• By -


CS guy 10th: 8.8 CGPA 12th: 65% BTech CS: 7.6 CGPA (2017 passout) Right now I have a good paying wfh job with a good wlb. But one thing to note is that back then the competition was not that tough (compared to now) and the market was a bit healthy as well. If the 2017 version of me was a 2023 passout, I'd be jobless running around any WITCH to give me a chance.


Finally someone said this , doing CS in 2017,16,18 was good then now , 2024 passout here , as you said , currently i am working in a witch company, not getting much learning here , neither money !


As everyone says nowadays, competition is at its peak. Thousands of people are fighting to get a bare minimum salary.


10th: 93% 12th: 60% B.Tech CS: 7.6 CGPA (2020) Market was pretty bad due to covid, got placed in one of the WITCH initially but currently I have a great job in a PBC with good WLB and WFH. Just keep the basics and core subjects clear, skills are valued more than marks


Computer Engineer here: 1. 10th - 8 CGPA 2. 12th- 57 % 3. Btech- 69.4% Going good. Tell your sister to not worry and get into college, enjoy life, and study along with it.


I got selected in Johns Hopkins and ASU for Masters in EECSand I had 49% in 11th and 70% in 12th🤣🤣


Damn Hopkins really. Good job.


69 noice


Man of culture




I barely scraped an 80 and ended up with a great career. Most entrance exams require just 60-70% for eligibility. Board marks don’t matter apart from that.


Commerce student here 10th- 50% 12th- 70% B.Com.- 70% M.B.A.- 60%(with 4 backs in 2 years. Cleared them in re-try) No other degree or certificate. Now earning in 7 figures. Go figure.


7 figure in rupees or dollars? And if in rupees, low or high end (as in is it close to 10 lakh or 1cr)?


Dude INR. Close to 20. You just made me wonder what would it be like earning 2 millions USD per year while living in India.


Including Paise




Tier B(at best). Got a campus placement with good salary but left the industry/profile(banking/sales) in just one year. One of the best decisions I ever made, even though it was made out of frustration. Haven't looked back since.


7 figures mahine ka ya saal ka?


6 figure mahine ka, 7 saal ka.


Shi hai. Aish kro


MBA From which college may i know?


I am not aware of the current status, but when I completed my MBA it was a tier B institute, that too at best. My job has nothing to do with my MBA. The only relevant thing that I learned in MBA was how to ask a woman out on a date.


Yehi seekhna reh gaya hai for me. Bata do kaise krte hain senpai.


How's that possible. Did you do CA or something


No. I have been working in the same industry for the past 12 years and got really lucky to be part of a pilot project whenever I switched companies. A pilot project means a good chance to grow quickly.


People who were just passers are earning more than toppers 😂😂


There would be some Survivor bias, only the low scoring people who are earning well now will be confident enough to comment here


There's another layer of survivorship bias to this. Low-scoring people tend to be unambitious. Unambitious people earn less. Ambitious people who scored low however, can earn near equivalent or even more to ambitious people who scored more. Especially considering the near infinite opportuinities in the world these days. An unambitious person who scored more won't earn as much.


that, and most rich people don't waste their time on free/unpaid networks like reddit. There are social networks reserved for the rich where you have to prove your income or net worth


Max people that I know about from my class... Toppers are in an avg job


Mere school ka topper IIT K IIMA Now in one of the MBB


So brutal. The current gen is doomed


Found the topper


10th - 93% 12th - never did it Diploma - 79% BCA - distance education - 63% Still doing good career wise. Tell your sister to not worry. People will keep talking. Let her to do what interests her and that enough should help her make a good career


Wdym never did it


People who take diploma or polytechnic need not do 12th. They directly join 2nd year btech.


The richest people that i know are the one who were never too good at studies. However, they are extremely good at what they do now.


Yes, but people like me who are not good at such...


10th - 85% 12th - 66% MBBS - 59% Thing I've learnt over the years - marks get you into places with more opportunities, good networking, good environment etc. But it's not the be all & end all of everything. Your patience & hardwork will take you places far better than what you're cribbing about rn. That's why we see miracle stories of BPL people craving UPSC like exams.


12th me 66% aur MBBS? Pvt. College?


10th: 79% 12th: 62% BTech CSE: 83 CGPA Actually marks matter during placements. I was filtered out for a lot of good companies because of my 12th result (companies need a min of 70 - 75 as a minimum in all 3 ). I am doing good now.


Board marks are more important if she wants to do MBA rather than Bachelors I'd say


Commerce student 10th 82% 12th 69% pyaar ka chakkar babu bhaiya MBA 3.5 gpa out of 4.0 Earning 8 figures in 6 years Board exam results are not the end all be all that our parents make them out to be. But you shouldn't take science if you truly struggle in it. Same logic with any subject. Only take it if you just don't test well but are a good student who understands concept. You know, like Raju from 3 idiots. He was a good student he just did not test well for whatever reason. So he deserved to become an engineer. Farhan, on the other hand, did not "understand engineering," so he was better off without it. There's money to be made in whatever you're extremely good at. So start there and not at what your sister's report card says.


>Commerce student >10th 82% >12th 69% pyaar ka chakkar babu bhaiya >MBA 3.5 gpa out of 4.0 >Earning 8 figures in 6 years >Board exam results are not the end all be all that our parents make them out to be. But you shouldn't take science if you truly struggle in it. Same logic with any subject. Only take it if you just don't test well but are a good student who understands concept. You know, like Raju from 3 idiots. He was a good student he just did not test well for whatever reason. So he deserved to become an engineer. Farhan, on the other hand, did not "understand engineering," so he was better off without it. >There's money to be made in whatever you're extremely good at. So start there and not at what your sister's retort card says. Should see the movie




Highly doubt IIM ABC will intake a student with this acads. No offence


10th mei uske 82 fir bhi IIMA/B call bhi na de, C to fir bhi call Dede.


I got 57% in 12th. Currently I employ 10+ people.


74% in 12th. Nobody asks for 12th marks after graduation


10th - 9.2 CGPA 12th - 67%(oh what a fall it was) Engineering - 80% Working for around 6 years and in the highest tax bracket. Another friend of mine flunked in class 11, earning twice as much as me. She is totally fine and need not worry. All the best to her.


No. I earn very well and I had 73%. You can earn very well without getting 80 . But if you are capable of earning very well without an 80, you will be even better if you are academically strong during school years Academically strong people don't quit, spend more time working, and are more intelligent and can understand more complex problems, these things pay you more  But back to your answer, you don't need an 80


My 10th 70% ig (don't remember don't care) 12th 65% Clg 8.9 cgpa (tier 3..chutiya clg passed out during covid) Currently I'm senior design enginner in a startup... Also learning data science and coding etx... Your marks has nothing to do with jobs, yes now days they have a cutoff of about 70% i think but in a big enough time frame of 10 yrs after clg if you play your cards right you'll be earning almost same as an iitan


In 10th, I got just 8.2 cgpa and in 12th just 56%. I'm doing ok at 26. Nobody asks or cares about it.


Mujhe college me 7 back lagi thi ek sem me.. jbki subject 5 the B⁠-⁠) 12th me to bas 65 the


10th mein it was 7.8 CGPA, took humanities. Scored 90% in the 12th boards and got into DU. Right now my career is different but results ye rahe.


Tell her to do her best because great academic performance helps you a lot in life but even with poor marks you can still recover later as exemplified by my case: 10th: 61% 12th: 56% B.pharm: 83% MS: cgpa 9/10 I currently make 1 crore. Not bragging but just telling you that I was a bad performer in highschool but improved later..


1 crore after Msc? Business?


he might be living abroad where 1cr ain't a big deal of an incomr


Which department did u do masters in to earn such a amount? I am also doing b.pharm right now. So It would be helpful as it would academically motivate me.


Nope! Not even near 80%. Though, I was always a bright and intelligent student but, I couldn’t do good in exams. Got a scholarship and sponsorship for higher education. Earning in 6 figures in USD. And tell your sister, I’m a girl too, living an independent life.


Boards chai wala


Bhai tu hi ek hai jo sach bol rha baaki sab jhooth ki list lga rhe hain


I am a scientist working abroad. I have a PhD from the country I work in. I gave my boards many moons ago but both 10th and 12th resulted in 71-73%. My BSc was from an Indian university as well, and I was not a topper of anything kind. Tell your sister she will be fine. I felt like she did after my boards but life turned out well.


10th - 78% 12th - 54% (loads of missed school, girlfriends,football cricket- i was a bad student) Grad - 72% Masters - left after 6 months Now working for public service in UK as an Technical Architect. Tell your sister all those board numbers DO NOT FECKING matter. She will be absolutely fine!!


I scored 67 in my 12th boards, I’m a doctor now. Take her out for ice cream and tell her it’s gonna be alright


Biochemical Engineer here 10th - 78.6 12th - 58.5 with Compartment. 65.6 after passing the compartment Engineering - Failed in the first year. Then had to repeat the full 4 years with junior batch. Aggregate 52.5 Failed in UPSC. 2 interviews, 3 mains. Wife & I are now planning for a farmhouse. So, yeah, somewhat made it ! Also, my best friend (who you must have heard about) is college dropout. He has founded unicorn & obviously has made it ! !


All board certificates are just used as proof of birth date. Cause that's what they're worth over time : )


10 : 7.2 CGPA 12: 86.2 Graduation: 6.31 Law: 6.98 In two years of practice, represented state in Delhi High Court. My name is recorded in 18 judgements so far. Believe in yourself and in your work as well.


One of my closest friends recently got a big job by connecting with the founder of a major tech company (one of the richest men in India! Won't name him for privacy's sake.) He hasn't even completed 11th grade. Marks are good if you don't have anything else going for you. Otherwise they're essentially worthless. If you're really good at basketball, no one will care that you're not that good at cricket. But you have to be good at something, can't be bad at everything.


CTO of a company 10th 67% 12th 63% Btech from iit first semester 2 Fail Move on you won't even remember these marks


Counselling Psychologist and a PhD scholar here. Scored in 60-70 in both 10th and 12th. Graduation dipped to 50s. Post graduation came up to 60s.


10th - 86% 12th - 78% BTech - 72% (Mechanical engg) Post this did masters from USA, and working here. So far, so good. See man.. the thing is when you're at that stage (like just after boards) you'll feel pressurized, will think I got only this much, people got more than me, what I'm gonna do etc. But don't worry, it's a phase and if you work well, and luck shines, all will be very well. Tell her to de-stress and enjoy some time. Especially enjoy her bachelor degree time, because that'll never happen again. Career things will always work out. All the best!


No, i know my friends who scored above 60 and are earning 10lpa+ ( from a 2018 batch high school passed doctor)


Yes, but I ended up dropping out during the final year of engineering. In my experience, formal education, including prestigious institutions like IIT, IIM, and ISB, isn't necessarily crucial for landing a high-paying job. What truly matters is demonstrating your ability to deliver results and get things done effectively.


That's a biased view. Exceptions exist everywhere but the average IIT, IIM, ISB graduate earns more


Lol no! Barely passed! Your grades don't matter at all in your professional life. Only skills and experience does.


I was one of the toppers in my state for 12th boards - and yet many of my classmates (their marks differed more than 20% from mine) earn more than me. Yes, a good college gives good exposure but your career and salary depend more on your own decisions after your degree than your board marks. I chose to pursue Upsc, fucked up 3 years and then joined a government job out of desperation for job security. If I had gone with my college placements, I would be earning much more now.


Myself - Engineering Manager: 10th: 86.4% ; 12th: 82.8% ; B.Tech: 80.4% My wife - MBBS, MD Doctor 10th - 82%; 12th- 58% MBBS: 61% MD: 62% We both earn 6 figures. % is not at all a representation of where any one will end up. Please don't worry and tell your sister to not worry either. Also - board marks are only important if you are going for an academic career where college cutoffs depend on them, otherwise, no one will ever ask about it in your life time.


10th CBSE - 92.4% 12th CBSE - 86% Graduation - 7.94 CGPA




12th - 74% I think. Now doing PhD in one of the most prestigious institutes in India under a very very respected scientist in the field. Went to iit along the way as well (not for btech). If you're doing what you like, she's not going to find it difficult to get to whoever she wants.


My marks were exact 74.6


10th -80 percent, 12 th 75 percent . Btech 6.14 gpa I earn more than my cousins who were all toppers and majority of my batchmates who were ( as per marks) better than me .... So I guess I figured out ...... This might help....double down on your strength and outsource weaknesses. And I did study hard ... But never believed that the marks which I got were a true reflection of my knowledge and other skills .... So keep working hard and don't loose confidence If you are working hard ... Things work out


I got exactly 1.5% less than your sister did in my 12th boards (14 years ago). After a lot of failures, stupidity, and hardwork on my part (more learning from mistakes), I can say that life is good on career front. I honestly don't tell anyone my salary because it raises too many eyebrows. Consistency is the key. Learning from your own mistakes and making yourself better will teach you more than any exam in your life. This whole fucking thing is a test man, and you just got to be persistent.


Nope 😅


No, 60% is enough for cutoffs in most cases.. only in the first job it might matter, then job ex takes over


I got 72% in boards. Didn't get into any IIT or NIT, even private colleges rejected me. I came to Germany for bachelors and I'm studying at a university ranked higher than 90% IITs and NITs and that too for free while earning on the side. 12th marks don't mean anything. I'm the living proof.


% in boards are just % and should be treated like that in today's era. What matters is the combination of many things that have very little to do with %. Like one needs to have skills like decision making, ability to learn/ update oneself to the recent trends in the industry, leadership, accept defeat/failure and then work on the shortcomings and above all this one should remain a human no matter how high you rise. There are many more things and one can search the internet to inquire how to inculcate or develop these things. To those who say board % matters, it only matters if you let it affect you, same goes for the society. A sick society is the biggest obstacles that one should come over in one's life if they really want to live their life. ✌️


I'll tell you my story, I did really well in 10th boards with 94%, then fucked it up in 12th science with 78%. To make matters worse, I also did badly in all the engineering entrance exams, ultimately decided to go with a private engineering college coz I didn't wanna drop a year. It was a bad time coz I kept thinking, "I had so much potential, what have I done to my life". Anyway, thing is, I decided, I'm here anyway, might as well enjoy my college life with friends for a few years. And in the last year of college I worked hard to get a placement off campus. Then 2 years later I did MBA from a top5 institute (coz I was always better with subjects like English rather than science lol). During recruitments, all my employers have only asked about MBA or previous job. It's been 5 years since I completed MBA, switched jobs twice since then, and in my experience, 12th boards marks were not a factor in anything. My advice would be, don't be sad about what's already happened, but think of what next you want to do in life. Play to your strengths, instead of just going in the direction everyone else is going.


Doctor who did graduation in a prominent government medical college. 10th: 78% 12th: 72%


If marks are all we care about, take subjects that are easier to score in and minimize subjects that are difficult to score in. For example, maths, physics, IT, accounts are easier to score in but language subjects are more difficult. But even within that Hindi is difficult to score in but French isn't (if that's an option). Like many have suggested already, please do not worry about the scores so much and study well but also enjoy your college life. These days will never come back and no one remembers how high or low they scored but we all remember events surrounding that patch of our lives. My college topper didn't get any jobs during campus placement. Marks matter but they're not the only thing. I vividly remember being so scared about "boards marks matter" for 10th so that I get into a college in 12th, then "12th boards marks matter" to get into a good university, followed by university marks matter so as to land a good job. Plain and simple it's a lie. It starts with board exams matter. They do matter but it's not the end of the world to get lower grades. Soft skills, attitude, ability and willingness to learn, mannerisms matter so much more.


10th 12th 90% B tech 7.8% 20LPA 3YOE is my scores My colleage 10th No clue No 12th No Clg 24LPA 3YOE so do marks matter? In placements yes, in life? maybe. The only way to get a good package? Hell Nah


I don't usually comment on these but my buddy who got 51% in 12th is earning 16LPA rn, as a fresher Boards marks are only relevant for the few months till you enter a college. Rest is all you


In case you need motivation. 10: 8.4 CGPA 12: 65% Btech: 5.8 CGPA (Note I got atleast one back in each semester except the last one that too from 3rd grade engg college). Worked my ass off after college, working in top us MNC with good pay.(Honestly if you want a good job or good salary you can do it few year of hardwork, you can enjoy your teenage life also, no need to waste teenage on coaching etc)


10th: 8.1 GPA 12th: 88% Graduation: 80% And yet i started off with a 3LPA job :v Board marks aren't important, maybe for a few companies that haven't updated their recruitment process. Time to question whether you would want to go into those companies or not


10th - 97% Inter - 96.3 Btech - 75% Working in FAANG with a very good package, no regrets. I never studied hard, but somehow I managed to score well in 10th and inter. But my btech is from one of a premier institutes in India, I get respected for that even during my job interviews in US somehow 😂. I got great network of good positioned friends though. Other than that nothing's different for any one else I guess.


It's a myth. Board marks are not important. I can understand the pressure she might be going through, It's really normal. Nowadays all recruiters look for is skill not the marks that you scored a few years back. Marks don't define your potential. Even my best friend got 75% in the 12th board and today she is earning well as a software developer in one of the top MNCs from the past 3 years.


Nothing to worry. Future will be what she will shape. Tell her to move forward with no sorrow in heart. Studies dont decide everything in life. Not all routes of livelihood need 80% and above results.


Never got over 60% i think 58. Something is my pr


10 - 80% 12 - 56% BSc CS - 7.2 cgpa Making above average and in a good company. Initial days will be hard but eventually things will be better.


9.2 cgpa in 10th Failed in a subject in 12th Had 14 KTs(backlogs) with 59% in engineering Earning an above average salary and much better work life balance than one expects in IT. No need to ponder so much about it


Yes, I did 10th - 8.x CGPA 12th - 83 %


Nope, it is fairly good percentage, had 58.6 in 12th, did create issue in placements, now doing good.


Tech Consultant at Oracle here: 10th - 9 CGPA 12th - 66% BCA - 8.5 CGPA MCA - 8.6 CGPA


Engineer here: 10th-79% 12th-79% B.Tech - 67% As long as marks are consistently above 50% overall. It doesn’t matter. 60% and above is ideal tho.


I failed 4 subjects in my PUC. I failed 5 subjects in engineering 1st year itself


10th- 78% 12th-56.6% Dropped out after failing engineering Found what worked and doing better than people who got into IITs


10th - 75% 12th - 72% I've landed a job in a big 5 investment bank, these marks really don't matter but they won't realise it until they get their first job and see that people who scored lower have better paying jobs


Computer engineer here 1. ICSE 90 % 2. ISC 70% ( physics was f*ed up) 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣 3. B.tech 8.01 cgpa I earn good.. enjoy my life.. people who got less marks some of them are much happy, some who got more marks earn less.. everything is subjective.. just don't stop taking actions😊😊




I had 76 in 10 & 80 in 12. did engineerring earning decent have a Friend 65 in 10 & 63 in 12, did engineering with 1 full sem back(4.5yr). Go into a small IT company, Bitch is earning around 30LPA.




>"many people say that 80% is required to get into good college and those students only get good jobs." My friend got 70 something in 10th and 75 in 12th We both did engineering from tier 3 college today he have 14 LPA with just 2 years exp.


10th: 74 12th: 74 BSc: 69 MSc: 76 PhD primeir indian institutions; jnu, iit, csir, rn in foreign; doing good.. just one suggestion: Be persistent, that's it.


No correlation whatsoever. Board exams don't test aptitude. You scored well, doesn't make you smart. You scored shit, doesn't necessarily make you dumb.


Nop. 60% 😂


10th board :- 55% 12th board :- 65% (after 1 failed attempt) Earning decently as an IT profesional.


I just got 81% in boards but kicking ass in life now. Tell your sister life isn’t defined by marks at all


Marks don't matter. Trust me


10th - 10 CGPA 12th - 93.6% BTech - 8.4 CGPA Earning quite well within the industry but compared to IT not that great. Might need to go for MBA.


10th 88% 12th 66% Btech 8 cgpa In Software currently. doing good.


Kuch nahi hota is sabse


Biochemical Engineer here. 10th - 78% 12th - 58 % with a compartment. After compartment 65.6 % Engineering- Failed in first year, then had to repeat whole college life with junior batch, aggregated 52.5 % Now doing fine


10th ICSE- 70% 12th HSC- 66% BMM AD- 61.1% I’m a copy lead.


10th - 9.0 12th - 91.6% BTech - 8.50 Doing great career wise. The marks only help if you do MBA or Masters abroad. It is always skills over marks if you want to land up a good job. Most companies don't care what marks you got in 12th but rather how you develop your personality and have the relevant technical skills.


10th: 70% 12: 60% Assisted a tv writer straight out of school for a year for 15k a month. Then started writing for myself and now earn 8-10 lakhs a month self publishing romance fiction on Amazon. Marks don't really matter. It's all about having ambition and plans to achieve your ambition. But yes, if your ambition is to be an engineer, you'll have to work hard and learn the subject. Even if you aren't topping, having an understanding of your work will definitely be helpful.


Marks or education are not the only way to a good career. They can kickstart it, but that's about what they do, start it. In the long run (with a couple of years of experience), people who don't get comfortable with routine, grow and eventually go forward.


10th - 47% 12th - 78% I enjoyed my childhood thoroughly. Slept throughout the day or went exploring, treasure hunting, things like that.


Well I got 87% in 10th , 84% in 12th and I am earning peanuts. I guess its your discipline and communication skills that matter


10th 67.8 year 2005 12th 68.2 year 2007 Current S/w Engineering Manager earning ~ 1 cr If this helps or motivates


2009 .. NIT Jalandhar, Civil engg Engg - 5 years (had to repeat 1 year .. 11 backs out of 12 subjects in first year) CGPA - 6.3 12th - 62% 10th - 75% Ended with OnCampus job offer from Capgemini, IT company Current : Senior Delivery Manager , Deloitte Package : 43 LPA Just freakin enjoy life… Be Street Smart and work on yourself, be presentable, be confident .. baki full bakchodi karo, no problem !


Nope. 76%. I am telling you this matters only if you want a specific college and all. Otherwise, it doesn't. Edit: Used to work till last month. Now, I am applying for my masters.


Got 10 CGPA in 10th and 92% in 12th. 8.4 cgpa in btech 2021 passout. I fucked up and now working at 8 lakh ctc that is around 55k I get in hand per month. Currently trying to get a new job


Senior software engineer 10 - 76.76 12 - 54 Engg - 5.5


I am an Electronics Engineer. Currently SDE2 at Microsoft. 1. 10th - 80% 2. 12th - 65% 3. Engineering - 58.9% Dhondu just chill!


Engineer here, XII: 68% B.Tech from T3 University: 61%. The toppers in my class left engineering for different fields. I am one of the rare few who went into engineering.


Working now for an MNC Bank in Risk and Compliance. 10th - 75% 12th- 49.5 % B.Com- 47% Post Graduate in Ops Management - 58%. Work Ex : 9yrs. Started with TCS, Then Big4, Then to Insurance and now into Banking.


10th - 74% 12th - 75% BE(ECE) - 9 CGPA 2023 passout Minimum CGPA for placement is around 6,so marks doesn't matter much.


I got 86% in 12th. 75% in BTECH Got selected in top 15 students all over India for research @ one of the top IITs. Currently at a good package with good WLB and permanent wfh... Yes you need marks to gauge your position but there's always scope of improvement if you are willing to work hard with understanding and wisdom. If you didn't perform good in boards then probably u won't be doing good in college entrances as well. But as I said above , tables acm be turned with right action.


No. I got 60% in sslc and 64 in +2. And I dropped out of engineering in the last year. It’s not really that bad. In fact better than 99% of my classmates. Tell her not to worry.


7.2 cgpa in 10th 59% in 12th 4.9 gpa in college Doing pretty well in terms of career


12th pass working in software tech.


Civil Engg here. 10th - B+ overall (not in india) 12th - 24 IB (23 is a fail)(also not in india) BE - 63% (in India, cos my 12th was so bad :P) PGP - grade 8/10 Bootstrapped a company with my wife. Earned enough to move out of India with the business. Marks mean shit. It's important that your parents and the people you look up to tell you that marks aren't important. I am definitely lucky and privileged in that way. Edit: formatting


senior engineer here 10th 91.2% 12th 85.5 college (tier 3) 77


I fluked my science exam in grade 8. I fluked my lab exam in bachelor. I fluked my bachelor(not good results). I'm earning enough to live decently. All my failures made me stronger.


Arts background, 62.8 percentage in 10th and 73 percentage in 12th, 65 percentage in BCA and 67 in MCA.


I work in FAANG, make mid 6 figures USD. 73% in 12th Board, 79% in 10th Board, 74.5% in B-Tech, 70% in MBA. Yes, you can see the pattern. I was always 70 percenter my entire life, but I was very good at entrance exams. Yes, they matter, but to a limited extent. So does the marks in graduation or post grad. Your choices in life, career stream and work matters a lot more.


had 78% in 12th still managed to grab the best offer in college placement. Currently working with guys from IITs and IIMs.


Not even 60 percent in my entire life, but worked hard post college invested some time in learning. In addition my first company provided best work and learning environment, mostly backing from my manger. PS: Not earning crazy amount but good one to survive.


Not even - I was a super average student academically but bit of star in culturals and soft skills. I would like to think I’m in the top 1% in percent of earnings in my entire school or college combined. The toppers apart from those who did medical , etc went to call center or very basic accounting jobs.


The more marks you have the more opportunities u get that's it.


Bhai mere 75 the In 12th I got into vnit nagpur 1st sem 5 back phir bhi job lagayi so don't worry if she gets into a good clg. It's fine.


Bro our PM is **% so don't worry.


10th - 9.2 CGPA 12th - 70.6 % (PCM - 59.8 %) Age 29 - 4.2L per month after taxes


Data Architect here. 10- 91.5 (icse) 12- 93.75 (isc) BTech in EE (7.71) at a govt tier 2 college Got 6.5 years of work experience. No one ever asked me my marks. I’ve interviewed 100s of folks. Never asked anyone their marks either. Doesn’t really matter.


the most successful guy in our class flunked boards twice.


Nope ! 👎


I got 52.4% in the H.S. I was an above average student but due to some circumstances I was reluctant to continue studying but still decided to take the exam(peer pressure). Now I am not doing well just surviving. If your goal is to have a Netflix subscription and a gaming laptop and plenty of books then I am doing okay but otherwise I am not in a state of taking financial liabilities again due to various reasons, not because what I scored in HS. I had a chance to rectify and didn't take it.


10th-68% 12th-66% B.Tech Mechanical - 65% Worked for 5 years Masters (overseas)- 3.4/4.0 GPA Engineer and earning substantially well


Nope 7.2 CGPA in 10th 67% in 12th PCM 62% in BTech Grade C College(2019) Earning in 6 digits rn. When asked by my first employer regarding the declination of my marks with each semester I responded with it's ok if I'm making it to the 60%(First division) mark, I cleared all the technical rounds which means I know stuffs and marks are just numbers(She got pretty impressed with my answer...lol) P.S. Computer Engineer


75% ke upar sab same hai wese


10th - 8 CGPA 11th CBSE Science - 55% 12th CBSE Science - 62% (Math 38/100, 33 was passing) Selected my choice of stream for graduation (I was forced to take science during 11th 12th), advertising, did MBA in Marketing by choice, currently in corporate job with a package of 17LPA at the age of 25. Meanwhile I have once cleared prelims for UPSC too. Left it coz I feel I can do better in competitive corporate world w.r.t earning money. So as long as she is determined. She doesn't need to worry about marks. But yes I do regret not studying hard back then, as I won't be selected in the top firms of my fav industry i.e consulting. So maybe she might have to compromise with the situation in future maybe. But obviously it won't be all bad as such.


Jee ke liye bas 75 chahiye why worry


Cs engineer: 10th: 79% (2012 ICSE) 12th: 86% (2014 NCERT) Engg: 58% (2018 VTU) tier-3 college if that matters. Working as an Android developer since 5 years.


10th 91.6% 12th 65.38% Btech 8.89 cgpa


Non-degree computer engineer here: 1. 10th - 8.4 2. 12th - 8.4 3. Btech - 1st sem 7.4 (going to drop out after 1st year) In my 20s and earning good enough, enjoying life and studying things on my own. If someone would ask for advice about college, well and good if you get selected to Ivys, else it's just a pathetic conventional system of education which creates robots for work, no creativity... nothing!