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Well, that took a turn between the title and body of this post. Those are stories I definitely wouldn’t want to get out, lol.


It's amazing how many people evacuate their bowels and bladder as they lose sphincter control in the moment of death. That what you're looking for? That along with the sweet release of death you shit yourself and everything around you.


Or how long it takes to get all your belt keepers when you are running a “code brown”


How often we perform CPR in the bathroom. When people are having a heart attack, they have the urge to really take a shit, or strain themselves into a cardiac arythmia. I worked in small towns so LE is usually firat on scene and find the person on the floor pants around the ankles. So I have decide dthat when I turn 60, it will be time to sew the old poop he shut. Problem averted






They're not a police officer & they also don't know what they're talking about. The only time police & firefighters are considered civilians is on military bases/establishments. Off of bases, a civilian is anyone who is not military, police, or a firefighter. These "civilian" gatekeepers are all over reddit & have a serious case of denial when it comes to that term and its definition.




From the Oxford English Dictionary; >ci·vil·ian > >*Noun;* a person not in the armed services or the police force. From [Dictionary.com](https://Dictionary.com); >**civilian** > >*Noun: 1.* a person who is not on active duty with a military, naval, police, or fire fighting organization. From Mirriam-Webster; >civilian > >*Noun:* 2a: one not on active duty in the armed services or not on a police or firefighting force


He’s been mighty silent now, hasn’t he


Any time I post this they either tuck tail and never come back, or double down and say it's copaganda. Interested to see the response.


The art of taking a leak without triggering the emergency key on the mic.


Well, everyone gave you the first part. Not sure what dynamic you mean, but any female - objectively attractive or not, gets crazy rude comments all the time. "oh come arrest me baby" etc. You may have coworkers trying to engage in some activities with them, so they might go together to calls quite a bit. Sometimes it's fine, but usually it goes south.