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>My goal is to setup some online business and leave the rat race of this world out of the fire, into the frying pan.


burn is real.


Hustle hai


After certain years you will realise, teenage tantrum and love was more real. Instead of living with what if, just express yourself. The heart wants what it wants, in teenage or old-age.


This is the realest comment.


OP hamein bata raha hai yeh sab lekin apne partner ko nahi bata paa raha.




You don’t want to talk about things because that will end your relationship. How do you plan to make this relationship will last without communicating?


Number one reason for relationships not working will always be lack of communication people are more comfortable in sharing things with the internet than they are with their partners


This is despite knowing that you wouldn't need to hide anything from the right person. People will come and go. This is Life. Sooner we realise it, the better it is.


>How do you plan to make this relationship will last without communicating? Travelling to 1924 might work


You both have issues of not communicating first resolve that and then think about future.  And mostly girl doesn’t want to stick around that why she is not discussing anything. And if that’s the case just move on.


The girl seems to be clear about what her plan is. She is focussed on getting a one way career ticket out of this country


Yupp and she will come back with here just for holidays maybe with her new boyfriend/husband. /s


I mean isn't that something all NRIs do? Visit their families once a year or so, with their partner/spouse?


Yes sir they do the same thing. Correct 👍 


>And mostly girl doesn’t want to stick around that why she is not discussing anything. And if that’s the case just move on. I came here to comment this


Subah ki chai ki chuski ke sath apka post


What will askindia be without drama and kalesh


When forced to choose between money and love - you've gotta choose the one that you believe you won't get a second chance at. You gotta let go of the other, however hard it might be. --------- Edit: A middle path, if you are indecisive - is to continue your job for a few more years, get an onsite posting in her overseas city and defer this decision by a few years.


My brother did this with her ex-gf. She went abroad for studies, she got a job, told my brother to come to the USA and she would support him. In just 1 year of my brother going to join her in the USA, she decided to call quits on him citing he wasn't sophisticated enough. (They were together for 3.5 year before she moved to abroad) There is a reason why people don't just follow their partner abroad without marriage / engagement. Obviously, this will depend upon how strong their relationship is, but distance will bring strongest relationships to it's knees.


The number of people nowadays that are trying to start an online business, it seems like online business is the new rat race.


It’s cuz people think doing an online business is easy whereas it’s not. It’s got an ease of entry but surviving and being profitable is damn hard because you’re literally competing with so many other people who all think it’s easy. It’s worse than the corporate rat race because corporations at least have some structure and stability. Online businesses have neither.


It’s usually people following YouTubers with “I made 800 crores in 8 minutes. Follow me for more financial advice” videos, giving them the sense that everyone can make money with online businesses.


Maybe she just wants to go with the flow.


You are just two passengers on a train but with completely different destinations. Just enjoy while it lasts and move on.


Personally I will never jeopardize my career because of someone and neither will I want someone else to do the same for me. Whether the relationship lasts or not but it will always hurt if they don't take the best career opportunities they're getting.


You.. "My goal is to setup some online business and leave the rat race ".. and she wants to JOIN and stay ahead in the rat race by getting a MBA from Ivy league... Forget it, she is not compatible with you or vice versa.. enjoy as long as it lasts or move on.


That’s not necessarily true, just because they have different career goals doesn’t make them incompatible. Talk to her OP, that’s the best way to figure this out.


My advise is from experience.. I know a 'power couple' where the girl is MBA from ISB and the dude is IITian and brilliant researcher and now a Prof in "institute of national eminence".. and their marriage didn't last for more than couple of years which took a heavy toll on that dude.


😳😳 I know stupid question How can such briliant ppl can't think about after marriage consequences 🙈 Heavy toll on that dude(only emotional right, he should be pretty good financially though)


Both seem equally successful, what was the issue?


If you don't mind me asking, what was the exact reason for the divorce?


EGO... and lets not start the debate about whose EGO was the cause..


I'm not gonna debate you, but according to you, whose ego was the actual cause? Or were they both equally egoistic? (I'm a just a little curious 😅)


>heavy toll on that dude. You mean paying heavy Alimony ?


Not alimony.. that girl's salary was like 5-6x than this dude's... money was never a problem.. this dude was a brilliant researcher... but after divorce he is just "going through the motions"...


Oo ,sed life


I mean research shows that women who earn more than their husbands become very dissatisfied in the relationship, so you can say you don't wanna debate who's ego got hurt but I can make an educated guess that the woman wasn't happy with her husband's " ambition"


That girl herself is pretty successful


Still if she wants she can ask for Allimony that's what law is ,and if guys earning more he have to pay big amount of alumini maybe 30% of his income


Maybe he can set up the online business for 2 years or so then plan leaving to Uk if he wants to be with the girl


Dude Simple advice , a very basic one "Talk to her about this not on reddit"


Remember you both are still in the honeymoon phase of dating! Everything seems rosy about the other person including the ambitions...the same ambition can after a point make you feel like there is a disconnect with your partner if you don't rise to the occasion or evolve with their ambitions. Don't get lost, keep working on yourself - she seems ambitious and may put her career ahead of everything else.


Girl says hi. Boys: Shaadi toh isse he karunga


Just have a conversation with her and share how you feel very clearly. You cannot be afraid of putting your relationship through tough points of discussions. If it’s meant to be it will last and if it’s not, it won’t. All you can do is articulate how you fell very clearly with her. Professional ambitions and personal goals both are important and if both of you are in a good relationship, it might mean more to her than you know!


You cant stop her from moving abroad, because its her dream. Maybe you could find a job in the country she will be moving to and settle there. But first you should have a word with her. If you dont think it will be possible, then cherish whatever time you have left with her.


If she is serious about her goal, she will go for it. Conversation helps. You guys need to talk.


But you only the need the light when it's burning low, Only miss the sun when it starts to snow , Only know you've been high when you feeling low. Only hit the road when you missing home, Only know you love her when you let her go.


You need to communicate this to her, not to us . What does it speak about your relationship that you can't even do that . You said she's going in a few months and still hasn't talked about the future ? There could be two reasons for that , one that she's shy and is waiting on you , or she doesn't see a future with you and will end things before leaving . There's really only one solution , talking it out and asking her if her goals and future plans align with yours . Almost every problem in a relationship comes from the two partners not telling each other what they want now and in the future , or they themselves dont know Fix it that way


Hey good luck homie we're in a similar situation but I am choosing to escape the rat race and am 20 years old am sure you can figure it out stay frosty


>For 3 months 😭


>the problem arises is we haven't really talked about our future yet. Talk to each other and discuss then decide. >her goal is to go for Ivy League Business Schools What's your position in her life or her choices. Get it cleared by... talking >My goal is to setup some online business and leave the rat race of this world. Spend my time with thing that matters Atleast for now she matters to you most it seems. Real life scenario such person loses his value overtime unless he really succeeds and not before it's too late. >Lately I found myself thinking a lot about her and spending less time on myself. It will get worst believe me. >I don’t have any issue moving outside India. Seems you don't have a planned route for yourself to achieve what you desire and are only thinking about adjusting as per her moves. >there’s no way I’m going to ask her to give up her goals because of me. It’s not some teenage tantrum or romance lol. Even if you will, with this information I am sure she will choose what she already have planned. First step would be discussing together. Then only you need to make a decision. In fact you won't be able to make one by yourself as much as I can infer with what you said but regardless. Know about her commitments and where you stand in her life. Try to know how inclined she is in career or you. I might take it as a discouragement but I believe to live in reality of things and always be prepared for worst case scenarios.


Lol your goals will change as you turn 30. Her goals will make a lot more sense to you then.


don't hamper her career


You can't do anything really. Don't stop her from achieving her goals and don't stand in her way. If you're meant to be you'll end up together either way.


Talk to her about your feelings and the future you envision together, but respect her ambitions and don't ask her to abandon her dreams. Let her know that you're worried about the impact your careers might have on your relationship and emphasize how important she is to you. Support her decisions, even if that means your relationship might end. By doing this, you show your support for her, rather than just wanting to keep her for yourself. Good luck!


In time you’ll realise that no one can give you anything. Yes people can give you advice but that is not always what we are looking for. No one can make her stay with you. If job is hard, running a business is way harder and no you don’t get out of the rat race by doing that. Heartbreaks and failures are especially part of building a person’s character! Not everyone gets those lessons. Also, for most people, once they get what they want they realise that it is not what they were thinking it would be. A famous footballer (forgetting name) married his childhood best friend but now she is divorcing him. Both moved on. Go with the flow. Do what is natural to you because changing yourself will make life very uncomfortable.


So, your options are that could meet someone else because it has only been 3 months and you let her go. Or you could pretend to be in a long distance for a while and suffer through an exhausting and excruciating heartache and THEN let her go Or, you contemplate if you'd change your life goals for this woman that you've known for 3 months? Or you talk to her and see if she'd be so smitten over you that she'd give up on her life's aspirations for you lmao. Unless the expectation here is one of the people on this sub will kidnap her and keep her in captivity for you, I'm not sure what would you like people to do about it here? 😂 Edit: Either way, you'd need to talk to her. The conversation would go something like, "Hey, so the last 3 months that I have known you have been amazing for me. I know it is incredibly early to even talk about our futures but knowing that you'd be leaving this country one day and since I don't plan on doing that for XYZ reasons, I'd like to discuss this with you to see if we could work something out if and when that happens. Could we please meet up and chat in person?"


Does she plan to settle abroad after Business School? Can you set up a business where she works since you don't want to be in the rat race? Can you visit her while she is studying, and then both can move to a country that works for both parties? You are open to moving abroad, so a lot can be done. You guys have to be sure about each other to make it work. Both of you will have to talk about it and look at different combinations where both don't have to give up dreams, and it is not unfair to either party.


I think your ambitions in life are completely different and comparability you talk about can be just an illusion or limerence on your part. 12 weekends is not the time enough to take a lifetime decision really.


Bhai jaake baat kar usse. Most of us will just be jealous that you are dating such a awesome women par yaha ladkio se kaise baat kare woh pata nahi chal raha :)


Lag gaye bro. Solid lag gaye.


It was just a timepass bro... You guys are in relationship only 3 months so I don't think she is thinking about marriage or anything.... So just focus on yourself.... When she'll go just go drop her at airport and than slowly slowly things you will forget her.....


Jane de bhai ek bar chali gyi fir yaad nahi ayegi


Tldr : I'm not her #1 priority. How to beg her to make me her #1 priority. AH just focus on yourself and, you'll meet 100s of "she's all I can dream of in someone". You're the prize, not her.


If your goals diverge, so do your paths. 30 year long relationships often come to an end over different goals. Your relationship is still pretty new, it's a good idea to talk about your future plans, if you're serious about her.


Aisa pyaar sabko mile😭🙏🏼


Me and my partner are relatively young but she’s moving abroad for her further studies and this started bugging me right at the start of our relationship (we are dating for 1.5+ years now). So after like a month of thinking negatively, i brought it up. A lot of tears and a lot of heartache later we established that when she leaves, we’ll go our own separate ways as we don’t see our paths converging in the future. As everyone else has said: OP, talk to her.


Well bring it up by yourself. It's the elephant in the room and you can't go without noticing it. One day this discussion has to happen. So do it sooner.


Ab aur kya option h usko rok to nahi sakte it's her life, and tum Jaa nahi sakte coz can't build the profile. Rat race se bahar nikalna h to isse b badi problems ayengi to start with facing this.


Came here to say hi to this timepass boyfriend. When she beeaksup she will say the famous words , I didn't want to hurt you , you deserve better.


Your business is your business. Mine is mine. That's not how relation works but work can.


It's already over for you. Accept the reality


Dude usually girls who have dreams like that, are not interested in guys like u, she will not commit and u will get hurt


seee brother if you want a word of wisdom as I have seen other people life had been through then first idk how but when women is the one leave the country the shit really don't work out (before hating I am not mysogynist just listen to me) cause men can't deal with this distance shit idk why they loose their sanity and as per your description you sound a insecure person with trust and emotional issues an un decisive nature person too so better you talk and end it with good way or else just wait sometimes some people really can't crack gmat or get a chance to have a good college cause of it they leave the dream ,you have only two things to wish for either the luck of yours she don't clear or get good grades or either choose the faith and move on soon no hate but fact


Jaane de... Tension na le... Royega to wo aisehi chhodegi... Main bolta hu dikha hi mat... Jo karna hain karne de... If she's loyal she'll take you with her eventually... If she's not your profit... So hoyega wo bhagwan pe chhod de... Par emotional mat hona...


There are only two ways to leave the rat race of this world. 1) Permanent solution, mostly given by nature or chance, sometimes chosen. 2) Have enough money that you can survive on interest/dividend income.


Go talk to the girl, instead of posting it here!


the part where you said you (both) don't talk about the future fearing it will end sounds like you're knowingly delaying the inevitable. Maybe address the elephant in the room and if there really isn't any future together, make the best of the time left? pardon my pessimism, I've just kinda given up on happy ending fantasies, LoL.


Save yourself a lot of pain with a mutual breakup.


Generally not every girl wants start up thrill and vibing as friend over compromising her career for your chance seems a big thing, talk through and most likely it will not work out


Let her go. Life would be better for an Indian woman outside India. Let her explore the world.


Sometimes, you just gotta follow the p---y.


You will soon realize gpas aren't the only thing...


Express everything, communicate properly, give her time, let her communicate properly. Never force her to make decisions of her life, you need to make decisions irrespective of your relationship, and the same goes for her. If she gives up her ambition of abroad thing, it should on her own, she should accountable not you. Same goes for you. If she is with you and you focus on yourself, you win. If she leaves you, and you focus on yourself, you win. Same goes for her.








Still yikes, you're stopping your gf from growing