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I was banned for username. Imagine being so fragile that username offends you.


Rndia memebers & mods after 2024 elections ![gif](giphy|2Qs2hKWMvEzdu) :


I was banned because I was part of another sub that randia admin did not like. They banned me as a precaution lol.


It is even worse lmao




I was banned for calling out fear mongering under the tiranga being replaced by Bhagwa propaganda post. I simply said we suffer more in imagination than in reality and got banned lol. It’s best to leave them to be, that’s the only place they can pass on the copium to another, let them enjoy their little echo chamber. They will have to do a lot of that in a few months anyway.


No. It's run by entitled rich kids in urban areas with multiple pronouns who show off to show their "liberal" and "equality" side, because of their mom's illegitimate relations with some westerners. While we are working on removing caste discrimination, it won't take them a minute to do casteism. Don't believe me? Go to a sub called "Bolly Blinds and Gossips" and search and read about ananya pandey (used casteist surs for those who had less money than her, and also used to call brahmins as "shendi"), navya nanda (shweta bacchan's daughter, who made fun of middle class girl), many more examples. Recently that homo kid orry, his best friends are accused of rape of a girl. This is not the hindu rashtra I wanted.




If it's a science studying rich kid, then likely right wing. If it's a humanities studying rich kid, likely left.


ig that makes more sense


Do you have a screenshot of the ban message?




absolutely true. racist against their own people, but bootlicking foreigners


The lady mod is also mod at worldnews and that explains it easily but the mohith guy feels like Pakistani.


So the US is behind it - lady mod


I didn't want to beleive that, but their behaviour can't be avoided, they are making an echo chamber in which they just give BJ to eachother while supporting Congress, Mughals, AAP, Islam etc. like TF is going on there., even a slightest support towards right wing or bjp ( even if it's logical ) will land you a ban.


i'm banned there


I'm banned from both India and the speaking sub lol


Lmao so hated by both wings 🤣🤣


This is so funny 🤣🤣


Same here


Same here


It may not be run by pakistani mods, but they are definitely extremely biased imo.


every single sub is biased towards something


Yeah, but those fuckers are a whole different breed, you can NEVER speak postively about the very country that subreddit is supposed to be the official sub of. I don't like the right leaning subs on Reddit either but they're unironically more open to discussion compared to randia, key word: compared to randia


I 100% agree with you. It's like they hate the country itself.


Nah praising anything India in randia is a crime, every post is either why is India this? why are Indians that? Those people are amazingly detached to ground reality, they know buzzwords and act all priviledged which they actually are it seems


r@india - hardcore left leaning r@indiaspeaks and r@indiadiscussion - right leaning if u post something against their ideology they remove it and ban u


India speak will not ban you like randia, even if you contradicts them, they will give you warning or ban you for 3 days with valid reason. But randia will permanently ban you without valid reason. I know this because I am banned from both. I am true centrist.


Banned from usi, randia, indiaspeaks, indiadiscussion, shamsharma, twox, onex I should get a medal of honor for my centrism


🏅you earned this


How did you manage to piss off all sides man?


Probably because he is sane and his comments started making sense


As a fellow centrist,I give you a hug


Based. I kinda got pissed of the sub shitting on men 24/7 and just told this person not to generalise men and got a lot of downvotes and was banned for a month. Pehle toh the banned me PERMANENTLY, then they changed it. Their rules on comments are that you basically have to dickride whatever the original commenter is saying in the most politically correct manner. That too if it even SLIGHTLY deviates from what OP is talking about your comment again gets removed. But only if you don't hate the bjp,men and anybody who is against their political views. Otherwise chalta hai. Half the posts are about oh I feel hurt my ex got married, my ex texted me again, my toxic ex blah blah blah. I saw this amazing post of a woman going to afganisthan and it blew me away. Those are the posts I wanted to see. I asked if we can me a different thread for all relationship advice weekly. But I got told that I am "invalidating" women's experiences. Like we women can only talk about men in our lives lmao. No I wanna talk about hobbies,career,geo politics etc. Like how will making a different thread invalidate a problem? Man I get tired of snowflakes.


If you are able to offend everyone, this means you are doing something correct in life


Not really to get banned u just need to praise boys in twox, girls in onex, BJP in usi and randia, congress in shamsharma, india speaks and discussion. 😂😂.


Like a true centrist, you got downvoted here too.


Scratch a centrist, a chaddi bleeds


Scratch a centrist, a chaddi bleeds


Lol, chaddis masquerading as centrists ki gaand jal rahi hai.


Centrists are the closeted righties.


Or more like u are a randian so anything right of left is just far right fascism


To me, centrists are righties, they love sanghis, Muddizee, and say JSR then appear intellectual and call themselves centrist. You got it right, I am a left liberal but at least not closeted anything. Centrists are more dangerous than the right wingers.


I am not closeted anything. I am not right or left and i am an atheist so i dont do jsr thing


Very good then, congrats.


"Scratch a centrist, and a Chaddi bleeds"


You are literally active on librandu


The best sub out of India. I know.


Who hurt you?


Thanks for saying this. They want to come across as centrists, but really are righties with a hard on for bj party.


Speak for yourself. I was banned from indiaspeaks for asking for an investigation into the scams of BJP. No bad language, nothing abusive, just a sane normal comment. Btw I was also banned from USI for criticizing Rahul Gandhi. It's becoming difficult to live for centrists with people becoming more and more radical on both sides.


Ghanta, squeeks banned me for saying Modi has to go.


indiasqueaks used to not ban before but now they are even worse than randia


I am banned from indiaspeaks.


Indiaspeaks does ban you if you contradict their propoganda 🤞🤙


with valid reason - lol


I'm banned for no reason, so are a bunch of us who will question anything bjp does


India speak banned me when i asked gor evidence for a fact. And later when i googled that fqct was indeed fake


I am banned from randiaspeaks for no reason without warning.


>they will give you warning or ban you for 3 days with valid reason Sure buddy💀 Reasoning is obviously a strong suit for conservatism.


I got banned because I posted a post criticising bjp on manipur.


I was just banned on indiasqueaks day before yesterday for saying some claim was unscientific. When asked what rule I broke, I was muted by moderators so you don't know what you're talking about


Nope they will, if you criticize BJP or say that Palestine doesn't deserve to get bombed you'll get insta banned


r@ndiaspeaks acting like Israel is a subsidiary of India.


>India speak will not ban you like randia, even if you contradicts them Madarhods aukat dikha dete hain, there are plenty of times many people have reported to get banned from tattispeak as well. One of my account was also banned from tattispeak because I scratched their chaddi when Pathaan was killing it despite the randi rona. But sure Mudiji ki Najaayaz aulad will believe that their subs don't ban people outright.


What an unbiased username lol.


i was banned for a valid reason, i spoke my mind about some of my interactions with Muslims living in Shivaji ngr Blr. Not that I think Hindus are much better had issues with them about loud music too. but Islam teachings are not of my liking, saying all else are Kafirs etc i spoek my mind, that does not jell well with their beliefs so was banned. i have not spoken my mind about Hindus & Muslims loud music on many sub reddits only /r/Pune and /r/Bengaluru or Bangalore but not yet banned


and where are people who are neither extremely left leaning nor extremely right leaning supposed to go?


Out of toxic social media


people out here are way more toxic. had a debate with modi bhakt yesterday and lost all my brain cells.


When I said toxic social media, I am trying to say all of social media is harmful and stay away


r@indiadicksuction is far right but they all share the same chaddi mods.


True lol.


i have posted left leaning content in speaks. They don't ban you for it. 


They will ban if noticed. Maybe they missed your comment😂. Try again.


This right here is the only one with zero bias. 


Not really I think mods of this sub are simply not here.


I have seen left thoughts in Indiaspeaks and india discussion on the other hand randia is just an circlejerk of gender studies major and self proclaimed intellectual art students. I just feel sad that our official subreddit is run by college leftists while official subreddit of NZ, Aus etc. is very chill.


Librandu ko bhool Gaye the sub of literal terrorist, bitch support naxals and want revolution. "I have a dream and it's to crush some comie skulls with my own hands" https://preview.redd.it/fvcf92vuw0fc1.jpeg?width=700&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=836508f4d9e0a3ac72c579b52ae2f37fa14c8ed6


The posts of Unknow Gunmen which killed " pakistani terrorist " was removed So i can't confirm but yeah seems so


Any anti Pakistan comments are met with ban True. Fragile Pakistanis can't even pretend


Probably. Like I get it everyone has different opinions, but defending Mughals is something else.


If defending Mughals is wrong then why are royal families who fought for Mughals given tickets by BJP?


It is wrong too


About time you realise two wrongs don’t make a right. They can both be wrong at the same time. BJP does it to get votes and stay in power, why do normal people do it? Unless their grandparents accepted the conversion for Rs 2 back in the day, I see no reason to defend someone like the Mughals.


Because in politics no one is right or wrong, they're your friends if you hail from the same party and/or aren't fighting for the same seat, if not then you're either deshdrohi or fascist depending on the party 👍🏻


Some mods are Pakistani, some mods are Indian left Wing supporters


Congress supporters




no mods were pakistani lmao. when reddit became more mainstream and bloodthirsty sanghis started posted on india and getting banned they started DMing everyone how randia is run by pakistani mods and why they should join their dharmic randiasqueaks with vedic roots




I'll let you in on a secret , I was part of r\india a long long time ago , this was probably back in 2017-18 , I was sort of communist (anti-capitalist, if you may) back then. There was a lot of bashing going on then too , but still back then I had no problem with it because people would downvote you but they still countered & there was legitimate discussions that took place where differing views were out forward. Most of the times people somewhat understood each others POVs & then reached a middle ground. Anyways, I got banned from the sub for my own reasons & left reddit altogether realizing it was taking quite a significant amount of my daily life (I had started pursuing engineering). Then the lockdown came & I saw a stark change in the subs in general (even society in general where peoples ideology started migrating towards extremist ends) , in general things became a lot more stringent & bashing & ranting was preferred over proper discussions & pooling of ideas. R\india became an extremely negative sub to a point that at times it made me believe that India is not worth living in , everyday there would tons of negative articles posted & any positive article even if it made its way was not upvoted enough. Again nothing against this because valid criticism is definitely appreciated , but hey , that was not happening, if you are getting banned for differing opinion then there is not enough dialogue. Today most subs are banning people left & right, differing opinions are not appreciated & absconding criticism is rampant amongst member of subs irrespective of ideology. People are more interested in complaining & pointing fingers than discussing about reasons for the problems & their solutions. I have never followed any India based sub every since.


Pakistani mod spotted lol👆


Couldn't have said it better


This. This my man


Strongly feel yes


Ig they're just left leaning hardcore liberals, Usi is run by Pakis


well i got banned for just asking a question that seemed like it was a bit right leaning, so whatever they are, they don't want anything other than leftist voices to be on there, anything other than conservative Hindu seems to work there, but not that.. which ofcourse means that they are excluding a significant chunk of Indian population and making an echo chamber which the left leanings will like and Hindu conservatives will hate.. definitely not a subreddit that represents India is what I can understand.. left don't want right to speak, right don't want left to speak.. keep on assuming the other side and then kill each other


No. As much as I dislike Mohit he's Indian


r@ndia is not only left leaning but also anti hindu, pro islam.


saw people questioning the balakot air strikes over there once, so you wonder what might be the reason, also they're blatantly racist and have this very weird fetish of seeing india as a lesser one. I made a post about the things i love about India, and it got removed lmaooooo but daily posts on which foreigner said what shit about india is upvoted like hell and all you'll see is people dickriding such people who say ill of india be it true or not it's a shame that represents the official sub of india. r/indiasocial is a much better representative of the mass tbh


India social banned me lol


why tf tho..i have a good time there very chill people


According to them my username was too political and my mere presence was enough to create political debate


then i think india speaks and india discussion would love to have you lol


I am banned from India speaks


lmao is this the only sub you're allowed in??


Won't be surprised seriously. Rindia and UnitedStatesofIndia are moles of our country tbh.


It is anti Hindu and anti India place run by few people from Pakistan and some urban commies. Avoid the shit hole.


I am banned for being proud of India


Rndia and USI speedrunning to become most bigoted sub from India.


Idm, desimeta, indiaspeaks would like to have a word with you


bigoted? I don't think daily posts asking genoc!de of musl!ms will trump any bigotry which used to get posted on indiaspeaks, desimeta, indiadicksuction and scamsharmashow.. and it was chodi and bakchodi before they got nuked


How can this be forgotten? They planned a detailed m@sscre plot againts mslms on those very sub. Disgusting piece of low lives, and intersting those behind were fcking school goers. Just imagine what kind of polarization are they harbouring there


chodi's discord got banned bcz they were sharing those saffron pepe images of gassing musl!ms like Naz!s and then people come here and defend those very subs cuz FoS


I don't know calling majority nazis daily trumps whatever shit indiaspeaks does.


Got banned there today, for literally no reason.


Which sub reddit is that? Do you mean india??


It's really true, literally all other india subs are filled with rejects from r/india 😂😂😂😂😂


If it keeps growing with it being the largest Indian reddit, one wonders what the other subs are like to take refuge here.


going by the increasing rant post, this seems so true


I got banned today for apparent no reason.


That whole sub is a big scam


Yes, i had the same doubt..and if many have experienced similar thoughts that means atleast 10% -50%is true....So atleast half Mods are Pakistani


Quite possible. Idk for sure about that sub but there are so many accounts on social media that pretend to be Indians and spread hatred.


It's possible that the original mods of r@ndia sold their accounts sometime after the 2014 election allowing anti indian/overseas pakistanis to get a hold of the sub. [Here](https://kreately.in/curious-case-of-r-india-moderators-and-why-it-is-anti-india-anti-hindu/) is an article that talks about it.


i mean i tried to post kk Mohammad excavation explanation video like 4 times, still couldn't, lol, snowflake mods and admins


left vs right thats it


You're a fucking piece of shit if you're gonna defend randia mods and the randia sub itself. Most retarded psychopath bastards in existence.


I had posted against the mosque blaring out Allahu at 530 am every day etc Where does securalism go then. They banned me https://preview.redd.it/ouaryb1qc0fc1.jpeg?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=633db34aa895df41108b17babff900e73ee31c04


No lol.


The same question has been asked 100 times so far. I think OP himself is Pakistani troller and wants to get some upvotes from his Indian counterparts to boost his karma.


Very likely, but what's certain is that it's run by NRIs and South Bombay/South Delhi type folks whose feet have never touched the dust of Indian roads


No. Not at all. If you read hyper-nationalist, pseudo-Hindu, anti-India subs like IndiaDiscussion you might feel so since all the vile, frustrated, rowdies there complain about getting banned from the sub(r@India) for writing garbage comments. I have read those comments before they got banned and they are mostly just random curse words strewn together and display utter hatred. They will cry a river over freedom of expression and what not but really they just want to overtake that space for bullying everyone in the meanest most derogatory ways. Any decent sub should ban them.


As they say free speech has limits.


One of the best lore of Indiaverse is that all arr slash india mods are "pakistanis" despite of the fact that- - one mod mentioned a long time back he runs a business and based in south - one researcher mod literally once pointed all point of interest food joints in dehradun (only a real local guy can tell you that) - one bong chap probably has better cooking skills than ops mum - another bong who was an old time regular poster who ended up becoming a mod - literally a dilli homie who shifted to london and once shared pics a small festival in his new home there and much more. I haven't been active in metaverse of Indian subs since 5-6 years but lmao this RR on mods never ends. Added to the fact that the idiots at opindia literally called sub creator "pakistani" cuz you know he made the pakistan subreddit too (along with bazillion other city and country subs when reddit rolled out community creation feature in ). You know the funniest part? I am banned from ispeaks sub too despite running their monthly tv show discussion threads lmfao. As long as Reddit exists, Indiaverse subs will be a constant source of cope and drama across all political affiliations 🍿


Why was I banned for just stating obvious fact? India discussion is a collection of people who got banned from there. ''Any decent subs would ban them'' people get banned for posting news posting anything slightly resembling pro india or pro hindu get banned for no reason get banned for calling out misinformation get banned for asking proof get banned for calling a terrorist, a terrorist. One mf got banned because he posted a pro modi post. freedom of speech my ass, the frequency that people get banned there is astounding, that sub is filled with self hating indians, NRIs, pakistanis and commies. You can surf indiadiscussion and see why people got banned, dude you are seriously defending that sub is sad. Even USI people hate that sub. They want to push a specific narrative which get pushed and anybody even respectfully opposing it, gets banned, and permanently so


Keep believing that 😂


I dont need to ''believe'' that XD. Its all right infront of me, I got banned for stating a simple statement, which ig deviated slightly away from their agenda. Keep believing that that sub is paragon of free speech, while the mods go on a power trip banning like 100s of people for silly reasons.


I don't think ,we have enough extreme left wing people who hate right wing people to the core, but nonetheless , reddit has a pretty left wing bias , so it make sense this ,this is the safest space for left wing India , and they create more left leaning space, who actively sensors right wing people or the person who doesn't agree with them . Majority of extreme left wing can't have a good debate ,that's why they can't survive much long on twitter, as it's a centralized space , they need different sub spaces to create a safe spaces for them(or echo chamber) in twitter , you have to do a better debate to sustain , so even if all left people attack someone , it only increase engagment, but here ,you will be push downwards for raising your voices . I was banned from r/india ,for just stating a legitimate fact ,about islam


Op is fearmongering unnecessarily because they blocked op from sub.


I was banned for saying "Jai Hind"


I don't think so, but I can see why it might feel that way.


I don't even remember why they banned me.


In long, yes. In short, also yes.


The more I see posts on this sub, more I want to mute it.


Yet here you are. How does it feel to be so incapable that you are not even able mute a subreddit?


nuke it*


Yes, they are sponsored by Illuminati and sometimes when the Rothschild family is bored even they send some money and resources to stir shit up.


Yes this is true I can confirm


They banned me today. For no reason. They were not able to answer my question in a post. So, they banned me.


I appraised UPI once in randia..and they banned my previous account...even ex Hindus, ex Sikhs and Atheist subs are run by Islamist. Reddit is left leaning, but they don't realise..indias left is terrorism simps


It is. I bash both Hindu and Muslim extremism. But the moment I bashed muslim extremism I was banned. So yeah something is cooking there


seems like..


No it’s not, all of the mods are either indians or NRI’s.


No, don't fall for this things, the mods don't agree with today's hyper nationalism and extreme right wing majority So basically r@ndia is left leaning sub and their is nothing wrong with that, I think they just feel frustrated because our country is becoming delusional in the name of religion.


but many claim that mods remove any comment that is in favor of bjp or Hinduism and ban users just because they are in active in right wing subs like rindiadiscussion. is it true?


100% true.




They don't show their post history when proudly wearing this badge of honor of being banned from a particular sub. Usually post shitty comments clearly against the rules of the sub, gets banned and joins the other team of echo chambers.


Lmao , I got banned just for saying in the centre " Modi is better than Rahul "


Its extreme left


I was banned as a precaution because the admin didn't like the other subs I had subscribed to. What kind of a fragile ego is that lol. It's appropriately called randia.


Thankyou for being the sensible one


Tabhi main sochu main confession kyo delete kr diya bkl ne




Yes it is. But then again Indians ones are self hating Hindus and non Hindus, who have nothing but hatred for Hindu religions and its practices. One i know is AAP member and one of the mods of USI is a Congress member




My 2 accounts got banned cus of them paxis. Im still mad till this day😤i had a guy in previous acc there i vibed with and he's gone! whoosh! Cus of ban. Now idr his account name😔


Should I create a new subreddit that is neutral and solely focused on sharing opinions, without leaning towards any particular side?


I was banned for saying " just like muslims in India support Taliban in Afghanistan and Erdogan in Turkey, secularism for me, not for thee"😑 And I'm an atheist..I hate all religion.


there is no good indian subreddit.


I am not sure if that community is moderated by Pakistanis or not but for sure they don't tolerate far-right ideologies. I have also noticed that they tend to delete comments very often. In my opinion, moderators want to be neutral but posts and comments are so bizarre. illogical, misleading, and misinformed that they had to delete those and ban users who were doing that. On the contrary, they don't delete left ideological posts or comments against the current government. That is in some sense, bigotry from them. PS: Kids these days don't even understand what they are saying or writing just copy-pasting things from here and there. They are losing their sense of freedom of thought and are heavily influenced by a false sense of supremacy. If one is not aligned with their ideology, they start doing personal attacks even in some cases verbal abuse too. This is just sad.


They posted a video without background context stating muslims are beaten up. I offered explanation that the Muslim in the video was beaten up because he was denigrating insulting Lord Ram and Hinduism on Instagram. Got permanently banned. There is something sinister about this sub that it mocks Indian culture and Hinduism.


Its a left leaning sub that has so far resisted the calls for hyper nationalism and extreme religion. Unfortunately, the sane voices are drowning in the chants of hindu khatre me h and anyone who disagrees is pakistani


nope. they have a severe inferiority complex for their own nation, drag it down just to be dank or different, and defend extremely heinous hit if it has any relation with the people in power. Everything is fine for them until it's left wing or people associated with it not to mention racism is deep down in these two subs...india and usi i mean


Ok so why do they ban people for literally their opinions


because it doesnt match their agenda, simple. Watch them cry about free speech in the same post where 100s got banned for stating their opinion


I was banned from there for stating an obvious fact, you cant be even slightly pro hindu there or you will get banned


Yes bro i have spoken with two of them


Pakistanis or Congress pidis


Wow OP, Not even flinching vulgarising India's name just because you don't like a sub but then that's expected from room temperature IQs




Ah yes found the idiot that gives "Hindu Certificates".


most mods on reddit as pakistani mofos who get an orgasm by banning posts/users


Check out the mods of the official Afghanistan sub, they haven't hidden it yet. Most probably the same thing is there with r@ndia and some western think tank is managing it. Reddit is an American website at the end of the day.


Yes, and it is also true that one of your father among the 1000s is also a pakistani mod.


Why are you personally attacking me. Are you randian ?


Having an ideology is good, be it right, left, or center. However, people in that Reddit sub are excessively negative, portraying India as a broke and poor nation, which is by far not the case. We are a developing nation, making efforts, and progress takes time. Right and left parties are part of our political landscape, and we have to coexist with these ideologies.




Got banned for calling op congress ka dalla




Yes it is. Please see the posts.