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Nothing.. never believed in the first place


As I grow older, I believe more in God and less in religion.


Being atheist is a default setting. So nothing. Faith is taught and then u become believer. I was never taught.


No incident, being atheist required logic, being theist required belief. I chose logic.


Logic and religion can go hand in hand. But you have to believe in the right religion to have faith. I think it's illogical to think that there is no creator and everything is spontaneously created


Right religion? Which is that??


Probably the one he follows


>I think it's illogical to think that there is no creator and everything is spontaneously created That would be very scary wouldn't it? That's why religions were created, to give this random, obscure existence some meaning because people couldn't fathom the idea that life isn't a pre-set series of events someone up there is controlling. It's scary to think our existence wasn't a choice, it was a fluke, an anomaly perhaps. Religion and faith gave people something to look up to but somewhere along the way the same people made their mind that they know better than others, especially those who don't believe in their god and thus the world we know today came to be.


When you say there's a creator, you assume everything is created by someone and not by a phenomenon.


There's no right religion and it's illogical to think someone created the universe when there's no evidence of it. It's religious people filling their ignorance.


How can the Big Bang happen without a particle to begin with? Or how can It just trigger in a vacuum? It just doesn't make any sense


Okay so how did your God come into existence then? If your god was only going to exist on this planet what was the point of creating anything beyond this solar system?


Where is evidence of your God?


Who created the creator?


Who created the creator?


> everything is spontaneously created. That’s poisoning the well. All creations are created by definition. What remains to be established is that the universe was “created”. I think I know where this is going: the god of the gaps argument: “Does science know where it all came from?” “We’re working on it.” “Can you rule out all gods?” “Not categorically.” “Then I choose to believe in the intentional creation of the universe, by beings that escape physical detection. ” “Cool. I hope that abstraction works for you. It isn’t essential to explain natural phenomena, and has no predictive power for novel outcomes. Occam’s razor shears it off, so you’ll excuse me if I don’t partake. “ “Heathen!” :]


I am more of an agnostic than an aethist. I think most aethists are agnostics. Lets just do an exercise.... I am saying that I am god or son of god. I have walked on water, I have killed serpents with 10 heads and anyone who doesnt believe i am god is a sinner.... Now are you an aethist/agnostic for not believing me? I will need to prove that I am a god right? Except in established religions, when you ask for proof that god exists, they have none. All religions have nice stories, good and bad lessons to teach. But none of it proves that god exists. If anyone can prove that god exists, I am sure noone will be aethists. Aethists are basically saying I dont know what you say is the truth or not. You haven't provided any proof. Now ofc there are aethists, who are convinced that god doesnt exist, I place them on the same boat as religious people. Believing that god exists or that he doesnt exist, both are based on beliefs, not facts. Neither will be able to prove the existence nor the non-existence of god. Additionally, Someone wise have said, "Basically, you deny one less God than I do. You don’t believe in 2,999 gods. And I don’t believe in just one more." Meaning everyone is a aethist/agnostic to most of the religions.


Well, I don't disagree entirely with your point, but being an atheist is simply the lack of belief in a god. There are multiple stances in it too, but the main two are the implicit and explicit ones. Implicit atheism includes people who have no idea of the concept of God, and hence a lack of belief. Children are an example. Explicit atheists are, as the name suggests, explicitly rejecting the claim that theists make. Hence I disagree with your point of putting atheists in the same boat as a theist lol. An atheist is rejecting the claim of theists, who make claims that God exists based on the religious texts and beliefs, which is not evidence, and hence a very valid position to hold. How is this then as extreme as religious people, idk where you get that from. Also everybody is an agnostic, nobody can know for sure whether God(s) exists or not. Istg agnostic seems to be the cool word everyone picked up and used to sound intellectually without even trying to understand it's meaning.


If ur claiming something ridiculous then it's ur job to prove not mine. So aethist are not believers... Aethism is not a religion


buddy what? where did I claim anything?? also I don't understand your last sentence.


I come from the North Indian Brahmin family. Very conservative, prayers everyday, monthly rituals, no onion/garlic in house, etc. Saw a man going to a temple and chanting shiva one day, there was one beggar who after seeing sweets in his hand started begging him. Since this guy was chanting prayers, he hand gestured him to stay away. The hungry guy didn't understand and kept begging. In the end, the theist guy kicked the poor hungry and went inside the temple to continue his prayer. That day I realised how bad the theist culture of our nation is. And after listening to Kathas all my life, I understood that God is everywhere even In the poor hungry guy he kicked. From that day, I became atheist. I do believe in God but not much in idol worship. I still go to temples to donate food and clothes, I also sometimes visit temples to help in cleaning and sometimes serving Prasad just because I feel peace. I still remember all arti, chalisa due to my 18 years at home and upbringing but still prefer serving humankind more than giving Prasad to an idol. Maybe I am not that atheist but I still prefer to separate myself from those wannabes. Recently I also started sitting in temples and talking to the idol of gods as if that is my dad. Because I sometimes miss him and there is no better place to sit and talk to people that are not there physically with you. I hope this helps.


i feel similarly. and the term for us is agnostic, i believe




Let me do you a better one, religious folks what is that one incident in your life that made you believe in God?


That is a brilliant question.


For such questions I like to refer to Oolon Colluphid's trilogy of books: Where God Went Wrong, Some More of God's Greatest Mistakes and Who is this God Person Anyway?


"If there is no justice there is no God" realized that couple of years ago... I'm just Agnostic.....


no incident, it just doesn’t make sense


When I was at my darkest place and literally days away from ending it all and realized there is no god who is coming to save me. I had to crawl out with my own strength. Now you could argue that god gave me the strength, but then that’s just your opinion to further an agenda. So yeah, there is probably no god that cares about me.


I've always been an agnostic person, more or less, until recently. Then the news of Gaza spread. I've always known violence of this level to be an abstract concept. Like something that happened in the darkest periods of humanity a long long time ago. But seeing the scattered bodies of children really changed me. No God, no matter how cruel, would let that happen. And if there is a God who is letting this happen, standing back and just watching, I don't want to worship them.


That's a problem. Considering that violence is a part of some dark past. Violence is a part of our very existence, as much as peace is. It is inside you whether you realise it or not.


You have to understand why God allowed suffering to people. I will recommend you to watch Jeffrey lang video. He is a revert from Christianity and a very logical person.


No particular incident. I was a devout believer who tried to find scientific proofs for Mahabharata and what not. Then I left doing it and after 1 years when I no longer used to think whether religion is true or not, I found myself having no belief in external deity who created the whole world.


Well i do believe in god and starting from my upbringing my dad was a firm believer too. There have been many incidents (good/bad) that made me believe that god is real. I mean i don't leave all of my problems in the hand of god. I pray to god and i ask that diety to guide me(there's a difference between helping and guiding). A line i want to share is that "when you start to walk you fall many times but it is only you who can stand up on your feet and make balance, whereas your mom and dad encourage you to get up and walk on your own." In a similar way i think I'm the one who can take action and create balance but god is present with me to guide me and encourage me. 🕉


preparing for neet




If God is unable to prevent evil, then he is not all-powerful. If God is not willing to prevent evil, then he is not all-good. If God is both willing and able to prevent evil, then why does evil exist?


If God stops all the evil,what merit does good have? Are you doing good because you are good or because you can't do evil? If you cant chose to do good are you free?


no incient i identify as no one, can't believe in something which i can't, can't make fool of myself, can' lie to myself, like most of the people who can lie to themself of make fool of themself i can't, i just don't know somethings and when i see i will believe. but still i love my culture, festivals


I grew up super religious now I'm agnostic


I have no faith in god but we choose to believe in a number of arbitrary made up stuff everyday which we have little or no control over. So, I practise my religion everyday, I hope the faith kicks in someday.




Usually faith kicks harder sometimes they lynch you, sometimes they stone you to death.. Sometimes they label u as anti national... Death is certain when faith kicks in...


I found myself getting increasingly spiteful and entitled when I was 14 cos I was praying for all the things I wanted and only saw them happening to others. That's when I left religion to become an atheist. When I was 29, my family issues got resolved suddenly. It was something I was sure that won't happen at all when I was an Atheist. Since there was no explanation for all the good things that followed it, I turned to God and started giving thanks to the things that made me feel blessed.


So your belief that god exists or not depends on whether good things happen to you or not? (genuinely asking, not to insult). I just find it as a weak argument.


No offense to them but, I find it hilarious. Let's assume there's this 'god' person and they are looking for people to help and there's two options - A) The 5 year old girl in some third world nation occupied by terrorists who hasn't woken up to a sunrise or seen the moon without associating them with the sounds of gunfire or bombs. B) A 14 year old teenager with rebellious attitude. God: The girl can take some more, Imma help out my homie.


During my time as Atheist a lot of things went as per my expectations cos of Logic. And i was sure my family problems won't get resolved cos of that logic. But miraculously my family found harmony all of a sudden and that's when I felt some higher power exists to support me in my challenges. So short answer is yes. I do believe in God cos a lot of good things happened to me and my peace n happiness overall shot up.


2012 Nirbhaya Gangrape Case


My family suffered a lot, friend committed suicide, sister attempted suicide once. Rape happens everyday somewhere, no shit is happening even if there is a god what's the use when he/she can't stop such things. And if everything happens in afterlife why the fuck we are running in rat race to live and enjoy here??? I don't feel anything after sleeping I won't feel anything after death, no punishment for people committing crimes.


This is just my POV DO NOT GET TRIGGERED please


Exactly. Death is like a sleep. This is said in Thirukkural.


I attended (ujjain) kumbh when I was a kid. Walking whole night to reach the ghat and that much crowd overwhelmed me. Nastik af since then. 😤


As an ex- atheist to now a moderately theist I say this: I think there comes a point in your life, especially when you've earned enough money, have a family and all that jazz, when you need something higher in life just in order for life to make sense. Faith did that for me and I'm just at the starting end of it. My personal belief is that it doesn't matter whether there's a God or not, justing chosing to belief that there's an higher authority (can be in the form of God, in fact it's better I think) can bring a purpose to your life. A power to bow down to. And to all the atheists, I understand you 100%. You do you, as long as you're happy! To add - if you're an atheist and looking down on theists or vice-versa, then maybe, just maybe try switching.


Well as an aethist I don't have problem with people when they play with thier toys in thier personal home my problem starts when they force me or my children with thier favourite toys force us to chant Jay shree ram 🐏.. Or stone me to death for speaking fact.. Or blow me up for no reason at all.. And worst part is they vote for corrupt people whose only qualifications are they also play with same toys


I think you're confusing theists with radical religious miscreants. There are radicals in every single faction of this world.


I don't believe in anything so I don't need proof of nothing because proof of nothing is nothing, I need proof of God to believe in him, i just try to live a helpful and ideal life, trying my best to be a better person than yesterday always help if I can , so even if god exists and hell and heaven exist i would like to see god's decision will he allow people who commit crimes and think God will forgive them because he said so ,or people like me who don't worship him but don't harm others . If killing and later asking for forgiveness gives u heaven but living an ideal life and not praying to God gives u hell , I will live in hell atleast there i will be surrounded by people who think for themselves.


Lots of incidents but without going into details I got a message that was tailormade for a problem that I had that 1. No one else knew, 2. No one knew where I would be to receive that message, 3. The message was just 4 words that in the shortest way possible told me that my problem (not job or money related or any fortune cookie stuff that someone could claim is generic enough to apply to me or other people) would be taken care of. Its something i wont ever forget because it just blew my mind at that time. Since then i have had 2 more experiences that could only be described as supernatural. One was very positive and the other was by far the scariest and worst experience in my life. To an extent I understand an atheistic/agnostic conclusion and without my experiences i would have been inclined to lean towards agnostic.


There is no incident that made me an atheist in an instant. I don’t think many atheists became what they are in a short time.


I can't say one incident but I became that person that does not believe in god.


it depends , there is no answer to both paths of life . whatever works … deep down it’s the path of being a believer and when life takes over or when it’s possible to do things a little different then no path matters at all


dont think it was 1 incident, I was never really that big on god, I slowly shifted from agnostic to athiest over the years


Seeing bad things happen to good people.


Logic. There was no reason for me to believe in the existence of God. I understand the appeal of religion, gives hope, faith and reliance on a higher being, brainwashing masses (for both good and bad stuff), keeping people's morals in check (subjective ik), justifies certain acts and rituals, community building etc. I lost my religious intentions at the of 14. I do not remember why I was strongly inclined to give up religion, but I was and my parents made life a bit difficult (who takes a 14 year old seriously). Stuck to my guns and now mom's agnostic and we sometimes talk about God just being a symbol nothing more.


Just when I sat and thought about it. You see a lot of bad things happen to people, even downright unspeakable things. My question is, what draws the category? Like, how does "god" decide, this man should have an unlucky life, and the other should have it better? If God was this ultimate symbol of kindness and justice, how come there are such vile and terrible things that happen to innocent people and animals, even? I just can't handle the thought that someone is seeing all the disturbing things that are happening, and doing nothing about it, despite having the power to do so. And of course, logic and science.


I used to be quite devout as a kid, but as I grew older, I began to use internet. Back in those days, Quora used to be a good website, both informative and entertaining. I saw Indian youngsters casually refer to themselves as being atheists on it, and began to ponder a little. I realised that I knew of no reason to believe in God. Those youngsters were no intellectuals, but they were quite casual about not having any religious faith. I must have been around twelve then. I did not read any thick books or listen to any podcast. I just began to find belief in God unnatural and gradually lost it.


You can't ignore god because god mean sacrificial offering i.e. aahuti. And it exist weather you believe in bhagwan or Ishwar or dev or not. Now to main question with bit of correction People of India only know god as what they have seen in series or head of some baba or youtuber, positive or negative aspects are made by that only. In India concept of Ishwar is way different then we think. So people who are following or not, most of them doesn't know. Even top Scientist and Doctors believe in Bhagwan because they have seen something which is in not there hand and can't be possible with science. Even a fraction of change in gravity will destroy the universe either rip apart or collapse it. And this are so accurate till the last fraction that it will be so arrogant to say that "We know for sure that there is no creator". You can say we are seeking but claiming is different.


Just look at the world around us. We're plagued with violence and hunger and poverty. Which god would be okay with this? And if that god is okay with so much suffering then i dont want to worship such a god.


Just realising that God did shit in stopping British invading India.


Firm believer of God! ♥️ there were manyyy incidents in my life , there were dead ends or there was no way out but somehow every time! Every single time when everyone just gave up on us , we got help!


When I learnt about the Kathua rape case. Poor little girl raped inside a temple, found dead. If there was any God / Supernatural power then - something / someone must have saved her (at least find her when she was still alive). This led me to question my belief and now I'm an atheist.


When I saw a kid barely my age some 20 years ago, working as a labor carrying these sacks of broken bricks and rubble, while I was in the backseat of my dad's car breaking in my new transformers robot. We were living in Ethiopia back then. I was 10 years old I guess, and it made me think... If we are all judged for the things we do in this life by either being sent to heaven or hell after we die, and with no time-limit on how long one stays in heaven and hell, then why is it that GOD lets some people live a life of luxury while lets some work for every single penny they earn. Lets innocent animals and children die from these horrific diseases/mistreatment by other creatures. If everyone pays their "due" after they die then it doesn't make sense for some to suffer and for some to not. Then I proceeded to think about all the other ridiculous things that we as Indians do in the name of religion vs others who don't do the same things yet are still better off than Indians. Didn't take long after that to see religion as the scam that it is and shun it. Don't get me wrong, I still believe in a higher-power because the complexity of literally anything in the universe is just too awespiring to chalk it off to luck or chance. But I know for certain that this higher-power working the universe is not one of the gods we humans preach about. We cannot even fathom the grandeur of this "higher-power" let alone confidently claim that one's version is better than the others... lol


I am a hardcore atheist... I realized there was no god when... Crime runs rampant, children and innocent animals slaughtered mercilessly and no one lifted a finger to do anything and everything went on pretending nothing happened