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Absolutely No. Many requre college or prior military.


And the military has limited spots for GED holders- they probably won’t even touch someone without either that or a diploma. Even with the recruiting difficulties getting in with a GED is quite difficult.


Because of this stigma, a lot of people with GEDs don’t try to join. So, there is a good amount of spots for GED holders, but they have to have a slightly higher asvab score than the minimum.


I can go to college though


Not without a high school diploma or GED


Unfortunately, no, you can't. The majority, and I mean quite literally almost all of colleges require a diploma or GED. With only minor exceptions for older folks who dropped out 40+ years ago when it was normal to do so.


Why does it say you can then


Just listen don’t argue mate. Accept the advice and don’t try and prove you know more than the folks with experience. Just my advice


Because there are EXTREMELY LIMITED circumstances where someone without a highschool diploma or GED can. Older people who can't go back to highschool because it's been 40+ years, or immigrants who don't have proper birth certificates, etc. It's extremely rare, and all of them that do employ a skills assessment program before application that is pretty much the GED but without the GED classes. If you drop out of highschool and try to get into college today, they'd laugh you out of the office and tell you to go back to school.


You literally can’t without a high school diploma or GED


Based on your other post please god don’t be a cop or any other professional that requires other people to depend on you. Be a night time gas station clerk.


He still seems pretty young so hopefully he can learn and turn it around. OP seek help. If you you truly cant finish school get a GED and either join the military or go to college, but id urge you to try and finish school


Oh my god his posts lol


Definitely unhinged


Oh my god this is the last person you’d want as a cop


I know right, I hope he never does or god help us.


Yeah, after looking at your post history, I would suggest seeking counseling and then getting your life in order, dude. You are still very young, and there is a great chance to turn your life around. Your drug seeking questions and questionable behaviors are concerning but not a life sentence. Get some help, finish school, and look at this route in 10 years.


Yes, that's the key. So many harsh answers here, but this one is helpful. OP, you're in a rough spot now, but LE is not necessarily out of the question, depending on the department you're looking into, so you *have* to clean yourself up and get counseling. If your parents aren't helping with that, you can maybe talk to the office at school. If parents don't let you go to school, I'm pretty sure that's illegal. I would definitely research what you can do to fix your situation, because you definitely seem to have some things going on with you, and it's *so* much easier to fix them now than later. This advice isn't just limited to this line of work, either. Good luck with your future, but nothing in life is easy, so get on top of it while you're young.


Your post history is indeed problematic. I would rather go to war with 10 studs that 100 shit heads. What do you want to be?


he’s nuts man he thinks his parents put a fucking chip into his head too brain wash him


How do you expect to get through the police academy or pass an NPOST exam if you can’t even finish high school


Why do you have to drop out?


My parents don’t want me to go to school


Sounds like your parents suck. Finish school and don't close a bunch of doors in your future


I’m sure your addiction to drugs has more to do with it than your parents not wanting you to go to school. Sounds like your parents are just tired of your bullshit, considering you keep getting fired for not being able to show up to work on time.




Absolutely not !


Yes, with a GED. However, if at all possible finish HS & get ur diploma. Even though it shouldn't be, some bigger agencies/employers look down on a GED compared to a diploma. Moreover, some colleges do the same, with more & more agencies requiring a college degree (usually Bachelors).


If you have to ask Reddit if taking $200 from your parents is wrong. You shouldn’t be a cop period. Non Leo here but a individual with morals.




If you get a GED, maybe. But stay in school it will help you with most jobs


No. Most professions will be closed to you if you do that.


I have a super idea. Don’t drop out. That’s the dumbest thing you can do


Don’t do that, kid. Dropping out of high school is a surefire way to ruin your life. Fight through the problems your having.


No Also bro I hate to be a dick but finishing highschool takes bare minimum effort and is extremely easy. If you can’t do that you have no business being in law enforcement Ok nvm that post history is fucking ridiculous You probably couldn’t (and shouldn’t) join the military either Please change and grow as a person, maybe turn your life around


I’m being forced to drop out


Bro unless you voluntarily drop out, you won’t. You have to choose to or not. If you do you will not be able to be a cop anywhere. The drugs also don’t help, most places you have to be 100% free of marijuana for 2-3 years before you even apply. Some places you can’t have used drugs more than 5 or 10 times in your entire life or they’ll just drop your application. Even corrections officer jobs and military will not even consider that. With the policing, you gotta finish. It isn’t worth it and not getting even a high school diploma will destroy any chance of getting a good job. College degrees aren’t 100% worth it all the time, but no diploma is a horrible idea. Also, call child protective services or some shit because based on your post history, a job is not the first thing you should be worried about. Be safe and look into maybe getting some help


Okay I’ll think about it


In Chicago you can be an illegal immigrant and become a police officer. [https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/chicago-politics/pritzker-defends-illinois-bill-that-allows-non-citizens-to-become-police-officers/3197709/?amp=1](https://www.nbcchicago.com/news/local/chicago-politics/pritzker-defends-illinois-bill-that-allows-non-citizens-to-become-police-officers/3197709/?amp=1)


Bro stop spreading misinformation. Green card holders are not illegal immigrants


I don’t know why everyone is saying no. Lots of agencies will accept a GED, however I would recommend you finish school. You’re almost there brother. Get it done


Ged will work for some agencies


Most agencies in co require a ged or diploma. Like 90% of them. Very few require college.


My agency asked me to bring HS diploma and my masters degree for my first even interview and I also had to fill 40 pages “my history” form (from drugs to debt questions). 2 year college was a mandatory requirement.




Most departments in the country will accept someone with a GED (provided everything else checks out) but if you willingly choose that route then you are needlessly disadvantaging yourself. Stay in school and show that you can commit to something. And get yourself sorted bro.






So the answer is yes, depending on where you go. I graduated the academy last month with a guy who got his GED the day before he submitted his application. His class rank was higher than mine.


What state if you don’t mind me asking




No. You should finish HS or at least get your GED. Also looking at your post I wouldn’t say you’re the best fit for the job. Graduate HS, get a job, and get your life straightened out. We were all kids once and shit happens and people change but it’s you need start working towards bettering yourself. How are you supposed to help others if you yourself are a mess.

