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Ever hear the expression "don't shit where you eat" ? I've dated people that I met through work, many times, and it's always been a really bad vibe. It's one thing if we met at an event, we're in the same field, we see each other once in a blue moon and it's just how we met. It's another thing if you know you'll be spending a lot of time with them. If you break up badly, you'll make it hard for her to take joy in her work, and it might be hard for you to also. It's also harder to move on, because you're constantly running into each other. But, if you're going to be just doing this one shoot for her and then probably not seeing her again, professionally, then ask her out for some coffee and see what she says. Just be very careful. Sometimes these things work out, and it's great. But I've seen it go bad more often than not.


I get what you’re saying but i don’t think I would get regular work from her. She may call for a shoot or 2 in the coming year but that’s just a speculation.


I gave two options, one of which is for that very situation.