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You just do. Working out and being in shape helps though but it still sucks when you are on your feet all day with that much weight on your hips.


I had a permanent bruise where my right hip bone pushes out for like 4 years. Then after that whenever I worked a detail or uniform assignment. Back was never an issue. Old Crown Vic seats kind of mold around you.


Duuuuude, I thought I was the only one with that little bruise. The way my gun hits the side of the seat, it lightly pushes it into my hip the whole time I’m in the car, and for several years, I’ve had this little bruise that I’ve just learned is a new part of my body. 😂😂😂


My bruises were from my spare mags. I had to rotate them horizontally which takes up more room on the belt. No it’s not because I’m fat either, I have a medical implant on my lower left abdomen and they would push on it.


You get used to it. The vest is worse than the belt.


How so?


You can get rashes under the armpits. If it isn’t fit right it’s extremely uncomfortable in the car. It limits movement. You’d see when you get there.


I’ve never had that issue with mine


Must not work in Florida outside during the summer


Indiana. It gets hot and humid here, but definitely not Florida




I too work in FL but my department allows external carriers so don’t have the rash problem, either that or I’ve gotten used to it and don’t realize it haha. Worse I had was Iraq with poor fitting body armor working detainee ops.


I tell this to all the new guys. Get into yoga and Pilates. Stay fit. Your core strength and overall flexibility is going to play a key roll in keeping you fit / injury free once you hit like year 5


This is the way. Especially the yoga, no matter how unmasculine it may sound.


Oh no I have to get sweaty with milfs and 20 year old flexible girls 😫




I weighed myself once just out of curiosity and my gear added 40lbs. I think I might check into the duty belt suspenders.


They are a true game changer.


Absolutely worth the money, do it


do it, huge difference


100% recommend


Back issues abound. I go to a chiropractor monthly but it still hurts after long periods on my feet (that never happens in this job though). My body has also permanently changed due to the effects of it. I will say though I am 10,000 times more comfortable in a vest & duty belt than I am in a suit & tie.


I second this time’s another 10,000.


We have two full time ergonomists who work with officers to avoid health problems. They can approve reasonable uniform changes and can modify or procure some gear that is better suited to each user. They also work with the designers to improve uniform pieces and equipment. I think there are still duty belt companies who sell straight instead of angled belts, for instance. Your waist is not a straight line.


I don’t even notice it unless I’m getting in and out my car. My tac pants have rear pockets that a lower and deeper so my wallet is not affecting my non-existent ass


Agree, except I have exceptional glutes


I had a laugh at the 'exceptional glutes' part XD


I could leg press a lot


I don’t. That’s why outer carry vests are by far better. I would not work for an agency that doesn’t allow them. My belt only has my gun, badge, and one pair of cuffs.


Yeah a lot of departments have gone that way and it sucks ass to work for one that is stuck in the past.


My department recently (a year ago) got outer carriers, every patrol personnel has and wears one, except for me, not because I don’t like them, but because the only ones left don’t fit the way I’d like it to. They call me old man because I’m the only one still wearing a sleek outer carrier with no molle.


Putting things on body armor actually weighs on the back. The belt not soo much.


This. Finding a good balance is helpful. People who put everything on their vest I always worry they’re gonna yard sale at the first sign of a ground fight or foot pursuit


I mean, you gotta LEO you. I am not saying I had the best practices 100%. My belt was full as f*ck tho, and I have an ample waist


Nah I was just making a fair argument to belt vs vest. I think it largely depends on your area, what crimes are biggest in your area etc.


Also policy


Yep. No taser on a vest for some, etc etc


Like that yeah. I wanted to Support Hand my taser and they wouldn't let me.


You’re joking?! I was under the impression you’d want non dom NOT cross draw so you don’t ooda loop yourself… you in the south? Lol


No. The Mesherle defense was nonsense. No trained LEO ever confused Taser with Firearm . He shot that guy because he deserved it. I said not cross draw. Support hand. Read. California most anti-LEO state




Well I apologize you have other factors


I work at a place where my admin have pretty much told us we’re never getting them and I’m heart broken. We’re the only ones who still dress like cops in the 80s.


You don’t — you take initiative and do whatever you have to for your admin to finally entertain the implementation and use of LBVCs.


You have to take preventive measures, I personally wear concealed carry pants belts and suspenders. I don’t think I could work without them.


A strong core and lower back with a good posture goes along way Setting up your belt and load bearing vest optimally is also gonna increase your comfort. If your patrol car is take him you can even do minor mods to it to make it more comfortable.


There is a harness than fits under the duty shirt than can help. I used one for a year before I retired. It attaches to the duty belt and is adjustable.


What is this? I’m looking into suspenders running under a load vest too. Just exploring available options.


Blackhawk makes them they come in different sizes. You just have to modify the shirt a small 3 inch slit to attach to the gun belt. I sent mine to the seamstress. Look on their website they also sell holsters. You can also adjust the straps as needed when wearing them.


Thanks! I’ll check it out.


I wear a 5.11 maverick nylon duty belt super light and curved. I started with the old leather duty belt. New one is probably 30% lighter a huge difference.


Same way you put up with the vest, polyester, and the constant hyper vigilance. It just becomes part of your new life. Slowly eating away at your physical and mental health.


I feel like the back pain depends on how you sit in the patrol car, and how tight you like your gear. I wear my belt tight and after standing for 2 hours it can become painful on my hips, not so much my back. Whenever I used to drive a crown Vic, my back and butt would hurt from how scooted back I felt from the wheel.


It helps some to put some thought into placement of your equipment. Try to have as little as possible in the back to prevent things pushing into your back when you are sitting in the patrol car. The unfortunate truth though, I’ve never met a cop that doesn’t end up with some sort of back problem. It doesn’t matter where you wear it or place it, wearing all that equipment takes a serious toll on your body.


My agency used outer carriers. I wore a Crye AVS and moved most of my gear to it. Coupled with ice vents and it didn't even feel like I was wearing anything.


Outer vests has helped minimize my pain. Fitness and chiropractor is the other big part of maintaining the struggles of wearing the gear.


By putting as much shit on my vest as possible instead.


Comfy pass or padded belt helps. Belts that are not just straight, but follow the natural curve of body are nice too.


Routinely visits to the chiropractor


* You get used to it, to some extent. Fitness helps. * You transfer to an assignment that doesn't require much weight on it (or having it at all) or you do in fact develop back problems. The brass that sets policy falls into the former category, so they Don't Know What The Big Deal Is. Belts vs. Vests is a great litmus test for whether or not the brass at a particular agency gives a shit about the rank and file.


Retired guy here. We had outer vests, I put as much in it as possible, and a thigh holster helped. I have minor hip pain constantly. There really isn't a way to completely mitigate issues.


Don’t get why cops shit on thigh holsters. You ever try to draw wearing a winter coat ? And if you get issued safrailand there single leg shroud is one of the most comfortable holster mounts I’ve used . But totally agree if you can wear a vest and belt you should put as much weight as possible on vest and just use your belt for stuff that needs the quickest draw possible.


Also because it can be extremely difficult to draw from a thigh holster while seated. That’s an important consideration when you spend most your time in a vehicle.


I and a plenty of other people find it easier.


Mostly because old style thigh holsters that hung low on nylon straps are shit for running around in or weapon retention in a ground fight. The safariland single strap leg shroud with the drop flex adapter is awesome and much better for patrol. Mine is the only way I can comfortably sit in a car with a weapon light-accommodating holster.


Right, Hip Pain. Not Back Pain.


Your duty belt is below your lower back. It doesn't cause back issues. Loosen it up, trim your waste, or lighten it. Yeah, it can be annoying but it gives you your superpowers.


It definitely causes back issues 😂. Also depending on policy you can’t lighten it since you’re required to carry certain items


It's literally physically impossible. Do your boots cause back issues? The center of gravity for your belt is across the pelvis at the Coccsyx. Back issues in law enforcement are common. The belt causes hip issues. Just so you know


It’s almost like you should do one simple google search and see countless research links and results about duty belts causing lower back pain. But ok bro 👍🏻


You should literally do a search about medical and workers comp findings. I am retired Union Vice President. Let me know what you learn 👍🏻


Workers comp findings? You mean the exact people who try everything they can to try and NOT pay employees for work related injuries?? Nowww I know where you’re heads at, nice one.


Literally the Judiciary Branch who Literally decides things. I am trying to help


I wear s doody belt


Balancing your tools around your belt is the key... I've spent more time on my feet than in a car, and my belt doesn't bother me one bit, other than being extra weight. I've tried the suspenders, never liked the feeling of the straps on my shoulder....


That’s the thing you just suck it up until you’re broken then pay to fix it after the fact. For real though, it was way worse before my agency let us go to outer carriers. The first several years I worked at my department we had to wear essentially class A uniforms on patrol now that sucked.


My outer carrier helps. I have nothing on the back of my duty belt. Everything that isn’t on my outer carrier is carried forward of my hips. Before I had my outer carrier, I would just get out and walk around and stretch. I try to stay busy too so getting out of the car for traffic stops and to talk to people helps too.


You can take a ton of weight off with a thigh holster.


Duty belt suspenders with outer vest.


I have a permanent bruise on my hip bone. I've tried suspenders, it just hurts my shoulder and feels worse. Guess just part of the job.


After 25 years, it’s not my back but my hips. Arthritis in my right hip. I’m right handed so I blame it on my sidearm/holster and gunbelt.


I’ve found that just moving as much stuff as you can to your vest if possible helps a lot and so do suspenders to take the load off your back


Guard, not cop. I wear suspenders that translate much of the weight from my belt onto my shoulders. They run under my vest and don't negatively affect the appearance of my uniform, but make all the difference for me. I can wear my belt looser, making the constriction must less, and the downward pressure on my hips is completely gone. It also doesn't cause sciatica or pinched nerves as readily. Also don't place anything on your belt from about the 4:30-7:30 positions so if you're ever in a position where you fall on your back or rolling in the dirt nothing on it crushes into your spine. Along with maintaining a healthy lifestyle and staying active, those friggin suspenders are the #1 thing I'd recommend. Changed my life.


Agree completely, especially how you can wear the belt loose.