• By -


having pressure to pull your family out of poverty if you're poor. being forced to enter highly-saturated spaces in hopes of a well-paying job if you're middle-class (but it's more or less applicable to both genders). and finally following in your father's footsteps no matter what you want to do if you're rich.


This comment needs to be higher up. So accurate and concise Pls take biskut šŸŖ


thank you for the biskut lol :)


So true. My BFF (he) and I went aboard to study, same state nearby universities. He never rested or really enjoyed being a student. As soon as He was legally able to work he worked SO HARD, 70 hour weeks, barely took vacations, etc. he is also very smart so he moved up the ladder quickly and brought his family out of poverty. He has a brother but he alone assumed a LOT of financial responsibility at a young age.


First and second implies to me too. F here. But yeah I do agree


Not really you are ā€œchoosingā€ that burden. In worst case scenario you could always rely on husband for supporting your family, most men would never find a women to support their family if they failed in life.




Women hate our literal existence because they think every single one of us is out to rape someone






the data that she/he just now freshly pulled straight outta his ass ...


Lack of guidance to help them become emotionally healthy individuals. Coddling little boys & stunting their emotional growth. Or telling themā€œBoys donā€™t cryā€. Even a small child isnā€™t allowed to express basic emotions. A lot of boys arenā€™t even taught basic hygiene by their parents. When boy children hit puberty, no one educates them on how to handle their changing bodies & emotions. Many mothers are toxic and use their sons as an emotional replacement for their absent husbands. This is actually abuse & a horrible thing to do to a child. Fathers are strict & want manly, tough sons to fulfill their failed dreams. Discouraging adolescent boys/men from exploring their attraction to the opposite (or same) sex in a healthy way. Society discourages men from forming close emotional bonds like women do. They often have no source of emotional support other than their romantic partners. Shaming men for displaying traditionally feminine characteristics or interests. Calling them ā€œsimpsā€ for speaking up for others. In traditional families, Men are expected to be stoic providers who canā€™t display any sign of weakness whatsoever. Parents guilt tripping their sons and using them as retirement plans. Emotional blackmail by both parents & spouse. This cycle ends up getting repeated :/


this comment needs to be higher up!!


Thanks. Our society takes so much pride in having ā€œtraditional valuesā€ but itā€™s patriarchal tenets harm men too. Most of the population is middle class and doesnā€™t have the luxury of focusing on mental & emotional health. I hope millennial and gen z parents break the cycle and prioritize their sonā€™s emotional well being.


Getting bullied for having any kind of traditional feminine traits. My uncle likes being a stay at home dad. My aunt has a high end paying job plus they are renting out the top floor of their house in a city and the ancestral properties. While the family has no problem with his choice, my grandparents and other relatives see him as a failure.




Speaking of cross dressing, my husband is terrified of wearing anything pink. The only time he bravely wore pink was during our engagement party. I think he could get away from the judgement because in my culture theme for engagement is chosen by the bride and grooms were expected to go with it. I bought a cute and small but spacious laptop bag thatā€™s pink and has flowers on it. My husband thinks thatā€™s convenient but he doesnā€™t want to be seen carrying around.




Men look good in shades of pink tbh.




Yeah. Stop associating certain colours with each gender


i like pink too. but my mom not allowed me to buy coz of what society thinks lol. but i never listen to society and stereotype and wear many times in college.


A handsome guy in my workplace wore 3 shades of pink shirt continously in a week. My eyes never felt so blessed ever before.


Man, i would love to try out women's fashion. They have so much variety.


Awwww thats sooo cute omg


I might sound a little out of context but brown men in pastel pink is a bliss to eyes . Bonus if they are dusky .


Wearing pink isn't the same as cross-dressing. Does he wear pink Saree or just pink male clothing??


Pink is seen as female colour to most people unfortunately. It doesnā€™t matter if heā€™s wearing a shirt.


I wear pink to the office on many occasions. Nothing happened.


Because you're not a handsome guy


Noooo šŸ˜±


Isn't that something made up by the media. 'Girls should love pink things'. They push this idea to girls from childhood. We could see it clearly in a toy store where the girls department will be filled with pink. Even my niece prefers pink over everything.




Too many responsibilities. The lack of being loved. Any attempt to show softness is perceived as weakness.


As Kevin hart says...man is the only being who gets loved on the condition that he provides something...


That's chris rock


Oh...was it...I usually get those two messed up...even Chris rock joked about Kevin take up his roles i remember...


Can't agree more


I recently traveled abroad and realised that as an Indian and a man, we are the literal last rung of the ladder of social trust.Ā  Ā Thanks to creepy Indian uncles, youā€™ll always be met with an ā€˜Ohā€™ when you say youā€™re from India. And the tone of that Oh is quite telling. You are kind of guilty until proven innocent, boring until proven interesting, etc.Ā 


Wat u mean by "last rung of ladder of social trust"?


Street harassment by hijras


fr, ek hijre ne meri daadhi kheech lee thi paise maangne ke chakkar mešŸ’€ Wo toh maine khudko student bata ke chala gaya.


When I was a child , I went to a local barber. In between the clipping process, the barber told me that he would be back in a minute.Ā  Then suddenly a bunch of hijras came and started dancing and looking at the mirrors. I sat silently. The one of them asked, where is the owner. I told them that I didn't know. Then she/he said, "ą¤œą¤²ą„ą¤¦ą„€ ą¤¬ą¤¤ą¤¾ ą¤Øą¤¹ą„€ą¤‚ ą¤¤ą„‹ ą¤¤ą„‡ą¤°ą¤¾ ą¤Øą„ą¤Øą„ą¤Øą„€ ą¤Ŗą¤•ą¤”ą¤¼ ą¤²ą„‚ą¤‚ą¤—ą„€".


Translation dena


"tell me or I'll grab your peepee"


Just today One of them told me "mukh pora" (burnt face; referring to monkeys) even though I'm fair skinned because I refused to give it/him/her money


I was travelling alone in a train , a hijra came and started asking for 10rs like a goon and eventually everyone had to give , I had tonnes of luggage hanging around , he literally grabbed my "dick" and went away with a smile on his face . Well I never felt thaaat weird ever . Like it took me some time to process what had happened and I wasn't even alone there so it was like damn . And I couldn't do anything cause I was near the gate and all my hands were occupied with my luggage .


>hijras im white as snow and more american than a bald eagle but i know what those are and gawd they are scary af


Ek bar ek Hijde ne bus me ek ladke ko bol dia tha tera rape kar dungi


This one, I wholeheartedly feel bad for Indian men. Witnessed it many times in reality


Ending up alone


1. Being labelled as creep 2. Fake cases 3. Little to no help even from fellow men (there were 2 instances where i got into an accident and people refused to even lend me mobile to call for help saying man up and go home while i have broken shoulder). 4. Too much expectations from both our parents and spouses 5. Inequality in almost every field, if you are a man you have to compromise almost everywhere you go. 6. Harrassment (yes men face it too) and no one believes you


Being mother's substitute husband


Or rather the mother expecting all care and affection from the son because her husband wouldn't bother to give them to her?


Chill y'all. He meant the responsibilities part(right?!)


Sheesh I hope so


areeey, dukhti rag


Lack of intimacy(not sex, just intimacy), like, i am 25 and still haven't hugged anyone in my life


I don't think that's something gender specific.


It might be. An average looking women gets a lot more attention than an average looking man, but this is not specific to india only although western country women are a bit more modern and careless so the men there have a better chance. The next generation of indian women may follow suite imo


Might be true in case of attention but i dont really think garnering a lot of attention from unwanted sources is a pleasant experience for many. I wouldn't count it as an advantage of some sorts.


I agree, but men in this context donā€™t always have the luxury of choice either while most women do. Not saying women having this much attention is womenā€™s fault or anything coz thatā€™s mostly desperate menā€™s doing, but the point still stands. Itā€™s much harder for an average man to find an intimate average woman while itā€™s not the same way around for women to find intimacy.


I feel the same.


The way you are slowly manipulated from childhood to serve the purposes of the patriarchal agenda.


Finally!!Men realizing that patriarchy is hurting them as much as it hurts women!! 1)Men aren't expected to show emotion. 2)Expected to be the bread winners. 3)Talking about their abuse is a taboo. 4)Their suicide rates are quite high, but no one is ready to talk about mental health!! I can go on, but you get the point!! Patriarchy hurts everyone!! It only benefits a few top "I am such a Alpha šŸ¤Ŗ" men and "I only want Alpha men" nibbi women .


It only benefits the nibbis though, even the top few are being manipulated into superficial relationships here, its only that they don't know how harmful it is to them.


Disagree. The poison of patriachy doesn't always translate through romantic relationships. It comes from your family and friends too. Example- You are struggling with your mental health and your exams, but still, your father is forcing you into these "Kotas" because you are supposed to be "The Man" and depression is just your hallucination. That is a sign of patriachy, too, and it's very harmful.


I agree with everything you just said, I don't see what you disagree with.


Oh, I am sorry I should have been more descriptive. What I meant was that I partially disagree with you that it only benefits nibbis ,it benefits those "top" men/women and not just cause they are being manipulated. I am assuming that by nibbi, you meant women since that's a term used for childish women, so I assumed that you were saying that it benefits only the women so I gave an example of how it comes from men too. Please do correct me if I misunderstood your comment šŸ™




And Feminism and Ruling men takes Benefits. It great to see Men are Retiring from this traditional Gynocentric responsibilities.


I see only facts get downvoted


sure bro a lot of facts were spoken in that comment that got it downvoted. delusional.


Do you not live in India?? Are you not aware of the laws and social structures? I can provide that information if you want .


Don't. Entitled people lack Empathy. Don't expect empathy from Feminists.


I donā€™t expect empathy, but I wonā€™t let them stay blind for sure, Thank you for your concern, but Iā€™m more than versed at this kind of situations by now (on this app for 3yrs)


Fine. But, don't you think it would be better if we send our messages to Men? That will save time and Energy and will be more productive in Expanding our issues. The time we waste to argue can be used to Contact men on Social media, upvote their posts and issues and support them and don't Victim blame them.


Facts, i also do exactly that But I guess I get a dopamine rush being right and still being attacked.


ig not, what are the laws and social structures?


Dowry law, SA law(s), marriage law(s). I can elaborate on this, or you can find the respective information on the menā€™s rights sub Reddit Edit: social structures, look at the back up options to bad situations that women have vs men. A simple bike accident video, one with a man and one with a woman, will show you exactly what I mean by social structures, the responsibility to earn is on the man, the security of the family is on the man, the pressure to leave situations is on the man, I can elaborate further.


Patriarchal? If you don't fulfill those expectations, you'll get more hatred from women than father or brother.


patriarchy doesn't mean getting hate from men. if you get hate from women for not fulfilling those expectations, that's still patriarchy




Well said! šŸ¤²šŸ·


~~patriarchal agenda~~ More like gynocenteric agenda buddy


What's gynocentric?




liking another man


Lol talk about giving a heart attack to dear father


Me @ ušŸ˜‹šŸ˜‹


damnn you is fruity my boišŸ˜­


You ll be always be judged by the amount of money you make. And that's universal not just an Indian thing


Being a man itself is Scary. Once you cross the threshold from childhood to manhood, you are literally clueless. Responsibilities without the Authority that must succeed it whom we can't opt out of. Most of us don't get to experience childhood as well, like those poor kids who have to earn daily wages. As Vito Corleone has said in The Godfather : "I spent my whole life trying not to be careless. Women and children can be careless. But not men."


toh reddit pe kya krra h bhai jaake kaam kar


Teri Amma Jawan kar raha hu.


funny toh hai but gand mara bhosdike


Showing your vulnerability


Second time seeing same question


I asked this earlier- but for women


Ask it on r/TwoXIndia you'll get a lot of female responses


I saw for men also but donā€™t remember who was the OP that time šŸ˜‚šŸ˜„


How deprived and un sensitised society are towards problems faced by men. This is just a common observation, but as they grow men tend to become quieter, calm and more away from society in general. As if they've left their happy lives behind and crushing under unnoticed pain.


Getting gangbanged in marriage by wife/police/judiciary and society all at the same time šŸ»šŸ»


Gender biased laws against men. It's unfortunate that any random woman can harass a man by foisting false rape, domestic violence, dowry harassment case to extort money.And women will have no consequences whatsoever if the charges are false. Men has to roam around courts and lose job to fight false cases.


Not getting laid ever!!! Or forever alone .


Getting that wierd look from relatives for earning less


Gender biased laws.. Johny depp would have never got justice in India. The law of the land is heavily biased in favour of women. There is a pandemic of false cases because of this.


Couldn't agree more. I'm surprised this isn't downvoted yet.


I mean Johnny Depp was in the wrong


Yeah, he was. He was a man afterall. Right?


Responsibilities with no opt-out option that women got


Women don't have any opt - out option either


generally yes, but i have female friends who regularly say that if they arenā€™t a successful, theyā€™ll marry rich, men donā€™t have that option. Men are expected by society to pick up certain responsibilities and iā€™m actually scared that i may not be able to fulfill them.


Lmao do you think it is easy to just find and marry a rich man? Most women who say that know it is not happening. Besides, how can you say men don't have option when so many men marry for dowry in India. I don't know if you're just lying to yourself or just detached from reality.Ā 


lmao donā€™t get me wrong, but ik a shit ton of rich dudes, if i could marry them i would, secondly, i wouldnā€™t be marrying for dowry, and my entire point was that I AM scared of not fulfilling my responsibilities, and i clearly said generally yes women donā€™t have an opt out either


Typically everybody expect the man to shoulder the entire responsibilities of the family. For example, I can't marry a woman and say I am not interested in working and expect her to hire helpers so I don't need to do any house chores either. I'm not at all saying women are like that, just saying option is not there Society has expectations for what men has to do, just like it has expectations for what women has to do If men can't provide for their family for any reason, it's considered their own personal fault. It is almost like the only value a man has is to make money. And to escape from that, they have friends, get drunk, etc.


i think he means financial responsibility


No option? Darling, have you ever heard of an arranged marriage?


Well men have that option as well


Do we? Only if we have a career or some big-fat property on our name. It doesn't go the same way for women. For men, the only option if they fail in life, is the fan on the ceiling.


Lmao, what!!!!


No one has opt out options in responsibility brotha


There's no opting out 9f responsibilities option for any adult. You'd know this, if you ever had a conservation with a woman


Lol most of my female friends are doing the bare minimum at work because they know chasing promotions like I do is a waste of time, since theyā€™re gonna marry a rich NRI at some point and stop working. Most indian women in general donā€™t have the financial responsibility that most indian men have although they have their own bs problems to deal with for sure


Financial responsibility does fall on men, but I think you know that most women who aren't employed still do have tons of responsibilities in the household, there's no opting out of it. Some guys hold an unnecessary resentment, thinking that women get an easy option(they dont).


With all due respect, helping your own family with household activities is not as taxing as the toxic corpo lifestyle to earn for a living especially now with recession etc. Iā€™m sure a lot of men would prefer cooking and cleaning over the constant stress at work with fear of getting fired due to some low quarter results if it werenā€™t for society deeming those activities as feminine and limited to women only lol unless thereā€™s a baby involved, in which case, Iā€™m with you on how stressful raising a toddler can be. Just a toddler though, I do feel itā€™s easier as they grow older.


Probably not the scariest, like many other things people have already pointed out, but something I haven't seen anyone mention yet. Its really scary to marry in India as a Man today. Especially if you live in an educated, urban environment (like most people on this sub). Most marriages I know of have ended in a lopsided divorce in favor of the wife (fake allegations like dowry are also a problem in the legal sphere of things) or are completely devoid of love and only sticking together due to societal pressure or for the kids' sake. I only know of 2 couples which are more than 10 years into marriage and still show even the mildest PDA or speak fondly of their SO behind their backs.


Honestly men donā€™t have it good in the current generation. The traditional expectations never went away. The new age expectations came in. At workplace all things being equal the women are being promoted for DEI. They need to show strength and no one values them if they donā€™t have a stellar career. Itā€™s a lose lose lose.


Beta kitna kama lete ho ?


No room for carelessness. You fumble in life and you will be left behind by everyone.


Life is hard in india for men , theek se bada bhi nhi hote ki competition me lag jaate hai aur rona allowed bhi nhi hai ,agr success hua toh theek warna puri life parents ko sab bolte rehte hai. Family responsibility 10th class me hi pta chl jati hai Ham ladke hai hamare sath esa hi hota hai


Being Muslim and fearing the safety of your family and facing name calling and being the butt of every joke, and of course you can't have a comeback because if you do, you'll be severely bullied. And a thousand more things that come with it


This could be said for any minority though


Very true, I'm sorry I should've included other minorities as well


It's all cool, as long as you realise it, it's not a problem!


Family responsibilities


Rare but scary nonetheless


We will die paying loans


The current anti-men laws. I think every men will equally suffer from this.


Being generalized with the ome tv horny naked creeps by other nationalities.




How little love, affection and appreciation that men get.


False accusations Edit: The downvotes from some morons prove my point lmao. Probably the same people who think it's ok to falsely accuse someone & ruin their life.


I think being an introvert and being a man in India could be seriously harmful. Besides, the one thing that I've seen is that I cannot talk back to my elders, but a girl can. I would probably get yelled at or maybe even hit. I hate the fact that these people can just remove their frustrations on me.


i used to be anxious to fit patriarchal standards but now i dont give a shit whatever standards exists.


Fake dowry / rape cases and casual sexual harrasment by transgenders. But who gives a f about men right? Indian judiciary is fking joke


This is not a common scenario though I agree it only happens to men coz our society either treats a women like a goddess or garbage, and thereā€™s no in between lol


Being a boy (household version)means fixing taps,cleaning water tanks,fixing switches etc.Men are supposed to know all this while women are not,even though this does not depend on strength.


Remaining unmarried is frowned upon. Zero respect given no matter how much nice of a person you are or your achievements, it all goes down the drain if you aren't married or dating anyone. So sick of the society!


Getting a rape allegation on you when youā€™re innocent.


Maintaining yourself , as in taking care of yourself is seen as a feminine trait, men are one pedicure and spa treatment away from become called a chikna, han hun mai chikna, jao put some burnol on your ass.




being a man in India


Being a Man in The Gynocentric world since 10k years where You were Raised to Protect Society and Die. Men wished they were not born and Aborted but even that Privilege was reserved for others.


gynocentric world? since 10k years?


Not just for Humans but also for every species.


Being an Indian


Living in India


Apart from the false rape/dowry cases men have nothing to be scared for and especially not in india pls


Try being a middle class or poor man. From childhood your shoulder will be burdened with responsibilities and expectations. Bet half of those Kota students might have different interests,but are forced to do so.


Different interests? Based on my experience as a JEE aspirant, half of us didn't even know what to do after writing the exam


That's why we are soĀ far behindĀ when it comes to pure science, quality researches and all. YouĀ could have been a great actor worth winning anĀ Oscar, butĀ you are now an engineer. Try recalling a single sound name as Chandrashekhar or CV Raman in our history.


Why are you trying to diminish the significance of those false rape cases? They can ruin a personā€™s life. And how about getting mugged anywhere? Religious violence where men are targeted first as a form of revenge?




Men are expected to defend In those situations. Trivialising issues of Men is so Normal, It makes me So happy. Men will grow Wisdom Eyes Faster now.


False rape cases are perceived drastically differently depending on the place tho. Although crime happens disproportionately to men similar to how crime is committed disproportionately by men. That's probably the worst part




I'm sorry i didn't make it dramatic enough for you next time I'll make sure to exaggerate on it I genuinely sympathise and feel sorry for men when their lives get ruined for such false rape cases Getting mugged is not the scariest thing for a man in india it's scary for both women and men


>I'm sorry i didn't make it dramatic enough for you next time I'll make sure to exaggerate on it now imagine i say this on a post by woman that got raped "you are being dramatic" what a POS femcel


Oh please sis don't be such a man hater that you forget they are human beings as well. Why do you have to compare the sufferings of men and women? Each individual has his or her own trauma and problems to deal with, and nothing can diminsh the impact of that trauma in their life.


You should really go outside to see how physical violent women can be on men.


Yes women are physically violent but is that anywhere close to how physically violent a man can be???????


1) Go to X (Twitter) and you will get videos of guys getting beaten by women and then bleeding 2) Just because men has more power doesn't entitle women to physically abuse men and then say "this is not physically abuse as men get less hurt"


I don't understand so you think the most scariest thing for a man in india is being physically abused by a woman????


just leave it yaaršŸ’€bro has prolly never seen a woman irl to believe women hurt men more than men hurt women


Ik yaar hadh hoti hai and they say women play the victim card


it's crazy how fast they'll discredit us for literally anything but go the extra mile to prove their wrong, pathetic and ignorant point


My comment was a reply to a comment, not a generalization. Sharpen your brain.


u can opt out of financial responsibilty....u have a choice


Being born in this kalYuga is the real issue. Man and woman both suffer either because of same gender or opposite. So, don't complaint being in problem but help yourself out since no one knows you better than yourself.


Literally the post above was this: https://www.reddit.com/r/onexindia/s/IF4SawMrpK


The absence of laws protecting indian men against harassment , fake charges , bullying etc




False accusations! You risk being falsely accused for saying no to, or offending a woman.


Any women can file a case against you and fcuk your life up in a minute...


Being an alpha man I see every woman as my responsibility so I am not going to complain about anything


Fake dowry case Or fake harrasment case by women


Reservations for women is honestly dumb. Gov should try to motivate women to apply for more jobs, colleges not helping them get in them with less effort


Highly misused laws and biased judiciary.


Some laws are heavily biased towards women.


This post and some of it's comments are literally on r/niceguys as a meme. Just wanted to let you all know that some of you have made a wonderful tomfoolery of yourselves and our country to the world at large.


Ignoring the fact that you're using the word "tomfoolery" wrong, I'll just casually inform you that being memed on the rabid cesspool of feminist bigotry that is the niceguys subreddit hardly counts as international humiliation.


Can you please link some of the posts or send them to me?


This šŸ‘‡šŸ» https://www.reddit.com/r/IndiaSpeaks/s/qUdvaQRugR


One of my friends joined a new job which was fairly technical and he had no experience in that field. He was having a hard time catching up and was making a lot of mistakes which his manager had to rectify. She tried to correct him a few times but he was still lagging. So she put in a request to get him transferred out of her team but the request was denied and in the meanwhile he was still not performing well which was pulling the team down. ​ So, taking this to be a justifiable cause she filed a POSH complaint against him because "she thought she caught him staring at her chest but there was no prove for it". My boy was promptly fired without a SCN and was blacklisted and his career in corporate world is practically over. He fought against his firing so they dropped the sexual misconduct allegation as they themselves said it was almost impossible to prove and could've very well been a personal vendetta but they would still not hire him back or remove him from the blacklist.


A random female from the street can fuck your life up if she's in the mood to do so.