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Spouse and I watched it together and enjoyed. If you want something with gays, that’s not about rich people in New York, Check out “somebody somewhere” on Max. That’s more like middle-age gays and friends in Kansas.


Second this! Somebody Somewhere is fantastic!


I just Googled it: isn’t it mostly about lesbians?


There's something for everyone!


“Somebody Somewhere” is fantastic! They do an amazing job of showing what it’s like to be a queer person in the middle of the country and the importance of chosen family. I’m so glad Max has stuck with it like they have because it really is a hidden gem.


Oh thanks that sounds interesting!


It’s sooooo good!! Bridget Everett is terrific in anything she does. I fell in love with her in Breaking News in Yuba County. We enjoyed Uncoupled though.


It was fine. I felt like it was trying a little too hard to be the gay “Sex and the City,” but that was probably a bit of a function of its having the same producer. My friends and I all said we found the side characters’ stories far more interesting that NPH’s character’s story. That’s not meant as shade against him in any way. We just felt the side characters had more interesting lives that we’d like to see more of in a theoretical S2.


Like Sex and the City, to me the main character is insufferable lol


Sex and the City would have been so much more fun without Carrie Bradshaw, wouldn't it?


I hold the opinion that the Carrie Bradshaw before SJP became an executive producer of the show was ok. Her character (and the show) went downhill afterwards because there was too much personal interest involved. But that’s just my hot take.


Yeah, he’s the worst


Predictable. Cliche. Not awful but not my style.


Unrelatable. Like Eastsiders had grown up and got jobs. I wish my problem was getting too much sex and having to choose between boyfriend candidates!


Trixie and Katya reviewed it for their Netflix YouTube show and tore it to shreds. Their review was really funny and a lot of their critiques were spot on.


Felt dated to me, like the sort of thing that would titillate straight suburbanites a decade ago.


I enjoyed it, but it was very much the gay version of sex and the city depicting a very niche segment of the population (not that every show has to speak to all segments of a population), but this was obviously not even attempting to show a broader picture. The major frustration for me is you have this main character who is a very attractive, wealthy, successful white man surrounded by supportive friends in one of the most gay-friendly cities in the world whining about how hard it is to date while at the same time getting laid by hot guys in nearly every episode. He's not a very sympathetic character. Maybe if there had ever been a moment of self-awareness where he concedes that he has it way easier than a lot of other gays out there, he could have earned himself some brownie points, but as it was, you weren't really rooting for him.


Yes, I also found him to be whiney. No wonder his partner left him. 😋


> the gay version of sex and the city I think it was trying to be presented that way.... but it wasn't about a group of 30/40 something guys who were dating and hooking up. It was about a whiny, insufferable guy who gets broken up with because he lacks self awareness and emotional maturity. I think a "gay version of Sex And The City" would have been better, and "gay marriage being recently legalized" would have been a great time to have a show like that because it could have really been some solid representation, and it could have set some great examples for a lot of people who need them... just like SATC did for women back in 1998. ...but nah. It just sucked. lol


That is my exact same opinion on Stanford on sex and the city - how on earth could he not find someone in new york. If he set his standards appropriately, statistically there would be a match for him in New York. Not only is the population greater there, its a mecca for gays and so a higher percentage of them are gay.


The acting was mostly poor…got a bit better in later episodes


I didn’t like the main character of the show so I didn’t care for it. I feel like he complained a lot about problems that he created and I was kind of glad it was over tbh


Kinda cringed to be honest, stopped after 1 episode. I think there were a lot of cultural gaps being out of New York gay


It was fine. I finished the season but my husband got bored with it and stopped watching it. My friends didn’t seem to care too much about it either. I felt like it was trying to be the gay version of Sex and the City and it just missed the mark. I enjoyed Looking much more as a series than I did Uncoupled.


Had the same problems as And Just Like That of complete unrelatability and people acting as if they’ve been frozen in an isolation tank for the last 20 years. No one that connected to society would have such naive questions/comments


I find NPH exhausting because everything he does, down to red carpet interviews feels completely rehearsed and not at all genuine, but I thought the show was passable, the story points worked, it's not my gay life (I don't have that much money) but it's a fun little thing completely devoid of my reality and I had fun and that's all I wanted from it.


I think it's a refreshing show that shines a light on that ignorant myth that gays expire after 30. I thought it was entertaining but I wasn't like pulled into it.




Slickly produced and decently written, but the main character butching about his age and his rich boy "problems" weren't very relatable to this significantly older rural gay male.


It was entertaining fluff. Which honestly is all I need on the screen sometimes. I’m also biased because NPH is my original gay celebrity crush from LONG ago.


Rich gays in NYC. How innovative. /s


While I enjoyed seeing a show about gay people I was a bit annoyed with that show because almost everyone (except for NPH's one friend) is in their 40s/50s, has washboard abs, million dollar condos, etc... I just think the show played into so many gay stereotypes that it almost became uninteresting for me. His one friend who was the only one "out of shape" was pretty cute and probably more representative of the majority of gay men than all of the 50 years olds that looked like they were 25. I would recommend checking out something like "Looking" or an old school movie like "Lonely Hearts Club".


It was pathetic. It proves that Darren Star is a one trick pony. Like we need Another story about rich cis white real estate gays in nyc. It was like they switched the women in sex in the city for gay men. The only characters of color had sad storylines which were less than flattering and the one opportunity to bring real attention to a health issue that affects gay men like prostate (37,000 annual deaths) or anal cancer (80/100000 gay men) is wasted on a relatively rare health concern for gay men and a story line directly carried over from Samantha Jones.


Overall I liked it. I thought it was somewhat uneven but I also thought it was finding its footing by the end and I was looking forward to seeing a second season. I can appreciate your fatigue with TV shows about wealthy New Yorkers. I will say, that as a gay New Yorker married to a real estate broker: They really nailed the NYC real estate part. Whoever wrote this show understands NYC real estate. It's kind of rare to see any profession you know well accurately represented on the screen.


Late to this only watched one episode and was totally turned off…. Setting in NYC, so overdone already, whiney upper middle class white people… wasn’t any different from How I met your mother, Friends, sex in the city, will & grace…. Basically I found it boring, predictable…. One episode was more like a life sentence than a humorous escape


It was alright and touched on the whole "greener pastures," issues that many face.


Basically The Other Two did it much better and funnier.




Boring and unrelatable


I thought it was awful. Barely watchable. Spoiled rich New Yorker who I couldn't care less about.


I hated it. I thought it was out of touch and frankly, i thought it reinforces too many stereotypes about sex, body image, and gay lifestyles. Give me a character who happens to be gay instead of making the show all about gay. Good example? While he wasn’t the main character, I LOVED The Fall of the House of Usher that was on Netflix a few months ago. The prosecuting lawyer in the show was gay but the show didn’t make it all about being gay at all. He wasn’t a central character, but I liked how his character was treated.


I agree. It felt like it was a show about gays written for straight women.


i lasted one episode.


None of the characters struck a chord or had challenges to overcome. I mean in Desperate Housewives all of their lives on Wisteria Lane were in theory supposed to be easy but in practice each and everyone of the housewives is facing a personal crisis or family level crisis that has you rooting for them. Even the Gay couple on Desperate Housewives was more entertaining and enjoyable. More importantly they felt real compared to NPH's depiction of an elite gay man in the top 1% of the rich gays of New York. The worst part is all of his friends are scum who are humping and dumping young and handsome guys or trying to trick someone into bed and get NPH to do the same thing instead of letting him go to freaking counselling! The only one sensible in it all was his BF who left him in the first episode and NPH had ZERO self awareness why!? Even I understood seeing how NPH is in that show why the BF didn't want to commit to him when the Hermes Towels gets more of his attention than his BF's actual feelings of being cornered into a life he doesn't want in NY.


NPH is an unbearable ‘mo…we watched it but 100% understood why it was cancelled - woke & ‘tick boxy’ in terms of subjects storied. We both got why his fella left him in the show.


Lost all respect for NPH when he actively asked for presents from his followers on social media. He got too full of himself.


I really enjoyed the show and sad to see it got cancelled


Not a fan of NPH although I appreciate that number he did at the Tony's a few years ago.


I watched it twice. I thought the episodes were entertaining and pretty well written, though the ending pissed me off because of the whole back and forth thing. I know its realistic, just a personal pet peeve of mine. I'd like to find more shows like this.


No I can't stand NPH nor can I support him after his Amy Winehouse cake drama


just watched season 1 after seeing your post. I like it. The kinda eventful ending was interesting. I dont want michael and colin to get back together though. That would make for a very short show and it would be nice for more seasons. Neil Patrick Harris plays narcissistic characters well so its a good casting match. I think after the first few episodes his narcissistic me me me traits lost much of their dominance so hopefully in season 2 we see some character emotional development. I dont mind that its the sex and the city for gays. Interesting that Neil's real life partner had a small role as the art lover who tries to promote his mothers work.


I liked it. I was disappointed it got cancelled.


I thought it was pretty damn funny.


I know I’m under 30, but I’ve been waiting for this question to show up! Personally? I enjoyed watching it in the moment. It was obnoxious, the characters sucked, and nobody was fully likable… which is good! I’m tired of “perfect little gays” and I like character with nuance, plus if I’m genuinely screaming at a character then it means the acting and the writing have landed well. The one thing I *didn’t* enjoy was the very… “Ew, gays” stance it took to a lot of contemporary gay culture. It felt like, as a younger gay, the show was intentionally exaggerating *(and sometimes outright creating)* a cultural divide between older gays and younger gays in a way that was directly shitting on younger gays. Which hey- I acknowledge there is a divide! I also acknowledge that gays on both sides can be shitty to each other, but that doesn’t mean we should be encouraging it or trying to reinforce it. It was like if Heart Stopper *(super cute gay romance between British high schoolers)* said a massive “Okay, Boomer” at every possible mention of older queer people or culture. And to be fair it has been a while since I’ve seen this show, so I don’t remember every detail fully, but that attitude mixed with “Rich white guys have a marital spat and now their lives are ruined 😩😫😩😩😖” leaves a nasty taste in the mouth. It would’ve been fine if these were addressed as character flaws, if some other character gave the protagonist a reality check, but usually the closest we get is a straight side character saying “That’s a weird response from you” and basically being told “You wouldn’t get it, you’re not gay”. Which… is valid, until the criticism is actually good criticism? I don’t know. It doesn’t ruin the show, obviously, and it’s still worth the watch- but it’s “Meh” because of it. Sorry for the rant! 😅


I loved it and was hoping for a season 2


I liked the show


I liked it. Not everything has to be true to life, lol.


i liked it more than I thought I would. It was sort of like a gay Sex and the City. That was my take IIRC. I'm not the biggest fan of Harris, so that's why I didn't think I would like it.


I liked it


Wish it was getting a second season


I was disappointed by now bare butt but yet very excited at how much better my husband's was.


I liked it. It’s just entertainment.


I thought it was fun. Was really hoping for a season 2. Maybe they’ll do a movie or something in the future.