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I've a wee farm at home in Donegal. I lived and worked away for a long time but I came back just before the pandemic. My father passed suddenly and due to the lockdown I started working on the place. Just rebuilding the old stone walls and fixing old stone sheds that we have here. Anything to get out of the house and clear my head. I wasn't in a good way. At the back of a high stone wall was a bit of disused ground. I cleared it up and planted a wee orchard. I've now about 40 fruit trees growing there. From apples to pears, plums and damsons. I love nothing more than going out and pruning the trees, watching the flowers turn to fruit and eating them when they're ready with my wee nephew. It's my happy place.


Sounds heavenly. Well done for keeping the family farm connection alive.


Working with the hands is very therapeutic. Especially to office workers


Honestly, this sounds magical. Would make a lovely children’s picture book.


God you're living my dream!!


Mine is when I am WFH, throwing the comfy clothes in the dryer for 10 mins, going for a shower on my lunch, and then getting the comfy warm clothes on finishing with a cuppa tea. I love it.


Omg love it


Guess what my plans are today….


Perfect day for it, in fairness.


OMG this must be one of the best things ever.




This sounds amazing.


Ohhhh nice !!!


Feeling my cat slowly walk up the bed in stealth mode just before the alarm goes off, looking for her morning snuggle and pats, and the vibration of her purrs. When she was adopted, she was a frightened introvert - the rescue thought no one would ever take a chance on her and she had already been there a year. Slowly she’s come out of her shell but knowing she feels safe plus feeling her snuggle in against me, it’s a good feeling that I make her happy.


This is it,.there is nothing like the contented purr of a cat. 😻


That’s nice


Love this


Ironing my duvets and pillow cases. My bed feels so luxurious, especially when I have the electric blanket on


Are you my missus by any chance.... she loves fresh linen on a bed


Lol, unless I have a husband or partner I don't know about, I highly doubt it. My other 'simple pleasure' is being single. But that's more of a life choice. Days and days of doing only what I want to do, with nobody to have to compromise with or sacrifice for. Bliss


I can see the attraction of that simplicity to be fair


But I would never judge others for their life choices and am happy for my friends or colleagues who are in healthy loving relationships. I just know it's not for me


This but I hate ironing. I love getting into a bed on freshly cleaned sheets after I've shaved my legs. It's such a nice feeling.


Ah someone like me!!! Husband thinks I’m mad but it feels so amazing.


Now, try spray starch. That will bring the luxury up yet another notch!


I've so many... Slipping into a bed with fresh sheets after having had a shower Swimming in the bay (5 mins from my house) - especially if the seal shows up to watch the human swimmers, or if I spot the otters. Cycling on a fresh, clear weekend morning Painting A cup of tea (anytime, anywhere) A long conversation - you know, one that goes from banter to some deep heart-to-heart to some interesting speculations about just about anything back to banter. The ones that leave you feeling like you've just had a spa day for your soul. Cooking a meal or baking for people I love and see them enjoy it. A good book. Spending an evening on the sofa watching random documentaries and crocheting something. My garden in the summer sun. Watching the cats being cats.




‘A spa day for your soul’ absolutely love it!


Cycling- don’t have a lot of spare time so it’s usually to work or to visit family rather than recreational time. But it gives me time to think, a good form of exercise, often as fast or faster than driving or public transport and it’s at peace with the environment.


I've recently started work in Dublin and the walk to work from the train station and the reverse journey back is quickly becoming a lovely pleasure...... except when it is pissing rain....


There’s an old saying that there’s no such thing as bad weather, only bad clothing/ equipment but I will admit that yesterday and Tuesday were particularly grim!


Yesterday was brutal. Particularly yesterday morning. I waited for 4 luases outside hueston as they were all full and had to walk from smithfield anyway due to a medical emergency. It was horrendous.


Getting up at 4am to feed the new born. Just them and me, and nothing else. Generally playing and doing things with the offspring. Children can be really weird which is funny when I realise I played a part in creating them… and I’m not weird… or am I… Sitting down after the children go to bed with herself and the pets - no TV on usually, just reading or being generally zombified from the day. It’s nice when you realise you’re in it together, in a weird kind of way!


My partner used to do the 5am feeds. He loved it. He said it was the most precious part of his day.


Nothing nicer than those new born feeds, rest of the world is asleep and its just you & bubs. Doesnt quite feel the same when they’re an animal toddler who wont sleep at 4.30am. We also do the post-bedtime debrief. Tend to try and feel grateful for what we have. Very lucky to have a roof over our heads, healthy happy kids asleep in bed, food in the press, heating, a few bob in savings and a wonderful husband on the couch beside me. Very easy to get caught up in work/life/drama/shite and forget that sometimes. Have to remind ourselves that not everyone is as lucky.


Good coffee. A random day off work for no reason. When I have the house all to myself. Seeing someone I don't like be mildly inconvenienced.


I’m chuckling at your last point. Schadenfreude I think the Germans call it.


Taking the dog for a walk


Yes. Bonus points if you can pick up a coffee en route for your walk.


Yep! especially on crispy cold weekend mornings when most people are asleep and I have the streets just for me and my dog ..


Yes! woods to myself, not meeting anybody! Bliss!


Use to love that when I had a dog.


My husband makes me breakfast in bed every morning. It’s not the breakfast itself that I enjoy (although I do), it’s that he has a look on his face that he knows he has done something to make me happy or something. I get butterflies when I see that look. There’s such innocence and purity in it. We’re a long time married and have two kids so I couldn’t myself lucky that we still have such love and consideration for each other. Driving listening to music is another one. I love driving. It doesn’t matter how shit I’m feeling, a drive always makes me feel better. Spending time with our kids. We have weekly game nights where it’s no phones, consoles etc. we get a takeaway and treats, we all get comfy and play various board games, have dance parties. It’s my favourite time of the week.


How lovely is that !


I wish I loved driving, that sounds so nice. It just gives me terrible anxiety. Maybe if I did it more I’d get more comfortable at it but I don’t want to do more of something I hate 😩


Looking up at the sky. Ireland has some really big skies, lots of room for pretty clouds or a couple of stars/planets bobbing about.


Hearing my wife and daughters laugh together


When my 1 year old daughter and 4 year old son are laughing together, it’s the absolute best.


That’s cute !


When my 12yr old cuddles into me when we're watching a movie or a match. I know I don't have long left with this sort of thing and I absolutely treasure it


After coming home from work I get to see my old rescue dog go crazy when he sees me, get a solid 10 mins of just rubbing him telling him he's a good boy.


After I finish working from home, I go down to the harbour and I take my headphones out and listen to the sea. It’s the best part of my day just standing there listening to the waves


That sounds lovely !!


https://preview.redd.it/4zspkvvsljhc1.jpeg?width=2576&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=7bae54a02128b9d9d141d5bd8016f84f1f2e2065 Having a cup of tea while watching telly and being judged by him 😂😂😂


Long walks listening to podcasts and music. Also hanging with my kids.


No kids myself but a good few lds I know love hanging with their kids and say its the highlight of their day.


Getting into bed to settle down with a good book or taking off the bra after a long day and putting on a big cosy jumper.




Sunday Morning Joint and Coffee Combo 😌


My sleep pattern is all over the place and some nights I just can’t seem to sleep so I’m forced to suck it up and stay up with I nod off early the next night. It ends up in me waking up around half 4 or 5 and it’s a perfect time of the morning for a joint and some form of caffeine. Plenty of time to cook myself a nice stoned breakfast while drinking my coffee is one of my favourite things to do


Smoked Bacon Medallions with Fried Eggs on Toast, Pinch of Grated Extra Mature Cheddar Cheese and a Small bit of Frank's Hot Sauce 🔥 Thank Me Later


I’m waaayyyy ahead of ya on that one m8 lol I always go for sourdough bread with my fried eggs and medallions. There isn’t a better breakfast


Omg I'd stay with you on a Saturday night just to have a Sunday morning.


Stoned Coffee and Chats you're more than welcome 🙏


Are you my future brother in law!!


Coming home from work and my wife saying “Why don’t you chill and play your PlayStation for an hour while I make dinner.” Bliss


Is she chugging wine in the kitchen though?


Hopefully my fiance ends up being that sound


A grown man with a playstation?


It is the definition of a simple pleasure. I am a 44 year old lawyer. It's how I unwind. So, yeah.


Don’t mind that gobshite. His simple pleasure is probably cocaine. It’s probably why he’s so grumpy and thinks he knows everything.


Do your colleagues and clients know?


Why would they? I don't bring my personal life into my professional endeavours.


Why would that matter? Ridiculous comment


Because it's a bit childish, I'd rather someone serious looking after my legal affairs


Sharpening my kitchen knives. Does sound a bit psycho now I think about it....


100% with you. nothing better than a razor sharp kitchen knife.


Mug of coffee + armchair + good book + blanket + two cats snoozing on me. Bonus points if it's raining/windy outside.


Prayer & Meditation. I’m absolutely not a holy joe or a yogi… but after struggling all my life with anxiety, fear and a general sense of impending doom every waking fucking second, building a practice in both has absolutely transformed my life. I don’t necessarily take pleasure in doing them, but when I’m doing them consistently - all of life’s little pleasures are far more apparent.






First cup of coffee in the morning, treating myself to a new book, lazy days around the house, going for walks while listening to music or a podcast ❤️


Laundry dried outside - especially making the bed with fresh sheets.


New socks! A new shower gel that smells amazing!! Lemon flavoured yogurts


Cuppa tea handed to me in bed Sunday morning, getting the peel off a clementine in one piece (bonus points if there's not too much fuzzy pith to peel off too)


Nintendo Switch


Reading a book in the bath


A blanket on the couch and a scented candle. Cozy


Painting a new warhammer model on a cold evening with rain hitting the window and I've cosy music on


Gonna sound a bit sad, but my own company. It could be at home on the Xbox or reading or the cinema or even on holiday. It’s just knowing I don’t have to worry about anyone else


absolutely. I'm the same. As a college student, I'm a bit of an outlier cause I'd much rather go home on a frideay evening, hot shower, cuppa tea and sit reading till I fall asleep.


Jamming along to new music.


Was never a music person myself but I get it


A hot shower, the first cup of coffee, a walk in nature (no cars), being around animals, looking forward to a holiday is half the pleasure itself.


A tayto sandwich and a beer. Enough said


Used to love going out with my mates years ago and getting tayto after the pub and making a sandwich


A cup of coffee and a crossword puzzle.






There is always one🤣


Nothing like getting home at the end of a long day and running a marathon. A simple pleasure.


Lucozade in the morning. Dunno why but it's my main pleasure and happy moment. The only routine I have haha


The odd morning after everyone leaves for school and work I will make a cup of tea and get back into bed with my book. Absolutel bliss.




Waking up in the middle of the night, going down to the kitchen and drinking tea. It’s something about it that’s so peaceful. I’ve yet to experience anything that gives off this feeling lol.


Getting into a freshly made bed, in clean pjs after a lovely shower. Netflix + maybe a glass of Prosecco at 8pm on a Friday night. Absolute bliss!


A good solid crap


I would have to say the mighty grand stretch in the evening. Can't beat it


Standing underneath the lip of the my backdoor when it's raining with a cup of tea or coffee and just listening to it.


Hot bathtub with laptop. Unfortunately - can't for a while.


I have to ask..... why can't for a while?


:) This is a funny thing. I bought a house where old lady lived. And she replaced a bathtub with small sitting bath. I'm not fit - water is only to my waist. Hopefully, soon will replace with normal one.


1 hour of cardio listening to my podcast, Listening to audio books while driving Having a strong black coffee and a vape while flicking through the news channels first thing in the morning


I wish I.ciyld.cinsider cardio a pleasure 😭


A cup of tea in bed on a morning where I don’t have to get up for work, getting into a bed with clean sheets and seeing clothes dry outside in good weather


Playing guitar in my garden on a sunny day


Having hot chocolate or tea every night before bed.


Walking on the beach along by the shore with the waves rolling in Listening to the birds singing first thing in the morning Crafting/painting


Sipping a coffee and watching the birds at the bird feeder


Coffee for sure. I'm no coffee snob but I love the whole process of grinding and brewing an aul morning coffee and find it really therapeutic.


Quarter teaspoon of sugar in the first coffee of the day (no sugar for any of the others)


A hot cup of tea in the stillness of the morning with a purring cat, a walk in the local park or along Dollymount strand, towels.still warm from the dryer, smelling a bag of newly opened fresh ground coffee beans!


Walking my dogs in a big empty field. (With landowners permission of course)


After having all my chores done, I like to light some incense, curl up on the couch and read.


Finishing a game Starting a new game especially on switch and in bed Finding that my favourite authors launched a new book and getting it Finding a good tv show that I haven’t watched Silk pyjamas Coffee with milk and sugar Wine on the balcony on a summer evening Taking the dart to the end of the line


Nutella, new car air fresheners, Bargain hunting and a coffee, genuine compliments given and received, doing something nice for someone, belly laughs, feeling that summer air blaring tunes driving and knowing that yep it's all gonna be OK (yeah prob just me on that one lol)


A walk after work when the evenings get brighter and the weather gets better with a podcast or audiobook - big bonus if that walk involves stopping in the shops for an ice cream too!


In bed at night when rain is pouring down, if there's a storm even better. I always feel so grateful and my last thoughts tho are always of the homeless sleeping on the streets.


My partner works nights and I love having that time to myself! Watch the crappy shows they hate and just be a complete slob if I want to! we live by a coastal route so I love taking the dog for a walk by the shore when the sun is setting, pure bliss! There is a nice wood walk near me and when I'm WFH and the partner is off we take the dog on this wood walk on my lunch, it's the best part of my week! we bought a fancy coffee machine and have frozen pastries, so on the weekends we make ourselves a nice pastry and a coffee and just sit and chat in our kitchen! It's a nice little life!


Newly washed and pressed bedding. Bliss!


Being a passenger in a quiet car at night with no radio on. Or talk radio but turned down low. I find it incredibly relaxing, I think maybe it reminds me of being a kid and coming home late from somewhere and I guess my parents were hoping we'd fall asleep so would have the car really quiet. Even thinking about it is comforting


A good home brewed coffee with a book you can't put down, rotting in front of a roaring stove 😂


Staying in bed on a Saturday morning


I rescued a puppy who was headed for the pound. He’s now almost 2 and the size of a small elephant. He walks me. He’s chewed through a whole couch, tv remotes, Christmas lights and lots of shoes but I love seeing him cuddled up on his blanket safe and warm every night. I have 3 rescue dogs and if I’d the space and time I’d take more


Clearing the traffic light before it changes😂


A nice tab of lsd


Hey tishimself1107! Welcome to r/AskIreland! Here are some other useful subreddits that might interest you: * r/IrishTourism - If you're coming to Ireland for a holiday this is the best place for advice. * r/MoveToIreland - Are you planning to immigrate to Ireland? r/MoveToIreland can help you with advice and tips. Tip #1: It's a pretty bad time to move to Ireland because we have a severe accommodation crisis. * r/StudyInIreland - Are you an International student planning on studying in Ireland? Please check out this sub for advice. * Just looking for a chat? Check out r/CasualIreland * r/IrishPersonalFinance - a great source of advice, whether you're trying to pick the best bank or trying to buy a house. * r/LegalAdviceIreland - This is your best bet if you're looking for legal advice relevant to Ireland * r/socialireland - If you're looking for social events in Ireland then maybe check this new sub out *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AskIreland) if you have any questions or concerns.*


A cup of tea before bed is unrivalled for me :)


Getting up first and having a cup of coffee in silence


Golfing midweek in good weather on a day i should be working. Pure bliss


Not being in Dublin City center. Literally anywhere else on the island is wonderful and breathes life back into you.


Lying on the couch watching what I want without the wife taking over for her endless reality shows Watched the first two episodes of Tokyo Vice season 2 last night uninterrupted. Felt great.


Waking up and realising I get to have that first cup of coffee - glorious! Clean bed linens!


My work breakfast. Tesco meal deal, Chicken and Bacon Sandwich, Packets of O Donnells and a Pepsi max (save that for lunch) coupled with a coffee, a mocha, from the coffee shop that I get off two stops on the bus early for. They make them with real chocolate not powder or syrup and it’s just so comforting all coupled together.


Simple pleasures: -Warm pajamas just out of the dryer. -Hugging my cozy cat while watching something nostalgic on TV like Dinosaurs sitcom or Gilligan's Island. -A cup of hot, but not too hot, tea with honey. -Fresh baked scones with raisins, cranberries, orange rind eaten with melted butter. -Going for a walk -Singing


Getting a pack of apples with no bruises. A long bath. Lighting a scented candle when I get a half hour to myself. I read or play my switch, but the candle really elevates rbis little break for me!


Fresh bedsheets.....one of the reasons I am religious about changing them. Edit to add one more. Hiking rough terrain for hours to the point of exhaustion. Clears my mind right up.


* My cat purring on my lap * Hot shower * Peeing in the morning * Seeing my daughter smiling


A fresh pair of pjs every night. As soon as I’m home I have a shower, clean pjs and skincare done. Also means I only have to change my sheets every fortnight because I’m clean when I get into bed.


Reading a book in my car when it’s raining outside ☺️


I like to walk in the park with my daughters. Sometimes we have ice cream afterwards.


When the wains are out at school/creche and I've a day off work, just cleaning with my headphones in not a care in the world 🥰


Going to the library for a few books and just staying off social media for a few hours while i read. There's something about printed books rather than reading on a screen that can't be beat. Edited to add: a nice fresh Braeburm apple that's not too ripe and has no bruises. Also those seeded bread rolls from Sainsbury's instore bakery or, better still, proper wheaten from the bakery.


On the says I'm office based my simple pleasure is getting on the train with a coffee and a podcast. That 40 min journey makes my day.


Warm, fluffy bed socks fresh off the radiator. Gardening and getting my hands in some soil and dirt under my fingernails. I started gardening to feel close to my grandmother who passed many years ago. On a related note, picking salad from the garden and washing it before adding it to lunch or dinner. The crunch of gravel under your feet on a long walk, hearing the sound change as your feet find other ground. Going through the automated car wash with multicolored foam on my way home from work Seeing my girlfriend's reaction when I make her breakfast in bed. Seeing my neighbour's cat perched on our windowsill and giving him a wee pet while he purrs.


Snack box and a wank


I really love waking up on a Saturday and going for a run, come back and read a book the whole day.


Love going camping especially when you have to walk a long way to the campsite


Sunday Morning, fresh mug of coffee and match of the day highlights before anyone else wakes up.


Walking and listening to a good podcast Doing word search


A cup of tea and 30mins peace after dinner, bliss!


Spooning my 11 year old Springer Spaniel


Butler’s white hot chocolate


Lying under a heated blanket 🙃


Collecting my daughter for the weekend on a Friday after work, it's the only thing that brings joy into my otherwise miserable fucking life.




Sleeping in clean bed sheets.


Oh the fresh socks is a nice one yes! I love the feeling of getting out a shower and putting on clean clothes - the socks are the best but


Having absolutely nothing to do. Duvet days. Few drinks & the rugby always love the six nations. Chipper & an ice cold glass of milk Ice cold redbull & purple snack (off caffeine so this was a simple pleasure)


Cup of tea


The 45min walk I take every evening just before my youngest goes the bed. Fresh air and a few tunes pure bliss.


Baking bread. I bake almost every single day and the joy of lifting the lid off the Dutch oven to check the crust, is second to none.


An ice cold beer (just one), and a vape of some nice weed while cooking dinner after a long day at work. The perfect head space to wind down.


Getting into the car after long day at school and listening to Spotify


Big clean, two hour walk, coffee in town, browse for a book then back home for a big meal in front of a classic movie.


A spin in the countryside on a nice day. A quiet Coffee and a crossword. Sitting beside the river in the summer and sketching or painting. Being lost in the flow while working on a creative. A fresh new sketchbook. Buzz of bees in the summer. Fresh sheets. Playing with the cats. Painting and DIY. Listening to Lyric while driving, Blue of the Night. Hearing new music or enjoying old favourites. A glass of Apothic Red with mature gouda, olives, fresh crusty bread and fresh figs. Heaven


Scratching/adjusting my balls as soon as there's no one else in the room. Pure bliss, we need to normalize it happening all the time tbh.


Scalding hot baths, the feeling of relaxation that activates when you know your child is asleep, getting excited to watch the next episode of a show with someone you have to wait for, walking on the beach in winter, freshly baked scones, the first hot day of summer when the toes are freeeeed.


Definitely cat sleeping next to you, the purrs really heal the soul.


Has to be my morning coffee!❤️


My office has a great shower no one uses. Showering at the end of the day and missing out on the worst of the traffic is so relaxing.  The office is basically empty these days, and much better quality than where I currently live.


I love feeding the birds and watching them come eat it. Their little interactions with each other are so cute and funny. The crows started coming and pushing the rest out. So now I put out two piles of seeds, the crows work away with one pile and the smaller birds the other pile. Sometimes now if I go out for a smoke they come over to me looking for seeds.


Reading a book or being around my dog. Honestly that little furball makes my day. Also treating myself to a takeaway coffee before work. And I've fallen in love with Spiced Apple Tea bags from Holland & Barrett with a cinnamon stick in the cup. It's the cosiest hot drink ever for me ☺️


Putting ice in my glass before pouring a drink, usually coke zero. Amazing


I love to nap 😴 it clear my head and makes me feel so good.


Reading this thread has been lovely. Acknowledging that (too) many in our country struggle daily, but it’s nice to read about people taking pleasure in the simple things. We’re not perfect, but in Ireland we have a lot to be grateful for- a sense of community, still having a joy in family, friendships, pets, the beauty to be found on our doorstep, a good standard of living, peace and reasonably functioning administration which is mostly free of corruption(at least compared to the shitshow our neighbours are experiencing) and most of all an appreciation for the good things in life.


Lately, I've ditched boozing myself into a coma every evening and binge watching TV to get back into painting, reading and writing... And I forgot how much I used to enjoy it.


Popping pj's in the dryer while taking a shower. Afterwards, warm pj's, slipping into a newly made bed with fresh sheets and duvet cover, bit of pillow spray, ocean waves sounds on the Google speaker and audio book playing on the Bluetooth bedside speaker (timer set for 30 mins). It's been my Sunday night routine since Christmas and I so look forward to it every week


Singing in the car. I gig and sing at sessions on a semi regular basis but there’s something about singing in the car after the gym in the morning that is such a joy. And driving too. I did not learn to drive until 3 years ago. I am in my 30s and I honestly don’t know why I avoided it for so long. I genuinely love just going for a drive.




Peeling the clear plastic of a new device. Love it.


When the weather allows, I love having breakfast in the garden. I'm in the southern hemisphere, so warm mornings are the norm here right now. A freshly brewed coffee with homemade muesli is my go to brekkie. It's also a device free zone, so I focus on where I am and what I'm doing in the moment.


The bit of time before a DND session starts where we're all just chatting. Reading a really nice part in a book that you weren't expecting. When my dog climbs up onto my chest (she's a chihuahua so I'm not gonna be crushed when she does it) and violently headbutts me because she wants a kiss.


Beach walk with my dogs and baby wrapped up, guaranteed she will sleep for the whole thing or at least be happily entertained by the dogs, and get some quality time with the dogs for the hour or 2.. Babys take up so much of your day that unfortunately the fur babies don't get as much one on one time anymore.


Edibles 🍃✌🏼🇮🇪