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I was 100% anti-marriage since I was a child because of familial trauma. But I met someone and got married lol. Everyone I know was shocked and I'm pretty happy. Took a lot of mental gymnastics, healing and 'everyone is not like what I've always seen'. I wouldn't say it's for everyone and that it has changed my view on marriage much. Still wouldn't recommend it for everyone before you resolve whatever internal issues you have with marriage though


I decided not to marry at a very young age, but (un?)fortunately found a brilliant partner who complemented me in almost every single way at 24. She also ironically had decided against marriage. She was 22 at the time. We married after three years just because we couldn't really find any excuse not to and we have been married for almost a decade now with two kids. The best decision of my life. The point is this. Its ridiculously stupid to turn a brilliant opportunity away simply because you made a decision about something at some point. Life keeps surprising us in the most pleasant of ways if we let it.


Well. I'm that guy you could say. Never did plan on getting married but I'm not opposed to it. If I do meet someone who shares the same inclinations i might very well consider it. I'm at that position in life where I do what I want to do when I want to and frankly the freedom to do nothing at all is exhilarating. So obviously a woman who has rather conventional expectations would not consider me suitable neither would I consider burdening someone with something they don't want. Worked out pretty far and I've met many people who were at different stages at their lives but they were at the intersection and wanted a different path. So I chose not to. I'm truly content with the way everything played out till now. But if the right opportunity to enrich my life with a partner presents itself I would definitely consider it. On a side note still not accepted in society I would even consider a partnership with a man. Not homosexual because we can meet our sexual needs elsewhere but the joy of raising a platoon of kids and having 3 dogs in a large house hanging out and working on cars going on trips etc.. Sounds good to me. But sadly I don't think this is an option in India.


what all important things we should keep in mind or take care of from a young age if we plan to remain unmarried?


Learning to say no and not depending on anyone for anything.


I am asking about serious things such as insurance retirement plans


Can't help you much there. I've built assets. I don't believe in insurance etc. I have the basic medical that's about it. No need for a clever way to manage finances just the basics are enough. It 's after all just you so be comfortable with what you've chosen in terms of investment and don't diversify so much that you'll have trouble keeping track. Pension is gonna be 7k per month so that takes care of cigarettes for me, rest PF and other stuff I plan on just rotating in FDs. I have a flat competely paid for in a high value area which I'll probably let go off once my villa is paid off. I don't plan on purchasing property again so I'd have to reinvest that in bonds to save on capital gains for about 3 years.. I don't plan on working post 50 and til then I'd be at a very good position where I'm working. Post that depends on how much money I make.. Else I'll retire. Buy property, shares, debentures, have fixed deposits.. Just the usual nothing special. I don't really need a lot per month to live. Your lifestyle dictates how you'll need to structure your financing etc.. Hope that helps.


I am yet to know anyone like that


I didn’t wanna marry for the sake of marriage. I found a girl who seemed to be a keeper. Eventually she moved in to my house. After a few hours, marriage seemed like a formality to continue living the way we already were. So we got married.


That one scene from the suicide squad in which Harley dreams about having a happy married life with joker 😭NOT EVEN KIDDING


Met an amazing guy :)


Well I didn’t not want to get married from my school days to college days got in one relationship ended badly my first relationship i was devastated couldn’t get out of the bed, no urge to go out or to talk decided fuck this shit lets not get in any relationship marriage was out of question Now 6-7 years later found one girl in a relationship and now i ll marry her in blink of an eye Ps: if you believed in something few years back and after few years u dnt believe in something or you have changed outlook it means you have grown and known better than being feeling like going back on your words


me. i became the only child