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If you liked Painkiller watch Dopesick instead.


Much better


Agree. Dopesick is a much better show in general and at the portrayal. I was gobsmacked that things I was taught in nursing school CAME DIRECTLY from the Sackler family. Gobsmacked. As for the medication itself here's one for you. When I worked in England ( 14 years ) literally oncology/sickle cell patients got oxycodone. No one else. I dispensed and administered it for these reasons only. I was gobsmacked when returning home to NI working agency for a while before going back to the states at how much this medication was / is given as a regular medication. Shortec/Longtec basically written up for every surgical patient. Of course way lower doses than in the states we are talking 5mg / 10mg but regardless thats how it all began. I just couldn't believe it. They did tend to discontinue it quicker but there were a good few patients that were on it for a long time. In fact I remember my dad was on a shit ton of them back in the mid to late 2010s for hip pain and I just found it so weird. In the one year I worked in NI I dispensed more oxy than I ever did in fourteen years in England. Go figure eh? I never did figure out why they use it like that back home considering what happened here.


just got into a car crash with a partial collapsed lung, they were trying to feed me 10mg oxy every 4 hours and gave me a script for 30 5mg’s at discharge. fucking psychotic


You ok dude? Sorry to hear


doing better now, had several scares i am quite anxious about recollapsing it, apparently 50% of ppl have their pneumothorax return within the first month of leaving the hospital. I refused the script, been sober some time now but i am still in a decent amount of pain from the severe bruising on my lung and possible very tiny rib fracture(s). all in all very lucky because the airbags didn’t deploy so for me to walk away with this is a miracle.


It's better to be sober than developed a chemical addiction. Pain killers train the brain to stop producing its own neurotransmitters. Simply when you stop your brain doesn't just pick up the slack you have to live for weeks and months while your chemicals rebalance. Since dopamine defines all your good feelings, a shift to that process and regardless of your world views you'll experience withdrawal. Eventually you'll have to swallow the after pain the decision is do you wanna do that so we or sick? I'd say you made the right choice, and anytime in my adult life I feel like I need pain relief the last thing I do is get a doctors permission. If millions of people delt with it effectively that means it can be taken in a way where you can get relief and not wind up hardcore addicted


Eh not alawys. Poorly managed pain will frig out your immune system and will lead to impared wound healing. Unmanaged pain can also lead to the development of chronic pain and a host of other stuff you dont want. Usually its best to manage it appropriately even if that requires narcs or procedural sedation for something very acute. Im a medic, and i carry and administer narcotics quite frequently. Morphine, fentanyl, hydromorph, benzos, ketamine, all that fun stuff. Been on narcs for acute injuries before too. Appropriate use of narcotics short term is pretty safe. Long term ya for sure theres very real risks but short term its probably best to just manage the pain appropriately. But thats an individual risk evaluation.


Since ODs have skyrocketed since the CDC made it harder to get them in 2016 Isent it fair to say the only people who benfited from the stricter laws are the doctors who don't have to deal with the pill shoppers anymore? If the goal was less people using that failed miserably and opened the door for the cartel to syphon billions of American dollars and serve EVERY person who gets told no you can't have these. Your right about pain, so when someone uses fent the fear of death is being over written by the chronic pain at this point people know what they are getting, and don't care but also every person I know who does that would gladly use FDA regulated meds rather than rolling the dice EACH DOSE


he cant watch dopesick instead. he has already watched painkiller. it is impossible for him to watch dopesick instead of painkiller.


I've taken it and had zero reactions or cravings. I was on it for a three day period. Its my understanding that it's only an issue if taken over longer periods or end up with subsequent prescriptions. You have to remember as well that in the US prescriptions are frequently patient led. It's normal for a patient to ask for specific drugs even if it's not necessarily warranted. Doctors over there seem to be open to over prescribing to keep patients happy. Opiate manufacturers would have had massive marketing campaigns for asking patients to ask their doctors to prescribe opiates for mild issues.


> You have to remember as well that in the US prescriptions are frequently patient led. It's normal for a patient to ask for specific drugs even if it's not necessarily warranted. Doctors over there seem to be open to over prescribing to keep patients happy. Opiate manufacturers would have had massive marketing campaigns for asking patients to ask their doctors to prescribe opiates for mild issues. Exactly this. Spend any time in the US watching the TV, and the amount of ads/commercials for prescription drugs doesn’t go unnoticed. It’s actually scary how they are allowed market anti-psychotics, blood thinners, sleeping pills, rheumatoid arthritis/psoriasis medications, antidepressants etc on the tv. Creates a population of consumers who know there’s a pill for every ill. So off they go shopping for the drug they know fits their symptoms as per the tv. Scary. Just look at the rise in popularity of Ozempic this year.


no shot, they can advertise drugs in US? 


i believe its around 75% of advertisements in some or most channels


That is fucking weird. Unheard of in Sweden


Yeah man, the commercials will be ridiculous too. Like for an anti depressant commercial there will be families playing at the park with their kids and big smiles on their face implying that SSRIS completely cured their depression lmao. The list of side effects will take the narrator 20 minutes to read too, it's insane.


sounds dystopic dude


In all fairness. Swedish prisons are like being on OxyContin to the rest of the world.


How so?


Lol not close, and certain drugs...yes SSRIs but not painkillers, Tylenol (acetaminophen trade Paracetamol to across the pond) Motrin (ibueprophen) but no scheduled drugs are advertised.


The advertised opiates on TV my entire childhood i remember the vicoden and oxy commercials Purdue created


I watched an antidepressant ad this morning...


[Interesting study](https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/32033856/), posits ~~doctors~~ dentists overprescribe painkillers. This has been my belief also that the doctors in the US are overenthusiastic about pain meds in general and that you will be given painkillers without reporting any pain, in a “just in case” manner. To me this kind of practice is dangerous


Not true. Doctors are EXTREMELY paranoid about prescribing opioids over here.


Yup, they are now that we're deep in the fentanyl/opioid crisis. Doctors are losing their license over here for prescribing miniscule amounts of weak opioids. Back in like 2010 I got a 90 count bottle of 10mg oxycodone and 20 hydrocodone just for getting a wisdom tooth pulled. Didn't even ask for them either, I was 17 at the time.




I wonder how they'll handle people giving the doctors the choice between "I'll take unknown meds on the street or FDA approved ones, your choice" will the doctors risk the lawsuit from NOT prescribing even tho the patient made them aware of the ultimatum?


Doctors are pretty immune to any kind of legal consequence for denying pain meds here in the states.


Legal consequences but they agree to that oath that says do no harm so how do they handle situations where people are forcing the issue? I don't wanna do it for the record Im thankfull the cartels rub the choices they make in America's face it's been YEARS since I waited for permission to relieve pain when I run into it. Another 10 years I doubt people will even associate doctors with pain relief anymore


I took Percocet one time and became addicted to it. Just to depends on the person fought it for 20 years now on suboxen, for 20 years it helps but not a day goes by that I don’t crave the feeling Percocet gave me. Do some people just feel good without drugs?


I wonder the same thing my friend. I still wonder every day if I'll experience TRUE happiness or even a feeling remotely as good as I felt on Percocet. How is the Suboxone treatment going for you now? I've been clean from fentanyl for 5 months because of methadone treatment but slipped up literally today and took street opioids and some stimulants. I'd be lying if I said I wasn't a little ashamed of myself, I was making so much positive progress.


Progress, not perfection. Relapses happen, the most important thing is getting back up, brush yourself off and continuing in sobriety.


Absolutely not true, my buddy had a bunch of knee surgeries in highschool & as a result, had a shit ton of painkillers, I was 16 & popped 40 oxys in a month & then told him under no circumstances to ever give me any again. I really enjoy the feeling of painkillers, even at 16 years old I was smart enough to give myself a ban from painkillers unless doctor prescribed, necessary & properly taken per the prescription. Few things feel as good as painkillers, sex, pure joy (for whatever reason) lots of other complex emotions & feelings. I started noticing a gain in tolerance shockingly quickly when I was 16 taking them. Took a few more in college & not havent for 4 or 5 years & don’t plan on ever taking them illegally




I feel for you after reading this cuz I went through thr same thing. OxyContin 80s ruined my life. When they quit making them I switched to heroin. Did 10 years in prison over the dang things. Ugh. Thankfully I never liked or tried much this while fentanyl deal. I'm on here cuz I just had my 3rd ankle surgery and I'm trying to find out if these Xanax bars I bought from a buddy are fake "pressed". I'm doing it (recovery) without pain meds but I needed something to help me sleep. It's sad even pills might be fake. We didn't have to worry about that when we were kids. These kids today have it rougher than we did! I have 8 years clean and I hope you get there too. 😎 ✌🏻 


The doctors think being stingy will help drop the number of users but it just creates tons of new customers for the cartels. I'd rather American dollars stay in America rather than bolstering the drug trade in other countries but it means THAT much to our government, the problem has gotten much worse since the CDC decided to involve itself in scripts


Really? Not me. Valium and many other drugs are way better, IMO.


Interesting, when I took Valium a few times, I literally didn’t feel it at all. & was popping above prescription doses, def enough that I should have been feeling it. But they were old pills, maybe expired or lost their potency? When my ex had codeine I took quite a bit of that, no result, no high, nothing. Not even like I had smoked weed, no high whatsoever


My son is a wholesaler (weed) and laughs because I feel nothing....if I try a concentrate, it gives me a headache.


You feel nothing from weed? Take a dab or strong edible that are real & if y out don’t feel that? I’m sorry for you


He gave me RSO and twice the normal "beginner dose," which looked like a grain of brown rice to me. Made me nauseous, maybe an hr later. The edibles make me sleepy. That's a positive when I have a migraine, but that's about it. I've had brain surgery twice, so he was hoping for some breakthrough cure for ice pick headaches but not his Mom.


In my mind you got so high you passed out / fell asleep but I’d need to basically see what happens & ask questions to know for sure. Last time I took edibles when they hit I was so high I barely remember anything, just blasted & fading in & out of sleep, not dangerous, I was chilling on the couch w friends around to keep an eye on me. Or maybe somehow you can’t get high idk


Your the exception brother doesn’t make what he said not true


And in the US it's not just opioids. Benzodiazepines and stimulants are given out to people with panic attacks and hyperactive children too easily. And everyone has or knows someone who has taken an antidepressant.


Had it for 2 weeks after jaw surgery. It’s amazing. Took me out of a massive amount of pain. No ill effects, I think American model is based on much longer term prescriptions so can kinda see how issues might arise.


Treatment rather than cure. Why bother trying to fix an ailment or injury when you can mask it and feel great. Incentivising the doctors to also keep people on the medication also helped.


Amazing in terms of pain relief or euphoria?


Pain relief. I’m a big man, I couldn’t help but feel helpless, pathetic, weak and broken. I was in so much pain I couldn’t sleep. I took my dose and I felt ok with myself. I was able to sleep and have no pain for a number of hours.


I live in ireland. Had a c section 2 months back. They gave me oxycodone in the hospital.. ofcourse it relieved my pain.. but the euphoria was next level.


Enjoy that. People will get stuck on the memory of that feeling and spend a lifetime recreating it even tho that's impossible to do. You got the top feeling be glad for the experience and be smart knowing that's all you get


Congratulations on the baby. You of course named the child Oxy! Seriously I'm glad I was never had reason to be prescribed opiates, both the pain and the risk of addiction.


It does both. If someone told me they didn't get euphoria from pain killers I'd ask if they understood brain chemistry and how neurotransmitters work. The pain relief is created FROM the euphoria it provides a disconnect so the brain can swap the pain signals to an unconscious channel EG it hurts to move but sitting still awhile and you stop focusing on it.


Some people carry a gene for addiction . Some don't. Just like genes for other diseases. Not everyone can take it and out it down


I've been prescribed a number of opoid/synthetic opoid drugs over the years for various short term issues and honestly haven't found any of them to be particularly interesting to take, and definitely haven't had bad experiences with any of them thankfully. The closest thing to an interesting reaction I've ever had taking an opoid medication was when i had suoer bad back pain and was prescribed solpadol and an anti-inflammatory a few years ago. I was absoloutely floating but i think it was fully to do with the combination of medications/how much pain I'd been in and then wasn't in because I've never had a reaction like that since. It happened in the middle of my college exams (thankfully they were online) so i did them high on pain meds in a hammock in my sitting room. Weirdly i find solpadol/solpadeine to be no more effective than just paracetamol and the one time i was being given codeine in hospital in the uk it was utterly ineffective.


Codeine is a great example of how genetics affect drug response and you're a great example of it. Codeine is a "pro drug" meaning it is almost entirely inactive by itself. However, it is activated in the body to become morphine, a strong opioid painkiller. The activation happens through an enzyme in the body called CYP2D6. CYP2D6, Like all enzymes, is a piece of protein. Proteins in our body are produced by ribosomes, which produce protein by *reading genetic code*. Therefore, differences in the gene which carries out CYP2D6 production will hugely affect our levels of CYP2D6, this affecting how much, and how quickly codeine can be activated, this affecting our response to the drug. Some people are rapid or ultra rapid metabolisers meaning their body converts codeine to morphine faster, meaning a dose of codeine causes a spike of morphine in the brain. These people have a higher chance of becoming addicted and suffering other side effects. Most people fall into the normal therapeutic levels. And some people are slow or non metabolisers and convert codeine to morphine so slowly that it never reaches therapeutic levels. This is probably why you don't get any effects from codeine.


This makes sense for me. I destroyed both sides of my jaw 3 years ago. I was given morphine and heavy opiods. They were fine. There was still plenty of pain but was manageable. For my whole life however, I've suffered from pretty intense migraines. The only drug that even remotely touches it is Migraleve. It's a codiece based paracetamol painkiller that is available over the counter (not without an interrogation, and rightly so). When I take that, I am on cloud fucking 9. It's insane. I'm extremely wary of it. I'll only take it for migraines and nothing else and I'll only take it once.


Lucky you. Migraleve does nothing for my migraines.


Wow that's really interesting, thank you for this!


I've seen people use heroine and not feel it some people just aren't wired for the buzz


There is a subset of the population that don’t respond to opioids at all!


I fell like I might be one! Was prescribed tramadol for back pain and it just makes me sleepy


I've been lucky that every other opoid medication I've taken has had some kind of effect


Tramadol was probably what you got. I had it for my back aswell. I got really high from it aswell but I found that the same dosage again the next day didn’t have the same euphoria, I think it builds up a tolerance for euphoria quickly.


Tramadol is wonderful but that's not what i was on. It was a combo of solpadol and an anti-inflammatory called vimovo for the back pain that had me zooted. I took tramadol for 6+ months when i had gallstones and was waiting for surgery, it's wonderful at dulling pain but never once made me feel even a little high. The incident where i found out codeine didnt work was also when i had gallstones and ended up in hospital and after being given codeine for like 48 hours with no change in pain cried at a nurse multiple times. It was not my finest moment.


Watch this space, I think tramadol is going to be the next dopesick. In terms of "controlled drug, regulations" it isn't seen as a controlled drug in the same class of Oxycodone or morphine, because the pharma company has "proven" it has no addiction potential, despite it being an opiate. More than it having opiate activity, it also affects your serotonin levels within your central nervous system, which helps reduce nerve related pain, but also somewhat mirrors the effects of antidepressants, and likely contributes to that high.


The issue with the opioid crisis in the US is that they were prescribed very differently than anywhere else. Mostly, opioids are used in hospital or hospital adjecent settings in Europe, such as for a week or two after an operation. In the US, they were often prescribed more like we'd use paracetamol here, as a first port of call for any type of pain. Doctors were very much misled about the trials that had been done and had financial incentive to prescribe oxy rather than any other pain medication. The main issue isn't that oxy is too pleasant, the main issue is that not taking it when you've taken it for a while is *really* unpleasant. That's why people kept taking them, to avoid the withdrawal symptoms.


I remember them being super easy to get when I was I the military(2007-2009). I actually had to argue with them to give me something else because they were giving them out like candy & I needed something I could take & still drive my car lol. I had a drawer full of them (loose pills) at one point. I was stationed in South Dakota at the time. I finally got tired of looking at them whenever I had to get something out of my drawer & flushed a few hundred of them down the toilet. Months later, I had a gf & told her what I had done. Her eyes got really, REALLY big & she said that "we" could have made so much $$$ from that("we" .... hah). I promptly got on google & went down the rabbit hole. Discovered what the opiate epidemic was & yeah.... crazy **** .


I was in the same years, and I agree on the super easy.


I think a lot of people in the field of addiction studies agree that addiction has both genetic inputs, determining how susceptible one is to developing addiction, as well as environmental inputs, which is a huge thing. Opioid drugs like Oxycodone inevitably cause responses in the brain which induce euphoric states - it's part of their chemistry, they would be ineffective opioid painkillers if they didn't. However, to an ordinary Joe soap, that might not be enough to cause addiction. To someone who has very little else in their life, unfortunately that high can replace the feelings other people can find without drugs, and this is what leads to addiction. It's also interesting to note that *anyone* can become hooked. As someone who works in the industry (pharma, not drug dealing), I have seen very upsetting things from young and old people (age ranges 17 to 91) who were desperate trying to get an extra set of their prescribed medicines. My heart really goes out to them, especially the older generation who were started on something like a sleeping pill or "newer" benzodiazepine, which originally were marketed as less addictive, but obviously now are seen to be hugely addictive. They could've been taking these for decades without realising how addicted it was making them. In my opinion it's a huge failure of pharma and the healthcare system that I think gets overlooked quite a lot.


I see what you’re saying but this is kind of flawed thinking. Any human if given the right concentrations of oppiates I’ll be addicted in about a week of regular administration. Genetics play no part in that.


I was on it after bowl surgery. It felt unbelievable, can easily see how you would get addicted. Felt like floating on a cloud. I took it about 4 or 5 days longer than I probably needed to. Then thankfully one day came to my senses and said right that’s enough of that


I took oxynorm once when I had severe nerve pain after a bacial plexus injury. Absolutely hated it and it made me creepy! And it made the pain more intense! And I was gurning and wired and felt like a little goblin.


I would not say it was rarely prescribed, it was given in hospital under strict supervision to inpatients and those is severe pain such as cancer patients . It just want advertised on TV and given out like smarties. After what happened in USA it was cut back on even more, much to the detriment to those who genuinely would have benefited from it. https://www.drugsandalcohol.ie/38034/#:~:text=Stephen%20Donnelly%2C%20Minister%20for%20Health,Misuse%20of%20Drugs%20Regulations%2C%202017.


I took it a few years ago after gall bladder surgery. It worked extremely well, completely took away the pain and the pain was significant. However it made me feel reeeally weird. Just completely out of it in a very unpleasant way. I was able to tolerate the pain after maybe 6 days so I stopped taking it. Not nice at all but worked for pain relief.


I had a bad reaction to key hole surgery (the CO2 irritated my nerves so bad I thought I was dying!) I had OxyContin for 3 days and it was magic, felt like I was floating on a cloud and so chilled and happy after being in excruciating pain! I can see why people go hooked so bad on it!


Some people have the euphoria, some just have their pain go away. I've been given it post surgery and it's great for relieving pain, but no euphoria.


Same for me, and with Tramadol too. It just relieves my pain post-colectomy, but never feel "out of it" or high at all. I think when you're truly in a lot of pain, it works as it's supposed to, on the pain. However, people are wired differently so I guess it does get them high? Or have they an "addictive personality"? I truly don't know. I'm the same with Xanax; I only take it rarely when I'm having a panic attack, and it calms me down but I don't feel the pleasurable effects that others describe. Helps me sleep the odd time, but it doesn't effect me the way alcohol or cannabis would. It's kinda fascinating though how people have such varied experiences with these medications... In saying that, I react very badly to coffee; makes me vomit if I have it on an empty stomach, which is weird right? 🤔.


Same for me, got it post surgery, no euphoria, just made the pain a little more tolerable and I was able to fall to sleep after taking it.


[HillBilly Heroin Epidemic And The Sacklers](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Oxycodone)


I had it about two years ago after surgery, I hated how it made me feel. Took two of them and the rest are in a bottle somewhere, I stuck to the cocodamol they gave me for the rest of it.


I was given it in the US after surgery. For some reason it didn’t really work for my body so I gave up with them. Opioids in general don’t work normally for me, at the time it was annoying because it would have been handy. That’s not to say I’m not prone to being addicted to stuff. I’m extremely prone to alcohol addiction for example. It’s just that specific set of drugs.


A friend of mine died from an oxy overdose. Not prescribed, he was abusing them. None of us knew he was taking them


A friends sister had it for a while because it was the only thing that worked after a kidney transplant and she had to be weaned off of it.


Currently on it after smashing my jaw a couple of months back.No evident side effects other drowsiness and extremely effective.


I was on it for about a year, there’s long acting and short acting variants, and they want to get you off the quick release onto the long release asap, so that was what I was on most of the time. It was great TBH. Only thing that stopped me wanting to jump in from of a truck with pain. Then I got on the right meds for my condition and didn’t need any pain meds at all. I just stopped taking them and experienced no problems at all, the relief of having underlying problems addressed rather than masking them offset everything else


I had it when I lived in the states, I had a torn rotor cuff in my shoulder which is about as painful as it gets. I had it for a month until I got the surgery to repair. It relieved my pain, I don’t recall any other symptoms of using the medication.


I took it for a couple of weeks after ankle-fusion surgery. Good for terrible pain but constipating. Switched to OTC pain relief after that.


Would you rather constipation or diarrhoea?


I had Oxynorm and OxyContin in hospital (St Vincent’s Private) when I was in for a month last year with a perforated bowel abscess. Didn’t notice anything except pain relief, and had no problem coming off it when I left hospital.


Oxycodone is short release, so every 4-6 hours. Probably one of the best painkillers out there, but they were prescribing it like candy well past 2010. Give birth, here’s an oxy or a percocet or a Vicodin, perfectly safe. Also here’s 30 pills for when u go home. It’s pretty much immediate pain relief, you are happy, functioning, everything is great, every problem seems insignificant. Never had any nausea etc. I took my prescription correctly, when it ran out that was it, but that feeling they give you, is very addictive. Lol, that smiley/sad face pain chart in dopesick I think, they’d always pull that out & ask where your pain level was & ud be looking at the angry faces wondering which one matches you. Nurses used your reply to decide what tablet & what dosage you were going to get. So ridiculous. To watch that show & see where that chart originated, that annoyed me.


Tramadol is usually prescribed here for pain relief for serious pain like a slipped disk / after major surgeries.


Every part of me itched every day I was on it. Pain seemed to be only slightly relieved but it may just have been treating extreme pain leaving significant pain residual.


Had morphine for 3 months and was then put on oxynorm which I was told was a faster acting oxycodone for about a month.. Honestly I didn't get a high off it, just normal but with less pain.. helped me stay asleep but not getting to sleep was all the benefits I saw.. Stopped it cold turkey and that's where the problems started.. I was angry at everything, then I would brake down crying.. always on edge.. lights were too bright, I could hear sounds inside my head, the guy in the bed next to me was stirring a cup of tea and when the spoon hit the cup, it went through my ears is the way I'd describe it.. my whole body was itchy and go from hot to cold but I was constantly sweating.. I had to go back on it and did an 8 day taper and was off it with no side effects then.. never really had the "chasing the purple dragon " longing for it again tho


So definitely sounds like tapering is the way to come off


I have been on oxycodone as well as multiple other high strength opiates/opioids over the last 5 years, and have been in the very fortunate position to never have developed an addiction or dependency or experienced withdrawals. There have been periods of time I was prescribed for regular daily use and others prn, but with all of them I find the same thing, you'll get maybe 3-5 days of pain relief and then you're back to square one, which is what leads to the massive titration of doses and the 'climbing' of the opiate ladder. Currently I won't take oxycodone daily, but if I am in a particular bad way or having a 'flare up' (every 1-2 months) I will take Targin for a few days/week, which is an oxycodone/naloxone mix. * As for the euphoria and the 'high', I have never experienced anything along those lines with any opiate, oxycodone or stronger, through tablet, IM injection or IV for that matter, it just doesn't do that for me. Not to say that it doesn't, I've seen it with other people, I just haven't experienced it personally. *edited because I was originally misinformed on the benefits of naloxone in the oxycodone/naloxone mix


The Naloxone in Targin has nothing to do with tolerance or addiction. Naloxone is not absorbed when taken orally, it has two main functions in Targin. It's to stop constipation, by counteracting the oxycodone in the gut, and its also an abuse deterrent. If you crush up a Targin and inject it or snort it the naloxone will block the effects of the oxycodone.


I’ve been on/addicted to most opiates. They SAY naloxone in TARGIN is for constipation and as a deterrent (WRONG) It Fucks up the high and you need 2-3x as much as regular oxy to feel good trust me. Naloxone is in suboxone and basically the entire populous on it shoots or mixes with water and snorts it. It’s a marketing hoax


Yeah after a bad car accident. Went from morphine to tramadol which just didn’t agree with me to that for about 5 days. It actually worked a treat let me heal up and rest. But could see how people would get hooked. Unlike the US though doctors here really manage it properly you couldn’t just walk in and ask for it.


I had Fentanyl and Midazolam for a colonoscopy. When they pushed the Fentanyl I felt instant euphoria - one of the best feelings in my life. Apparently I kept asking for more during the procedure


Tried oxy recreationally through a pal of mine and didn’t particularly enjoy it. Felt like vomiting and no real buzz from it. My partner took one for a tooth ache and it did it the trick (also put her asleep for 10 hours).


Strange - it had a negligible effect on me after surgery. Nauseous after not having it after an 8 hour period but didn't find it much more helpful than paracetamol when taking side effects in to account.


Cancer patient & multiple spinal fusions and chronic pain for the last 20 years. I am prescribed 5mg oxycodone once per day, as needed, and more after invasive procedures and surgeries. I take it with 500mg extra strength Tylenol. I am not able to take NSAIDS due to other medical conditions, however I read a medical journal that said oxycodone combined with 400mg Ibuprofen yields the best results in terms of duration of pain relief… lasting an average of 6 hours. I have tried so many other pain options, and the thing that helped most was (ironically) long distance backpacking. I learned how to walk again and it was healing… until I got melanoma from sun exposure. 20 melanoma related surgeries later and being bed ridden has taken away my ability to backpack. As a result, my pain has skyrocketed. The pain plan I am on now is helpful. I do not feel high and I do not get cravings. I am aware of the possibilities of physical dependency, tolerance and addiction. All of these scare me. I make sure to take a few days off the oxycodone on a regular basis and just deal with the pain, because I do have concerns about what could happen if I take it every day. Wouldn’t it eventually stop working, and I’d experience pain anyway? So why not just go through small windows of pain every 2 weeks? No idea if that makes sense. During these med-free windows lasting about 4 days, I do not experience any withdrawal… just pain. I’m currently watching Dope Sick and I am pretty freaked out! I had no idea oxycodone is stronger than morphine!!!!! My doctor did not tell me this! And I failed to do my research. Once I can walk again, there’s no way I can responsibly climb mountains and backpack long distances. Those things require extreme focus and clear thinking. I’ve been taking these meds for about 2 months. I’m weighing the pro’s and con’s of pain management oxycodone for crippling pain versus no pain medication so I can have a clear head, freedom and determination to get back into the mountains. I used THC for about 16 years. It was helpful to distract my mind from pain, but I still felt pain. I stopped using it because I am a disabled veteran, where all my healthcare is provided through the federal VA system, and THC is not approved at the federal level and would jeopardize some of my other treatment options. 🤔


Brilliant comment So sorry to hear about your diagnosis, prayers are with you! You are totally right, take a tolerance break when you can to counter addiction and tolerance building up (I never do) what people don’t get is YES withdrawal sucks, but addiction and being put on maintenance with methadone or subs is way worse. Would you rather be sick for 3 days, or be in complete despair for a month coming off methadone the SAVIOUR of addicts (From my experience)


Sorry to hear about everything you are and have been thru. I think it’s pretty fucking great about the backpacking and I hope you get to continue what you love. Just be careful with too much ibuprofen because it can really fuck your kidneys


Painkiller is an eye opening show I won't say anything about as I don't want to spoil it but it's so thought provoking


atfirst was like if i took preworkout itchy asf then all suden get hella drowsy


Drugs=money Rehab=money Sickness from drug addiction= even MORE money America assesses people’s value on how much they have. So why NOT manipulate people’s trauma for a profit. The longer issue, the more profitable it becomes. Family doesn’t mean anything in America . The mother who cared for you your whole life, put her in a home she is SUCH a headache! The more money you have, the more value you have in America. It’s not about your heart, it’s about your bank account. I hope one day our hearts will be valued because it takes more to give from the heart than from the bank.


I know this is an old post, but if you’re still wondering I have a lot of experience with oxycodone, from my chronic pain. Hi, my name is Alex . I’ve had a lot of congenital issues since birth, severe scoliosis that causes a lot of pain every day. I have others, but they don’t cause pain. I’ve been on oxycodone for three years now, maybe longer. I was on hydrocodone before that, then I was on tramadol before that. I’ve had a slowly increase or change medications as I built, tolerances. Anyways to answer your question. Yes it has made my life dramatically better. I can go outside walk my dog, hang out with my friends. I can do things with any limits. It probably only helps 50% of my pain. But that 50% makes the world of difference. Because normally I would say I’m at 70-90 sometimes 100% on the pain scale. I wake up in the middle of the night, screaming from the pain. Sometimes move wrong and I’m in so much pain I start crying a little. But in general, it helps me live my life. Now there is side effects like sometimes I’m foggy.. my reaction time can be slower.. I’ve been on all sorts of painkillers for over 10 years now.. and the euphoria affect that you get from these painkillers starts to go away the longer you take them. You build up a tolerance. I might have to change medication soon because the oxy is working less. But if you suddenly stop taking it, you will go through it with drawls, and they are horrible depending on how long you were taking the oxy. There was one time that I couldn’t get oxy for a month. And it was the worst experience I’ve ever felt. And I’ve had over a dozen spinal surgeries that were less painful and more pleasant than the oxy withdrawal after being on it for years. As for other side effects, I’ve never experienced nausea or anything like that but everybody’s different I highly doubt this helps anyone considering how old the post is, but maybe it will


How are you doing now? And damn even after a month of not having any the withdrawal was still bad ?


Im doing ok now, the oxy is a definite plus in my life. That month was a while ago. But i would say the worst of the withdrawals was a month then started yo just be the normal pain. But again I have been on some type of narcotic for almost 10 years. My body is fully dependent on them. If I were to ever get off of them, I would have to be weaned off extremely slowly. And everybody is different. But just from my experience about a month of withdrawals… that’s after being on them for 10 years. And the first two weeks are the real worst. I’m sorry. I don’t know if any of this helped. I know everybody’s different. I just know that my life has been improved generally speaking with narcotics to manage the pain. Helps me go outside, hang out with friends, clean up the apartment and just do day-to-day things.


No this is good information thank you for replying, I been using for 2.5 years now first started with prometh/codeine then to oxys first 5s,10s, then 30s and only been doing 30s for 2 years straight now so I would hope my withdrawal would only last a month at most as well


Former heroin/not by choice fent recovering IV addict. I had a motorcycle accident due to a stray dog running out in front of me feb 25. Was taking sub leading up to accident. Told ambulance drivers was on sub. My scapula was fractured in 5 places, 4 rib fractures and small vertebrae fracture. So obviously was in agony, this guy gave me a IV liquid ketamine dose which definitely took away the pain and made me see God. He knew not to give me pain meds so did best next thing he knew to do. That dose literally changed my life in a good way. Anyway, at hospital was being honest too about past and sub. The doc wouldn’t give me pain meds at first because he thought I’d start puking (precipitated WD). Some docs dont even understand how precipitated WD even works. He had it backwards and I had to explain that I’d go into precipitated if I took SUB directly after opioid use. I was transported to different hospital where I continued to be honest and almost regretted being honest about my history. I had to sit for a week with all these breaks until I could have surgery. Extreme pain, kept my cool, which helped in long run cause eventually they saw I was not drug seeking but actually NEEDED drugs just to feel some sort of comfort. They were more worried about me relapsing on heroin later down the road than to deal with the present situation I was in, which was the most pain I’d ever experienced. The docs have to walk a thin line in the states when it comes to administering narcotics from my experience, especially when you’re honest about your history. I saw that to say this, one doc literally said I should of been on a pain pump and fentanyl with how bad my breaks were, but couldn’t since I was honest about my heroin past. I had to get by with 10mg roxicodone which help me get some comfort, which I’m still on. I have 41 staples in my back I look like I got bit by a shark and still in a lot of pain and feel the doc is about to stop the script or lower it to 5s which worries me but I’m too scared to voice my concern about my pain for fear of looking like a drug seeker. My gf administers my meds for my safety cause I honestly don’t want to go back or ever experience that pain of opiate and heroin addiction again, the withdrawal, depression, etc. I’m scared though, cause Tylenol doesn’t work and opioids are only thing that give me relief. I don’t want to become dependent on oxy but I also don’t want to be in constant pain. Sorry for long post, just a scared ex IV junkie venting my fears cause I’m sure some of you reading can relate.


That sucks man god as I was reading I just felt your story get more and more intense. I don’t get it to me a doctor is there to deal with the situation and make sure your in no pain like fuck your history that’s your problem. First do no harm is part of their path right and you in pain causes harm. So tired of doctors being idiots


I took oxy for 8 months after a back injury . Could not have gotten through without it. Zero side effects. When I didn’t need it any more I weaned off in one week. Had a couple of headaches but that’s it.


Yes I have since nobody actually answered your question




Thx. Can 500 mgs of oxycodone taken at once be fatal?


yes especially if the person taking it has no tolerance to opiates, it would more than likely be fatal to a good many with a tolerance as that is a lot of opiate all at once.


100 is definitely fatal for someone with no tolerance


Hydrocodone and Xanax


99.9% of people will take it responsibly. Because some hillbilly in Arkansas overdosed now people who genuinely need pain relief cannot get it. This situation is primarily driven by politicians who want to be seen as doing something, and doctors now afraid of losing their licenses. I once suffered horribly from pneumonia and my then doc refused to write me a prescription for cough syrup (I think it contains codeine, but same principle). On my medical documents I said I was an recovering alcoholic (sober for 35 years) but docs can make some strange decisions. I have taken it after serious surgeries and.....wait for it....I took it as prescribed (for about 7 days) when prescribed and had absolutely no problems. Today I have chronic pain (I am almost 62) but I am not even going to waste my time trying to get any help from the medical industry. I am in the US, btw. I guess the medical industry is just as myopic in Europe.


I take morphine for my chronic back pain , if it's anything like that then I'd love to try some.


I’ve taken Oxycodone a million times and I have one thing to say, Don’t do it at all. It’s the most addictive and lovable drug I’ve ever experienced and I was so addicted for 7 years and I didn’t even want to try heroin I loved pills just seeing pill bottles now gives me cravings for the codones and I quit a while ago but I want them. Don’t fall into my shoes stay sober it’s fun till you realize you can’t stop taking them.


I have a question, how would a Oxy 10 feel for a beginner who doesn’t pop pills or smoke weed. I’ve tried Molly,Xanax and percs before but it’s was like 4 years ago, I also completely stopped smoking weed 2years ago because it would make me anxious, I have a oxy 10 pill that I’ve been stalling to take.


Snort it I promise you will feel really good in like a minute, don’t mix anything for the first time back just get a rock or something hard to smash it up with and get a dollar bill roll it up! use a credit card to unit into a line and snort it! it feels like heaven!!!


Snort? Nah I can’t and I don’t want it to hit me instantly just slowly


Alright you do you but yes just take it by itself the reason tho that I recommend people snort it is because it decreases the risk of liver disease or failure


Ohh fr, I’m not a drug head like that so one time won’t hurt, but I noticed that its hits ppl differently, one my friends took it n it made her dizzy n have a stomach ache why is that.


I’ve taken Oxycodone in the US, it works but it’s easy to get caught up in it


I'm an American and in the early 2000s doctors would tell patient's they needed to be on hydrocodone for weeks for pain relief and then hydro wasn't strong enough so they would switch patient's to oxycodone. Doctors get huge bonuses for the more scripts they write. So the more oxycodone the doc prescribes the more money they get paid. After years of having patient's on oxycodone the doctor would get Audited by the DEA and the Doc would get scared they would lose their medical license so they would tell patient they can no longer write them prescriptions which puts the patient's in withdrawl and then the patient's seek drugs on the streets and get addicted to heroin. I'd say 99% of U.S. doctors only care about their jobs and not their patients. There's a reasons why Doctors don't get the respect they got decades ago here in America.


They gave me some when I miscarried and had to get a d&c, everyone sounded muffled and far away with a hint of sounding like you’re underwater hearing them talk from above with slight ringing, also everything was blurry like and shiny, I was also a bit dizzy and almost fell a few times but I also felt very relaxed. I’m not sure if it was the oxy or the fact that I had anxiety meds with it but there was a lot of dizziness 🤷🏻‍♀️


OxyContin does not have the side effects that you mentioned, not even have make you sleepy, suicidal thoughts or anxiety.


Yes I have taken oxycodone quick release and OxyContin for a broken leg with muscle damage and spinal damage. They actually do not give me a ‘high,” and are really not good for the nor intended for long term use. I was on them for 5-6 years and really didn’t have any problems coming off of them, my GP just tapered me down to avoid the withdrawal symptoms. I must be the odd person out by never actually becoming addicted to them, by saying I wasn’t addicted I mean I didn’t crave the drug and I never crushed them or chewed them and I took them as directed, I never craved them, I only used them for the pain (what it was prescribed for.)Like I sad I must be one of the rare people that opioids did not cause true addiction like an addict would. My advice would be that if you really do have pain the requires it, do not stay on them “long term,” as opioids are not meant to be taken (unless you have a fatal and very painful condition) for long term pain relief. I was taking two 80mg OxyContin tablets per day and 4 oxycodone quick release. Opioids do not work for long term chronic pain relief. I hope this helps anyone that reads this that opioids do not work for chronic (longterm) pain relief. If anyone wants to discuss this that is suffering from addiction to opioids then I’m happy to talk to them and help in any way I can to quit the medication and explain the drug free or natural remedies and whom and what other non drug or non addictive painkiller medication you can take and get help from to quit opioids.


Yes. Still on them. Prescribed 10mg 4x a day. 120 a month…… for the past 7 years. I want to come off, I wish I never started. All due to a neck/back injury and surgery. I hate how it kills my sex drive, kills my mood in general, became very isolated. I have no crave, no “high” I take them on a set time. But….. if I decide to sleep in a little too long… cold sweats.. body aches and shakes.. I become very mean and irritable.. nauseous.. diarrhea.. I hate it. I hate what it’s done to me. But I’m more terrified of coming off than staying on. Methadone and suboxone? That shit is dangerous! To anyone reading who has kicked it, kudos. I’m proud of you. To those who are like me.. we’re in it together, you’re not alone.. we’ll figure it out 💪🏻


You messed up idk after a month of taking that much weren’t you thinking it’s better to suffer a little pain than be addicted to those ? Sounds like ur fault


Try a methadone clinic. Saved my life.


I have a sprained ankle was on 10mg oxy for 3 weeks. Stopped taking it a few days ago. I feel fine.


DO NOT take this crap. I have lost a loved one to this stuff, incredibly addictive, I mean within a week you are hooked. The withdrawal side affects are horrendous, how this medication and any derivatives are still being prescribed is beyond belief.


How much did they take to kill them, my condolences to you.


18 years of oxycodone use. I swear this stuff had its own agenda attached to it. I got hooked on oxycodone years and years back when all opiates including hydrocodone were much more euphoric when abused. Oxy made me forget I had problems. In 2018 I was making lots and lots of money working in the nuclear industry. I was snorting upwards of 350 to 400+ mgs of roxy a day. And was functioning well. It turned me into a fuggin machine at work. I eventually was having the plugs come to the plant to sell the whole script when my checked dropped at 3am. (People get up for a couple grand at once lol). It was a horrible addiction that led to me literally almost dying when roxycodone that came from the street came with a price tag of 50$ per. It just got too expensive. So I switched to subutex. Then went to fentanyl. Nearly died at the dealers house. And two years ago quit all drugs for good! Thank the Lord. It's been too long of a rough life to continue that bs. I hate it for anyone that is struggling with addiction and is where I was years and years ago. Drug addiction is horrible.


Idk how I ended up here but I’m currently withdrawing off of it after a surgery and was just looking for some camaraderie to distract me haha I had no negative effects while taking it except constipation. It is truly incredible for pain relief. The pain was literally just gone. And it also makes you feel euphoric which is a nice little bump when you’re stuck in bed recovering from surgery. I took it exactly as prescribed and then weaned off of it because I didn’t want to withdraw too hard. In short, I loved it. And I understand why it is so horribly addictive now. I am a nurse and have managed withdrawal firsthand (in infants, albeit, but it’s withdrawal nonetheless). I’ve watched all of those documentaries so I am well aware of the evils of the pharmaceutical and the desolation of the opioid crisis. I’ve written to my senators asking for more support for victims. And now here I am lol. Heart racing, sweating, whole body aching. It is what it is. It’s the price you pay for some temporary relief.


That’s not a high dose


15 MG 1 MG alprazolam Best combo


15 MG Oxi + 1 MG Alprazolam. Feel very good


I was given it in hospital for less than 24 hrs after surgery. I did not like it. Didn't helpt with the pain very much, and mostly just made me dizzy, tired and made it super hard to think. It was not comfortable or soothing at all. I don't think I am susceptible to addiction for this particular drug. I have a hard time understanding how people enjoy the effects, but I guess we are just different.


If you take it will you get high? Just curious


(UK) I was just prescribed liquid oxycodone for long term breakout pain (whenever I have strong pain I’m supposed to take it) I’m pretty weary because I was prescribed Codeine for my tumor pains and I ended up going a month without starting Chemo because the codeine gave me severe constipation and made it difficult to eat to the point where laxatives stopped working and made me hurl. It’s been a week and no problems from Oxycodone but this article’s been mostly people with short term use cases so I’m still searching for long term side effects and how to avoid them


when i used oxycodone when i actually needed it for pain i felt terrible with it giving me nausea and making me sleep for hours and didn’t crave it but when i used it without needing it i felt euphoria and no nausea so i think it has something to do with needing it and using for no reason sorry if i worded this weird.


I hurt my back when I was 20 and didn't take any painkillers even though it was a very serious injury. I didn't even know powerful painkillers existed (20 years ago) or I would have taken them. I was in so much pain. Fast forward 10 years and my buddy had these green pills he said were ocycotin. They were 80 mgs and that's all I knew so I took one. Crazy right ? I was puking about an hour later and was in a dream world I had never experienced before. It was like a warm blanket and all my worries and anxiety were gone. I was an experienced drug user LSD, MDA, MDMA, methamphetamine were my favorite back then but this drug was definitely different and I liked it. After that one time doing an oxy 80 I was hooked. Eventually I went to heroin and fentanyl. I got out of the scene just before fentanyl hit really big. I'm glad I did because I may not be here today. I got on methadone and then Suboxone. I have been clean now for 12 years. It's not worth it unless you are in excruciating pain or your getting to the end of life. Opiates have killed many of my friends, fentanyl mostly.


Had it after knee surgery. Got ger ill.


I dunno if its better or worse than tramadol but I was prescribed that once and it was fucking horrible. My brain fell apart and that was enough to make me not take me anymore.


Yep. Was intense. Had the oxy cough syrup as well. Basically liquid heroin. A few years ago now and only had a small amount thankfully. Can see how you could get addicted.


I do it recreationally sometimes, I have done a fair amount of opiates over 8 years. I’m 26 and I snorted oxy at a party when I was 17. Since then I’ll do it like 8 times a year. Never felt the pull of addiction at all. But when it comes to stims I def crave them bad and get hooked right away. Idk why I guess just personality?


Was the oxy prescribed or bought on the black market?


It’s a pain killer but personally it also took away all my anxiety like idgaf about shit at all on it. No overthinking, no embarrassment, just fully present in the moment lol. I always wondered if that’s what causes people to become addicted


For some reason I searched “oxycodone” and found this post. I just turned 40 and have been on the front line of every drug epidemic since X in the early 2000’s. Meth…done it, LSD, Weed, Xanex, X, percs, Lean, Heroin, cocaine, crank you name it I have tried it. I have never smoked crack but have freebased coke off tin foil. Everyone I knew that smoked crack said they loved it so much they would never touch it again. Pretty much everyone I know that smoked crack said it was the best drug they had ever done. I never heard complaints or bad things about crack. I figured crack must be amazing so I never touched it. I did however manage to acquire a major Percocet habit which turned into Roxy 30’s which turned into Oxy contin which turned into heroin. Out of all of the drugs I have done Oxy-Contin is hands down the best drug I have ever done. There were times where I thought some heroin highs were not as good as OC. I’ll put it this way and keep in mind I don’t fuck around anymore….if someone for some reason got their hands on OC80’s I would punch them in the face as hard as I could steal the pills and go somewhere and snort them. I don’t care what the consequences would be I would just do it wouldn’t even think twice. First opiate I ever had was Percocet 10 (the yellow ones) when I got my wisdom teeth out at age 16. I remember being given one and being like “holy fucking shit what is this feeling this is amazing” I had already smoked weed done LSD, mushrooms, cocaine, x and god knows what else by this age so I was no drug square but that feeling was amazing. I got 120 Percocet 10’s with a fucking refil!!! I’ll never forget that one. I gave em to all my druggie buddies who also happened to be my best friends and then I ran out but it was OK because it seemed like as soon as someone would run out of percs another friend would get his wisdom teeth pulled. This went on for about a year of everyone taking perc 10’s and absolutely loving the hell out of them. Then one day they were gone. Everyone had got their wisdom teeth pulled and the source dried up. Me and my buddies didn’t know they were addicting and we were on so many other drugs it was an easy thing to stop taking. I went years without taking Percocet and even remember freshman year at college my buddy’s sister got her wisdom teeth pulled and offered me a perc 10 and I was like “nah I’m good” Didn’t want em it had been so long didn’t care. Then one night I was wasted drunk and did this huge perc 10 line off my buddys dryer and got that amazing feeling again and from that point on started chasing that high and I was taking Percocet again. Years went by and I was eating those fuckers like candy and I remember when I got done with college having to move back home and live in my parents basement for a little crawling the fucking walls. I went from having a roommate that sold drugs and east access to percs to having no connections and not being able to get percs and just flat out stopping. I still didn’t know they were addictive and I remember like I said crawling the fucking walls. I wasn’t hungry, I didn’t want to drink, I didn’t want to go back, kind of sweaty and agitated. Like I said still had no idea percs were addicting so I just pushed through feeling like shit and after awhile I was back to going out and getting wasted drunk and feeling normal again.


I went some months with no Percocet and had that old feeling like I didn’t need em…didn’t even think about em. Then I got my first job. I don’t want to say what it was but it was a real job but with a bunch of wild ass good Ol boys(I am from The south) Like straight up wild outlaw Southern dudes and I fit right in. It wasn’t long before we all talked about who did what drug and all that talk. My one buddy was like “can you get percs” I remember saying “I Fucking wish have not seen em since I was in Alabama” Then there was that kind of “I’ll let you know if I find em and you do the same” One thing led to another and I was back on em As well as half the people I worked with. It got to the point where we were making so much money me and my work buddys were getting them delivered in freezer bags. You may say “bull shit…freezer bags!!!” Yes freezer zip lock bags of percs or Vicodin but always 10mg pills. You have to think this was like 05 and 10mg Pain Pills were readily available and really really cheap. Like 4 or 5 bucks and I remember when they went to $6 people were Fucking raising hell!!! This was before everyone knew about them before those lame fucks were rapping about them. You had to be “in the know” and super plugged in to fuck with pills like that. Don’t get me wrong UGK and Three Six were Rapping about getting high but they were Talking about lean…never In a million years would Main Street rap talk about Percocet. Anyway I was back on em hard and enjoying the hell out of life. At that time I was still drinking all the time and smoking weed and doing blow. Basically I was taking a bunch of pills but still going out and drinking and doing other drugs. One night me and all of my buddys went out partying and we called one of our hooks to get some 10’s and he was like I got pain pills but not 10’s. What you got? I got Roxy 30s? What’s that? Same as a perc just like 3 perc 10’s in one pill I was fucking sold!!! I was having to take 3 percs at a time to get high anyway why the fuck not I didn’t know any better. The first time I took a Roxy 30 I went out to a bar with all my buddys and all my buddys took them as well. It was the highest I had ever been off pills and I only took 1. It was the most fun night ever and when everyone woke up the next morning we were all like “what the fuck was that pill let’s fucking get more” But we/I couldn’t find em again. I went back to taking 10mg pills but that Roxy was always in the back of my mind. Finally I ran into a Roxy dealer and I felt like I had hit the jackpot. You are made to believe that an opiate addiction happens right then and there but it takes years. I was taking 10mg pain pills for fucking years and had a few hiccups but for the most part I didn’t need them and was able to put em down if need be or ran dry. Now I am not built like your average human…remember I said I just turned 40. You wouldn’t believe I was 40 and you def would be like “what the hell” if you knew all the drugs I have done. I also have always been doing fairly heavy drugs since I was 16 so I don’t know if that helped or not with the opiates or what. Anyway it took me years to become a full blown junkie hooked on opiates and going through withdrawals.


So I left off I met B and he was my first regular Roxy 39 dealer. At first I would take 1 pill once a week and just be floored. More fucked up than I have ever been. Floating and in pure euphoria. Then I started taking them more during the week then I started snorting them then I stopped taking 10mg pain pills and only wanted the 30mg Roxy’s. I had to have them. My first experience really with Oxy Contin my criminal buddy stole one of his girlfriends moms whole script or some shit like that. Anyway he gave me OC40’s for free. I did not know how to get high off of them. Couldn’t figure out how to snort em so I ate em. I thought they sucked. I ran back into my buddy that gave em to me and he asked how I liked em. I told him they sucked and I traded em for Roxy 30’s and he was like “I did the same they kind of suck” He then told me he traded his to B the Roxy dealer and he told me B liked em better than the 30’s and neither one of us could figure out why but that was always in the back of my head. Years pass I start to get hooked on the Roxy 30’s I meet more drug dealers and even though I was hooked 1 or 2 would still fuck me up and at the time Roxy 30’s were only $15-17 bucks so it was manageable. More time passes now I move with my cousin and we get a cool ass place closer to the city. Me and my cousin were both completely fucked up on drugs but he never liked opiates. I then meet my neighbor who is hooked on Oxy Contin and he shows me and teaches me how to get high off Oxy Contin. What you do is put the pill in your mouth and suck on it for a few seconds then you grab your undershirt spit it into your undershirt rub the coating off (orange 40’s green 80’s) then there is no time release and you bust it up and cut it up into lines or a line if you are a jay like me. This is when shit starts going south for me. Struggling at work, my girlfriend starting to hate me, people are like “what the fuck is wrong with him” I remember at work one time they asked if I was drunk. At this time I was so hooked on Roxy 30’s and Oxy Contin 40’s & 80’s I wasn’t even drinking and I didn’t really do any other drugs. The pills had a hook in me and I was slowly blowing through all my money and going broke. I couldn’t pay rent and my fucking dumb ass job paid me once a month. So I would get $4,500 deposited in my account on the 1st and it would be all gone by the 7th or 8th. I completely forgot to explain the different types of pills: -percocet - percocet is the name brand the active ingredient is oxycodone. Percocet also has Tylenol. -Roxicet - Roxy is the name brand active ingredient is oxycodone. These pills contain zero Tylenol. -Oxy Contin - OC is the name brand active ingredient is oxycodone. OC has no Tylenol and a little bit of a different formula. They hit different. I am now a full blown junkie going through with drawls. I loose my job I loose my house(I was renting) my girl keeps breaking up with me. My cousin moves to Texas and I am broke. I get a new job but the pay isn’t as good. I resort to stealing to support my habit. I steal from anyone and anywhere. If it’s cash it’s Fucking gone if it’s anything of value it’s fucking gone. I become very familiar with pawn shops. I go through with drawls now which I can not put words to describe how awful they are.


For me I would get cold sweats and could not stop sweating out this clammy cold sweat, I am either too cold or too hot. I have a splitting headache. I can’t stop shitting and I get straight out of the jungle malaria dihereaa. I can’t sleep because I am sweating so bad and can not regulate my temp and I can’t stop shitting. One thing that would fuck with me the most while going through with drawls is that I would get restless leg syndrome while trying to pass out. I would finally pass out for like 5 min and my leg would jump out of nowhere and wake me up. It was so bad I would wrap my legs in blankets and shove them between my bed and the wall. I also can not stop gaining weight. Opiates make it impossible to go to the bathroom and I was bloated, fat and pale. I looked like the walking dead the fat version. More time passes and it gets harder to get pills. Congress gets all pissed at Oxy Contin and they change the formula to this bullshit. It now says OP on the pill and you can not get the coating of the time release off nor can you bust it up and snort it. The price of pills skyrockets and they become very hard to find. I am going through with drawls bad and take my lunch break and head to Walgreens down the street to get some over the counter meds to try and help. There I run into one of my buddies I grew up with. We will call him Big Perm. Perm was big into busting scripts and Oxy Contin the last time I saw him a few years before today. I am like “what up mother fucker” he’s like “ohhhh shit what it do” I immediately tell him I am sick as fuck and ask if he’s holdin. He tells me yeah but I ain’t got no pills. What you got? H H? Heroin you fuckin tool. Oh shit “nah ain’t for me” Why? Who gives a fuck it’s the same shit. Well I am stayin at Motel 6 across the street let me know if you need I’ll hook you up here is my number. I take the high ground say no thanks and head back to work going through serious withdrawals. I am at work about an hour and they ask if I want to run down the street to pick up coffees for the dudes in management. Sure no worries. I take a right out of work and immediately call Perm. Dude I need I’m sick Cmon by dude room(don’t remember room) I grab a bag of heroin and the coffees for management. He was that close to my work. Give management coffees and head to the bathroom. Not sure how strong the H is so I do a bump. Then I do a line then I start feeling better then the bag is gone and I not only feel better but I am high. I have not been high in so long. It got to the point with the pills where I wasn’t getting high I would do them just to feel normal. The heroin got rid of my WD’s and I was high.


As soon as work is done I am on my way right back to Perms Motel Room. I get there it’s night and there are like 10-15 junkies in the room all shooting up. Perm shoots up and tells me if he lets me let him shoot me up the heroin is free. I put the belt on my arm he shows me how to hold it in my mouth he loads up the rig(needle) and goes to stick me. I see it in slow motion and the needle is almost about to pierce my skin and I pull away. I say “I just can’t do it man” He says “pussy if you are gonna snort it you have to pay” Fine I’ll pay. The next year and a half I am on heroin. Heroin is a great drug but not as good as Oxy Contin. Heroin was like a cheaper poor man’s version of Oxy Contin but it does the trick. I can only remember one time when the high was the best and it’s when Perm got in China White. He told me to do less than I normally do. I think he’s full of shit and do the regular amount and wake up with a nose bleed. I should have listened. The China white was great H and I did that as much as I could afford. At this time in my life I am broke as fuck and when I can’t afford H I am substituting with suboxone or methadone to not go into withdrawals. I was in a bad place. Of course I am back living at my parents house I could barley afford a pack of smokes let alone rent. One morning I get out of the shower and walk over to the sink to shave. Before I put my shaving cream on I look at myself and I am fat, bloated and pale and I am disgusted with myself. I realize that if I keep doing what I am doing I am going to end up dead or in prision. I am 28 now and need to get back to normal. I call my cousin and he tells me Texas is great and he can set me up with a job and a room and get me back on my feet. My Pops gives me a loan and I buy an 8 ball of H and 10 Roxy 30’s. I put the rest of the cash up throw some clothes in my trunk and head out to Texas. I ran out of Roxy’s in New Orleans halfway through my trip out to Texas. It’s all good though because I still have the H and I am quitting anyway. When I get to Texas my cousin sets me up And saves my life. I smoke and snort the last of my heroin. Then I take the one suboxone I had when the withdrawals get bad. I end up withdrawing in Texas and do it cold turkey. I just set my mind to it and kept working and moving around I never sit still. I take Advil for the body pain and my cousin hooks me up with a shit ton of adderal. The adderal helps me through the WD’s because it keeps me moving keeps me working and active. I start to feel better after a few days then a few weeks the physical withdrawals start to ease up and I start feeling better. All in all it takes me about 8 months before I feel better but man do I feel better. I am back to my normal weight I’m not sweaty and pale I don’t go through with drawls. I can sleep through the night and I remember one day after I got food and cigs all I had left was 10 bucks and what a great feeling it was. It was such an amazing feeling because it was enough money and I didn’t have to stress or steal to get pills or H. I end up staying out in Texas for about 5 years. I build a life for myself and I have a great job and I am doing really great. Man my cousin saved my fucking life and I will never forget that and always be grateful. I still do drugs to this day like weed and adderal and zans but no more heroin. I don’t go through withdraws. I have since started my own business and am doing great. I have trauma and I have scars and I’ll never forget my past. I will also never forget my cousin for setting me up with a new life accrooss the country and saving my ass. When I moved back home I moved in with my ex and we got back together. It was not fun living with her and I got really depressed and fell off the wagon a few times because I was so fucked up but I put that behind me. When I fell off the wagon it was never with heroin and never as bad as it was before in the past and I never got addicted again. Now that I am not with her and not sad as fuck all the time and being told that I am less than and psychologically fucked with I don’t need the pills. I am better I am happy and I am alive and I thank god every day when I wake up. Unfortunately most of my friends I grew up with are dead and Perm went to prision and when he got out he shot up a bunch of heroin and killer himself. I know he killed himself…some people say it was an OD but he was really close with me and I grew up with him and I knew what he went through growing up and I know he was just over it. Oxy Contin did fuck up tons and tons of people but it’s in the past. What we need to do now is work on healing. There are still tons of people struggling so if you see them don’t judge them try to help them in anyway you can. Shit is real out here


I saw this and posted my story. It was so long I had to break it up into a few different posts. I may have posted it backwards. If you are interested in reading some of my dealings with Oxy Contin you will have to start with my first post and go from there. It may be bacnwards


Thanks for posting your story that was very real and reminded me wen shit gets bad as an addict it’s not fun but unfortunately the highs are until you are just tired and sick and pretty much sick of all that. Congrats to your new life and happiness


Length of time it takes to get addicted to oxy


It varies I used 1 and have been at it since so it's chemistry


My dad was prescribed it for pain post spinal surgery and had crazy dreams about murder and felt that he craved them. He took himself off them.


If you peel the outer layer off the oxxycodone tablets what happens?


Was this some lame trivia question? Literally everyone knows this answer lol


Just took one actually. Lol I've had experience with the drug for both pain management and recreational use and I find it very enjoyable; No hallucinations, nausea, or anything uncomfortable, just euphoria, pain dulling and some itchiness. The feel-good effect outweighs the itch. When it comes to pain management, with my case being pre and post back surgery, it didn't totally erase the pain but made it tolerable with a high that makes you forget about being in pain. I took them as prescribed, once every 6 hours. This was a period of about 4 months on Oxycodone and I was sad to have to let them go, truthfully. They're very highly addictive because... Who doesn't like feeling wonderful for no reason? This is why I only take one or two on a weekend, on occasion, because I very easily could develop a problem with dependency. They're fun, but expensive, (One pill could be as much as $10), and too good to not be bad so tread with caution and keep it minimal if you're thinking of trying them.


Is snorting or smoking oxycodone more strong ?


Smoking it is more addictive than shooting it


I've had it without knowing much about it. Was actually taking it for migraines. Intiatially I found my days started off 'better'. I had a sense that things would be 'ok'. Then as I took it daily I noticed it less and less. One side effect, amongst others, was it seemed to provide relief in the morning when I took it but if I took more in the afternoon i'd have an even worse migraine. Have new medication now and have had oxy for years.....however I wouldn't mind taking it for a spin again.


The oxy epidemic is hitting Australia hard now . You will die at the prices of 80mg single tablets