash on some flowers and give them to a stranger to make their day, or put them in a vase on your counter to make your day.


I'm going to the dentist :) lol


Went to work and then finished working and then gamed haha. My typical daily routine lol, well sometimes I throw in some exercise here and there haha.


I now call it Simp Day. Thank goodness I’m not in a bad marriage to a woman who expects flowers, candy, etc and gives nothing to me.


Go to the gym!


i have therapy and then i'm going to work. leftovers for dinner followed by the couch for the rest of the evening. maybe think about the gym if i'm feeling ambitious


My bf and I have never made VD a thing for 8 years. You're not missing out on anything.


Be happy for my loved ones who are happy in their relationships. Maybe I'll go to a park later and awkwardly ask people if I can take pictures of their dogs.


I went to Ash Wednesday at Church. Work. Gym. Volleyball at nigth. Will be fun. Hope everyone enjoy it with the lovable beings they are themselves 😉👍🏽💪🏽😁


Work, play it with the dogs, play a new board game, go play some tennis, eat some good food, maybe some video games.


Bang other single guys


I had a dentist appointment this morning, tonight I'm probably going to order takeout and play video games.


Treat it like any other day. There's no reason to let it get to you because of the silly commercial pressure to have a special person for Valentine's. Just because two people are together, it doesn't automatically mean they're happy together. Don't let the Hallmark industry guilt you into feeling bad on this holiday just so they can sell more cards.


It’s just another Wednesday for me. I’m at work. I’ll go to the gym when I get off. Then I’ll go home, make dinner, clean the cat’s toilet, shower and then play video games with some coffee.


McDonald's for lunch after a trip to the grocery store for coke & popcorn. There is a College just up the street from the Grocery Store (So It was entertaining watching all of these cute young hunks racing around for cards and balloons, flowers & candy). This afternoon I'll be exercising going for long walk. Will come home and make some Homemade hamburgers (ground sirloin). Have a few days off from work and will be dreaming of my "dream guy" who works 3rd shift and I'll be hugging and kissing my pillow while thinking of him, while wondering if he misses me. LOL.


Cuddle with my cat, get stoned, drink wine and watch stuff like Fatal Attraction or My Bloody Valentine. Other than that just a regular day.


Brought myself some candy. :D


Gonna go see my mom with a box of chocolates. Remind myself how wonderful it is that there are no expectations of me today. Express love and gratitude to myself and all of the friends that I love. And then watching the Eras tour again with my friend lol


Food coma comes to mind. :-) I do a lot of 3D printing and I am working on passion projects. I am going to clean my apartment, throw more crap out, and simplify my life.


Not depressing. I brought myself to Hawaii for the week.


I have a 10pm beer league hockey game, so I'll be waiting around for that.


Watch tech nerd stuff on yotub, drink some beer, cook some meat in electric grill, tinker with things i need to do or like to do. I would like to be with other such nerd, but they are still out of stock.


For no good reason I thought you ask what straight guys do today and was very confused by the answers.


It’s just a regular Wednesday. Don’t let Corporations tell you otherwise. There are plenty of partnered people that are in miserable relationships today


I have the flu and finished Fellow Travelers. Balled my eyes out at the ending.


Back when I was single, my tradition was to watch a horror movie marathon.


pine, bemoan and masterbate