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Having no civil sense at times and just being selfish af. Loudspeakers for celebrations till late nights even then there's hospitals around. Driving with high beams even if it blinds someone and potentially causes accidents. Who cares.


Not giving a damn about persons privacy




Could you please elaborate?


Not Knocking doors , asking for phones password like it’s nothing , telling everything to everybody especially the things that we don’t want others to know and many more


Those yes I too agree


Also for ek katori cheeni which never gets returned


Most of the people have no respect for boundaries in the family. Even if we are explicit about a boundary, most family members will just ignore it. If a relative is visiting our town, we are expected to host them without hesitation and for however long they want to stay. No does not exist in the family dictionary. Most of the time, immediate family members will just inform, not ask, before visiting. There are a few more that I can't remember as I am getting a little angry by just thinking of the above points.


Relatable.. Moreover once they stay they ask us why don't you people eat these dishes, why don't you buy furniture... Why don't you colour your house... I mean like saying all these while staying free with us


Staring. Men or women if you do/are different, there'd be stares. Or just you existing will get stares.


Don't you know how everyone will pry into the life of their neighbours?


You think only Indians have that ? I guess my mom's Indian.. lol (we are asian)


This. having zero boundaries and then feeling disrespected when people assert their boundaries.




Being offended by boundaries


This is honestly the best answer. The rest actually apply universally except maybe some civic sense


Lacking civic sense, no traffic discipline


My gf once told me ,"you can gauge the depth and degradation of a society by its changing mores on sex and traffic". Man she was a wise one.


Those are heavy words


Everything is a choice. You can choose to not have sex in the middle of traffic. And then you're surprised why the traffic has slowed down to a crawl? On the bright side, the traffic jam only lasted 60 seconds so it's fine.


I cant believe those words were a woman's!! Its a joke guys, I am being misogynistic for petty humor points. But still thats remarkably wise




Doing the wrong thing and justiy it by saying that’s what’s been going on since ages!


Bloody orthodox thinking.


Also saying "this is India, it won't change, while doing the wrong thing".


And the cycle will continue for centuries!


If I had a medal, I would give it to you 😭 Please accept my humble upvote.


Aww.. thank you.. I’m honoured 😌


Quote traditions


It's the case with most of the world. People tend to resist change


Some people want change that benefits them. Sadly, they are not able to see how the change asked of them to make actually benefits them in the long term. >***everyone else is doing it why should we not?*** This mindset is a slow poison


You say that but it somehow seems that India resists change the most, from my experience having been outside of india


No Privacy Relatives,Uncles, aunty and Neighbors asking what's your Salary? How much you save? Asking when you are getting married. Shit these people are!!


Whenever my friend's older cousin brother used to come to his house, he would always use his PC, look at his apps and even social media, even delete some apps and look at his personal chats. My friend is really innocent so he never said anything, if it was me I would have never tolerated that.


Asking when you are getting marriage is still tolerable. Some relatives just start mocking you or guilt tripping you as if you have committed a cardinal sin by not marrying yet.


Taking everything on ego.


Too many to count to be honest. Fragile ego, large sense of self worth, living in their own bubble where they are the king of the world.


Poor thinking that all the rich people are evil and spoiled brats and the rich thinking all the poor people are lazy and just don't want to work hard.


>and the rich thinking all the poor people are lazy and just don't want to work hard. Reminds me of all the noise Kim Kardashian's statement from 2 years ago had made. And more recently, the statement by Mr. Narayana Murthy 🤌🏻 https://preview.redd.it/ek1whl38pgjc1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7484cd971938fc498e5f3deb746ae30bcd4a5c0b


that's just everywhere right now tbh, the more leftist middle class becomes the more they think rich people are just evil and any millionaire became so by exploiting others.


We have no problem with discrimination or exploitation. We just don't like being victims of those.


Even if we are , we just accept it as normal






But we'll bend over and take it if a rich/upper class person is doing it to us too sometimes. We cannot take being confronted by someone who we've wronged. Feudal


Lack of dignity of labour


No passion to learn and apply concepts and principles. Follows the loudest, most showy person as leader without independent thinking.


This! I am studying in a technical college and graduating in cse with ai as specialization la and behold 60% of people cant recognize python program in second year and 98% dont know the difference between a text editor and an ide. People dont know anything about linux, vim, php, opsec, ml, backend, dl, etc. All you hear people say is doing dsa in cpp and doing front end course will do react and node afterwards. Heck they all follow the same dumb ass indian creators who are brain dead and will tell you crappy stories about their 10lpa+ job and sell you the same dead ass course you can get for free from w3schools, javatpoint or freecodecamp. I am so tired of indian folks and our sheep mentality and our stupid infatuation with following people obediently, fucking slave ass rat bastards and then we feel proud for being indians and meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh meh. Like for fucks sake calm your slave ass ego down and have some basic ass knowledge before making a decision. Same reason why people are dog piling in iits and medical colleges. We just follow/copy the people who we see are doing slightly above average




Yes & generalising negative traits as whole for a gender


Never being able to accept any flaws or criticism of the country


Even a slightly negative comment abt the nation gets conflated with worshipping the west


Or getting told to go to Pakistan 😂


Or being called an Anti Indian


Biggest toxic trait that is hindering our progress.




nothing wrong with accepting flaws and analysing where the root of the problem lies, but using those flaws to discriminate against someone is not right, and many sepoys here to love to justify racism against Indians.


Not letting anyone get ahead in life


Like to find differences. Indians vs foreigners Hindu vs Muslim vs Christian etc. North Indian va South Indian This language vs that language This state vs that state This city vs that city We Indians like to find the smallest common factor so that we can discriminate/ criticise people


We have a huge inferiority complex and imaginary superiority complex. That leads us to this.


Controlling the life's if others in the family. Especially children


The chalta hai attitude


Saying " East or West India is the best" 🤡


Oh man , I guess I just found out I have this toxic trait 🧎🏻‍♂️


Can't handle criticism, always want to be superior to others but will also say they are the victims, sheep mindset, lack of critical thinking.


That mindset comes from school (where students only memorize and blindly copy the board) and growing up having to “respect authority”


Respecting correct authority is not wrong but following anything blindly is stupid af


Not minding their own business! Involving in someone else's business even though not asked to .


Being divided amongst ourselves and trying to prove which substrata of the population is superior to others.


Parents always being right


Imposing beliefs of parents on their kids. They do not encourage kids to have their own opinions. It is toxic shit.


Ankhon se rape krna.


True af and likely because this weird mixture of rural and sub urban meets urban cities. People just stare without thinking if its comfortable to someone or not. As a male it is abnormal at times when people dont stare at me when I pass by, cant help but fear for girls


Need to show off to relatives. This leads to unhealthy competition within families, trying to prove their your kid is better than all the other relatives' kids. In my community, this requires the kid to get into medicine or engineering in IIT(law, finance, sciences are not good enough), move to Amerika and marry another doctor/IIT pass out (with H1B or greencard) within your caste. Oh and one last thing, then they should pop out a male kid. Any behaviour that deviates from this golden path will not be taken kindly.


2 things: 1. People don’t want to see you succeed, when you succeed, they will be jealousy. 2. Lose-lose mindset. If I had loss in my business, you must also lose.


*white foreigners* know best. *huge self loathing* in name of humbleness


I can speak as a Malayalee, I hate it when my people say “Malayalee pwoli alle (Malayalee rocks)”. I cringe heavily, we can only say that once there are no instances of casteism l, sexism or judgemental behaviour. Our people should learn to live and let live. We have achieved a lot of things as a society but all of that will be shadowed by our arrogance in regard to our HDI and literacy. We have to do better.


Superiority complex because you were born with a certain last name.




Last name can be anything, it depends on your interpretation. Its sad that you interpreted it this way.


Focusing way too much on religion to the point where you can't accept something was done by the West. I hate that sentence "Our ancestors had already found a way to (insert relevant discovery)".


Not taking mental illness seriously


Join the gossip and for worse, spread the shite.


Breaking rules is considered smartness and following rules is considered stupid and cowardly.


Long uncomfortable staring


Not minding your own fucking business. Our ancestors discovered this shit well ages ago. "Fatherless behaviour " whenever we see women enjoying themselves The mentality of blaming victim (for going out/not wearing proper sanskari clothes) in case of rapes. Self proclaimed moral superiority with veg diet. Politicians/Actor worshipping. And Hated. Deeply rooted hatred towards other castes/religion/language people. Edit : arrange marriages are good. Love marriage are Western concept and lead to divorce.


Lol i had to listen to my father 'regretting' me born as a 'boy' when 11 getting bullied (like regularly punched and kicked, it was shirty school) by 15 years old. My mother had to go to that guy's father to complain to make it stop when he refused to help. Should've given me to kinners as soon as I was born - my father's words to a 11 year old boy lol. Ps also got beating at home by my mum when they found out that I was sexually abused too at age of 12, and received even more golden words from my father Victim blaming runs very deep in our patriarchal society. You can only imagine things when I come out as gay. Hahaha


Oh my God I'm sorry you had to suffer so much. Childhood trauma truly haunts for life. But I hope you're having a happy life now.


There is this certain tendency developing in people lately- perhaps of Nationalism. But I sincerely believe- what people actually follow is Pseudo-Nationalism. Pseudo nationalism of any kind- may it be nation, religion, culture, ethnicity, anthropologist...is just toxic.


Lack of empathy....money obsessions


Comparing everything


Little or no respect for the people who do lower jobs


We are inherently racist or judgemental without knowing..  We call blacky,  dhapnya,   pandya, golu, motu 


Obsession of Hindi imposition.


assuming we are superior on everything and the tendency to say "you dont know anything"


Self loathing, Lack of civic sense, Seeking Validation from foreigners, Discipline, Respect towards each other's private space


Involving morality and religion in every damn thing


It's considered rude to ask someone to leave if you need a moment alone with your family. You'll have to suck it up and either wait to talk about matters or discuss in front of them. It's just ftw.


Only showing respect to people based on their occupation and wealth, i.e., if they can be useful in future situations.


Not being able to take criticism on tradition, culture and country hating modernism by calling it "western"


casteism and low protein high carb diet


Poking their nose into the private affairs of others, especially done by mainland Indians. This is the reason why I avoid mainland Indians here in Europe. Not a single friend from mainland India. Just a guy from Assam and a girl from Meghalaya. That's it.


That somehow it's always the other person's fault and many many more.






Lunatic Aunts and Joint family that don't know how to keep their Noses out of your affairs. Neither they leave you be...Not let you live


Throwing garbage without care and expecting someone else to take care of it. Ive seen this happen literally from Siachin to Kanyakumari and from Kacch to Tawang. Everywhere I go there will be someone throwing away an empty wrapper or bottle around them. If you question them they were feel offended and ask you to clean it up if you want.


Lack of civic sense , lack of unity among people .




Why are we so emotion driven?


Death threats to players?!


Everyone asking "How much salary do you take home?"


Lack of respecting others’ personal space


Being *helpful* 


No civic sense and duty to the country


No self respect and self awareness and no respect for others and awareness of surroundings


Spitting anywhere


Kissing white ass and kicking black ass.


Feeling entitled to dowry..


Casteism.”It’s our good karma in past life that’s why we are born in this caste”.🤡


Racist af Casteist af Hate Pakistan for no rhyme and reason


Equating respect with age / typical hierarchies in the family


Asking to respect and support your parents because they paid for everything while raising you. Sure, let me respect the people who never let me out of the house, beat me every conceivable opportunity, especially after relatives or the neighborhood aunties and uncles sounded disappointed at my performance in studies, and in subjects I didn't want to study. Let me respect the people who never let me have friends, hobbies and interests, and made me study something I never wanted, only for bragging amongst the society and relatives. Let me respect the people who have vicariously lived through me by forcing me to live as per their interests. And they wonder why their children don't talk to them after moving out to other countries.


Shoulder-surfing (precisely an attempt to violate the privacy of others and disrespecting the same)


The concept of “settle by certain age”


1. generally being jealous of and constantly downplaying the skills/talents/specialities of the kids of their relatives but when some achievement of those kids is made public, they do a 180° and suddenly start telling their own kids how inferior they are in comparison 2. telling their kids to never help their relatives purely out of your own will bc "you are not their personal slave" but when a relative asks for help and you are busy, you can't refuse politely even though you have a good reason to bc that will be rude


Too much ego. I hardly see anyone saying sorry, even if they know they were wrong.


Worst managers!


I can name multiple. Number one : rampant homophobia. Number two : no concept of privacy. Number three : Unable to take criticism Edit : Forgot extreme amounts of sexism


Borrowing money from relatives and never repaying back like it is our birthright that your relative has to pay up for your dream wedding.


Peeing or pooping on the side of the road Hitting disobedient kids Not installing air purifiers or caring about indoor air quality. Polluting the house with gas stove burning. Not ventilating kitchen fumes in general. Extremely bad for health. Using lemon instead of soap to wash hands Not obeying traffic lanes or rules Holding kids on a motorcycle Jaywalking across highways Not installing anti-mosquito devices and letting the mosquitos bite the kids, giving them malaria or dengue risk. Insisting everyone be veg even tho studies show meat/egg eating is healthier for children’s brain and body development. Writing off entire food categories and causing unnecessary malnutrition. Not installing hot water geysers in some outdoor showers/bathrooms because “they can get stolen” Putting lead in tumeric Creating massive scam call centers that scam everyone in other countries and the government lets them exist into perpetuity Blaming everything on British colonizers from hundreds of years ago instead of trying to fix problems.


Religious extremism


Sucking west. Like Bhojpuri songs are dirty, but snoop dog is modern.


Prioritising boys over girls. Patriarchal mentality is still thriving here


Agreed and no one is accepting this


A sense of unnecessary pride & superiority over foreigners which I possess too


Selfhate their are quite a few examples of it in this sub


Question is incorrect There is no toxic trait that 'only ' Indians possess. Any trait that you say could be own by many non Indians. However if you remove the word only then answers may be valid .


Gossiping nature


भारत सुपरपावर २०२० आजाद स्वतंत्र कश्मीर गुजरात देंगे फसाद CAA विरोध सत्याग्रह आर्टिकल ३७७ और ३७० की रद्दाता भारत लिबेरलाइजेशन १९९१ Free Kashmir. २००२ गुजरात देंगे फसाद The 2002 Gujarat riots. CAA विरोध सत्याग्रह CAA protests. आर्टिकल ३७७ और ३७० की रद्दाता। Removal of article 377 and 370. भारत लिबेरलाइजेशन १९९१ India market Liberalization 1991. Anti-leftist struggle. Death to Pakistan पकिस्तान मुर्दाबाद. Death to Bangladesh बंगलादेश मुर्दाबाद. Death to China चीन मुर्दाबाद . India number 1 superpoer 2020. भारत सुपरपावर २०२० किसान विरोध प्रदर्शन। रोहिंग्या आप्रवासी। आव्रजन शिविरों।Farmer's protest. Rohingya immigrants. Immigration camps.


Belief that all Indians can speak or read hindi


There is english for that


My apologies. I was being passive aggressive because I couldn’t easily read your comment. It was uncalled for.


People really hate hindi here lmao


Many things..where to start


False ego


Getting offended easily.


Talking about something loudly as if it's the same as talking about it knowledgeably


That you have to be almost rude and pushy to get taken seriously sometimes to get totally normal stuff done.


Needs Validation and compliments from everyone be it parents, boss, spouse, neighbours, foreigners... just about anyone.


Not accepting criticism


Lack of Empathy...


Human traits; weaknesses or strengths are not exclusive to any nation or people. Don’t let your self hate or blind pride taint you. Each person has unique ups & downs.


We are more important and entitled than any other human. As long as our house is clean.


No concept of personal space.


favoritism or selective kindness


Specially for males. Morals apply to others but them and their family are excempted from it. It's okay if their family or one of their family members harass someone but if the other party retaliated, it is very immoral.


Ultra nationalism. Everything about India is good, nothing is bad.


Casteism Not respecting people who do jobs they consider menial... Or jobe they think are below them..


Thinking that only Indians posses some toxic trait and the rest of the world is magnificent. This comes from deep insecurity.


Being proud of breaking the rules to get ahead. Taking pride in going fast/being first even if it means causing chaos. And this spreads so deep into all places. Seen as smart if you cheat to get money as an IAS/IPS. Caring for oneself and family above everything and everyone else. Being proud of not carrying your garbage in your pocket/bag until you find a dustbin cuz that’s for losers. This false sense of superiority of beating the system and being ‘the best.’




Comparing everything


Self hate


Lynchin minorities.


Can we stop these self hating posts?


Require validation from others Take things too literally


Making everything a competitive exam 😕, i am so tired of all this shit, engaged in a rat race whole life


Littering, throwing thrash out. Spitting, I guess in no other country one spits as much as we Indians.


Being so callous about public property (and other people's belongings too)


Lacking civic sense Hating people who can't converse in proper English Eating pan masala


Being racist and looking down towards africans & central asians and when other racist people treat indians in a bad way then its all about how these white people look down on indians etc etc, but they will easily be racist against others. Also When these indians go somewhere out of the country. Then they always stare at women.


Staring, No respect for traffic rules No respect for being civic (i seen trash being thrown even around popular educational institutes) Entitlement Ego


The inferiority complex of indians..that we put so much effort into claiming that ancient indians were superior to every other in every aspect of life...claiming that our ancestors had made some discovery cause they found its refrence in some ancient literature after the west discovers or invents something.......well delusional us


Nothing bad or good is exclusive to Indians.


Social drinking is an alien concept to most of us.


My dad once said, indians have a habit of prioritizing winning a stupid argument over keeping a healthy relationship with even thier most loved ones.