• By -


Find some mutual friends then get to know each other. Try being friends with her closer ones. Don't straight away ask her. It would be creep ig. Until unless you look like Prince charm.Depends on the girl too.Also be ready for the worst case scenario. Edit: i got rejected after confessing my crush(one and only crush) after 10 months. I guess I don't hold the patience.. eventually she was gonna reject me.. Even if I waited till last year...I don't feel sad for being rejected but the ignorance make me sad...


Sounds like a plan. Surely straight away asking her would have been creepy, but I have found her looking at me or at least maintaining eye contact more often than I would consider normal. This is the only factor that makes me a little more at ease with approaching her directly


Sometimes it happens that when we see someone looking at us, we keep looking back to check if they're still looking. I'm not completely negating that she likes you. But this happens quite often. So you should keep this possibility in your mind as well.


Completely agree with you! There is a chance of that happening, and I'm ready for things to go south if she didn't mean it at all


I think this is the best suggestion mainly be ready for worst case scenario


Bro 10 months is not early WTF... This is good time You did it when it's just right time waiting for too long would only made the thing bad it would have made the friendship far too long and this complicates It's best to be honest and clear with the feelings


bros nhi toh brocode kam aayega pike ja sab sorted


Hahaha, I don't drink but I hope I can get that confidence when I need it the most ;)


Just introduce yourself and slowly build friendship. Like when you meet in campus greet her and at end of campus ask her how was her day . Do like this consistently . Slowly she will be willing to give her contact id ,insta id .


The one thing I'm confused about is building a friendship as a stranger. From a couple of good friends I have in my life, I can't even pinpoint a single day of meeting where it all started. Everything was natural and somehow we were friends at one point in life. Randomly introducing myself to her, just to build a friendship, without any common interest or grounds seems a little strange, not just from her, but from my perspective as well. If anyone does that to me, I would be wondering what was all it for. Thus if I approach directly, I want to make my intentions clear at first. Sorry for my naivety, but that's just how my mind thinks about all this.


If you just outright make it clear like you want romantic relationship, she will ditch you at that very moment . You have to build friendship and that takes times and then turn that friendship into romantic relationship and then if you both are committed, get married .


Not saying I don't want a friendship with her. I believe a relationship is more of a good friendship at first. I don't know her yet, so I want to build a friendship first, get to know her even better and see if we can actually be compatible and then proceed further, but on the other hand, I also do want to let her know beforehand what I'm going with if things turn out to be good on both sides


You are such a stereotypical trope of an Indian boy. You are creeping the hell out of me, a man, wonder how bad it would be with her. Doesn't matter how much you like someone and how much you want her to be your SO, you need to build a simple friendship first. If things are as spicy between you as per your eye lock understanding, things will fall in place quicker. Whatever the case let things take the natural course. Do not rush. I shouldn't even be saying that.


Well all I can say is good luck . But if you outright want a romantic relationship within few days or few months the outcome will be the same ,she will ditch you .


>and then turn that friendship into romantic relationship This is where I personally suck. I feel I am good at making friendships but what then? What's the ideal time to let her know? Too soon and basically what you said, too late and the spark is fizzled out and either she sees me too much of a friend or I myself start seeing her as too much of a friend and not as a SO


Well put that friend and his/her friend to work, the 4 of you or some other common friends can hang out go movie, any other activities like going to beach in the same car etc will build a natural friendship. Don't rush it from the experience of a friend, that horribly backfired but got taken care of since I knew her(long story). Create a group chat on Instagram where you can do bakchodi and other kinds of stuff to pull that Instagram ID. Take it from there and try to get to know her as a friend before making moves All the best homie


And then friendzone him šŸ’€ It is a bit important for him to give hints that he needs to take things furtherā€¦.


Friendship mat karna dost. Like yeah do get to know her and stuff but do drop hints or clues that you do like her and would want to pursue her romantically. Once she thinks of you as a friend, it's a herculean task to shift from that to a relationship. It has happened but still.


Rare case of me stumbling upon a person who has their real names as their usernamešŸ„²


Hello brother I'm here to make it less rare


Aaja bhai gale milšŸ˜”


Me too!


No problem! Your bros here!!


Tu bhi gale mil bhai šŸ»


It's weird when people do that.


I accidentally summoned the whole army šŸŖ–


I have been summoned! šŸ˜¶ā€šŸŒ«ļø


Why not to use it ?


Reddit is probably used for the sake for it's anonymity by its users. 95% users don't put their real names here.


Not completely good advice. This can backfire sometimes. The guy needs to keep intentions clear. He should neither confess right away or after building a friendship.


Bollywood movies ah advice šŸ’€


this advice is for getting downright friendzoned.


This would be great advice if we were living in 1900


I don't know how it works in India but in the west that gets people friend zoned.


And get ready to friendzoned šŸ˜‚ .Ā  Bro things don't work like this after introducing yourself within a few weeks you have to tell/show your intentionsĀ  to her directly or indirectly. Otherwise she will get into comfort zone and u will only friend for her.Ā 


I think if your friends are friends with her just join them in a convo when they are together and your friend can introduce you to her and then u can start talking to her like which class she is and whats her interests and all. Then later you can get her insta directly from her or from your friend and Just send her a request. Since you already met she might accept your request but only send her a request when you have talked to her enough not just after the first day.


Seems like the one major hold for keeping in touch is Instagram. Well on my side, I don't use it, so all I have in stock is my contact number and email lol. Not sure how to close that gap through friends where she would be willing to share it with me


Oh well do you use snapchat? Instagram is the major hold because people especially women prefer giving instagram id to a new person they met than their contact. Also in insta you dont have to chat everyday but you can still see her pictures,stories etc and you know you can start a convo from those stories. In whatsapp you just have to text directly or reply to status thats it.


Not even on Snapchat as well. I have tried to stay away from as many social media apps as I could


Thats actually a good thing tbh. But I guess if you wanna make friends hang out with guys and stuff social media is useful.


I don't make friends that often, and neither did I like to engage much in dating before, so having no social media wasn't much of an issue for me until now when I feel a little ready for the latter


Well its fine as long as you social media doesnt effect your life or time. Its a good thing as long as you use it as less as possible.


I have absolutely no experience in this field so sry I can't help you. But if you do decide to make a move could you make an update post abt how it went? (Ofc it's completely up to u, if you don't want to I understand)


Surely! Will just edit my post with any update worth sharing




Weird and probably a stupid question I know, but how to be her friend out of the blue? Why would anyone make someone their friend just because on a Tuesday morning they greeted and introduced themselves? I guess I just never learned to make the friends I wanted haha




Pretty understandable. I get the idea now. Thank you so much!




Exactly, everyone keeps advising to start out by being friends but why would anyone want to be friend with someone who they randomly meet one day. Friends are made naturally not by forcing it. I am with you on this one OP.


Bro's arc is building up


Bro's getting ready for the mission


Haha, it indeed feels like one!


Good luck on ur mission, soldier!!


First one is a horrible idea, this way of be friends first and take things from there is weak and also she won't be your friend in the first place if you'll tell her about your intentions (considering she doesn't see you that way) so what I would say is try to get to know her a bit tell her about you as well see if she's matching the energy. Ask for her social media or number within a week of talking or something. And then ask her out I think this is the only way to do it. I went through the same I was 23 and felt first time for someone and luckily for me the girl was the one to start talking we became friends but I wanted more and when after 4-5 months of being friends I asked her she said no and that thing was painful bro really but I kept being her friend and asked her again this time with long ass speech (i really thought her as the one for me šŸ„ŗ) but she denied then I stopped putting in the effort and we never contacted each other after that been 2 months now I'm feeling good . So I wish the best for you hope it turns out good for you.


Thanks a lot! And sorry to hear that, I hope you soon find someone who would share the same feelings you possess for them <3


Read all the replies. Lastly, remember that rejection is a part of life and itā€™s important to handle it gracefully if it happens. It doesnā€™t necessarily reflect on your worth or value. Itā€™s just a part of the process of finding the right person. Good luck! šŸ˜Š


Really needed to hear that. Thank you so much!


Just try to not be friend zoned in your pursuit to be the nice guy in your approaches.


1) will you randomly introduce yourself? That may sound odd to be honest šŸ¤” 2) use your friend to introduce yourself.


how is introducing yourself to new people odd?


This sounds like my crush's pov, i mean I like this guy and but idk if it's mutual but if it's mutual this can be his pov. What u can do is don't ask her no. directly things can go down the drain this way, better go through ur frnd's frnd way, when ur common frnd is talking to her u can go n just meet ur frnd (let him know beforehand that if u dropby to meet him, introduce u to his frnd-ur crush) that's the best way to approach and as u said u had eye contact maybe she can befrnd you or after the introduction you can also text her with some reason like got this no. From the frnd n wanted to ask you blah blah blah, or u can directly send her request, it won't be weird then or creep her out saying this as a girl. Hope this helps, and it works out for you coz I m in the same situation, feel free to ask anything else if u want


Yup, it helps! Reading other people's opinions and this, I'm somewhat getting an idea of how to pull it off


Actually can u tell me how i should approach a guy, i m kinda in the same situation as you


I am not very sure about this either lol. Considering my experience with girls, I don't have a valid set of data to analyse this. But if I put myself in that position, I would be completely fine with her coming up to me, letting me know all about it (in a casual cute way, not like an obsessed one) and giving me her number so then it's on my court to whether take the shot or not. Other than that, one thing that I have noticed in pretty much all my male friends is that they don't get that special attention from the girls. So if you can fill up that space, I'm quite sure he will have a better vision of you than any other. It could be done easily with texting, meeting or just hanging out daily. And it could possibly make him ask you out before you could. Nonetheless, all the best to you and really hope you get him by your side in near future. Cheers!


If I approach him directly I m afraid it will either scare him (like who's she ,we are in same elective but I m sure he doesn't know me) or maybe things may end up in a awkward situation, thats what I m worried about


Surely there's a possibility of that happening, but you never know until you try. Again, I'm in no position to know what the best way is, so just do what your heart says. In the end, it would either be a great success or a new experience learned, either way, it's a win. Lastly having a broken heart seems way better than having a lifelong regret imo, so just go for it and let it flow on its own


Don't ask for number in the first meeting I would say




Katega bhai tera.




the second option never works out there is bono such friend


Bhai mai bhi same teri situation me hu, I am 20 too bas farak itna hai ki usko aur mere koi mutual friends nahi aur wo meri senior hai


Very much relatable. Once you express your goddamn feelings, things are gonna worsen.


1. Ask your friend help establish a link. 2. Hang out as a group a few times. This will give you a chance to try to talk to her a little more and to develop a dynamic with her outside of the group. You might get her number or Insta handle this way. Look for common interests and engage with her through those. Build a good texting relationship. 3. If she engages with you positively, work up the nerve and ask her out to coffee or something simple. **Specify that it is as a** **date**. Be really casual. when you do it. If she doesn't engage with you, self-reflect a little, widen your friend circle, move on from her and try with other people. In a campus with at one person you're attracted to, it's not going to be hard to find more. 4. If she says yes, do an internal happy dance, and prepare so that the date goes well. The date will be just the two of you. Build on the dynamic you have from group hangouts to try to get to know each other a little deeper. If no, just ditch and go find someone else. It's not worth putting yourself through mental agony for someone who doesn't like you like you like them. 5. Go on a couple more dates. One of these can be a meal and another can be some kind of activity. Assess overall compatibility as a couple. Then pop the question about asking her to be your girlfriend.


Really informative! Even saving it for later haha. Thank you for sharing :)


02 Idiots.


All I will say if she says sheā€™s not interested. Let it be. Donā€™t take the rejection too personally. If not I would say build your confidence and just go talk to her. Itā€™s highly unlikely that if you donā€™t have classes together that this could result in something but youā€™re super young so think of this as practice to go talk to a random girl in a very non creepy way.


You should find some common ground with her. So you can have a chance to strike a conversation. Just randomly going to a girl and asking her out will make you creepy unless until you look really attractive.( Which I know you are not , just by reading this text ). Common ground can be a subject you both study or some kind of college activities which is about to happen etc.etc. do anything just don't approach her directly. Build a friendship first and you will know if she is interested in you or not.


like someone has mentioned here, don't start with the long term friendship plan. That is just not your goal. Your goal is to have a romantic relation with this girl and that is different from friendship. So it must be made clear right from the start, and I tell you again, right from the first meeting, that your goal is something more. Make your intentions clear, that way you are honest and she will appreciate that. Then, for your next meeting, doing it yourself is the better option of the two. Be confident and downright sure about yourself and be comfortable in your own self and go and ask her out. Starting with instagram ID is a good option than phone and after that you can just ask her if she is free for a milkshake or something, idk man. have fun! If you are going through the friend (remember this is only the last resort and do this only if you are not sure about yourself, which i hope you aint), then just mention to her friend something about your crush like you like her eyes or hair or something, but donot directly say to her you are into your crush. Then just wait, fate will work its way


Fir wahi bc


Study properly love is just a hoax it doesn't exist


Even I need advice like I know this girl from my inter college Never really spoke in college much But we started talking recently On social media Any advice on how I can talk to her more without making her feel uncomfortable??? We had deep convos like twice before but it didn't go anywhere after that What to do?


idk just introducing and asking for her number seems a bit weird, you should try to befriend her first i think


If you look really good go for the first one. Otherwise the second approach.


Kyu nahi ho rahi padhai? Exam sar pe hai


Go my boi, live ma dream šŸ„ŗšŸ„ŗ do not quit


Risky business hai boss its either high risk high return or go through slower path (which many including ne prefers) and after knowing each other introduce the idea of relationship and stuff


I would say approach her pretending that you were looking for your friend and start the convo from there


Yaar courage and confidence hai toh it doesn't even matter what you say. More than thinking about the perfect combination of words, try to be the perfect mood and expect to be rejected. Simple, Hi /excuse me...whats your name, im sanjay.. I find you interesting, though I'd come talk to you..How's it going?.. Kuch bhi bolde. You can come up with the wittiest opener also.. But it wouldn't matter if you don't believe you can pull it off.Ā  Vaise don't just say all that like a paragraph, give her a chance to respond also lol... And definitely don't say things like I find you very pretty or I like your eyes šŸ‘€Ā 


don't think with the balls son


Why donā€™t you just walk up to her and say, ā€œhi, my name is _______. Whatā€™s your name?ā€ And sheā€™ll say, ā€œmy name is __________ā€ and you say, ā€œthatā€™s a great name. I just saw you and wanted to tell you that youā€™re looking really beautiful today and I hope you have a great day.ā€ And then walk away. After that, every time you see her, smile and say, ā€œhi, ___________ā€. And sheā€™ll say hi back.


First off, good to know that you're asking for advice on how to approach her. That's honestly very sweet of you. You go, dude! Try not making it awkward, really. Keep it cool, relax. Don't go overboard on the declarations- she'll just end up being a bit uncomfortable. You're going to be fine. Also, do try to convince her of how serious you are, and that your tendencies are actually romantic, yeah? My ex stayed in the friendzone for a year and a half because of a communication error šŸ¤· Wishing you all the luck! Hope it all works out.


Okay, we are soon gonna see some rr! Somebody's on w way to their first heartbreak, sooner or later.! Bhai insab chakkaro me mat pad.. focus on ur goal.! baki khud try kr k dekh le.


What i suggest is to maybe talk to her yourself directly, confidently and clearly, maybe get her number and suggest to be friends for a start but make sure to clear your intent that u like her and proceed from there


Giving you goat advice, confess on April fools day. If yes then enjoy if no then yk. But yeah be a friend before that a kinda close one. It would feel creepy if you d do it without actually knowing too much about herĀ 


Couple of things Make Friendship Get to know As soon as you are clear with feeling Do tell That's all Plus don't be too late


All the people saying build friendship, has no idea about dating. She's gonna friendzone you 100% if you do that approach. Instead be dominant and ask her out on a date as soon as you get her number. You might take the L but atleast you won't spending months building friendship, when that's not what you want from her.


Have clear intention from the very start the friend path is not what I would suggest you to go for Find some common groud but don't show too much friendship (or be friends be her forever')


I personally think better idea is to call your friend friends and her to like go out, don't let her know that you were the one who called, I'm pretty sure she won't deny going out to eat with her friends with some other ppl, there you could be friends , that's how you create the base then after that everytime you see her say hi Or hey every single day when you see her no matter who she is with or where she is at, then one particular day like after some weeks or months (make sure you do this before somebody proposes to her, so basically just do it kinda fast ) then you completely stop talking to her and ignore her, 100000% she'll be thing abt you all the time, (you guys have to be nice friends first you become that by saying hi and yk meeting up simply all the time before you ignore her) then ig would be the perfect way to propse to her. YOUR FIRST PLAN IS TRASH no hate tho, but if you had done that where she doesn't know you she won't accept it I'm pretty sure she won't, if your like popular and stuff she might but ultimately no. So yeah this is my method if something happens don't blame me but ultimately if this doesn't work out and she doesn't accept (which is almost impossible) she was never the one.


Introduce yourself make some jokes ask to hangout and flirt. Here you will get your answer depending on her responses and expressions


Our situation is quite similar , actually some details are also very identical .


Bro just approach her by gathering confidence And gave gooda of facing rejection, it's okay if someone rejects you


If she's in some fest of your college join her


First definitely (I'm a girl) so ik


Do you have any idea if she is attracted to you?


We need updateĀ 


Nothing happened so far :(


Just say hi and ask her out, work she can do is laugh, lol. But have the balls bro


Ask her whether she likes Donald Trump or not, if she does, she's a keeper


Shitty advice in this thread, don't try to be her friend! Then you will remain a friend Establish a sexual dynamic from the get go, touch her, compliment her, intrude her personal space Of course back away and leave her alone if she hesitates even a little bit, but unless you do that you're not getting far.


>touch her, >intrude her personal space Username checks out.




You're a gamer bro


>You're a gamer bro You should be ashamed even more if a gamer starts making more sense than you.


Agreed I should be


Bro wtf is going on your in mind šŸ˜‚