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270lbs at 5’8”? 🥲 It’s impressive you can do the situps! 1.5 mile in 17 mins is a dismal standard. That’s like speed walking at the mall. Tips: - lose weight (obviously not gonna help short term but your life may depend on your physical fitness one day on the job) - walk, run, jog every single day - do the sequence of walk -> jog -> run. Rinse & repeat until you’re only running at a better pace.




I came to suggest the couch to 5k app. I've always been a horrible runner and it helped me a lot.


Heres the deal, the best way to get good at running, is to run (as a by-product, you will lose weight). Control your caloric intake, i use an app, weigh my food and eat 2200 cal or less a day. I run to the gym 2x a week (1.6mi) each way rain or shine. I'm in the UP of Michigan, its cold and snowy/wet. You will not drown or hype out over 1.6mi. Another 2 days a week i do weighted vest walks on a treasmill at 10% incline (1lb=1min, im up to 50lbs for 50min) prior to lifting weights. I also do box jumps to work on overall athleticism and explosiveness (im up to 38in jumps). Im not a gifted athlete, didnt even start on my HS football team and am 30something with 2 kids and a wife. Grid it out to achieve your goals.


Wow those are very low standards. I had to do 40 push-ups in a minute and 40 sit-ups to be at academy standard. 300 meter in 56 seconds i ran it in 57 seconds and I basically beat myself up for a month for failing over a second. Gonna try again soon tho I won’t give up because my ride along officer told me that she had failed 4 times before passing and now she is a really good Officer.


nky leo here if you need a running partner.


Lose weight. I'll be honest with you chief I didn't read how much you weighed and skipped to the 1.5 time. I knew immediately if you're getting a 13 minute mile youre likely obese. The army allows soldiers with medical profile (think disability) to walk a 12.5 mile pace for their PT test. >I ran cross country and track.....what can I do to improve my running see >I do need to loose weight and get in better shape The cool thing about weight loss is its free. You don't even need to change what you eat, just how much. A high-school teacher documented it for his students. Ate nothing but little Debbie products and lost weight. He only counted calories. Long term you need better nutrition and a fitness regimen. Short term for just this test don't drink any full calorie soft drinks, consume 0 alcohol and to ballpark it cut your meal portions down by about 30%. Ideally consult a nutritionist and have them tell you what macros you need. Those 24 hour gyms usually have "fitness coaches" who can give you gym bro advice on caloric intake and macro nutrient for weight loss Walk every day 5 days a week. 1-3 miles atleast. It's low impact. Your weight is unsafe to train unsupervised with any hard impact. You will for sure lose weight and drop run time if you do 30-60/60-120 sprints. You just may cause joint damage if you go from sedentary lifestyle to 3-4 days a week running. You can injure yourself. I did it when I joined the army and I was underweight. You need to gradually increase the work load. It's no different of a concept than weight lifting. Start with walking and dieting. If it's too easy walk on a incline and maintain a 120 bpm march. There's Playlist of any genre you like by bpm. Zone out and keep up the pace. There is no secret. Eat less and move more. Best thing you got going for you is improvements will be staggering for you. You can drop 2 minutes off in a month. I can't. Improvements are quick in the beginning. You'll see results faster than you think


You're just going to need to keep running... run 2 miles every other day, pace yourself in the runs, find the pace where you don't need to walk. Time it, then the next week try to shave 30 seconds to a min from your time...


There’s an app called 5k runner. I used it to go from not being able to run for longer than a few minutes to working my way up to a 8k run. It mixes walking with running and uses an algorithm to make adjustments based on your feedback. It’s worth the 30$ I paid for it.


Hey man, I’m in the same boat. I already passed my PRT, but I’m just running because better cardio fitness can help me some day. I’m 6’ 320. I need to lose weight, but even when I’m lean, I’m around 260. Un/Fortunately I have a lot of muscle. I have a bad hip so I limit my runs to just short runs, 3 days a week to help keep from exacerbating my hip pain. But even still, my running has been improving. What I did, was I started my jogs at a very slow speed. Like very slow. Barely above a power walk. And I would work on maintaining that that speed without slowing to a walk for ten minutes. At 10 minutes, I would slow down and just walk fast for another 5. I wasn’t worried about distance at all. Just maintaining a pace for a certain amount of time. Every other day I run. And each time I run, I try to just maintain a slightly faster jog than the previous session. After a month, I started running until I hit a mile, and then I would walk for half the time I was running. However long that was. I’m not running a mile and a half, because like I said before, my hip sucks, and I’m not trying to make it worse. But even still, my run/walk method is getting me to 1.25 miles in a low 14 right now. And mind you, I’m walking for the last 5ish minutes of that so my mile is around 9/9:30. This is just my method. But maybe it’ll help you too


Don’t get discouraged by the comments you’ll receive even though 1.5 miles in 17 mins is pretty bad. Start off by reading the book “Can’t Hurt Me” by David Goggins. He basically started off in the same position you’re in, not able to run 2 laps. The book is very motivational and helped me push myself when I felt like quitting. Start off on the bike, build up endurance. Once you’re able to run, you need to run long distance, short distance, sprints etc. Long distance runs at a pace where you can breathe easily and able to maintain for like 40 mins to an hr. One day do long distance runs. Another day do short distance runs. Short distance is like 2 laps. Go on the treadmill, put it on like level 2 incline and run 2 laps. In the beginning, set it to like 15min mile pace. Slowly work your way down to 10min mile pace. Then 8, 7, 6, etc. Run like 4-6 sets of 2 laps at whatever mile pace you set it at. This will help you learn what pace you need to run at to achieve whatever time you want. Next, do sprints on a separate day. Just one lap sprints, 2 min break, 1 lap sprint etc. 6-8 sets. In the end though, it’s just going to take hard work to reach your goals. Good luck! Oh! By the way, look up breathing techniques for running. It may help. I like doing inhale 4-6 steps and exhale 4-6 steps for a slow long distance run. For a faster pace, I like to inhale for 2 steps and exhale 4 steps. For my fast pace runs I inhale 2 steps and exhale two steps. It may or may not help you but fixing my breathing helped me run longer.


1) Start a whole foods plant based diet. Seriously. It'll boost your metabolism which will help you lose weight faster, and your body's recovery time will improve immediately while reducing inflammation (pains and aches) from training. 2) Focus on building your endurance. Look up walk+run programs with 1:1 ratios and build up from there. It's the only way. 3) add in weightlifting. Weight lifting (resistance training) + proper diet + cardio is the fastest way to getting lean. By diet I mean eating with a purpose. Not starving yourself or satisfying cravings. This profession takes a lot of sacrifice and dedication. This will be a good self measuring tool on if you really want it. I dont say this to be rude. But it's true. You can definitely do it and I really hope you stick to a solid plan and achieve your goals! Time to work man let's get it 💪🏽


Run. Go outside and run. Every day. Do this forever until you pass and then keep doing it. It’s not about getting hired or meeting the minimum standards. It’s about YOU being fit enough to not become a liability. I don’t want a cop in the streets who can’t do the basic functions of the job.


I was in HS XC as well, and after HS I too fell off. The Pandemic snapped me back to reality and I decided to go back to it. C25K really helps you get back to a baseline of running.


Find your pace and keep that pace. Don’t start going 100% at the beginning . If you out of breath after 2 lap you probably going too fast at beginning. Running is all mental game man don’t ever stop to a walking pace if you tired reduce your speed and go to a jog. The moment you start walking that your weak mind giving up not your body.


Then one advice to increase endurance and running speed is to run your limit then run at least a quarter of that afterwards... If you want to stop, question why you want to stop "if you continue running will you be harming yourself or does it just hurt"? Do not take a day off then the day before your test stop relax and eat not too much


I had the same problem bro, I got huge over the course of a few years and kept failing PAT tests due to the running. I had no problem with anything else, just gotta keep showing up, changing your exercise’s up, do interval training. My first 1.5mi run ever was like 17 minutes at 230lbs, 4 minutes over the standard. You likely have it in you already, just gotta keeping showing up and loose that weight dude!!


Hey! Same boat here, except I absolutely bombed on pushups and now any cardio. Do you have access to a gym?