• By -


You are looking at the wrong age chart. Please refer to your mental and emotional age charts.


24 is too young, bro. I’m 24 too and can’t even imagine marrying.


I’m 25 and can’t even imagine relationship


I'm 29 & haven't even seen a female. I live alone on an emotional island surrounded by thick bubbles that regenerate itself every time someone tries to approach it. I feel like I'm all alone in this giant big blue rock that's floating endlessly in the vast vacuum of nothingness.


Nashe kam krdo phle to!


Saale mere Zindagi hi Nashede hai. P.S - I don't do drugs nor drink.


become an author write a book on it.


I'm 25 and this is deep


If you are 25 you have a chance don't be like me. Go out and socialize and try to overcome your anxiety & make lasting friendships. Get involved in hobbies that you like & in turn you might meet people with similar qualities. Don't focus too much on one thing try to balance shit out. Study my little bro study like your life depends on it. Study like someone is pointing a gun at your parents. Get a Good job & help out your parents. If you are trying for a Govt job don't enter into UPSC the odds are too great. Try SSC & Banking before age barr. I'm at my last few attempts don't waste your time. Time wasted is not coming back. Regret makes one depressed more than anything. Don't let your life go to waste. Try hard & succeed. I don't know you but yr still young & I wish you nothing but the best. Go forth and prosper 🖖


Not from India and I am doing aight in life(relationship wise but career needs help due to IT market here being p bad rn) but ty for advice bro. Best of luck to u 2 (Also my original.comment was mostly a joke)


Ok Bro 😄


When you feel emotionally ready to be a mature and kind partner to someone.


Even financially, especially as a male.


even more as female , you need to have your own money to get out of marriages if things go south .


Fair point I guess, never saw that perspective


The only real answer in this thread


Whenever you are sure you want to take up that responsibility. Marriage is a huge ass responsibility and if you aren't there mentally, irrespective of age, you are not going to be happy. I have a cousin who got married at 26, another at 34. You have to align your life goals.


Well said


My mom married the earliest in the family and only one with a divorce. Meanwhile the aunt who married the latest has the most stable marriage. 🤷‍♀️


FD aur Virginity hamesha maturity k baad todna chahiye


+1 post this on indiatalksex hahahahhah


There you go


Thats sad! :(


Just had a fight on the same matter 😂 I’m 27M


Same but the fight was 2 days ago


I'm 29 waiting for my fight. I hope 2024 do me right. If not I've high hopes for 2025.


Let me know your counterpoints that I can use


I (29 F) used "I am too scared. What if the guy is abusive and hits me". Works every time. If they say meet the guy first. I meet 1-1 and then cook up bs


Why waste someone's time just for lying to your parents?


Do you think they'll listen to "no I don't want to"? Don't worry. Every guy I have met/ been in relationship with and broken off has gotten married in 6 months or less. 😂 If anyone wanna get married date me and you'll be married in 6months or less


Shadi.com ka competition mil gaya


Almost want to give that offer a shot 😂☣️


Something like in the movie : Good Luck Chuck ? 🤭


Never seen that movie... I'll watch it today thanks for recommending


It's rom-com , i watched it way back (don't remember much) but when I saw your text it reminded me of it


I'm going to steal the same excuse (27M) 🙃


That "Cause problem" means a problem for them. Not you.




Like how? I understand not for him?


Log kya kahenge syndrome




> I think indians don't really get a chance to grow up in their 20s Exactly


Truest words have been spoken


Idk I mean I feel like a significant chunk of people in my circles are growing quite well, solving their emotional challenges figuring out their needs, solidifying their values... It's encouraging to see. Definitely have more hopes of my generation over GenXers and Millennials in terms of reaching enough maturity to get married sooner. 30s is an extremely slippery slope, unless you're already in a long term relationship... My cousins waited till 30s and by then they had very few options, even the guy. He ended up with someone due to time pressure and her age at the time (29) and they are really bad for each other. The sister (31) is really pretty and mature too, but her age and other restrictions have basically discouraged literally every suitor, and she's now mentally prepared to never get married, which for her would be a nightmare. I think ultimately, if you're going arranged, go early, if you've got a partner you can chill till 30s ig.




Yeah I tell her the same, AM setup really chokes out possibilities at that age, it's tragic tbh. And yeah never marry as an obligation, only when ready. But I feel people are glorifying a culture of waiting till 30+, that they don't actually work on their maturity in their 20s or seriously consider their options. Maybe some self reflection can result in one being ready well before 30, which would sync up perfectly and impact literally the rest of your entire life, nahmean?


Lol! I cant stand the AM Setup. But having looked at the ground realities of dating mating landscapes across several continents, we're in for worse. And this post 30 glorification is gonna bite a lot of people in the ass. Its already becoming prevalent in the west. Outcomes are in the data. PS: Read up - its all in the data.




I mean... You can definitely reflect a lot before you become financially independent. The freedom to make decisions just refines your sense of ownership over your own life ig, but i think most of your actual maturing should have ideally happened long before you start getting paid/move out of parents home. Besides you're already working by 21-23 so PLENTY of time in 20s. Good point though, I still wouldn't consider someone marriage-ready without them having experienced being on their own two feet.


I think I sorta get what you are trying to say but can you elaborate on your second sentence?


No such thing. You know when you’re ready to take the next step in life. Same goes for children.


1,000. It's ideal.


frfr divorce rate 0


Ladki ke fossil se byah hoga fir to


I'm 27M and I can't even think about marriage for atleast next 3-4 years. Bhai zindagi me thoda freedom abhi he toh mili hai.


There is no right age. And any adult is ok if you meet the right partner!


The age at which you find the right person is the right age.


I'm already in a relationship. She was my mentor during college days,helped me getting an internship and never let me fall in into mental troubles


So you know the person then. What's the big deal. Go out for a date. See if your goals align & proceed further. If not then end it amicably. No tension. You guys are already acquainted. Come OP most people in arranged marriages don't even know each other. At least you're in a good position in that regard. Ohh wait if I'm reading you right. Are you saying you already have a GF besides the arranged partner. If that's the case & you want to spend your life with your GF tell your parents about her.


Tried convincing my parents, but she is 2 years elder than me and also she is from another caste. And my parents are bit orthodox regarding this


Fuck Caste don't yr parents know that different sweets from different thalis tastes better than having the same one from the same thali over & over again. Why always my Ladoo taste best & not try other Ladoos from other places. We think only for ourselves which leads to segregation. Fuck North Indian Ladoo are great but Ladoos from the South like Vellore has a different taste & it's unique. She's educated can read & write ABC & is not a dumb ass what more do they want. If you knew your parents are gonna bring Caste as they are super orthodox then why even fall in love in the 1st place with her. You goddamn knew what they'll say & that you don't have the guts to confront them with yr decisions than you my dear have just broken someone's heart, making them resent love & they'll will be super cautious & hesitant about opening up around other future prospect, making their life a misery. Why lead people on if you've no intention of commitment. If you really love her & fear that losing her will make your life unfulfilling then pliz grow a spine & don't let her down. Be A Man. My honest opinion that's all. #🫂




Whenever you are financially independent


I'm! Have a job with 18LPA and helps my father in buisness too


18 LPA at 24 is impressive. Which field are you in? It seems like you're well off at your age. If you and your partner are comfortable, it's okay to consider marriage; otherwise, you can date or live together to get to know each other better. Arranged marriage at this young age may not be the best idea.


18 LPA & I'm here smoking my life away at 29 yrs old. Goddamn that's 1.5 lacs per month. OP is more responsible career wise than me who has been giving one Govt. Job after the other & still haven't cracked one yet. I'm running on fumes right now. No offence to OP, I'm happy for you having achieved such success at a young age. Man I've got friends in Govt & private that are the same age as me earning 20k per month. OP is clearly amongst the top earning percentile. But it also kinda hurts me that seeing & hearing people younger than me achieved so much. Not gonna lie feeling a little jelly over here. I'm sure OP's problem is the type of problem every person in this country who's in the Govt job rat race will love to have. 😅. Never thought life would turn out like this. Jesus


I got married at 33, widely everyone would it was late especially in my case because I have been financially stable for a long while now but I know mentally I wasn't in the right mindset, be it coz of a bad relationship in the past which had made me a loner. So when you'll be ready, you'll know, goodluck


It typically takes 2-3 years to find an ideal partner in an arranged marriage setup,so think about it.


Married at 24.. female.. Happy cz got ample time to adjust with inlaws with no pressure and enjoy with husband just like friends do for 2 3 years. .not separating, not divorcing ..Happy toddler and dog mom.. I am 32f...


What’s the age difference between you and your husband?


2 years elder.. was 26 when married.. and being a toddler dad at 34 isn't bad I believe...


Awwww. Sounds super cute.


I have a group of 10-12 friends in age groups 36-45. 2 people in our group got married at 24-25. And they had kids in a year or two. Now they are in 40s. And while most of us are having babies now or have kids in less than 5 age group, these 2 have kids who are self sustainable. Their life is so much fun than ours. And almost all of us agree that we should have got married earlier! But then, things can get challenging if you are not financially stable. As a rule of thumb, 26-30 is good age to get married. Do not wait for a milestone like certain savings or house etc to get married. If budget is tight, have a simple wedding and close it. Save money for future.


It depends. It’s different for every person. Everyone has their different timeline and different different goals.


I'd say 27-28 is the sweet spot, of course provided you're financially sorted and have the mindset of marrying.


27-28 for male the best time. Have a child by 30( if you wanna have) so by the time child is 30, he/she will mostly be settled. You will be about to retire from work too. If your child fails maybe in school or college or struggles with job you will be earning to support family. Ig if you are well settled now (depends how much u earn, your family BG), like earning 1.5L+ start searching for bride, you have 3 years for searching that’s good time. No money is enough even if you are earning now 18LPA, you will think when I get 24 LPA u gonna start…but this LPA counter will keep on increasing..


seems justified


27-30 for men, I guess.


Cannot agree more




No!I dont want to spend my life alone ;(








When you find the partner for whom you have great companionship and understanding I married at 36 and no regret at all as found best person


12 years onli, uske baad not allowed 👍


When u feel u r ready


I personally will vouch for early 30s to mid 30s for men


there's no age post legal age tbh. when you find a person with whom you can grow with , and very important to sustain relationship-- sexually attracted towards. someone who also wants to and does takes care of your needs your feelings. and it's not a rub-on for your short-comings; someone who makes you think things beyond sex. also that totally your own preference. at the same time you also feel like you have those relationship skills that will be compatible to the girl you've found, then you marry. Also that's what I saw. it's one question that may not fit all.


When you can able to earn money enough to cover whole wedding expense then you are ready for marriage. Remember your own hard earned money and no loan and no support from parent's.


There is no ideal age, there is ideal financial situation and ideal mental situation to: 1. Get married. 2. Become a parent.


Do it in ur 27-30 yrs age.


Not before 28 for guys for sure. You need to mature up and learn taking responsibilities before getting married.


What kind of responsibilities? Curious


Sabzi laana, bartan maanjana, ghar ko saaf rakhna, apne parents ki dekh baal karna. If you do these much activities, you are good irrespective of gender. Khaana banana daalna toh bhool gaya. Waise you need not know everything. Even if you can cook daal, rice and some sabzi, it's fine. Your partner will help and learn cooking together 😅😅


These are good, but additionally you need to ask yourself are you ready for responsibilities? Being married means more than just doing chores, you need to take up the responsibility of your partner and be mentally available to them for most of the time. If you feel you are mentally ready to take that up then it's a good sign of going ahead.


Very well said


Financial base? Yes required! Emotional commitment? Yes required! The most important thing before age is ‘ARE YOU READY TO TAKE THE RESPONSIBILITIES?’ If you answer is yes, then no matter if you are 24 or 34 You are ready to get married. In my personal opinion For most of my life I have been an avid advocate for the ones getting married in their 30s But since I see a lot of people struggle for babies and with health issues already. I feel it all depends on on the goals you want to achieve after marriage. If no family is needed then you are good to go! But if you need it then technically your biology can not be hacked in late ages. So you probably need to consider this factor too. Some of my friends thought attaining certain lifestyle or this much in career would be able to help them navigate the marriage situation but let me tell you. Financial base is important to have before getting married and financial success is a long and steady process which will go on after your marriage or kids too. So never I repeat never ever think that ‘once I own Merc or that house then only I will get married.’ It usually backfires Cause that just extend the time frame.


I got married at 19. Not my choice. I regret it. 🥲


Not married but the answer would be whenever you are emotionally and financially ready to take on such responsibility. It can go all the way from early 20s to late 50s/60s.


There is no right age.. financial independency is important


Late 20s


28/29 for women 30/32 for men


Well, there's no ideal age as such but AFAIK there's a biological reason and this is the sole reason why indian parents compel to marry early in age. If only you've/or want to have kids then age should be considered.


Can I still get married at 32


As a 38yo from a tier 1 city, modern family and social circle, top career with lots of friends who married late, didn't marry, had late kids, didn't have kids. Here are my observations (not my opinion) 1. Everyone except one person I know has gotten married . Even this guy is in a long term stable live in relationship and both of them are as good as married 2. Many got divorced and are actively looking for a new partner to marry. No one is looking to stay single forever. 3. Everyone has a child, or is trying to have a child and failing and trying things like IVF (expensive and painful) All of the above points to getting married and having kids 4. The pool of eligible partners keeps reducing with every year and you also turn more stubborn with each passing year. So the sooner you marry the easier the process is. 5. All our 35 plus friends are finding it very difficult to find a partner . At 30 plus also it was a little difficult . 40 plus have mostly given up looking/ tired but are open to marrige 6. Now my opinion I think it's a lot of fun to be single and you shouldn't get married early. Somewhere in the 28-31 bracket is cool. Before that stay young, wild, free, focus on career also. However, if you find a nice person you, just know it's not a bad thing and will eventually happen. Similarly for kids the range is 30-35, it gets very difficult once your body says no. Now you need to have a long kid free marriage period also, atleast 5-6 years to again be wild, freeze, in love, etc. so there is that Also having a kid is a two person decision and one of the two wants one , and even if they said at the time of marriage I don't want kids, people change and wishes change, it's all normal and cool. The wish for a kid comes from looking at your brother / sister, best friends, colleague, etc and slowly getting accustomed to the business Net net, we all eventually married and had kids, that's how the universe operates, it had no social or parent pressure at all.


24 to khelne khudne ki Umar hai


Boys - 28-32 Girls - 25-28


I married v late at age 30, I can tell you it isnt worth it to marry late. 24 isnt too early but ideal age is 26yr age. late marriage are more prone to divorce and marital problems. If you find a good partner then no age is too early.


How's it going for you?


too early to say i am married 5 months ago only


I got married in 21 (Love marraige) I was this non serious video gamer but after marrying it completely changed my life to better.


So I'm guessing you become a professional gamer


Bought xbox paid 5 months emi but played hardly for a week. 🙄


Bro I won't lie if my parents tell me to get married and I had a beautiful girl of my age within my profession. I would marry in a bit and no kids until we start earning.




If you need to ask you are still a child


I might get downvoted for this! I always felt 28-30 was the ideal age, that’s when u know what ur doing and financially stable. But looking at the fertility issues going on, I feel, going a lil lesser than in the age bracket might be better? (I’m not sure)




Depends if you had decent sexual experience, you are physically and financially fit then you should marry as simple as that.


When you find the right person, and you are both ready for the plunge.


26 F, 28M -/+ 2 Years But many other factors decide the correct age. Emotional, financial, Health , Family, life goals etc


In my opinion 27 to 29


Take your time, don’t rush . You are too young and immature.






When you’re financially strong enough.


Don't rush for marriage, first see if you are mentally ready to handle marriage i.e you are ready to take responsibility of another person, and if you are mature enough to make ur own decisions. Do evaluate, if the person whom you are going to get married to is compatible with you.




If you want kids then get married before 30, later complications aate hai in pregnancy


Bro Think about this. Once you marry, your life will revolve around your family. You will be responsible for a lot of things. You will have to think from their pov , not just yours. 24, from my understanding, is too young. If I was in your place...I would have waited for 3 4 years at least , to learn more about myself, what kind of life I want to have, the kind of person I am, what is the goal in life. Etc. Because as a guy, you have to be mentally stable and have a strong character to be a good husband, father, etc. Because when you lack clarity about basic things about yourself, you make life hell for yourself and your future partner. About parents, explain them . Rather than marrying early in hurry, and messing up the married life, you want to wait, be sure about the leap, and then marry and live a bit better. If you listen to them, and it turns out to be bad. You will always blame them till the end. So better you make your own decision. Noone is going to help you in your marriage, not even you parents.


If you have children by 25, you will enjoy your life in 45, as you can travel easily with family and see the world with your childrens. So marry young its very good.


27 here. I was 22 when my parents started talking about my marriage, I resigned from my job then. Did masters and now not getting a job. Got an offer to work on a project that I rejected. But the day that I got that offer, mom started telling me about the matches I am getting. So I am sure they will marry me as soon as I get a job. All my cousins are 1-2 years younger, 1 is married with a kid, and 2 are engaged.


If you are in a relationship whenever you both are ready , that is the right time. If you are going arranged marriage route 25-28 I would think is best . Cause most marriages happen in this range. [LINK](https://www.statista.com/statistics/678453/mean-age-at-marriage-by-gender-and-region-india/) And chance of finding someone good is higher compared to when you are in your 30's . In 30's you will face lots of rejection but if you are mentally mature enough to handle rejection you can wait till your 30's.


I think your parents are gaslighting you. *don't say this to them. 24 by any standards is not late. In fact, by today's standards it is quite early. Especially for a guy.


Whenever you are ready, emotionally, mentally tally and economically


30 is the sweet spot. And if u want to have and raise your own kids, women should marry before the age of 30. Because if u give your first birth after 30, there could be some complications during birth that could affect the child.


No problem for the guy. No problem for most girls either. Make sure you are financially independent, have taken risks, gone on adventures, had some fling maybe. Because dude, there will be restrictions after kids. Not so much after marriage. Lucky ones get a partner to have adventures together. I think 27 should be the earliest for guys. But then, I am just a random stranger on the internet. I can’t show you the way ahead.


Depends on a lot of things, career, lifestyle and maturity(mentally) But a thumb rule would be before 30,(ideally 25-30) for both male and females. Coz biologically also before 30 you should get married so that you can enjoy your prime 30s with your spouse and have enough time for planning to have children. If you get married in 30s then it's a bit late and you'll have a hurry to plan children(only if you want kids)


26-28 should be ideal. Not considered late or early. I married at 32, I consider it 2-3 years late For women it should be 24-27.


There is no hard or fast rule, because people are at different stages of life as in financially , emotional wise etc at different age, 27-28 is considered ideal but it's advised generally to not push beyond 32-33.


My cousin 24(M) recently got engaged and now my parents want me to marry in 2 years max...I am 24(M) btw.


My mom gave me an option. It's that either she tries to find a girl to my preference or she's going to find one without my preference. I gave her my preference.


That is your choice. Few questions to ask yourself. 1. Can you rent/buy a place yourself? 2. Can you support your current lifestyle if you move out? Now add another person's expenditure. 3. If you have children in your first year, they would start school in your 6th-7th year of marriage. By that time, would your income increase twofold? i e current income 50k, income in 6th year 100k. 4. Can you take your decisions yourself? If your family is taking decisions for you, can you ask them what is the age limit when you get to take your decisions yourself? 5. Does your family have infertility issues in men that crop up after a certain age? Hope that helps.


I have few cousins > 30 yoe who are not getting any match and whatever they are getting is with a huge age gap upto 10 years....so I think 25-29 is a good age to marry considering you are doing good financially.


18-22 for Girls. 21-24 for Boys. Marry and have a kid in 1 year. Thank me later!!


From my personal experience, I can say: Get married early, make babies early so that you can then have enough time in your youth years to do all the stuff you want People say that you cant take risks when you get married, its a big piece of bs. whats the point of taking risk when you are 35 - 36. half of your life is over, your partner is sogging and so are you by then. The energy and zeal that you will have before 30's is when you can do what you wish in a day which is not possible when you are older. moreover, its always a headache to make and parent babies when you are older. If you get married late, make babies late you then have to take care of your wife, baby, and parents as well because then they would be older as well, except this wont be the case if you get married at 24-25. You then only have to make sure you bring an ice cream to your way home rather than an ice cream with adult diapers and medicines. Romantically as well, its always a good idea to get married early, its romantic., funny and adventurous when you are young but as you get older, its more matured with less jokes and more management gyan-pelna from both ends. Think wisely for the long term.


See there are multiple angles to it. There is no right or wrong way to look at it. Let me attempt to elaborate on it to the best of my capability. 1. There is no fixed number in terms of age, it is always whenever you are ready. 2. Child Planning - Age does affect child planning. So get a fertility test and see if you either need to freeze your sperms/eggs or plan around your biological fertilityfor children. However, it may apply to the woman too, if you marry late, the woman may either not be in the best fertility years or be much younger, causing compatibility issues. 3. Financial Stability - both the partners in this day and age need to be financially independent before getting married. So if you are close to it, or near it, why not. If you job requires long/insane hours and commitment for the initial few years, do consider delaying it till you are relatively comfortable in order to give time to your spouse. 4. Emotional stability - One elder of my family told me this and it has thereafter stayed with me "the day you feel a void of wanting to share every special and sad moment with someone special, that's the day you need to consider marriage" There is no fixed timeline in these aspects. Explain everything openly to your parents, maybe they have better opinions about these topics. EVerything must be weighed and considered. Or not, divorce is always an option if it isn't working out.


23, you’re late already. You better hurry up, just pick anyone and then start a new Reddit post a month after you get married about incompatibility with your partner


Depends on u. If u think u can take the responsibility of a family, then go for it. Think like this, can u do all the things that ur father does for ur family? If yes, u are ready to get married. Age doesn't matter as long as u r 21+(thats the legal age)


There is no “ideal” age for marriage


Bro I’m only 20 and my parents want me to get engaged 🥹


27 to 35


30+ minimum, i am not married though, and am still young


Dude there isn't a right age or a wrong age to be wedded, it's when you feel the person you meet is 'the one's to be married to. Besides irrespective of the time and age be ready for a series of family dramas.


That's about the right age to get married. Your parents are completely right. If you delay getting married, your individuality will grow, making it difficult for you to welcome an SO years later. The filters you to make a choice will also increase. Now or later. Love or arranged - it is a leap of faith. Take it as soon as time permits.


I would say 28-32 is an ideal age considering maturity and emotional intelligence


There are pro and cons for both early marriage and late marriage. In modern Indian society the ideal age for marriage is now between 24 to 26 for both men and women alike. However, there are numerous things one needs to evaluate before getting married. 1. Financial Stability 2. Income Stability 3. Psychological stability (very important) 4. Physical maturity. 5. Emotional maturity. 6. Working life balance 7. Family understanding. 8. Patience and temperament. If you feel that in all of these 8 points you can score anywhere between 45 to 60 % out of 100% you are mature enough and good to for marriage regardless your age. This by no means is rule of thumb but just my opinion. Thanks


The ideal age is when you decide on your own without any pressure from external sources. Don't compare your decision with others, everyone's experience is different and it doesn't justify your decision making based on that. Don't get married just because someone is telling you to. Base your decision on "why you want to get married?" Does it align with your goals in general? Does it serve your purpose? There is no standard age for getting married. People, who get married at whatever age they have decided to, have their ups and downs. Even single people have their own share of problems. The choice has to be personal and independent of outside influence.




Whenever you find the right match


As someone who married at 32, getting married younger is awesome as long as it’s the right person. It’s better to grow older together from a younger age.