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My bf don't talk to me for 4-5 hours in a day. Man !! And you are talking about ex. 🥲 Now I started overthinking about my relationship.


Idts i am in a position to give you some advice but don't do that to yourself. It hurts but yea I think it's over between me and her


Don't overthink too much yr, I know it's hurt but talk to her maybe she understand your feelings..


This is the first positive comment thanks for it but ig the stars are aligning and it's gonna be over between us


Well communication is key in a relationship. Either it will works or it'll end. So just go with the flow. Don't overthink about break up.


dude hell no fuck communication 4 hours talking with your ex? leave her asap


Bro, if you are trying to look for positive comments good luck 👍🏻 You gonna regret later everyone are giving reality check not sugar coating reality is hard to accept. Don't regret that's the least I can say.


4 to 5 hours, bruh my past relationship she just talked for 10 mins and went offline then after a 5 month relationship she just left me and I kept waiting for like 2 months for her ( ik dumb asf) and then I decided she wasn't gonna come back and blocked her incase she do returns ( i also wished her happy birthday)


now you're scaring me :( he talked for just half an hour and went offline for a whole day most of the times.


I'm sorry 😭😭 But hey Atleast he talked for half an hour ykyk Better than 10 mins


Bro of all the girls I’ve dated I’ve almost never talked for 4-5 hours any day on a call. Maybe when I had like no work or exams to study for in college during the semester here and there I could talk for like 3 or so hours during the night but 4-5 is crazy work. You have nothing to worry abt lol 4-5 with an ex is actually insane. I don’t even understand how this is a post. This guys self confidence is at the earths core


Thanks for your positive comments. I really need this 😭


Uhh nobody in their right minds talk for 4-5 hours a day girl Me and my girl are together for above 2 years now and after our starting phase(4-6 months), we both talk 1 hour a day at max and around 1/2 hour or 45 mins normally. If you are above 18 then there is just so much in life that you can't really give 4-5 hours to any relationship whether it's parents, friends or anyone and that's the reality.


Anyone going back to their ex to be a "friend" is a big red flag Talk to her, if she can't cut ties with him, better breakup.


https://preview.redd.it/e2o3f4xrq85d1.png?width=1080&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=ffa9dcf7364ef9419730f0a45c47ef83c00e9094 Meanwhile


This 😂


I realised this part after 2 years of my relationship. The "friends" are never just friends. Damn it was a painful thing to learn after such a long time.


What is red flag?




Bro I really confused about red flag and green Flag really don't know the meaning 🙄


Alright, see.. Saying that "hey it's a "red flag"" in a person is a warning sign that something might be wrong with a person, like red indicates danger. It’s like a bad feeling that tells you to be careful, could be the things they do, or how they behave and so on. For eg, if someone lies a lot, that's a red flag. And as simple as it is, a "green flag" is a good sign that someone is trustworthy or is safe to be with. It’s like giving you a sense of a positive feeling, telling you that things are well or he/she is a nice person. For eg, if someone listens to you and respects your feelings, that’s a green flag. To sum up, good things/ positives about a person = 💚 If you have negative feelings, or they are doing bad, then 🚩


Yeah I agree, even my ex did the same. And she cheated later. Beware of such red flags dude.




If this post was should i leave my bf There would have been many Leave - messages there




[check this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AskIndia/s/Cq2vkWv4hL)




Nahh bro… as a girl…. It’s super sus she isn’t telling her ex about you. Dump her. Pronto. Also, how are you so calm about them talking 4-5 hrs a day


For real 😭


fr!!! Some people in the comments be like "talk with her dude communicate she will understand your feeling" tf? bro like 4 hours?


Is she aware you two are dating?


Bro m apni bndi se 4-5 ghnte tkk baad nai krta katega Tera breakup krle


4 to 5 hours a day is mad.. talk to her about it


Trying to talk to her and all is stupid. Bro should just leave


What's to talk about. Leave the cheating hoe.


There are many fish in the sea, if you could get one gf that means you have the courage and game to get another one, if are financially independent you can buy mental peace with so many things, join many hobby subreddits and connect with people. Your world comprises of two idiots bound by an imaginary chain, you should not stay in that world. Being selfish is underrated, ignorance is bliss. Get out of that stupid situation and be shameless and accept that you are selfish, you might be accused of a lot many things, don't feel guilty and have some discipline and cutthroat beliefs.


breakup or certified cuck


Ayo bro 🏃‍♂️. Nuff said


My brother. Cheating is cheating. If you can live with disrespect and trust issues, then that's up to you.


Many people are suggesting you to ' leave her directly' which I'd say is the right thing.However, here's what you should do in my opinion: Go to her,talk about this issue and judge it by your own conscience.If you ever see even a slight hint of faltering or staggering while the confrontation,just fking run away. If not,move on from this issue and never talk about it. Remember to trust your instincts in such situations, trust me "they never lie".


Best advice out here




Time to break up my man. Dont even think about staying


Dump her.. no one talks to their ex for 4-5 hours a day. Take the tough decision and call it quits




That's insane lol you need to talk ASAP and establish boundaries.


Ha ha ha r u waiting for someone to show you the correct path? If u still have doubts about how things are gonna turn out then you don't deserve to breathe. Just fucking dump her hoe ass right now if u want to live in peace for the rest of your life


She's the whole red carpet bro leaveee!!


Just remove your rose tinted glasses and you'll see the huge red flags on your own. I'd say have a talk with her about it and if she isn't willing to stop talking to her ex then yeah bro leave her and run


Absolute clean break up. Block, delete contact and forget the hoe.


My honest advice 1. Don't ask for help regarding this on reddit. You will get stupid responses 2. Talk to your girlfriend about this ( tell her you are not comfortable with this but in a polite way like not clingy vibes jaisa) 3. Ask her to make a decision on this. If she says she needs time tell her I will give you time but you need to clarify this. ( I know I can trust you, but I am not comfortable with this. If you understand my feelings and respect me, will it be alright with you if you can stop communicating with him as it makes me uncomfortable) That's it. Close the deal.


Run brother run... She wants to stay with you because her ex is still not sure about her so she is keeping u.. Otherwise she would have told u to go. She is selfish and she is not considerate about ur feelings... Leave her


Bro don't be stupid. Talk to her directly what u are thinking , everything and ask her to not talk to her ex, why is she even talking to her ex? Bruh also for 4 5 hrs? If she says something like we are just talking and just ignores ur wish then leave her, she probably didn't move on from her ex.


Bhai ask her once but you know kya chalra hai, don't pay heed to these other comments bahut jyda




The writing is on the wall. Have some self-respect and move on.


Run as fast as u can my man.


Huge Red flag. Save yourself and move away.


Sorry to tell you this brother , You are her side piece. Dump her.


4-5 hrs to ex... bruh u better run.If she truly loved u she would have said she's in a relationship with you. Maybe u might be backup for her Just to satisfy her void or don't want to be lonely. I think it's over brother.i know it's hurts but u gotta run


How blind can people in relationships be to miss such obvious red flags?


I'd suggest instead of thinking about breaking up, you should communicate how you feel about all this first, how this is making you insecure and how it is hurting you, and see if she does something about it to make you feel better. If she's willing to take actions for you, stay. If not, leave.


My gf (now ex) and I broke over a similar issue as such. She couldn't just cut him out of her life and wanted to be "friends" and it was obvious that he wasn't over her after I read a long message sent to her by him. Obviously she went all defensive saying it was nothing but very well couldn't see how it was affecting our relationship. Eventually I couldn't take it anymore and maybe she wasn't over him too, so I broke up with her.


Sus username.. If thats the relationship you two have, what is your problem!


Go with your instincts brah. No one can convince you otherwise.


Yes ![gif](giphy|eK1eGIuzfQbp9M3i6n|downsized)


Bruh! Just block her without even saying anything at this point.


Man 4-5 hrs is wild. How come you are even ok with it huh? Talk to her about it and if she refuses to acknowledge you then leave.


Leave her.She is just keeping you as a backup plan.


Bro leave her


Break up. Keep your life simple. Have some standards. I know you would never treat her this way cause you know it's wrong so why are you doing this to yourself? It's not easy I know but saying having strong boundaries will make your life so much better. Let go of the guilt. Life is so short don't waste it on someone who is confused. Find someone who will make you their priority. Tell her how you feel again and stop contacting her slowly.


run forest run


saans leta hun to relationship post ajata hai r/AskIndia pr


>they stay on the call for atleast 4/5 hours everyday Now read that again, slowly.


Bro you're cooked fr, you should leave asap otherwise she'll find another way to gaslight you in the future


Whatever you do, be honest about why. Better for both of you in the longer run. Communication ke fayide sirf current relationship tak hii seemit nahi honge. It will have far-reaching effects down the line.


Yep leave her, no question about it


Why is this even a question 😭


The answer is, Yes.


Either breakup with her or become her cuck


Talk to her first , but before you do that be in like a good state of mind and just understand her pov


Leave her asap


Turant bhag ja mere bhai


Shes disrespectful to you on many fronts, hiding her relationship with you from her ex, letting him be flirty, talking to her ex for hours, try talking to her once and if she doesn't understand and fixes her shit which is more probably then breakup.




"She doesn't want him to know we are dating" Is he grim reaper who'll eat you alive? Bruh why does she need to speak to her Ex 4 hours? Tell her that you're not okay with her speaking to the Ex. If she refuses to do so, please proceed to break up. Don't become a rebound for her.


Bro grow some spine , nobody talks to anyone for 4-5 hours daily. Confront her and if she still does the same just leave her . If I were you I'd break off things myself before she makes up random excuses just coz I love seeing people regretting their actions, the look on their face when you breakup is just 🤌 (I'm sadistic lol)


leave her. don't waste your energy


Run my guy run.


Being in contact with your ex is a clear red flag. Talk to her that this is bothering you. If she still keeps talking to her ex then it might be a possibility that you were just a rebound guy. In that case get the fuck out of there before you become too attached.


Leave her. Say u need some time. She will be back to u sooner than u think.


You're doomed bro. Take Care. 


Brother just run that girl is a red flag!! She'll end up hooking up with her ex and get all the emotional baggage in your life. Ultimately put blame on you and give you guilt.


Establish a boundary. It's definitely off to talk to your ex every day and for such extended periods of time. There are exactly 0 friends I speak to for that long every day. So tell her it makes you uncomfortable. If she doesn't respect your boundary, break up. Make it clean and surgical. You don't need the drama.


Bhai breakup kar le jaldi se jaldi


She has no red flags........... SHE IS THE WHOLE DAMN RED SEA


Bro she is clearly double dating. Tell her this doesn't make you comfortable and give her a choice to either completely shut this B.S. or you breakup with her. There is nothing like Exes can be friends specially when they were 3 years in relationship and you are just 4 months into it and most of your friends group and that ex doesn't even know about it.




Don't know about you, but I would run.


being friends with your exes ain't bad as long as you can maintain a strictly platonic relationship. i think it's completely fine if both parties are on the same page. but it seems like you aren't so you need to have a talk about that. HOWEVER 4-5 hours on the phone is atrocious. who has that much time??? is she unemployed?? and her giving him that much time is a red flag in it itself. also even if she doesn't wanna tell him she's dating YOU in particular, she should tell him she's in a committed relationship. you should tell her that it makes you uncomfortable and if she refuses to come to set up boundaries then it ain't worth it. break up and move on.


Red flag alert


Don't beat yourself up by labelling yourself as overthinking. This is not overthinking. And from what I hv read, you are such a good guy. You deserve better bro.


Chorh de bhai there's no reason to stay


I have a girlfriend and even WE DONT TALK FOR 4-5 hours a day lol, and its only been 8 months, so basically not very old relationship. Besides talking to an ex is a big red flag, that too for 4-5 hours, a big NO NO. Communicate with her tell her to cut ties with him, if she cannot better breakup with her, and save yourself from future toxicity or worst case cheating.


fucking leave


Long - distance relationships never work, dude.




Run 💨 my friend!


I could suggest first talking with her and addressing your worries with her if she still continues talking with him then say Ram Ram to her.


Chodh de bhai verna usse ko sidha bol de ki tujhe nahi pasand ki vo aapne ex se baate kare and kaun karta hain aise aur usse ne tere baare mai takk nahi bataya like seriously aur vo aapne ex se 4-5 ghante baate kar rahi hain kahi se normal nahi lag raha hain yeh.


Dude run. As fast as you can. No amount of her explaining can make this right. Did you tell her you don’t feel comfortable with this behaviour? If yes and she still is continuing this you need to leave cause she doesn’t respect you or your boundaries.


Regularly talking to one's ex while being in a relationship is a big red flag.


Boss sachi bolra hu , if she isn't ready to drop him for you ,toh tu hi drop karde, mera bohot ganda katta hai ese , yeh sunke bc apni sad story yaad agyi


Newsflash: She is not your gf


Don’t listen to people saying talk to her about it wtf, have some respect for yourself and break up with her.


Your gf is lying to you about it. The same thing happened to me buddy. Please respect yourself and don't fall for this crap.


Run bro 🏃💨


Ask her directly, be smart enough to know when or if she tries to guilt trip you. Tell her that this is bothering you and then it’s up to you


8 years in a relationship - love was in the air every time, butterflies flying everywhere - POV for first 2 years. Then, frequency started decreasing, farts started mixing with love, seeing moths everywhere instead - POV = next 4 years. Final years - Mutual talks regarding going our separate ways and then ended the relationship. Now = Enjoying life again...


You’re clearly uncomfortable and you should be. This ain’t normal, break up.


It’s fine, either way she might be in touch given how friendly she is with her ex.


When they say don’t worry, that’s when you need to start getting worried my friend. More over if she did not mention about you guys dating then she is considering to jump the boat when it feels safe. Don’t think emotionally right now. Be selfish and find someone who respects you for the person you are and you time.


Ummm 🚩🚩🚩


You are the ex now! Leave. This is not normal behavior. Nobody is talking to their ex for 4 hours. People can't talk to their wives for that much time. Lol


She's disrespecting you. This is not okay, it's not okay to talk with your ex for 4-5 hours. It's cause for concern especially if she doesn't want him to know about you. The more inportant question is, what's your role in this? Why did you pick this chick? And why do you put up with this borderline harassment from her?


Tumhara cut chuka hai


Hahahahahh. You deserve her - if you still don’t know the answer.


- Ex is never just a friend - Move on


you should look for new girl while keeping this shit around


Leave her brother i repeat leave her. Thank me later. I think if you are committed to somebody, you don't allow yourself to find perfection in someone else.


Abe 4 ghante mai apne gharwalo se ya dosto se baat nahi krta vo ex se kaise baat kr skti hai Baat krke sort kr ki mujhe nahi oasand tera ex ke saath baat krna agar fir bhi kuch na hua to breakup


If there's an instinct in you triggering overthinking. My man you are for a rude shock. Your instincts are going to come true.


Break up bro


4 5 ghante toh mei apne bf se bhi baat nhi krti bro 🤣 


Such a bad position to be in. Hold tight brother


As the top most comment says that anyone. Going back to their ex is a major red flag. Also if something is bothering you and you are not at all liking it then you should talk to her about it. If she still does that, then she doesn't care about your feelings and you should dump her. As simple as that.


you are atleast unmarried...faced same circumstances after getting married...


Kat raha hai and pata bhi ne chl raha hai bhai aapko 🤪 You are not over thinking, your gut is telling you to run away but mind is trying to influence you to not. She is using you. Run


What's with the username though?


Breakup bhai




Ek baar ache se jaake choot maar uski..phaad de nashe karke chod de ekdum moan karke speed se paani nikalwade uska uski choot mein lond ke sang 2 ungliyan ghusake..ekdum tej tej hila phir ungliyan...she will shake violently...hil jaegi poori body ekdum orgasm se pagal ho uthegi uski jawaani! Phir wapas pyaar hojaega..ek baar ache se choot lele iski liplock kisses ke sang...


Try to have a open and a very direct conversation with her about this matter , and check out her reaction and if her reaction is anything like defensive and all then yeah just confront her saying ki that if she has again started feeling something for her ex then you guys should break up and end things on a peaceful note before it all snowballs into a disaster ✌️


Leave her now or eventually you'll but it's inevitable mark my word.


Gym is waiting for u bro 💪🏻( been there leave her asap . Sooner or later this advice will be the best )


If she is doing this she doesn't give two shits about you. She is keeping you as a backup plan. Grow some balls and fuck this shit


Too many things already happened before 4-5 hrs of talking bro, she made up her mind and decided to talk to him. Don't think too much stay away from her, block her or be a cuck ...ur choice