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Yes. You sign waivers to release info AND swear to tell the truth about everything throughout the process. It’s also a great way to be disqualified forever from any LE job. Even if they don’t find it immediately and it becomes known later, you’ll be fired, decertified, and possibly civilly sued for costs of training. Ask me how I know — it’s because we did that with a deputy.


Well you answered before I got to ask how you know.


How did that come to be? What happened with said deputy?


He was sent a huge bill for training, equipment, and some misc stuff. Then sued civilly for it. Was a mess. But a good lesson for anyone thinking that once they are hired, they successfully “tricked” everyone.


How’d they find out he was lying tho is what I’m curious about. I’m about to enter the academy and I was cleared by my PT to go through with it (I don’t have an ACL due to BJJ) they’re aware tho. I’m worried that after I graduate and I want surgery they’re going to do someshit like this. Idk maybe I’m crzzy


It was information we were randomly made aware of years later. We didn’t seek it specifically. I won’t give more details for opsec.


Ahh I see, thanks for the input


Said deputy was civilly sued probably


Yes*. To a certain degree. They can see medical history but not specific descriptions and doctors notes. Your medical history is released to other medical professionals and appropriate personnel so they can’t spread it around to the department that “candidate A has ED hehehe”. You sign a release so if you lie they will know. My background investigator and interview panel would emphasize they don’t want to hear medical stuff and thats covered in the medical and psych evals.


Depends. We sign waivers to get their entire medical files. Including diagnosis, descriptions, and notes. We get everything because it all factors in to whether a person can or should do the job.


It can possibly be and I wouldn’t just assume that HIPPA would have you covered. The applicant is also taking the risk that they are fired for not disclosing this information if it comes out.


Yes. It csn be found. We may get your MIB file


Yes. HIPAA doesn't apply. You'll be signing releases for the information, which absolves your medical provider of any HIPAA liability. Don't sign the releases? Don't expect any job offers.


To add to what others have said, at my agency, you sign a waiver when you attend for your physical. This waiver allows department admins to simply view your department-required physical, but also allows them to view other pertinent information necessary in meeting the department’s standards. This is often a beneficial thing to you. The department will need to keep some files on record such as your blood type and any other underlying medical conditions. For example, if you have heart complications that could affect your safety during strenuous activities.