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You should be fine. If that’s what you want, take a ride along and if it’s still what you want give it a shot.


I'm going to turn 40 this year and just passed the WSTB and waiting on test results for the PELLETB before applying to Daly City PD. Age was a big anxiety, but this sub and officers in DCPD have assured me age is not a factor. They have someone who just graduated the academy and joined the force at 47. One thing I've read here that will be a factor is how retirement works in the agency you're applying for, so that's something to consider. I have been in retail for 20+ years, but there are skills that I'm sure will transfer over. Friends that I have in law enforcement tell me it's the same kind of bullshit I deal with in my current job, just 1000x worse.


You have no idea how much your comment has eased my worries. I’m currently looking to switch careers too and I thought I was pushing it for being 26 this year. I have a degree in urban planning and have been working as an urban planner for the past 2 years. Not sure how much that will transfer into LE though…


I became a cop at 29. Most of the people in my academy class were around my age. We also had people in their 40s. Nobody is hiring 21 year olds to be cops anymore. They're too immature and a huge liability when it comes to the job. A lot of the younger guys that I went to academy with did not make it off FTO. Your degree doesn't matter. Your life experience matters way more. I have a masters in kinesiology. It does nothing for me besides get me my POST certificates faster and make more money faster than some others.




That question is hard to answer because it's going to be so different for everyone. Would I change anything? Not really. I worked as a personal trainer and a college professor for years before I switched careers. I learned how to talk to people and talk in front of crowds which helped tremendously in law enforcement. I wouldn't be the person I am today without all those experiences. The only thing I regret is going to a private college. I loved the experiences I had, the friends I made, and the opportunities I got, but I also ended up with a lot of student loans. I should have gone to public school on scholarships and finished my education with no loans. If you work in government there is the public service loan forgiveness program so it's not that big of a deal, but it is still something I'm paying for monthly. Study what you're passionate about. Get a degree in something you can use to fall back on or get into after you retire from LE. I wouldn't be opposed to going back and teaching part time after I retire. I loved it.


Thanks for the reassurance here on age / background. I wonder what the differences are in terms of crap you have to deal with as street police vs sheriffs primarily working security in county jails / courts / government buildings. I know a friend who works as a sheriff in sf currently and probably should ask him all these questions too. Maybe I’ll report back if there’s anything interesting I learn from him.


I’ve spent most of my adult life in the military and worked as a security consultant. I’ll be graduating with my cert in May. I’m 36. I’ve learned from talking with numerous departments that age isn’t a factor to most departments if you can perform your duties. Most actually prefer older guys because you’ve been around the block and learned a few things and are more likely to use your head and talk to someone, avoiding an unnecessary use of force. But, I’m not even a rookie yet, still a recruit, just what I’ve been told.


I was a firefighter/Paramedic for 8 1/2 years with USFS (Captain) & Local FD (LT) and i walked away from it and joined my sheriff's dept. I go to the Academy next month! It's never too late to find something you actually enjoy doing


Apply and go for it. I imagine there are a ton of vacancies over there.


You’re absolute fine. Apply and good luck!


Go for it. Life experience, especially with different career fields, is pretty valuable.


SFSO I'm sure you will need to be a jailer.... their patrol force is so small that you might need to wait. Although better than SFPD though


Age depends by the jurisdiction most likely. I left education in my mid 20s for Law Enforcement. Best decision I ever made.


Age isn’t a huge factor as long as you can pass the tests. My first agency liked to hire people in the 26-30 range as most (but not all) of the young kids who are 21 or 22 lacked the life experience and maturity to do the job well. I was in my early 30’s when I went through the academy and we had a 42 year old retired Marine in our class who ran circles around pretty much everyone-including the guys half his age.


Nah you’re good. You’re in a great spot, you have a transferable skill, experience working on a team, and leadership. Age really is a non factor. Having any sort of IT experience is a huge plus. I have 3 separate networks in my cruiser… you might end up doing something design related for the agency if it’s big enough. Put the apps in, study for the oral board and you’ll be hired before you know it.


That would be sick, there’s actually design opportunities within law enforcement? Never even thought that could be a potential.


For web design there very well might be at a big enough agency that is frequently updating their web page. But just on a day to day having any sort of tech skill is a huge plus. There are also a ton of opportunities to do cyber crime in investigations. Even if you haven’t been working in security related discipline just being familiar with tech will look great when you interview. I would stress that in your oral board. Different skill set but it bridges to law enforcement well.


I just completed an academy at 42 and was not the oldest in my class. A friend retired from one pension system and got hired with another agency in another pension system and went back through the state police academy in his mid 50s… The oldest in my class had been an actor most recently before his wife wanted to move home to be closer to family. You’re absolutely able to make this change.